School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4)

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School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4) Page 3

by Jessie Wolf

  That’s when I get my first real look at the ‘Heathers’. Charlie gives me a fast head count and comes up with ten. De Dee being ever the perfectionist supplies me with their names, class, and ranking. Also while she was hacking the schools security comes across a file listing all of the ‘Heathers’ and how many there are currently enrolled at JES. Personally I like the info Charlie is giving me better. Like how many steps to the one out front and what type of weapons they are carrying. How much pressure it will take to crush their heads and things of that nature. However De Dee wouldn’t let me or Charlie do what we so desperately want.

  That is when I hear a voice that will come to represent everything I hate about the High Families. “That, Maiha, is to let you know exactly where you belong. Oh and if you think you can get us blamed for this, think again. We know where all the cameras are and how to disable them. So go ahead and tell on us. No one will believe you. The Heathers look out for each other and the Vice Mistress Mrs. Karan is one of us. So get use to the way things are run around here. And we’re the top dogs.” I wipe the pee from my face and get a good look at the bitch that was running her mouth. De Dee gave me her name. The Lady Janet Louise Smyth, Duchess of Kingston Landing, from the St. Croix System. “The next time one of us tell you to do something girlie, you better do it. Oh, and that juvey reject the Princess Daniela, won’t be able to protect you all. That’s right we know all about your little sisters. So if you don’t want to see something happen to them you’ll do as you’re told. The same goes for the lezzy whore you’re hanging around with Alice Wellington.”

  When I hear the threat against my sisters and Alice I began to giggle then all out laugh at them. “Oh My God. Janet Smyth I truly hope you’re not dumb enough to threaten my little sisters with bodily harm. Because if you are I will tell you here and now, they will rip you to pieces and then piss on what’s left over. You fools do not want to even go there. As for me and Alice needing the protection of Her Highness, will let’s just say that tissue paper dog has a better chance of catching that fire proof cat going through Hell.”

  To prove my point I move with the speed that is part and parcel of being a second generation Death Dealer. I grab her by the front of her blouse and slam her into the hallway lockers. I let my voice drop to that whisper I learned when dealing with morons.

  I let the cold of the arctic winds fill my voice as I get right in her face. “If anyone needs protection it is you. I will tell you this once and once only. Leave me and mine alone, and I won’t be forced to end your little fantasy world. I don’t take prisoners and I don’t show mercy. Just ask your daddy about what I did to the Houses’ of Light, Moore, and Daniels.” I smile sweetly at her before continuing. “Oh and one more thing before I go. If you ever think of making another threat against the Princess, I won’t even think twice, I will kill you where you stand for High Treason. As the First High Lady of the Death Dealers I can do that. I don’t even have to play the fact that I am the Death Gates System Governor.” I let go of her blouse and walk away.

  When I walk back into the main office, Mrs. Caroline took one look at my disheveled state. “I see that you have had a welcoming by the Heathers, Lady Maiha.”

  “You could say that, Mrs. Caroline, if I were you I would have a little talk with them.” I smile at her. I can see the ‘Heather Pin’ in her lapel. “Because, I don’t think Janet and the others got the message I gave them.”

  I watch as she starts to get her nose out of joint. “And, just what was that ‘message’?”

  “That, if they were stupid enough to come after me and mine that I will tear them limb from limb. If you doubt my abilities allow me to demonstrate.” I walk over to the office coffee desk and pick up one of the paper wrapped straws there. Not thinking I let Charlie take over and target the most annoying thing at that moment. If I had thought this through I would not have let Charlie pick the target. I would have picked the fly buzzing in the room. Not to pull a ricochet into the Head Mistress’ butt. When the spit ball hit it was dead on the crack of her ass.

  The look on her face is one for the books. “That was uncalled for young lady. You will not leave this room until your mother gets here to take you home.”

  Now up until this point in time I didn’t want to do this but I’m already sick and tired not to mention dealing with PMS. “Fine! Go ahead and call you old bat. Between my period, and being hit in the face with a balloon full of piss. I would rather face off against a Gorgon Horde than deal with this school much more. Alice we’re pulling everyone out and reenrolling over at Hades Military Academy.”

  “Excuse me, Lady Maiha; did you say you’re suffering from your monthly cycle?”

  I feel the blush rising fast as my embarrassment at what I said earlier I just nod my head yes. “Ladies, please head for your rooms. Lady Allison, please make sure your sisters make it to their rooms ok.” Turning to me Mrs. Caroline is no longer mad at me for some reason. “Come with me please and we’ll get you cleaned up.”

  We head over to her office. Once there she points out a closet that is actually a bathroom complete with a shower. I strip down and hand her my filthy, piss drenched clothes. After a quick shower I step out to find a fresh pair of panties and bra along with a clean uniform. After I get dressed I step out into her office to find mama sitting there talking to Mrs. Caroline. Before I can say anything in my defense mama says. “Wait outside in the front office. We will call for you when it is time. I am very disappointed in you, Maiha. You were supposed to keep your sisters out of trouble by setting the example of good behavior not by being a target for it.”

  And so here I sit waiting for them to call me in to the Head Mistress’ office. I have been waiting here for the better part of two hours. I just wish they’d get this over with so I can pull everyone out of this stuck up school and enroll us in a real one. The HMA will do just as well as this place for what we need. Finally the door to the Head Mistress’ office opens up.

  I hear mama’s voice. “Maiha, child come in here please.” Oh shit, she just called me child. This ain’t a good sign. “We shall discus your penance in private.” Nope not good at all.

  Chapter 2

  Why can’t she just let me pull everyone out here and enroll them over at HMA? It would be so much easier. Over there if I have a run-in with a bully I can take them out to the gun range and settle it like soldiers. Sure it wouldn’t be a fair fight, but then again if you want a fair fight take up boxing. I drag my feet as I enter the Head Mistress’s office.

  Mama looked over at me as I walked into the office. I must admit this was definitely not one of my finer moments. After Mrs. Caroline closed the door and returned to her seat I sat down. I had learned a long time ago that this little show of respect would gain me more than open defiance. “Lady Maiha,” she began “we here at this school try our best to produce young ladies that are refined and cultured in many ways. This is one of the reasons your mother” I waved to interrupt her at this point.

  “Mrs. Caroline, we do not need to go any further if you continue to address my mama by that term. My mother died a hero’s death alongside my father. Outside of my grandpa I have never know a parental figure except for her. So please do not call her that again. If you do so I will, as the Head of House Nakatoma, remove myself and my sisters along with the Lady Allison, plus her Royal Highness Daniela and her two closest advisors and enroll us all in another school. Do we have an understanding?”

  “My apologies, Lady Maiha, I shall make sure that your records and those of your sisters are so noted.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “You know, Lady Maiha, there are times when I feel as if I’m dealing with someone who is twice my age when it comes to you. Then within a few moments it is as if I’m dealing with a petulant little girl. You are without a doubt one of the most confounding students I have ever had to deal with. And you have only been here one day!” I could tell that I was already driving her insane. I think I just might stick around long
enough to do that. This could actually be fun. I hear a giggle from De Dee as Charlie puts a Psychological warfare meter up on my HUD.

  Hear ye, hear ye, place your bets on how long the lovely lady lasts. (De Dee)

  I have twenty credits on the tenth day. (Charlie)

  ‘Knock it off you two! I am in enough trouble without you two causing me more!’

  Mama saw the look that crossed my face. “Are you alright, Maiha?”

  “Um… yes mama, it was… um… just a very uncomfortable strong cramp is all.”

  Mama may have said one thing out loud but another over our command net. “Well, if you had paid attention you wouldn’t be in this position. Do you have anything for the cramps? ‘Now what exactly are you making that face over Maiha? Maybe a little inner guidance?’ You don’t look too good. Why don’t you go back to your room when we’re done here and lie down for a bit? ‘I know you don’t want to be here, Maiha. However this is the best place for you to learn how to behave like a young woman.’ Now would you care to explain why you shot the Head Mistress in the backside with a spit ball?”

  “I did it to prove a fact. I had, had enough of certain individuals and some of the condescending attitudes around here. So when Mrs. Caroline questioned my abilities to do as I say I will, I just had to prove her wrong. ‘Mama, she is a Heather. I don’t think I would get a fair trial here, so I decided to get their undivided attention when they threated Fuyuko and the others.’ I wasn’t expecting that shot to ricochet the way it did. ‘I was expecting it to come back in her ear not her ass.’”

  “So you decided to shoot me with a spit ball?! Young lady, I do not know who you think you are, but that is not the way proper young ladies do things.” Mrs. Caroline was in a royal tizzy. I think that the poor woman is about to have a heart attack or maybe even a stroke. “Lady Dai Etsu, I did not believe you when you said that your daughters were in need of a social education. I figured that they were ‘tomboys’, not heathens and street thugs.”

  Now normally I would be all over this bitch chewing her ass out until nothing was left. However mama was far more effective. “Mrs. Caroline, you are way out of line. For starters, Maiha, may be a little lacking in the social niceties, but she is not some heathen or street thug. Her grandfather, First High Lord of the Death Dealers James J. Owens, did his level best to raise her on his own. I am the first to say that my brother-in-law was not the most polite or socially graceful of men, but he was extremely honorable and upright. If it was not for her I would have died not too long ago. It is because of what she did for me that I am as young as I am now. She is in truth my grandniece.” I swear in have never heard her talk the way she is now.

  The Grand Lady Nakatoma Dai Etsu was a mother bear on the attack. Someone was dumb enough to threaten her cubs, and she was pissed. “As for her younger sisters, before they came to me they were wards of the family Temple. Their only contact with the outside world has been at the hands of men who were trying to kill them. If it was not for the men and women of my House Troops they would have a severe hatred for all soldiers and law enforcement.” The more she laid out about our pasts the colder and harder her voice became. I could feel the icy fingers of the Great Northern Tundra blowing through her words. “If you ever disparage my daughters to me again like this I will remove you from your position here. Am I clear, Mrs. Caroline?”

  “How dare you threaten me. I do not know who you think you are Lady Dai Etsu, but you do not have any say here at this school.” was Mrs. Caroline’s rejoinder.

  “I am the Head Chairman for the Board of Regents of this school, Caroline.” Turning to look at me. “Maiha, you are right, neither you nor your sisters and wife would receive a fair and impartial treatment in this current environment.” Looking back at Mrs. Caroline. “You are dismissed, Mrs. Caroline.”

  The look of shock that crosses her face is quickly replaced by one of outrage. “You can’t do this to me! I have been at this school for the last fifteen years. I have tenure.”

  Mama does something I have rarely seen her do, she interrupts her. “Not only can I dismiss you, but I have. For far too long I have been hearing reports of failure to use impartial treatment of the students. That certain students are shown preferential treatment over the others. I believe that are called the ‘Heathers’. This will no longer be tolerated.” She stands up and goes over to the office door, opening it up calls out to the secretary. “Miss Mitchell, would you please inform the Board that Mrs. Caroline Vickers and Mrs. Karan Vail services are no longer needed here, and they have been dismissed. Also I need you to have Miss Gail Green, the Dean of Admissions report to this as office.”

  “I’ll have Miss. Gail here in a few minutes, Lady Nakatoma. It will take me awhile to contact all the other Board members, but I should have it done by 1900 hours. Should I inform them that Miss. Gail is replacing Mrs. Vickers?”

  “No, not at this time, I would like to hear her ideas for who on this staff would best be suited for the positions, first.”

  “Very well, Lady Nakatoma, I’ll get right on it.” And with that the young woman got to work. Mama came back into the office where Mrs. Caroline and I were waiting.

  “You just can’t come in here and replace me!” Mrs. Caroline was having a royal conniption fit. The poor woman still hadn’t gotten what was going on here. “I have been a loyal employee of this institution first as a teacher, then councilor and finally as its Head Mistress. This is my home. It’s all I know.” The poor woman was close to tears by this point. Unfortunately all of her pleas fell on deaf ears. Mama was done with her as her next words showed.

  “Then you should have thought about that, before letting your personal beliefs to cloud your judgment. For too long you let yours and Mrs. Karan’s relationship with the ‘Heathers’ get in the way of what needed to be done. And please go wait in the faculty lounge or Mrs. Karan’s office while I tend to what brought me here with Miss Gail.” We stand there and watch as she hangs her head and walks out of her office.

  I didn’t want this to happen, but if she had done her job as she should have then it wouldn’t have been necessary. I hate it when people become so wrapped up in their own little world power trips they lose sight of what is important. Once we were alone I turn to mama. “Mama, I know that had to be done, but is there nothing we can do for her? I mean she has been a loyal employee of the school after all.”

  Mama let out a heavy sigh. “She will be given her retirement and all of her benefits. I too wish this didn’t have to happen. She just forgot what it meant to be an educator. I’ll make sure that the Board does not place anything that’ll keep her from finding employment as a teacher in her file.” When she looks back at me I can see that this really did bother her. From the looks of it mama ain’t happy. “As for you young lady, just what did you think you were doing with that stunt? Didn’t you promise me that you would not get into trouble? Didn’t you promise to behave yourself? Why did you have to push the issue on the first day? Damn it, child! What were you thinking?!”

  Yup, mama is not happy. Well, like the old saying goes ‘the true shall set you free’. “I really wasn’t thinking, mama. All I wanted to do was use the restroom and take care of my tampon. When I came out I got hit by a balloon filled with piss. When I saw who it was that threw it I kind of lost my temper and made a few threats of bodily harm. When I came back here Mrs. Caroline took one look at me and guessed what had happened. When I told her, what had happened and how I handled it she questioned my abilities. So I showed her what I could do. It’s as simple as that.” I felt like shit. I had disappointed her by my actions.

  “So do you finally see why you need to be here, Maiha?” was all she asked me. It was not so much what she said, but how. For days now I had questioned the need for me to come here. As the System Governor I had far too much work to do, but I lacked the social skills to perform the job. “Maiha, please understand this is not to embarrass or humiliate you, but to teach you what I cannot or the behavioral prog
ram can give you. What you need is to learn how to act like a young lady. The only way to do that is to live with, and interact with young girls. Do you understand now?”

  As I thought back over how I had handled the whole affair I realized just how badly I had screwed up. Everything I did was how you would if you were a ninety-seven year old man, and not a teenage girl. Damn, I have relied too much on the behavioral program to catch mistakes like that. It is not perfect, no program ever is. Then there is the fact that I have been able to override some of its tricks. There just so many little things that the program missed about the behavior of teenage girls that there are bound to be holes. Holes that can get me outed at the minimum, killed at the worst. Yup, I need to be here to learn how to be a girl if nothing else.

  “Yes mama, I understand now. I never really saw your reasoning behind my being here, but now I do. I won’t fight your advice on this anymore. Can you forgive me?” I looked down at my feet as I said this. My shame was very evident on my face. I had let her down, I had let my family down, but most of all I had let myself down.

  “Oh, Maiha, I will always forgive you for being true to yourself. I sometimes forget that there is the mind of a ninety-seven year old man behind that youthful face. I only ask that you try and do your best with this second chance at life you have been given.” She places her hand on my chin and raises my face to look her in the eye. “I remember the hard man that was my brother-in-law. I still see him from time to time. I’m not telling you to forget your past, but to embrace your future as a young lady. I know this is not easy for you, lord above, I of all people know this, as you have given me the same chance as you have been given. For that I cannot thank you enough, but for me it was not nearly as radical a change. So please try harder.”


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