G-Force (Book 1): G-Force

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G-Force (Book 1): G-Force Page 20

by Nye, Laine

  Scott was laying on the floor spread eagled with a book rack on his chest. He was groaning loudly. All of them were injured and could not get up.

  Outside, Brad and his friends were looking back at the broken windows and saw that everyone was down and not moving. His friends looked at Brad in shock. “I'm glad you're on our side buddy,” Rudy said.

  “Come on. Let's get out of here before the police find us,” Brad said. “I don't want to have to explain this.”

  They ran for the car while Brent commented. “He's right. They would probably treat Brad just like a lab rat. Let's move it.

  Lab rat, Brad thought as his mind was once again thrown back to Milo Weathers who had called him rat boy and rodent and killed the lab rat and put it into Brad's back pack.

  “You've been watching too many movies Brent,” Brad said to him trying to toss off the impact of the comment.

  “Yeah. I probably have. But you still don't want it to happen.”

  “No, I don't.” Brad agreed.

  The police were all over the campus looking for the shooters. More were still coming.

  By the time the guys reached the car, they had to jump in and lay down on the floors and seats as a patrolman went by. He drove out by the pond swinging his spotlight around, and then started towards the rear of the campus. When the officer went towards the library, he saw the broken windows and called for backup. While he jumped out of his car with his gun drawn with other officers rapidly approaching, Rudy drove his car out of the parking lot and onto the main road that was in front of the campus, still part of the university property. They got to the intersection that led to Harrison Boulevard which was the main highway going through the east section of Ogden. This road would take them out to the mountain road in North Ogden and almost to Brad's house. Soon, they were far enough from the campus to breathe a sigh of relief.

  The guns were recovered from the injured. The men were all taken by ambulance to the hospital which was just across the highway from the campus. All of them were handcuffed to their gurneys. Only quick medical intervention and treatment saved Dan's life. The others had serious injuries as well. Jeff was still unconscious, and Scott was also cut up from going through the glass. He had broken ribs from the collision with the book shelf. They would not be leaving the hospital anytime soon. When they did, they would go to jail for suspicion of assault with intent to maim or kill, firing weapons in city limits, breaking and entering, transporting weapons onto state government property, etc.

  Brad and his friends sat in a malt shop for about an hour trying to calm down before they went home. They had decided not to say anything about what had happened. They also decided they would still go camping in the morning saying that they could lay low that way. Everyone decided to go except Rudy. “I'm sorry guys. I'm going to drop you off at Brad's, and then I'm going home,” he told them.

  “Come on Rudy. Don't let those guys ruin our plans,” Brent pleaded. “We want you with us.”

  “No. I'm sorry,” Rudy said. “Too much is happening. I think I should just go home and forget about it.”

  Brent and Allen kept trying to talk him out of leaving them but were unsuccessful. Brad finally spoke up in Rudy's defense. “I understand Rudy. I don't think it's a bad thing if you need to go. But I hope the rest of you will stay.”

  They all reluctantly agreed to part ways, so Rudy took them back to Brad's and then left. Now Brad would have to take his own car, which he didn't mind.

  “Why would Rudy leave like that?” Brent asked.

  “That's what Rudy always does when things get tough. He goes home,” Brad told him. Brent shook his head in frustration and disgust.

  “He should have stayed with us,” Brent said mostly to himself.

  Mack Rowley, his wife and daughter were standing over Dan's hospital bed. “You swear to me that Brad Shaw did this to you Dan?” Mack asked him after they had talked with him for some time.

  “Yes, Dad. It was him. He was with Dixon, Van Buskirk, and that Allen somebody. It was Brad.”

  “Okay son. I'm going to take care of this problem. The Shaws have hurt enough people in our family. They're going to have to pay for this!”

  Mack then led his wife and Sherry to Jeff's room. He was awake now but had a serious concussion. He was being kept 2 or 3 days for observation and was on pain medication.

  “You were supposed to go camping tomorrow with the guys, weren't you Jeff?”

  “Yes Pa, but not after what Brad did to Sherry and what his old man did to you. Now he hurt Dan and I. I'm through with him.”

  “That's fine son. Totally understandable. Now tell me, where were you going for this camping trip?”

  “The first canyon south of the Divide. They said there are good camping spots up there.”

  “What time were they going to head out it the morning?” Mack asked.

  “We talked about being at the canyon at about 7:30,” Jeff answered.

  “Okay Jeff. You just rest easy. I'll take care of this.”

  “How did it happen Jeff? How did you guys get hurt?” Sherry asked. Dan had been very vague about this as his pride was too strong to admit that a kid five years his junior had gotten the best of him.

  “You know what he can do Sherry,” Jeff answered her. “He just picked us up and threw us through the windows of some building at the college.”

  “Were you guys trying to beat him up for me?” She asked.

  “Yes. Dan wanted to knock him around some for hurting you.”

  “What about these gun charges Jeff?” His mom asked him.

  “I didn't have a gun,” Jeff said earnestly, then added a lie. “I don't know of anyone in our group who did. Maybe Brad and the others threw the guns in with us to get us in trouble.”

  But in Sherry's mind, she was thinking that if it was Brad who had the guns, they would not have had to run from Dan and Jeff. She knew her brother was lying but did not care. Her parents probably knew too. But that knowledge wouldn't stop her dad. Good! She thought to herself. Brad deserves whatever Dad does to him.

  On the way back to their car in the hospital parking lot later that night, Mrs. Rowley tried to talk her husband out of taking any more action without the police. She knew he could be very violent and had even instilled that into Dan and Jeff. She knew her family did not have the best reputation in Huntsville and did not want their name to suffer any more damage. Yet she had to admit to herself that she wanted to see the Shaws in trouble after what had been done to her family.

  With his mind on Officer Greene, Mack assured her that the police would be involved. He didn't bother telling her that the policeman he had in mind had no jurisdiction where this incident happened. He didn't bother telling her that he was sure he could talk Greene into some illegal action against the Shaws.

  Chapter Nine

  Brad and his two friends that were still with him decided to sleep outside on the lawn in their sleeping bags so that they could talk about everything that had happened at Weber State University that night. They talked in low voices, so they would not be heard by Brad's parents. Brad was concerned that once again he was keeping something important from his parents, but now, more than ever, he wanted to ensure that their camping trip would not be ruined by the circumstances that had prevailed in his life ever since his date with Sherry. He could not believe it was only yesterday that it occurred. It seemed like a long time ago after everything he had been through.

  “Do you guys still think it is a good idea for us to go tomorrow?” Brent asked?”

  “Why not?” The weather is supposed to be good even though it is cloudy, Brad said. “Why should we give up our plans because of a narrow minded, backward hick family like the Rowleys!”

  “I was just wondering if maybe Rudy had been right to cancel and go home.”

  “Is that what you want to do?” Allen asked Brent.

  “Not really. I guess I just want us to be sure.”

  “I'm sure. How about you Brad,” Allen

  “I'm dead certain. Why should I let my life be ruined by these scum balls?”

  “Your feelings for Jeff and Sherry seems to have taken a turn for the worse,” Brent commented dryly.

  “I always knew they weren't the highest-class bunch, but Jeff and I always got along really well.”

  “Yeah,” agreed Allen, “Then you ran into Sherry,”

  Brad shook his head sadly. “She had become so beautiful since I last saw her. She's so charming. She really had me fooled.”

  “All of us were interested in her,” Brent stated, “Not just you.”

  “Yeah, I suppose. But I was in trouble as soon as I laid eyes on her. Jeez, I wish I would have remembered what I knew about her when I lived in Huntsville! She was a nightmare then and a bigger one now!”

  Allen spoke softly. “Brent is right. We were actually a bit envious of you Brad. We had all been interested in her,”

  “She's up for grabs. If anybody is dumb enough to want her, they can have her. They deserve her.”

  “Well, it certainly has changed our minds about her. Right Allen?” Brent said.

  “Yeah. It's the ten-foot pole thing,” Allen agreed. There was an old saying that said 'I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole.'

  “I'd touch her with a ten-foot pole.” Brad said facetiously, “I'd touch her and her brothers and her father with a ten-foot pole. Put them out of my misery.”

  “Do you think we could get into trouble if we are caught together by the police or something?”

  “You two are innocent bystanders to this whole thing,” Brad said to them. “You didn't do anything wrong whatsoever.”

  “Well you didn't either, Brad,” Brent responded.

  “I was thinking about that,” Brad said. “I could see them possibly arresting me for assault or something, but I don't think it could hold up in court. It's just that everybody and their brother would hear about me and then where could I go where trouble wouldn't follow? I just can't let this thing get any further out of control.”

  “Well, the good thing is, if the Rowleys decided to tell others what happened, I don't think anyone would believe them,” Allen interjected. “It just sounds too preposterous! The cop seemed to be very unsure of the story he heard as well.”

  “I agree,” Brent said, “Who would believe them with their reputation.”

  “Maybe,” Brad said thoughtfully, “But what if someone does believe them. What then?”

  “I don't know, man!” Allen commented. “I just can't see anyone believing you can do this stuff! It sounds too preposterous. Unless they have seen evidence like we have. You would have had to show us to make us believe it Brad. In fact, you didn't even try to tell us what you could do. You just took us and showed us!”

  “Ooh. Preposterous!” That's a big word Allen,” Brent said teasing Allen and trying to lighten things up. Allen started poking Brent in the ribs with his knuckles.

  “Hey!” Brent cried out.

  “We're starting to get a little too loud guys,” Brad cautioned. “I don't want my parents to hear us and find out what happened tonight, or they will definitely stop this little trip.”

  “Sorry,” Allen said, “This thing that happened to us is just...”

  “Yeah. I know,” Brad answered him.

  “By the way,” Brad started, who was the cop at the school today?”

  “His name tag said something Greene on it.” Allen informed Brad.

  Brad's heart started thumping hard once again. “Sherman Greene,” He said quietly.

  “Was he the cop that was manhandling you?”

  “Yeah. He's the one. This isn't good guys.” Brad said in a warning voice.

  “We should probably try to get some sleep now,” Brent proposed, “Brad, you have to be totally worn out.”

  “I am. Using this G-force can wear me down.”

  “Then let's call it a night,” Brent said.

  “It's a night!” Allen exclaimed officiously. With their heads tucked under their sleeping bags to muffle the sound, they all giggled stupidly. They needed to blow off some of their pent-up steam.

  Saturday morning, they were up and ready to go earlier than they had expected. Everything went so smoothly while getting last minute things ready and having breakfast that they decided to leave a little earlier than originally planned. Brad said goodbye to his parents. They left in the car with Brad's parents standing on the porch watching them go.

  “Brad really is a good son,” Kate observed.

  “Yes, he is,” Steve agreed. “I just wish he didn't have this curse in his life.”

  “You mean gravity control?” She asked looking up at her husband. “Remember Steve. That night on the beach, Brad and I were in real danger. It was him that saved us. You might not have a wife if it weren't for your son.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, but...”

  “But what?”

  “If Brad had never been given this ability, he would not have had the death of Milo Weathers weighing him down, and we would not have had to move back to Utah, and you two probably would not have been on the beach that night. The whole thing fits together in a way that has been wholly disadvantageous to us. One situation leading to others until we are where we are now.”

  “And if Brad had faced the tornado that he was stupid enough to go see without this ability?” She reminded him, “We've talked about this before Steve. With Brad.”

  Steve sighed heavily. “Yeah. You're right. That tornado would have killed him if he had didn't have this ability of his.”

  “See how wives are always right, Hon?” She asked him sweetly with a cute smile on her lips. She reached up and kissed him on the cheek, took his hand and led him into the house. Steve still wasn't sure. He had a heavy foreboding building inside of him.

  It was timing that made the difference for Brad, Allen and Brent. If they had not left earlier than planned, things could have turned out very differently. Whether or not that was for better or worse, they would never know. They could only speculate. But the trap that was meant to be laid for Brad certainly had an unexpected outcome to those who were involved in the plot against him. Brad could not know what was about to happen and how everything in his life would change. His life had already taken a turn that would change things for him forever.

  They took a dirt road that skirted the mountain that lay between North Ogden divide and the next canyon over. As they arrived at the mouth of the canyon, the road came to an end and a well-worn trail snaked from the dirt road up into the canyon. To their right was a small subdivision built not far from the dirt road.

  They parked the car, and got out their gear which consisted of back packs, sleeping bags, food, tent, binoculars, canteens etc. They threw their packs on their backs and started up the canyon excited by the day's hike. They were looking forward to traveling almost to the top of the canyon to find a good camping spot. Tomorrow, they might even go the rest of the way to the top to see into Ogden Valley where Huntsville was. On the ridge of the mountain they would be able to see into the valley where Brent and Allen lived, as well as back down in North Ogden where Brad lived. It was a panoramic view they hoped to enjoy.

  They were about two hundred feet into the canyon when they heard voices behind them. Someone was shouting. They turned around and looking back down the trail, they saw Mack Rowley, Officer Sherman Greene, and a third man they did not recognize. If that wasn't alarming enough, they also saw that Greene was carrying a shotgun, and Mack and the stranger were carrying hunting rifles!

  They heard Greene yell up to them. “You kids stop right where you are and come back down here!”

  “Brad, what should we do?” Brent asked in a panicked voice. Twice in two days they were at the wrong end of guns.

  Brad hesitated while the three men below drew ever closer.

  “We've got to run for it.” Brad said. “That's the cop my dad punched out in high school. He doesn't like me anymore then Mack does. Run for it guys!”
  They took off running up the canyon, but if they kept up this pace for long, they would be worn out. The men behind them were taller and, had a longer stride and could catch them over time. Just before they would have gone into a slight bend in the trail where they would be hidden from view, they heard a rifle shot and a tree next to them took the impact of a bullet. “That was your only warning!” Mack yelled. “Stop now!”

  “Brad?” Allen asked.

  “Go!” Brad yelled. “Just go!”

  They went around the slight bend in the trail and their enemies disappeared from view for a while. Brad knew they were in great danger, and he did not trust that they would only be taken back down the trail to be taken away in a police car. He was afraid that with Mack and Greene on their trail, they could very well disappear.

  “Guys,” Brad said to them. “We all have to start stepping at the exact same time. Right, left, right, left. I am going to try something to help us gain ground. Ready?”

  They agreed and started running in unison. Every time they took a step Brad threw under them just enough lessened gravity to cause their every step to be giant steps up the canyon. They were bouncing along at a much-increased pace now. Brad had remembered how he had done this on the day of the tornado almost a year ago when he had been bouncing through his house like an astronaut on the moon.

  Sometimes little rocks or branches rose up in the small null-gravity fields that were with them at almost every step they took. However, they were able to keep from stumbling and losing their pace.

  Higher and higher they climbed at this much increased speed. They could hear the three men behind them yelling, arguing and cursing. From time to time, they could see them through a break in the trees which always frightened them. If they could see their pursuers, their pursuers could see them and shoot at them.

  This realization caused Brad to exert even more energy into their reduced gravity run. But he was also trying hard to meter out his gravity modifying ability so that his energy would not give out before they were out of harm's way.


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