School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4)

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School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4) Page 8

by Jessie Wolf

  Even her Royal Highness and her escorts followed my example. Poor Cassidy had no idea of how we were able to so suddenly change the way we moved. “How in the name of all that is holy do you move like that? I have never seen anyone move so gracefully in my life. It’s like you all are walking on water or something and leaving no mark of your passing.”

  Daniela was quick to help her out. “They grow up with it, we all learned when we stayed at the Nakatoma Family compound. They get taught how to move like this at their family Temple. It’s a way for them to pray as they go through the day without having to stop every ten minutes. This way they can keep moving and still pay their devotion to their family Goddess.”

  Cassidy looked over at the Princess. “Can you teach me how to do that, Princess? It is so beautiful, that it could capture a man’s or woman’s heart just by being seen.”

  “Of course, but only on one condition.”

  “What is the condition?”

  “You stop calling me Princess, Highness, or any of that other BS. My name is Daniela, and I would love for you to call me that.” At the look of surprise on her face Daniela just giggles. “You don’t think that Lisa or Susan call me Princess all the time do you?”

  “Hell no we don’t. The only time we do that is when there are a bunch of idiots around and we have to put on a show for them. Ain’t that right Suzy?” Lisa smiled at Susan.

  “You better believe it, Lisa. There is no way I’m calling her all that malarkey with all the black mail I have on her.” Susan said not to be out done by her friend.

  Of course Daniela was not going to be one upped by them either. “Keep it up with the potty mouth you two, I know where there are a pair of hairbrushes. I do have Miss Gin’s permission to use them on you, remember?”

  “You wouldn’t dare?!” said Lisa.

  “Try me, please, try me.” Was all Daniela said. I could tell she would carry out the none too subtle threat.

  When Lisa and Susan both gulped at hearing this Daniela just smiled and turned back to Cassidy. “So, what do you think, you want to be a real friend?” and stuck out her hand.

  Cassidy just smiled and pulled her into a hug saying. “I’m more than willing to be a friend. So long as you do two things. First call me Cissy, like all my friends do, and second teach me that cool way of moving like that.”

  “Done and done, Cissy. Now, if you want to move the way the lovely ladies of House Nakatoma the first thing you have to do is stop thinking about it, and do it.” When Cassidy started to question her, Daniela explained her instructions. “It’s like this, if you think about how you are supposed to walk that is all you’re thinking of. What you have to do is just let your mind go first.” And so began Cassidy’s instruction in the ways of the Nakatoma Family.

  As we walked toward the dining hall I noticed that more than a few of our fellow students were already heading inside. Dee De gave me a headcount of all the ones who had already gone inside or were just now entering. I was surprised to see that almost every student was already there. Only my party of nine, plus what I was to learn was the total number of ‘Heathers’. What I was surprised about the most was their number. At a total of twenty-seven girls in the ‘Heathers’ I was facing off against a terrorist cell the size of a standard Light Infantry Platoon. I figured that Janet Smyth was their leader and Bethany Hightower was her next in command. Unfortunately I was working off of false data. Even the file that Charlie had downloaded from the Security Office was out of date, as I was soon to find out.

  “Let’s wait a few more minutes out here, please?” I ask of my party.

  “What’s up kitten? You have that I want to gain some more Intel look in your eye.” Alice was quick to put together that I was up to something.

  “I just want to find out how many ‘Heathers’ there are, and who is in charge of them.” At her questioning look I smile. “According to what Charlie and Dee De have been able to glean off the Security files and from what I have been able to put together, I believe we are facing a total of twenty-seven ‘Heathers’, but I’m not sure. So, seeing as how none of them have shown up for dinner yet, I just figured we could make a grand entrance just after they do. Thus upstaging them and gaining much needed intel.” When she hears my plan she just smiles and turns to our little sisters.

  “Ok, little sisters, time for a little show and tell. Time to let the enemy know what they are facing. Let’s have a full security sweep and assessment of the dining hall upon entrance.” Looking over at Fuyuko. “Fuyuko, I need for you to go in first, ahead of everyone else. You are to find a table that can hold all of us comfortably. Nanase and Nanami I need you two sweep wide around the room. You are to activate your Laser-designators and target all of the ‘Heathers’ and those who are their supporters.” Turning to Daniela, Lisa, Susan, and Cassidy. “When you enter head directly for the chow line get your trays, fill up on what you want for dinner, then join Fuyuko at the table. Now be prepared for when Maiha and I enter. Whatever happens you’re to do absolutely nothing. Let us handle it. Am I clear on this?”

  Everyone just nods their heads yes and then began to follow her instructions. I watch as my family and friends head for the entrance, each of them with the fluid grace walk that they were taught, with Cassidy being the only exception. Even though she has not had enough time to truly learn the walk, she is doing a very admirable job of trying to fit in with the rest. Both Alice and I move to stand off to one side so we can have a better view of the approach of the ‘Heathers’. We don’t have to wait long, fifteen minutes at the most. As they approached I got a solid head count. The ‘Heathers’ consisted of a total of twenty-nine girls, pretty much what I had expected. There was one thing that did get my attention though; Bethany Hightower and her three friends from two weeks ago were all bringing up the rear. All four of them were moving slower and stiffer than the rest. It was as if they were in excruciating pain from the top of their shoulders to the middle of their thighs.

  “Dee De, give me a full bio-scan of the four girls at the back of the group.”

  Scanning now, I should have the results in a few seconds. Sorry it’s taking so long, but they are on the far edge of my med-scanner. (Dee De)

  “Don’t worry about it. Just tell me what you find as fast as you can.”

  A few minutes later as the ‘Heathers’ were passing in front of us Dee De puts her findings up on my HUD. What I saw told me far more than what anything the girls could have told me. The way they had extensive damage to their skin's dermis, the layer of dermal tissue underlying the epidermis, told me they had to have made a deal with the local Yakuza. That and the fact that all four of them were now missing the pinky finger on their left hands. “Um… Alice do you remember that little beat down we had with Bethany Hightower and her friends a few weeks ago?”

  Looking over at me. “Yeah, we really put them and that little wannabe yakuza boss Longfellow in their places. Why?”

  “Pull a bio-scan of the last four girls in that crowd.” She looks over at them. I wait while she has her own AI to confirm what Dee De has told me. I watch as she sees the results of her own bio-scan of Bethany and friends. “I think that they might have had to pay a price for getting Longfellow and his crew to screw with us. If I were to hazard a guess I would say that the girls all lost their pinkies on their left hands and were tattooed over their enter backs, three quarters of their fronts, from their shoulders down to the midpoint of their thighs.”

  “Damn, if they had all of that done to them in such a short time, it is little wonder their moving so slow.” Then she began to giggle. As if there was something that I should know she looks at me with a smile. “Two years ago those four made the comment that I would be a Yakuza moll or whore before I turned eighteen. It looks like they’re the ones who fell into that role.”

  “Talk about poetic justice. Well, they’re almost all in now. Shall we make our grand entrance?” I step out for the entrance to the dining hall. We began to glide the way we were t
aught by mama. With each step we become more fluid in our movements, more graceful. When we enter the dining hall we are the prefect examples of Temple Maidens. We are moving as if we have never spent a day on the parade grounds marching to a military cadence. We move as if there is a song that only we can hear, and that is what we are moving to. Almost every head in the dining hall turned to watch us as we first when to get our trays and food, then to where our family and the Princess’ party were sitting.

  A group of younger girls were asking Fuyuko and the twins how they could see their swords. “Oh wow, Fuyuko, are those real? I mean I can tell that they’re real, what I mean are they like truly honest to Goddess samurai swords like you would use on a battle field?” “Aren’t you afraid you’ll get into trouble for carrying weapons around, Nanase?” “Can I see your swords Nanami? My daddy has a pair similar to yours.” I must admit I had not thought just how much of an impact my little sisters would have just by wearing something they had earned. When one of the girls asked them where they had bought the swords I answered for them.

  “They did not buy those swords, girls. They earned them on the field of battle. Your class mates are all veterans of the rebellion that was just fought and won by House Nakatoma. As far as them getting into trouble for wearing a part of their uniform, well that ain’t going to happen. Those kimonos are the formal uniform of the Wave Dancers of the Nakatoma House Military Command Lance. Only those who are members of our House’s Command Lace wear these kimonos, and no one else.”

  “Oh, Lady Maiha are you explaining to these young ladies the significance of your families kimonos?” Daniela asks as if she didn’t know what I was doing. “I’m so glad that you all decided to wear them tonight. I don’t often get the chance to dine with true heroes of the Empire.”

  “Thank you, Princess. We are always happy to escort you and your friends while we are here.” I know it was a little over the top but what the hell she had given me the perfect tool to take the ‘Heathers” down a notch socially. “You do know that you never have to ask to join us, your Highness, you are always welcome at our table and our Home.”

  “Yes, yes, I know that, but it just doesn’t seem right to just drop in on your family and you like that. My family owes yours’ far too much to treat you like that.” Then she smiles from ear to ear looking just to my left and behind me in the direction of the table where the ‘Heathers’ are. “Oh, and daddy wanted to extend his thanks for allowing me to stay with your family over the summer break like you did. It was truly enlightening to see what it means to be a Citizen of the Empire.”

  Now if there is one thing I know for a fact it is this. The Princess Daniela and her friends were not staying at my family estate by their own accord. In fact they were there to learn to behave like the High Families Lady’s they were supposed to be. Each of them had done something wrong and was being punished by the powers that be by doing time at our family’s Temple.

  About this time the new Head Master and Vice Head Master along with the rest of the staff were entering the dining hall. Everyone quickly found their seats. I watched as the new Headmaster and Vice Headmaster took their seats. I waited for the reaction form the ‘Heathers’, and I didn’t have to wait long. Janet Smyth stood up and cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Doctor Brim, but those seats belong to the Headmistress and Vice Headmistress.” I sat back with a smile as the scene unfolded.

  “Miss Smyth, I know exactly who this seat belongs to. Now if you’ll sit down I’ll explain to you and all of the students why the former Headmistress and Vic Headmistress have been replaced and by whom.” Doctor Brim was very direct with his words, and manner. He waited for Janet to sit down before standing up himself. Looking over in our direction he called out. “Miss Nakatoma, I mean Mrs. Nakatoma, sorry we are not used to our students being married to each other. Would you and your lovely wife please come up here?”

  I look at Alice and her at me. Shrugging our shoulders we get up and walk up to the front of the dining hall. Once we were in front of him we both bowed very deeply to him. “You requested our presence honorable Headmaster?” my question brought a collective gasp from all those gathered in the hall.

  “I would not have put it that way, but yes there is something I would like to know. Why are you and your family in your formal House Military Uniforms?” trust the Headmaster to come directly to the point.

  “Well sir, we figured seeing as how this is our first dinner here at the School we should honor it by making a formal offer.”

  “And what is this offer, Lady Nakatoma?”

  “We hereby extend to the students here the full protection of the Wave Dancers. That protection covers every threat that there is, both inside these walls and out. From their fellow students or even the staff. From this day forward the bullying of students shall not be tolerated.” When I finish both Alice and I bow to the Headmaster.

  “Is that a formal declaration of war against the bullies in our school?” Professor Recco was quick to grasp the meaning of my words.

  “If you should see them in that light then yes they are, but the only way for you to see them in that light would be from the eyes of a bully.” Alice was even quicker to come back on how Prof. Recco had interpreted my little speech. “We have merely offered to our fellow students our protection.”

  “Very well then, I see no reason to remind you of your promise not to bring violence into this school. Yes I know all about that, however I will not stop you from doing what you see as a solemn duty.” Doctor Brim was definitely on our side in this. “However, I will not look too kindly on one of our instructors acting like a shock trooper, am I understood Ladies’?”

  “Loud and clear, sir.” Both Alice and I said as loud as we could. We understood exactly what he was saying. That under no circumstances could we use our positions as teachers to extract revenge.

  “Now that, that is taken care of please return to your seats.” With another quick bow we headed back to where our friends and family were. As we were moving away though. “Oh, and ladies, please remember you are only allowed to wear your swords with your Formal House Uniforms. The same goes for your sisters.” Both of us turn and nod our heads to let him we had gotten the message.

  That is when the fly in the ointment showed its ugly head. “What?! You’re just going to let those harlots walk around here like they own the place? Where is Mrs. Caroline? She won’t tolerate this breach of school policy. There is no way those five upstarts are veterans. If she was here they would be expelled for making threats against other students the way they just did. How can you a teacher even make such allowances? Just who do you think you are? When my father….”

  With a voice honed on the parade grounds, and battlefield Doctor Brim cuts her off. “That is quite enough, Miss Smyth! As for who I think I am that is very simple. I am your new Headmaster, as Mrs. Caroline Vickers and Mrs. Karan Vail have been dismissed, as of this afternoon. Furthermore Professor Recco has been appointed to Vice Headmaster. Are there any more questions as to our authority?” A young girl on the other side of the room raised her hand. “Yes, Miss Hardy, you have a question?”

  “Um…yes sir, if you and the Professor have been moved to the Headmasters and Vic. Headmasters office who is going to teach Citizenship and Moral Conduct, plus Modern History?” the young girl had just given him the perfect lead in for dropping the next piece of news. I could not have planned this any better if I had tried.

  The smile that crosses his face is one of absolute joy. “I understand your worries and fears, Miss Hardy. Thankfully, this school is currently playing host to two students who are more than qualified to teach those subjects.” Turning to look over at Alice and me he waved for us to stand up. Once we had stood up fully he began. “Please meet your new instructors for Citizenship and Moral Conduct, plus Modern History, the Ladies Allison Wentworth-Nakatoma and Maiha Nakatoma.”

  You could have heard a pin drop as the news that two supposed students would be teaching what are some of
the hardest classes in the curriculum. Needless to say the ‘Heathers’ were not happy at hearing this news, and once again Janet Smyth just had to object to what is now no longer their private little playground. She was almost screaming when she jumped to her feet. “You cannot just put a pair of teenagers, let alone students, in the positions to teach two of the hardest classes in this school! I don’t even think you’re really our new Headmaster. My daddy is on the Broad of Regents and he would never have approved your appointments to those positions. Besides who was it that dismissed Mrs. Caroline?”

  Oh was she in a tizzy. I think that if she got anymore worked up she would pop a blood vessel. Her blood pressure must have spiked to two hundred over one-fifty. If it gets any higher I think they’ll be taking her out of here on a stretcher. What she gets told next really took the wind out of her sails.

  “Normally, I would not even consider answering your accusations in a public forum. However seeing as how there are so many of your fellow students who wish to know the same answers I will.” Doctor Brim must have the patience of a saint or a minor deity. Because if it had been me, I would just have thrown her ass out of school for challenging me like in front of the whole school. “Mrs. Caroline Vickers and Mrs. Karan Vail were dismissed by the Head Chairman of the Board of Regents, who found that they were turning a blind eye to certain activities of certain students. These activities will no longer be tolerated, nor will the students who practice them go unpunished. As for your father not giving his approval of our appointments, he gave his approval without a second thought. It seems he was tired of receiving complaints over the attitudes of certain young ladies from this school, including his own daughter. To be blunt about it, you ‘Heathers’ are on notice. From this point in time going on, if there is one complaint about your behavior on or off campus, expect to be hauled before me or Vice Headmaster Recco.”


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