A Strange New Breed

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A Strange New Breed Page 19

by Wendy Stone

  Nashe threw his head back in the grass, a groan ripped from his lips as she began sucking upon him. Her head bobbed, taking more with every downward stroke. She wiggled free of his grip, one hand caressing his chest, the other carefully squeezing his balls, and rolling them in her hands.

  “Oh fuck, baby,” Nashe groaned. “Fuck, that feels good.” He moved her hair, hooking the blonde length of it over her shoulder so he could watch her face.

  Terry kept her eyes closed, savoring the heat and weight of him on her tongue. She could taste him in the almost clear fluid that spilled into her mouth. His essence was in the taste of him, the scent of him. She could sense his passions, feel his tenderness in the way he held her hair, his hand buried in the blonde tresses.

  “You’re going to make me come,” he warned.

  She looked up at him, blue eyes shining, and took him as deep as she could, feeling the head of his cock against the back of her throat. Holding him there, she hummed her need to taste more of him, feeling his cock swell and jerk.

  His body arched and he dug the fingers of one hand into the ground. Her name was torn from his lips as he shot into her. “Terry!” he cried.

  When it was over, he lay limp in the grass, eyes closed, breath panting from lungs that couldn’t seem to get enough air. Terry licked the last of his come off his groin before moving up his body, her lips trailing across his skin. Curling next to him, she listened to the sound of his breathing, her hand toying with his nipple.

  “So much for the question I was going to ask,” she said softly.

  “What question?”

  “Well, I was wondering about stamina,” she said innocently, her finger twirling a lock of her blonde hair as she gazed into his eyes, false innocence in hers. “But I can see now that we don’t have much.”

  Terry burst out laughing at the look of shock and chagrin that flashed across his face. She kept laughing even when he growled, narrowing his eyes at her.

  “Not funny,” he growled, pushing her thighs apart and resting between then.

  “I thought it was.” She grinned, then moaned as he pushed inside of her.

  “You want to know about stamina? Hang on, baby. I’ll show you stamina.”

  * * * *

  Kadian walked the deserted streets, head bent, hands thrust deep into the pockets of his jacket. He was lost in his own thoughts, not wanting to be intruded upon.

  In spite of the fame, money and women he’d gained recently, he was lonely. It was rough being one of only a handful of Were-dragons left in the world. That alone said something about his kind. “Maybe we’re too picky,” he whispered to himself.

  He’d been born were, his mother’s people helping to raise him when she’d been killed, defending a girl from a group of knights intent upon poaching the poor girl’s innocence. He’d never forget that day, watching his mother breathe fire over those disreputable knights, the girl she’d been intent upon rescuing cowering between her mother’s front legs.

  He’d been so proud of the fiery warrior she’d been. How could he not be? She’d been caring for the villagers for decades. But he remembered also how he’d felt when the knight had ridden past, his sword flashing, the sharp blade passing all the way through his mother’s neck, decapitating her right in front of him.

  The knights had taken her head and the girl. The dragon’s head had ridden upon a pike. The girl had ridden on all of the knights; until they’d finished with her, leaving her bleeding body on the side of some roadway.

  Kadian closed his eyes, trying to shake off the memory, only to snap them open as a body rammed into him. “What the…?”

  “Help me! Please!”

  She was naked... and were, he could sense it on her. But what clan was difficult to tell in her current state. Her body was bruised and bloodied, teeth marks on her neck and trailings of come running down her thighs. Her eyes were so dilated they looked black. She stumbled, grabbing at him with desperate hands. “Please! I can’t take anymore,” The words, mumbled and nearly incoherent, ended as she passed out, leaving him to hold her up.

  Kadian lifted her in his arms. Then he stood there, unsure of his next actions.

  The sound of heavy footsteps caused him to search the street for a taxi. But in his preoccupied meanderings, he’d entered into a mostly deserted area of town.

  “There she is!”

  Kadian turned toward the deep voice, then swore fluently. Rhinos!

  A Strange New Breed

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Ho, Bray, is this who I think it is?”

  Kadian scowled, glancing down at the unconscious woman in his arms. Something caught his eyes and he glared, pissed off. There was a new stain on the leather of his jacket. “First it’s the fucking jackals, now you rhinos have to get into the act. Do you have something against leather?” He turned, tucking Shurene between himself and a flight of stairs behind him. Pulling the jacket off, he gave one last mournful look at the satin lining before draping it over Shurene’s naked body.

  “You fuckwads just don’t know when to leave well enough alone.” The menace in his quiet voice hung in the air after his words.

  “She’s our toy and we ain’t done playing with her yet,” Trey shouted.

  “Yeah, but I think she’s had more than enough of you,” Kadian said, glancing around. Seeing no one, he took a deep breath, exhaling and spraying the explosive liquid he carried in twin sacks in his throat. He drew a line with it, between himself and the rhinos. “Now,” he growled, his voice growing husky as he let his dragon free, the clothes tearing easily from his body, “unless you want to be rhino barbeque, get the fuck out of my sight.”

  Bray glanced at Trey, who looked back at his brother. A smile crossed their faces, making them even uglier than before. Trey nodded and changed, his skin turning a silver-gray, growing thicker; His face grew wider and a huge tusk split the skin on his nose. Their eyes grew even beadier as they both completed their changes, standing before the dragon as huge Rhinos.

  “You assholes never learn, do you?” Kadian growled. Fire spewed from his mouth, his eyes glowing green like emeralds in the sun. Next to Bray, an abandoned car blew up, its hood landing several feet away.

  Bray jerked as a stray piece of metal landed on him, burning him. He bucked, trying to get the sticky piece off. His eyesight, poor to begin with, grew worse as panic and pain sent him on a wild charging race through the deserted street.

  The metal flew off. Two steps later, Bray hit the brick siding of a building. He stumbled, swaying drunkenly before collapsing on his side.

  “You fucker, you killed my brother!” Trey roared, charging directly at Kadian.

  Kadian leapt into the air, huge wings sending out a fierce downdraft. Fire and debris from the car hit Trey in the face, blinding him even more.

  Trey stopped, shaking his head to rid it of t papers and sparks. One sheet of paper stuck on his horn and he rubbed it against the ground, tearing it away. “Get down here and fight, you pansy!” Trey growled, swinging around until he finally spotted his prey, sitting negligently next to Bray and stroking the side of the downed rhino with one clawed foot.

  “Don’t you fucking touch him!” Trey bellowed, charging at Kadian once more.

  Kadian smiled. “Too fucking easy,” he muttered. He waited and then leapt once more into the air, watching as the frustrated Trey couldn’t control his charge, crashing into his downed brother and flipping onto his back.

  “You done yet?” Kadian called.

  When the bull rhino tried to rise, Kadian blew more fire, surrounding the two rhinos. “You know, you shouldn’t try fighting someone who is so much more intelligent than you. It’s like going to a gun fight with a knife. You’re way outmatched.” Dropping down next to Shurene, he carefully covered her with his coat, growling at the stains that now covered it. Picking her up in his front feet, he lifted off, flying high above the ground.

  He’d gone further from his hotel than he’d thought. Finally, he spo
tted the balcony and Artie, who was pacing back and forth in his room, talking on his cell phone. Landing on balconies was tricky in the best of circumstances. Carrying a drugged and muttering naked female made it all the more difficult. He touched down, barely allowing his weight as a dragon to land before he began the change back to human. Before Artie could turn, he was walking naked through the balcony door, carrying an almost equally naked girl with him.

  “What the fuck?” Artie shouted, startled by his sudden appearance. “We talked about this, Kadian. You can’t let the public know what you are. They’ll cage you up and dissect you before you could get away.”

  “I didn’t have a choice, Artie.” He went to the bed, pulling back the covers and setting Shurene gently onto the sheets. “Can you get me some towels and some warm water? Two rhinos fucked her up bad.”

  “Rhinos? You’re fucking with them damn rhinos again?”

  Kadian didn’t answer, hearing him swear a blue streak while he went to get the towels and water. He grabbed a pair of sweats and a tee shirt, tugging them on while keeping an eye on the pretty blonde in his bed. Her face was bruised, but he could make out fine features under the swollen flesh. There was a crust of semen on her mouth and chin, some dotting her chest. Her breasts were almost black with bruises. One nipple had been badly bitten, blood trickling down from the wound. Her hair was matted, stuck together in places, as if they’d used it to clean themselves off.

  He was pulling down on his tee shirt when Artie came back out, getting his first real look at the girl. “Shit, I hope you barbequed their slimy asses. No one should be treated like that. She needs to go to a hospital, Kadian.”

  “You know my kind can’t go to the hospital. Our blood is different, our temperatures run hotter, our metabolism is different. They start doing tests and taking blood and this girl will end up in that cage. You don’t want that, do you?” Kadian took the towels, setting them on the nightstand, then took the ice bucket full of steaming water Artie held in his hands. “Can you go down to the gift shop and get me some bandages?”

  “God, I hope the press doesn’t get wind of this. I can see them fucking tabloids now. You’ll be trashed from one coast to the other.” Artie headed for the door, opening it just a bit before sliding through and closing it behind him.

  “Finally,” Kadian breathed, sitting gently down on the side of the bed and pulling his jacket away from the girl’s body. “I’m sorry about him. He’s a bit long winded and a lot on the bloody offensive side, but he loves me.” He took one cloth, wetting it and squeezing out the excess water. Starting with her face, he carefully washed away the blood and other fluids that coated her skin.

  Her eyes moved furiously fast under her closed lids. He lifted one carefully, avoiding the bruises on her face. Her pupil was huge, fixated. “They drugged you, too.” Letting the lid close, he rinsed out the cloth and started on her upper chest and arms.

  Not a lot of drugs affected weres, at least not in the same way they affected humans. Cocaine, heroin, marijuana; none of it would do more than give him a bit of a pleasant buzz. Alcohol would hit a little harder, but it took a whole hell of a lot of it to do much damage.

  This had to be something made for Weres. Even the supernatural community had its drugs and dealers. It could be anything from Crino-meth to Maj. Maj was the newest to hit the streets. Its effects upon each were breed were different, and size was a factor. If this was Maj, she would be out for a while.

  “Geez, you poor thing,” Kadian said softly. She jerked at the sound of his voice, head turning. “You want to know someone is out there, don’t you?” He started humming the song he was supposed to be working on, the one that somehow just didn’t click for him. Lifting her other arm, he cleaned off the blood and grime, humming the melody.

  His mind fixed on the notes as he carefully cleaned her wounds, grabbing clean towels to place under her hips and packing a cool towel against her battered sex. When Artie pushed open the door, he covered her with the sheet and blanket, getting up and taking the packages from him. “Thanks, I got this now. Why don’t you go on to dinner? I’ll grab something from room service. Besides, I’ve got that thing tomorrow and then we’ll be on the road to…Detroit, right?”

  “Chicago, but you were close. What are you going to do with her?”

  “I thought I’d take her dancing. Fuck, Artie! I’ll let her sleep and then in the morning I’ll make sure she gets home before I leave for Lukah’s estate. Don’t have a cow. I won’t advertise that she’s here if you don’t.”

  “I’m just saying,” Artie groused as Kadian pushed him toward the door. “I can hear the scandal now. She’ll tell everyone you raped her and beat her up. The tabloids’ll get a hold of this and then there’ll be hell to pay. My hell, trying to bail you out and keep you out of prison.”

  “I’m so glad you care what happens to me, Artie. Thanks. You’re a real pal. Now, go to dinner and I’ll do my best to keep my dick where it belongs, okay?”

  “Smart ass kid,” Artie threw back at him as he started heading down the hall toward his own room. “You’ll see I’m right.”

  “Yeah, you’re always right, Artie,” Kadian breathed, closing the door with a sigh. Running his hand through his too long dark hair, he turned back to the woman. “He can be a real putz but he’s worth his weight in gold when it comes to my career,” he said to her, picking up the bandages from where he’d dropped them. “Now let’s get these cuts disinfected.”

  * * * *

  Terry woke to the feeling of whiskery cheeks against her thighs. She stretched, seeing the sheet on Nashe’s bed move as his tongue went to work on her clit.

  Instant heat filled her belly and she grabbed the bed rails above her head, moaning and spreading her legs further. “Oh God, Nashe, don’t stop,” she gasped.

  There was a sound from under the sheet, a hum of agreement as he gently pulled her lower lips apart with his fingers, sliding one inside her. Even after the night they’d just had, a night spent making love in every position imaginable, one touch set her on fire. Her hips moved in rhythm to his thrusting fingers, grinding up and against his tongue.

  He lashed at her clit, sucking on it, biting gently; forcing whimpering cry after moaning plea from her lips. “Oh, God, oh fuck, Nashe,” she yelled, arching under him as intense spasms chased each other through her body and up her spine, sending heated prickles of pleasure over her scalp. He held her there for a moment, forcing another even harsher wave to rock through her.

  * * * *

  Nashe felt her collapse against the bed, heard the harshness of her breathing and pushed back the sheet. His green eyes glowed with happiness. He was still having a hard time believing it. Climbing up her body, he settled his hips between her thighs, pushing her mussed blonde hair back from her face.

  “I love you,” he whispered, his lips finding hers. He knew she could taste herself on his lips, smell herself on his skin. “Good morning.”

  “Yeah,” she shivered as one more wave of pleasure shuddered over her, making him laugh. “What a way to wake up. What time is it?”

  It’s early, but I thought maybe we could go by your place and pack some of your things up. I mean, you do plan on moving in with me, right?”

  He watched as she lazily opened her blue eyes, a mischievous smile touching her lips. Her palm touched his cheek and he turned his head, kissing her palm.

  “Well,” Terry said slowly, “that depends upon a couple of things.”

  “Such as…” he growled, narrowing his eyes.

  “Do you put the toilet seat down?” she asked seriously.

  “I guess I could learn,” Nashe hedged. “What else?”

  “The toothpaste tube, it has to be squeezed from the bottom.”

  “God, I wish we’d gotten into this discussion before we got mated.” He lifted himself off of her, going to sit on the side of the bed. “I never knew you were so anal.”

  Turning his head to glare back at her, he caught a glimpse
of a teasing smile on her face before she hid it. “Anything else I should know?”

  “My great Aunt on my father’s side killed her husband when she caught him with another woman.” She blinked up at him. “That’s nothing compared to what I’d do to you if I caught you with someone else.”

  Nashe turned, staring at her with wild green eyes. “Back at you, babe.” He caught her as she threw herself at him, pulling her across his lap. “I promise I’ll pick up my socks too,” he said softly. “So what do you say? Want to move in and make an honest man of me?”

  She gave a huge sigh; then a smile curved her lush lips. “I can’t think of anything I want more. I love you, Nashe. I don’t think I’ve said those words to any man before.”

  “Never?” he asked, lifting her a bit and settling her astride his lap. Slowly he impaled her on his cock. It always seemed to be hard around her.

  “Hmm no, never. I know why you, though.”

  “Why?” he asked, lifting her and moving her slowly over him.

  “You bring out the animal in me,” she teased, laughing when he nipped her neck.

  “Animal, huh? You want to see animal?” He lifted her again, throwing her face first into the pillows and climbing up behind her. Lifting her hips, he thrust into her, hearing her grunt at his roughness. His hand caressed the round curve of her hip. His head tipped down, watching his cock as it disappeared inside of her. “Oh yeah,” he groaned, moving slowly, enjoying every second he was inside her.

  He grabbed her arms, lifting her up. Drawing her close, he brushed back her hair, his eyes finding the spot on her neck where she was marked, the place where he’d drawn blood from her, leaving tiny scars to prove she was his. He felt her shudder as he pulled her even closer, his teeth scraping at her nape.

  “Yes,” she growled. “Fuck yes, Nashe. Bite me again.”

  His teeth grew at her words, his eyes shining. “You sure?” he asked with a snarl.


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