The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2) Page 25

by Alexandra North

  As I enter the grand ballroom with Abby by my side, butterflies of anticipation flutter low in my belly. Seb & I had only spent a short while apart and I’m already itching to feel his touch; stroke my palm down the side of his face, feel his heart under my fingers, kiss his lips and feel us become one, when he slides inside of me. I instinctively rub my thighs together to appease the throb building at my clit. It really is ridiculous that the mere thought of him, makes me wet and willing. He is like a drug.

  Sebastian and Nathan are already here, in the crowd somewhere, after leaving us earlier to meet with several clients and colleagues and the new owner of the hotel, Sheikh Mohammed Al something or other, for a celebration business dinner. I had been thankful for the extra alone time to ready myself in private, and had enjoyed every moment of my pampered few hours, dressing for the launch party without any interruptions from my lover but now I needed to see him. Now I ache for him and am excited to watch his face as he takes in all my hard work on my appearance - all for him.

  We are hit with luxury from the moment we arrive and it reminds me of the exact moment I stepped inside Scarlet House - ready for the unexpected but nervous as hell! The room was full of seduction, drama and promise, with candelabras and sparkle in abundance. Dramatic figures, in glittering evening wear, and elaborate masks in all shapes and sizes hide the guests from one another; pure hedonism at its best - it was all very exciting and I’m so pleased I’d gone the extra mile with my attire - I’d dressed for Sebastian and I felt like a Princess.

  A masked footman greets us at the entrance with a glass of bubbly filled with I presume, edible gold leaf stars, floating within the champagne fizzing liquid, and taking a sip we head inside.

  “Wow, this place is unbelievable!” Abby seconds my thoughts.

  “I know, it’s absolutely beautiful.”

  “I can’t wait for Na to see me in this dress. Fuck I can’t wait for Na to get me out of this dress!”

  “He’ll be reduced to a puddle of drool in a instant, don’t you worry.”

  “He bloody better the amount of time I’ve spent squeezing myself into it! Moisturising, buffing, hours of make-up, hair - I don’t do this for just anyone!”

  Her customary three snaps in a Z shape make me smile and looking at her lovely figure encased in the black glittering lace I beam encouragement at her. She looked fabulous and infinitely sexy with her handheld gold metal eye mask. “Nathan won’t know what’s hit him, hun.”

  “Really?” Her nerves are apparent, showing how much this means to her.


  “Well that goes for Seb too - you look like a brunette version of Charleze Theron in that Dior advert. Like a golden DD globe goddess - he won’t be able to control himself.”

  “Control is never an issue with Sebastian. It’s me that can’t seem to keep my hands off him.”

  “Silver lightening has most certainly struck us both, hasn’t it?”

  “I’m head over my Gina heels, Abs. The man is sex personified and this trip has been wonderful but reality needs to step in soon and bring me back down to earth.” My concerned expression makes her clasp my hand tightly.

  “Why? Continue to live the dream with your Prince at the Ball - that’s what I intend to do, babe. Life is what we make it - not what we think it should be!”

  I chuckle at her philosophic quotation. “Ooh look at you going all therapist on me. You’re right though. I know that. I’m just finding it hard to trust that a man will be good enough to love me and Finn - forever. Sebastian is certainly making good on his promise to convince me though - I’ll give him that. The Maldives was…heaven.”

  “I can’t promise you forever, Lu, neither can Seb, but I can promise you that Sebastian is one of the good guys. Yes he’s been a player; yes, you started out as friends and there are definitely some grey areas that need addressing, but the foundations are there for you two to make this work - to commit properly - jeez you are bloody made for one another.”

  “I hope so.”

  “He’s certainly giving it a bloody good go - those earrings are to-die-for!”

  My fingers fly to my lobe, feeling them swing delicately at my movement and I touch the ornate diamond drops, whilst chewing on my lip. “I nearly died when I opened the box, Abs - they are diamond pave earrings - aren’t they gorgeous?”

  “Well he doesn’t do things by halves our Sebastian does he and at least now everyone knows that you are his.”

  I shake my head and frown at her quizzically. “What?”

  “Please tell me you’ve realised what they are?”


  “You are funny, Lu - so naive - the shape? No? Still don’t get it?”

  My frown deepens and I smile at her frustration.

  “They look like an italic letter ’S’! And with the pair, they spell ‘SS’, as in… you know, Sebastian Silver… as in property of…” her grin is resplendent, as she solves the crime of the century. “It’s really rather fabulous. I want an NS pair - Nathan needs to step it up.”

  I shake my head incredulous at her realisation, touching one of the S’ at my earlobe - I’d never even noticed. I loved them even more now that they were personalised and am proud to be branded as his. “Nope you couldn’t ever accuse Seb of doing anything by halves. I adore them.” And him.

  “What’s not to love, babe? They are divine and at least a couple of carats in each ear - how are you feeling anyway?” she adds scanning the room.

  I furrow my brow in question and she interjects, reminding me of my earlier ailment. “Nausea?”

  “Oh that.” I flicker it away with a wave of my black manicured hand. “I’m Ok now, thanks. Think it must have just been jet lag or lack of food at the right times. I was fine after a lie down.”

  “Well Ok, if you’re sure. You looked dreadful earlier - I was worried.”

  “Worried you’d not have your partner in lager and lime tonight?” I smile openly.

  “No you silly mare. I. Was. Worried. Maybe you’re due on?”

  Oh shit it could be that. Why didn’t I think of that? “Yeah, it could be that actually. I also get a bit wobbly when I’m due on - you know how bad my Endometriosis is.” Maybe that’s why I felt dizzy at The Ashton?

  “I know, love - you manage it really well, it must be awful. I couldn’t cope not knowing when I was going to come on and how long it would last for, every month. It must be a bloody nightmare! Besides, I like wearing white too much.”

  “It’s a challenge but you get on with it - just my body and the cross I bear.” I roll my eyes dramatically and we giggle to lighten the mood.

  “When life gives you lemons …”

  “…you crack open the tequila!”

  “That’s right, my girl - that’s the attitude I know and love.”

  “I love ya, Abigail Thompson, you know that don’t you.”

  She looks over at me with a sudden frown. “Er, durr - of course I know. I love ya too, Ms. Lucia Myers. Now come on, let’s go be mysterious, gorgeous women and mingle before the Silver brothers spot us and keep us to themselves for the rest of the night.”

  I glance across at her comment, surprised at the underlying annoyance hedging there. “Are you complaining at Nathan’s possessiveness?”

  “Not at all, just succumbing to the bloody inevitable. I’m just not used to being so needy and well… not single, that’s all. I always thought I liked being single - we don’t need men do we? We are not those kind of women but since I met Na, I’m pathetic.”

  I nod in complete understanding - once you are dating a Silver male all you want and need is that Silver male, to the point of desperation - well in my experience anyhow. No other man would ever compare to the likes of Sebastian Silver or make such demands on my time, my mind and my body in such a manner either.

  Be honest with yourself Myers, you’re beginning to love the attention and you can’t keep your dirty mind out of
the gutter.

  It’s true on both accounts but my one true fear is not that I’m claustrophobic, far from it, I love being with him, desire his touch like a drug at all hours of the day and night but panic that soon it will end. Soon the month will be up and we’ll be back to being friends - this time without benefits. Our trip in The Maldives had cemented so much between us but also raised some worrying issues that could affect our future - I just have to focus on the fact that right now, right here I trust in his love for me and fucking hell I love him.

  The other niggling concern, making me want to turn and run right out of the elaborate door I had just entered, is that my conversation with Abby about Gynae stuff, has made me rather uncomfortable and is now filling my mind with all manner of possibilities. The most worrying one running erratically through my brain, as Abby ooh’s and ahh’s over the sumptuous table decors and chatters about other women’s gowns and men eyeing us up, is that I had most definitely not experienced any sort of period since I’d been having sex with Sebastian!!

  Maybe that morning-after pill had messed up my cycle even more than usual?

  I can often be a few days late with my Endometriosis and my cycle can regularly last several days longer than the norm, but I’ve never missed a month… apart from when I was pregnant… with Finn.

  As we weave our way through the crowd of well-dressed strangers, I hear my own sharp intake of breath at this realisation before quickly recognising where I am and plastering an overly bright smile across my lips. Tomorrow I’d pay a visit to a chemist.


  “What I wouldn’t do to tap that!”

  I snap my head up at the laddish comment and noisy wolf whistle uttered by my Architect mate Andy and that’s when I see her. My heart literally stops.

  Fuck me.

  It’s as though the whole room goes into freeze mode and all I can see is her; her vitality, her beauty and her eyes. Even behind the mask, I know its her, would know her delectable body anywhere.

  “If you like chewing your food I suggest you shut the fuck up.”

  “What? What’s your problem - do you know her? Who is she?”

  “She’s not anyone you need to be looking at like that. Put your tongue back in, Andy.”

  “Seriously, Silver, wind your neck in, I saw her first.”

  Nathan interjects. “Trust me, mate I’d leave it. That’s Lucia and she’s…”

  “Mine.” I growl, rudely interrupting Nathan’s attempts to soften the blow.


  “Nuff said. So this is the elusive Lucia. Toni never said she was so… captivating.”

  “I’m sure Toni had nothing but wonderful things to say about Lu.” Nathan chuckled, slapping me on the back. “Don’t you reckon, Seb?”

  “Yeah, how is that working out for you, Andy?”

  “You were right - she is an excellent PA and a looker at that.”

  “Good I’m glad she’s settled in. I think she’ll be much better suited to your firm than mine.”

  “Oh - why’s that?”

  I nod in the direction of Lucia and Andy smiles. “Best to keep all conquests apart - I get it, mate.”

  “Something like that.” It was easier to leave it at that than risk alerting him to Toni’s psycho tendencies.

  “Well hopefully they’ll be ok around each other tonight.”

  “How’d you mean?” This doesn’t bode well and Nathan and I lock eyes in concern.

  “I brought Toni on the trip, she’ll be down soon. Left her getting ready - you know how women are.”

  Bloody hell - that didn’t take her long to sleep with the boss. What are the chances of travelling thousands of miles across the world and bumping into the nightmare that is Toni Jacobs. Lu was not going to be impressed. I’m surprised at Andy as he had always had such good taste but then again, until recently I hadn’t recognised Toni’s vicious streak either.

  “I’m sure all will be fine - just keep a her on a short leash, Andy.”

  If he is shocked at my request then he doesn’t show it. I’d known him for years in business and we worked well together so I was reluctant to let a sour little minx like Toni mess things up for our continued working relationship. Why hadn’t I just thrown her out on her ear at the time? Because you didn’t know what revenge she had in store for you with introducing Ray to Lu as your bloody girlfriend - that’s why? You hadn’t realised what a nutter she was. This was not good.

  I look up, searching for Lucia once again but find that she is no longer in sight. “Na, I’ll be back. I’m off to find the girls.”

  It’s not long before I do. They are surrounded by a group of masked lusty men, with nothing on their minds but how quickly they could get them up to their suites. I watch Lucia throw her head back and laugh out loud at something a guy in a white dinner jacket had said. Prick - who’d he think he is - Crockett from Miami Vice? Cheesy bastard! What the hell had he said to her to make her laugh so freely?

  Her skin glows, crying out to be touched, her body poured into her dress, every curve lovingly caressed and accentuated in the most beautiful gold gown. She has her back to me and her bare shoulders beg to be kissed. My hands flex at my sides, desperate to unfasten the zip hiding her body from me, with exquisite slowness. Her hair is slicked back in a low bun and my eyes travel down over her curvaceous behind, lingering longingly on the transparent lace panels at her hips before wandering down her legs, their shape lightly visible through the chiffon fabric which falls out into a train behind her. She looks like a vision in liquid gold metal covered with thousands of sparkling beads. I think we should blow off this party and just head straight for the bedroom. My cock twitches in agreement - fuck I don’t think we’ll make it to the bedroom. The lift sounds like a great option right now - or some dark little corner in the foyer.

  I linger a little longer watching her interaction with the score of men fighting for her attention. She really has no idea how stunning she is. I bite down hard on my lip as one guy has the fucking audacity to touch her arm, leaning in to say something to her. Another is hitting on Abby big-time; Nathan would not be best pleased. Why the fuck didn’t we just stay in The Maldives? We’d had not a care in the world - our only thought when we’d next make love, eat or sleep. There I hadn’t had to share her with anyone.

  I will her to turn and locate me. Look at me, baby. Like she can read my mind, she suddenly moves her head in my direction, like she’s searching for me over her shoulder, locking those sexy green eyes, with mine, knowingly, through her ornate black and gold mask and I hear my sharp intake of breath.

  God she is beautiful. Come to me baby.

  I watch in awe as she glides towards me. A vision in gold and glitter and lace. She looks effortlessly elegant yet oozes such sensuality I swallow to moisten my suddenly dry mouth.

  “I’d know you anywhere.”

  “Really? What gave it away?” her red lips form a half smile as she reaches me.

  “Your eyes. They change colour with what you wear and are now glowing amber from the depths of your mask. You’re, my lady.”

  “Why thank you, Mr. Silver. You’re full of compliments tonight.”

  I’m practically tongue-tied but trying to look less like a dick and more like your knight in shining armour. “There are no words for what I am feeling right now, Lu, but believe me my body is reacting to you.”

  Her eyes flicker to my groin and I grow harder, especially watching her pink tongue dart out to lick those full lips that feel so good when they’re pressed around my cock. Memories of them around me in the outdoor shower at the Presidential Villa fill my mind- memories of last night in the club, watching that pink tongue flick out and lick her lips in ecstasy as she played with herself in front of me. “Stop looking at me like that or I promise that dress and all your pampering will be wasted. I’ll carry you out of here if I have to - I’ve done it before.”

  “Yes, thank you for my dress - you’ve r
uined me.”

  “You chose well.”

  She smiles up at me, little minx knows the effect she’s having on me and she’s enjoying it too. “I want you too, Seb.”

  “Ah fuck, baby, you’re not helping me here. We’ll stay an hour and then we’re out of here!” I’m adamant that I won’t hold out longer than 60 minutes and that would be uncomfortable enough - I’m rock solid.

  “I want your hard cock inside me, your hot breath and tongue at my nipples, sucking me whilst you ride me - whilst you fuck me… fast and …”

  “Ah jeez, Lu…”

  “I’m already wet!”

  I watch her plump lips form the words, so erotic and whispered so huskily, with such casualness, I bite down hard to stop myself from dragging her out of there and taking her up against the wall. “Stop. Now. Before I put you over my knee and spank that curvaceous behind of yours until you’re truly so wet you’ll be begging me to fuck you. I mean it, Lu.”

  She twitches her nose saucily and with a half smile cocks her head to one side, slowly taking a sip from her flute. “You’d have easy access, as I’m wearing nothing under this dress Mr. Silver.”

  WTF! Ah come on! I surreptitiously adjust myself.

  She rests her palm over my chest, and I swear my heart beats significantly faster in recognition of her touch and leaning into me, she whispers into my ear. “Put your tongue away, darling, or I’ll be tempted to sit on your face and make better use of it.”


  I laugh out loud, at her audacious statement. That’s what I love about her. Sassy, strong, bright and sexy as hell. I really need to occupy my mind with something other than the thought of burying myself balls deep inside her before I embarrass myself in my tux trousers.

  “Let’s go mingle and you’re not leaving my side again. There are far too many eager pups willing to mount you.”

  “Why would I need Chihuahua’s when I have my very own Rottweiler to scare everyone away?”

  “…and don’t you forget it.”

  I love our dirty talk and I love our banter. I love that we have moved forward in our relationship to combine sex and friendship.


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