School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4)

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School Time for Death: Tendrils of Control (Death Dealer Saga Book 4) Page 11

by Jessie Wolf

  “Um… sir just how many, um… high profile, students are there?” now I was getting worried. If there are more than what I was told I just might have to call in a few favors and have the security reinforced with some less than normal security guards.

  “Well, if you take into account more than just the High Families children, there are two hundred and thirty-five high profile students, all of which can be used for black mail or ransom of some kind or another. Most of these girls are from rich or powerful families in either the civilian populace or the Military High Command.” The more he told me the more my ‘oh shit meter’ climbed. Charlie gave me a head count for the number of security staff and their physical stats. Out of fifteen only the deactivated Death Dealers were anywhere near what was needed for securing this school. The fact that there was only fifteen and that was counting the chief was not good. I need to do something and do it now. I was not going to have the girls of this school put in danger because of poor security. Since my House was now the sponsor for it I was going to be doubly sure that whatever precaution can be taken will be.

  “Sir, you’ll have to forgive me, but I’m going to contact my House Military and have two of my crack Jump Infantry platoons sent here to help secure the safety of the students here.”

  He stood there for a moment thinking over his answer. “After what I have learned today about the security of my school and its glairing deficiencies I cannot in good conscience fight your decision to bring in your own troops. I wish it was not necessary, but it is. Over half of the security staff is far too close to retirement or out of shape. This is as much my fault as it was the prior Headmistress. I never looked past what was going on in my classroom and for that lack in judgment my school has suffered along with the students.” The big man leaned back in his chair, took out another cigarette and lighted up.

  I did not ask for another as that would be unladylike. If however he offered me another one I would not turn it down. I swear I should never have let Alice talk me into quitting. Thankfully Gin sneaked a few packs of Imperial Gold’s into my bags. There should be at least two packs waiting for me back in our room. I’ll just have to slip outside to have a smoke. Soon as I find an area that won’t get me busted by the security, the other faculty, or one of the Dorm Mothers. I watched as he smoked his cigarette with an almost primal need. Sure I know it’s an unladylike habit, but I don’t care. They’re one of my few vices that I still have from my old days when I was just an ordinary front line grunt. Well, ordinary for the Death Dealers, that is.

  “Sir, you cannot blame yourself for what happened here.” Alice was trying to ease the man’s conscience. For some reason she felt she needed to make him feel better about himself. Personally I could give a shit about his feelings. In my opinion he was part of the problem by not caring about what went on outside of his classroom. However I let her do her thing, she is way better with all this touchy feely stuff.

  “You know that the security and managing of the school’s budget are the responsibility of the Headmistress or Headmasters office. How were you to know how bad the security system and staff became? Besides even if you did, what could you have done? Report it the Board of Regents? What would have been the response to you going over the head of the Headmistress? Your dismissal, right?”

  The more she talked the more I realized I was placing far too much blame at his feet. I had not really thought about how for him to try and buck the system here at that time would have meant his possible dismissal. At the very least he would have been reprimanded for trying to go around the chain of authority. If he had done something like that when he served he could have been placed before a board of enquiry. An almost sure fire way of ruining his career. The next words I hear make me wonder why he ever left the service.

  “Yes, yes, I know all that, but it still doesn’t excuse me of my responsibilities to the safety and well fair of this school and its students. Do you know that for the first time this evening, in a very long time, I had dinner with the students? When I first came here I would make it my practice to have dinner with you girls at least twice a week. I haven’t done that in over five years now. I think I’ll start a new tradition by having all the teaching staff have at least one meal with the students every day. This way you girls will see us as more than just the figures of authority here to keep you in line and more as mentors instead. At least that’s my hope anyway.”

  I could see he was turning around and making plans on how to make his position his own. “Sir, I would love to sit here and talk with you all night long on how you plan to make changes to the way the school is run. However, both the Lady Allison and I have to finish unpacking. Plus there is the fact we still need to go over the lesson plans for taking over your former classes.” The moment I mention those classes he turns to the shelves behind him. He takes two scram discs off of the one nearest to him and then hands them over to us.

  “Both mine and Professor Reccos lesson plans for the next quarter are on those disks. Along with all tests and grading scales so you should have no problems for the first quarter. Is there anything else I can get for you ladies to make your jobs easier?”

  “No sir. We should be able to handle everything else. There is one other thing I would like to discuss though.”

  “Don’t feel as if you have to wait on ceremony when it comes to how you want to run your classes. Just tell me what you need and if I can get it, you’ll have it. Now what is it you want to talk about?” he was excited about how I wanted to run the classes.

  “Well, sir, I would like to place all of the ‘Heathers’ in one class. Yes I know some of them have already taken your course and received their pass. However I believe that they can benefit from having to retake the class under the new guide lines.”

  He didn’t even think about it. “I’ll have their schedules changed first thing in the morning. I’ll make it the last class of the day for all of them. That way by the time they get to you they should be fairly worn out and won’t give you too much trouble.” I thought about it and what he was saying made sense. “Besides, this way if you have any problems with them you can just send them to my office.”

  I started to giggle at this very blatant covert use of power. “As much as I would love to let you handle them, sir, I feel that would be counterproductive to their educations. I believe that it would also undermine my authority in the classroom if I just sent them to you instead of handling it myself.”

  He looked at me then smiled. “Very well, I’ll let you run your classes as you see fit, but remember if you have any problems whatsoever don’t hesitate to come to me. If there is one thing I will not tolerate is disrespect of a teacher or staff member.”

  “Of course, sir. However I will try to handle any discipline problems in the classroom on my own. You’ll have enough on your plate without me or Allison adding to it.” I stand up to leave and Allison joins me. “Well, sir it is getting late, and as I have said already we have our own classes to get ready for in the morning, as well as prepare our lesson plans for the afternoon. We wish you a goodnight, sir.”

  “The same to you ladies.” He got up from behind his desk and showed us out. After he has closed his door and we were walking down the hallway Allison stopped me just before we reached the door. I could tell she had something heavy weighing on her mind.

  “Kitten, how on earth are we going to be able to insure the Princess’ safety until the House troops get here? It’ll take at least twenty-four hours if not more to get everything they’ll need for a long deployment. Besides which troops can you use for this type of duty? I know you said you’re going to use Jump Infantry, but we only have the one platoon. You promised two full platoons. I know you have a better knowledge of our House troop’s status, but even if you pulled that many it’ll still leave us shorthanded at the House.”

  “Relax pussycat, I got it covered. All I said was that I was going to contact my House Military and get two of my crack Jump Infantry platoons sent here. I didn�
�t say where from now did I?”

  It took her a few seconds to really think about what I said. “You never said they would be from our House troops, just that they would be two platoons of ‘your’ crack Jump Infantry. But what other troops are you going to use? I mean sure you can maybe get some from one of the mercenary companies, but the majority of those are being used to help rebuild our own forces.”

  Sighing I look her in the eyes and then smile. “Um… Pussycat, I want you to think about something before you answer. First of all, I need you to think about my titles and not just the ones concerning House Nakatoma. Next think about what each one of those positions would have for military resources. Finally which one of those is going to have the most access and pull to all of the military in the Death Gates system?”

  “Alright, let’s see first there is your title as the Protector of House Nakatoma, and your being the Head of that House, but you said to ignore those. First there is your position as the Planetary Governor that one allows you to access the Planetary Defense Force, but I know you’ll never take units away from them on the grounds it would weaken the planet’s ability to defend itself. After that I can’t really think of one, except for your position as….Oh My Goddess! You wouldn’t go that far?!”

  I just give her the smile mama had so often given me when I realized a very essential truth. The one that just plays at the corners of my mouth with just a hint of sarcasm. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Maiha that is abuse of power! The very thing we fought a war over!” she was almost in a full blown tizzy over what she had finally figured out I was planning on.

  “No, Alice, this is not an abuse of power. This is using the only resources I have at my disposal that are one free to perform the task, two fully trained for the task, and finally outside of our House troops that I trust.”

  “What, if they’re needed somewhere else in the Empire? You just can’t keep two whole platoons of Jump Infantry here as security guards.”

  This time I started giggle at her reasoning. I knew something that she did not and it was time for her to find out. I had been keeping this piece of information to myself for security reason, but sooner or late it would get out so I might as well tell her now. “That will not be a problem, as by Imperial Command and direct order from the First High Lady, there shall be two divisions; one heavy and one light, stationed on Hades from now on. So you see I’m not stripping those units of valuable troops. Besides I plan on taking one platoon from each division, that way neither one can claim favoritism.”

  “Ok, I can see that, but are you sure you want to place the security of the school in their hands? It might look like you’re trying to hold the children of certain High Families as hostage for their good behavior.”

  “Well, to be honest, that is exactly why I want them to do this. There is still too much unrest in the Halls and Parliament for my taste. This way I give those individuals a little kick in the pants and relieve some of the pressure on the Emperor’s supporters. I get to kill two birds with one stone.”

  She stood there looking at me for a few seconds, then she narrowed her eyes and leaned over so she was just inches from my face. In a whisper so quiet that only I could hear it. “You were hoping for something like this afternoon to happen. Just so you could bring in troops that are loyal to the Emperor. I don’t like you playing around with the lives of the girls here. This is beneath you, Maiha.”

  I can tell she is not happy with me but she will support me. I just have to be careful of how I handle the situation. “I don’t like doing it either, love. But it is either this or fight another bloody damned war. If I can help the Emperor by making sure the children of those high profile families are safe, while giving them the incentive to stay loyal, then so be it. Am I proud of how I have manipulated the events to suit my needs, the answer is no. I will however do whatever it takes to secure our future, Alice my love.”

  “And does that include using these girls as pawns?”

  “Yes, love it does. And if I have to sacrifice every last one of them to ensure our freedoms, then so be it.” I step back and sigh. “Forgive me, love. I know you’re not used to this kind of political scheming by me, but I also have the best interests of the students here.”

  She looks at me and can tell I’m being truthful with her, also that I’m holding something back. I hope she doesn’t ask me here what it is, but I know I’ll have to tell her sooner or later. “Alright, kitten, I’ll back you up, but I want to know what else is going on after those Death Dealer Jump Infantry get here.”

  “Of course, pussycat, the moment I know that the campus is secured I’ll tell you. However I will give you this much. We are here for more than just the protection of the Princess and to learn how to be Ladies. I had hoped that I could relax and just be a normal girl, but that is not to be.”

  “Baby, what do you mean?”

  “One more time, I must be Deaths own Daughter.”

  Chapter 6

  Once back in our dorm room I went straight to our communications terminal. On the way back Alice had not said one word to me, I can tell she is not happy right now, but I have to take care of this now. Keying up the system I waited for it to connect with the outside network before entering the code from memory. It would give me a secured line to Planetary High Command. As I waited to be connected with my Command Headquarters with the Death Dealer divisions, I planned what I was going to say. I needed the orders to be clear and concise. There must be no misunderstandings or loopholes that can be used against me or the men who will be performing this duty. The more I thought about it, the more I changed it. Finally I heard the ping of connection.

  The face of a young private stared out at me from the screen. “My Lady Nakatoma, how can I direct your call, ma’am?”

  “General Star please, and make sure this connection has double encryption, Private.” I was short and to the point. Partly because of what I was about to order, and partly because I was now so easily recognized by members of the Death Dealers. I should not be surprised by this fact because of what I had done for the Death Dealers. It was probably one of the most talked about acts of respect in recent history.

  “You’ll have to give a few moments, ma’am, I should have you connected shortly.”

  “Thank you, Private Hues. Please hurry though it is quite important.”

  “And, done, ma’am. The General is just coming on-line. You have triple encryption and redundancy in place. That is as secure as I can get it with this connection I’m afraid.”

  Oh shit! That young man just gave me triple tiered secured connection with redundancies in less than twenty seconds. “You went far beyond what I was expecting Private. How is it you were able to set it up so quickly?”

  “Um…ma’am, you’ll have to ask General Star about that. All I know is that we have standing orders that if you should call we are to institute the protocols there are setup to handle any communication from you.”

  “Thank you, Hues, for an honest answer. You can put me through now.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” It was with obvious relief that he transferred me to General Star. A few seconds later the face of my old friend appeared on the screen.

  “Lady Maiha, to what do I owe the honor of a call from you this evening?” I can tell he’s still in a lot of pain from the injuries he had received during the rebellion.

  “Don’t go getting uppity with me, Uncle Mike. And you can drop the highbrow bull shit as well.” I know I just about bit his head off, and if he was in front of me I would have slapped the crap out of him. It was the look of shock on my old friends’ face that clued me into how I was acting. Damn PMS, it was starting to affect my emotions and how I treated people around me. Taking a deep breath and centering myself. “Sorry, Mike. Please forgive me. You know that I’m not normally like this.”

  “No apology is necessary, Lady Maiha. However may I ask what has you so upset?” there was genuine concern in his voice.

  “Let’s just say fema
le problems and leave it at that ok?”

  Now most men of Mike’s age would have gotten the hint and not pushed it, but seeing as how he is my next in command for all of the Death Dealers that are currently on planet he thought he needs to know exactly what was wrong. “What kind of female problems?”

  “Damn it, Uncle Mike. I’m having my period.”

  “Oh shit! Never mind, in fact forget I asked. And while you’re at it stay locked in your room.” The man was back peddling as fast as he could.

  “Just what do you mean by that remark?” my eyes had narrowed to slits and my voice had turned as cold as ice. He may be one of my oldest and dearest friends, but that won’t stop me from kicking his ass the next time I see him.

  “Oh just something your grandfather and I used to joke about back in the day. Something about why they didn’t let women be Death Dealers. You know all that training and firepower at their disposal plus PMS.” When he brought that old joke up, I started giggling. I couldn’t help it I remember the joke as if it was yesterday. So in the spirit of no hard feelings I quoted the punch line.

  “I have PMS and a practical projection cannon. Any questions?” sure I changed it a little bit to suit my needs and the facts, but it was still funny.

  “So you do know why I’m a little worried about you right now.” He was chuckling at his little joke, but it did make me feel better. “Now that we have had a bit of stupidity and a laugh, why have you called this evening? I know it is not to help you with your homework. So tell me, what has you all worked up and what do you need to fix it”

  “You know, I can replace your rusty old ass? However, you’re correct in that we have a serious problem here at the school. At present there are two hundred and thirty-five high profile students who attend this school. All of which can be used for black mail or ransom of some kind or another. Most of these girls are from rich or powerful families in either the civilian populace or the Military High Command.”


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