by Tara West
Loved Damned and Desperate? Please go to the site where you purchased the book and leave a review. I love reading them, and your reviews help indie authors like me make a living. Thanks!
A message from Tara West…
Dear readers, I hope you enjoyed the conclusion to my Eternally Yours series. If so, would you please be kind enough to leave a review where you purchased it and tell all your friends about my books? Indie authors like me depend on readers to spread the word. It’s how we can afford to quit our day jobs and keep writing. ;)
I have a lot more fun in store for you in 2015, so please subscribe to my newsletter for updates. Of course, if I get enough interest in this series, I just may write more books for Callum and Sarge.
You can find my mailing list at
If you are interested in joining my street team, please message me on Facebook at
From the Something More Series
Say When
Say Yes
Say Forever
Say Please
From the Whispers Series
Sophie’s Secret
Don’t Tell Mother
Krysta’s Curse
Visions of the Witch
Sophie’s Secret Crush
Witch Blood
From Keepers of the Stones
Witch Flame, Prelude
Curse of the Ice Dragon, Book One
Spirit of the Sea Witch, Book Two (releasing 2015)
From Eternally Yours
Divine and Dateless
Damned and Desirable
Damned and Desperate
A few useless things you don’t need to know about Tara West
1. Like Ash, if I eat gluten, I get very sick. To put it plainly, my anus turns into the flaming tunnel of terror. I was glutened this Thanksgiving. It sucked big fat dragon balls.
2. I am a homeschool mom who loves her family and her dogs.
3. Most of my book ideas come from my dreams. I have crazy dreams!
4. I love fishing and just being by the ocean. If I sell enough books, I want to move my family to an island in the Caribbean. So please tell all of your friends to buy my books. Or if you just so happen to know a famous movie director, please put in a good word for my Eternally Yours series. ;)
5. I love my fans and writer friends. They give me purpose and keep me grounded.
6. I taught high school English, journalism, and photography for eight years.
7. I have written trashy parodies under the name PJ Jones. If you’d like to give PJ’s books a try, just be warned; if your laugh-o-meter is set to prude, not crude, and you have high literary standards, or ANY standards at all, you will be sadly disappointed. My favorite PJ books are Driving Me Nuts!, Romance Novel, Attack of the Fairytale Zombies! and Melvin the Dry Cleaning Zombie. Now that you know I’m PJ, please don’t throw rotten tomatoes at me. Thanks.
8. I wrote and published five books in 2013, and two novellas plus three novels in 2014. I have many, many more book ideas in my head. I am currently working on Whispers book seven and a new dragon fantasy romance series.
9. I freelance as a book cover artist. I designed all of the covers for my Eternally Yours, Whispers, and Something More series. I have designed close to a thousand book covers since 2005.
10. My editor cut over a thousand useless words from this book. I have no idea why, but I guess I really, really, like useless words.
11. Please come hang out with me on my Facebook page:
12. I volunteer every day, helping people who are struggling with Hashimoto’s Disease. I figure with all of my community service, I have at least earned my way into level eleven. However, since my husband is so ornery, and since I can’t survive the afterlife without him, I will most likely end up on level six after I give him half my credits.
My website:
Or send fan (not hate) mail to [email protected]
For more Tara West books, check out my Amazon page.
Check out PJ Jones’s Amazon Page.