A Man's World 3: Roxy's Flight Instructors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Man's World 3: Roxy's Flight Instructors (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Becca Van

  Stefan pushed his thoughts aside and lifted her up into his arms. He lowered his head to hers and kissed her. He kissed her like he would never get the chance to kiss her again. Long, passionately, and full of love. He needed to show her how much he cared for her since he couldn’t tell her just yet. And she kissed him back just as carnally.

  He shifted until her back was against the tile wall and when he tried to lift his mouth from hers, she wouldn’t let him. One of her hands grabbed a handful of his hair and she pressed his mouth firmer against hers.

  Stefan’s whole body felt like it was on fire. The need to be inside her was an incessant aching hunger that wouldn’t be appeased until he had his cock buried deeply into her cunt. He moved on his feet and pulled his hips back and bent his knees until the head of his dick was flirting with her opening and then he pressed forward.

  She cried into his mouth and bucked her hips against his and all his control broke. He clasped her ass cheeks tightly and pounded deeply into her. He pumped his hips fast and hard, grunting with effort each time he filled her only to withdraw and drive back into her. Roxy turned her head aside and gasped, and then her hands clutched at his shoulders and she used her legs to grip his hips, and then she was moving with him. She met him thrust for thrust, their flesh slapping together as they slammed against each other. He opened his eyes to check he wasn’t hurting her and was glad to see that there was only pleasure on her face and in her eyes.

  “Stefan, more.”

  “So good, sweetness. I need more. I want everything from you, Roxy. Come on, baby. Come for me. I want to feel you squeezing my cock and covering my dick with your cream.”

  “Yes,” Roxy almost hissed the word through clenched teeth.

  Stefan was so close to the edge, he hoped he could hold off until Roxy came first but as the warmth hit the base of his spine he wasn’t sure he was going to make it. And then he felt her cunt gathering in preparation and juices flowed over his pistoning dick.

  Her head tilted back and thudded as it hit the tile wall. Her mouth opened and she screamed softly as her internal walls undulated and rippled along his length. Having her pussy squeezing his rod as he pushed through her clenching and releasing muscles was enough to send him over with her. He stroked into her three more times and shouted as spume after spume of cum spurted up the length of his cock and out deep inside of Roxy. His whole body tightened, his legs shook, and he continued to roar as her cunt continued to suck the cum from his balls.

  He leaned his forehead against the shower wall as he tried to regain his breath and some strength back into his quivering limbs. He wasn’t moving until he was sure he could do so without dropping Roxy or falling over. How he was even still standing was beyond him.

  Finally he drew back and kissed Roxy on the lips and gently lowered her feet back to the floor. They both groaned when his cock slipped from her body and after another quick wash, they stepped out and dried off.

  Roxy followed him into the bedroom and smiled shyly at him. Stefan was pleased that his brothers had left to give him some time alone with her and from the sound of their low rumbling voices they had gone back to the kitchen.

  They both dressed, and he took hold of her little hand and led the way out. No doubt he and or Booker were going to have to go shopping for Roxy very soon. He couldn’t see her being comfortable borrowing their T-shirts and underwear for the next two weeks. He wouldn’t mind if that was all she wore around the house but that wasn’t Roxy, and he would do anything to make her more settled and comfortable in their home, because he wasn’t going to let her leave now that they had her here, right where they wanted her.

  He just hoped that she agreed in the long run.

  Chapter Eleven

  Roxy sat at the table eating her salad sandwich and sipping on iced tea. Stefan and Booker had left to go shopping for her over an hour ago and she was sitting here with Dusty eating their lunch. It was a comfortable silence but she wanted to know more about the men she’d had sex with a few hours ago.

  “Your mom’s still alive, right?”

  “Yes, baby.” Dusty reached over and squeezed her hand. “We’ll take you to meet her very soon.”

  Roxy wasn’t sure about wanting to meet his mom just yet, if at all, but she kept her mouth shut. She wasn’t good with that sort of thing. In fact she’d never really met anyone’s parents because she had never even dated. The thought of being judged by their mother and found wanting made her feel ill.

  “What was your childhood like?”

  Dusty finished chewing, then took a sip of his drink before he leaned back in his chair. “The usual. We were disciplined when we got out of hand. If we put a foot wrong we were given extra chores to do and if we damaged anything we had to work to replace it or cover the cost of repairs.”

  “What made you choose the Air Force over the army or navy?”

  “Our dad was in the Marines and even though he was away a lot when we were younger we wanted to follow in his footsteps and help keep our country safe. One day, when he was on leave, he hired that movie Tom Cruise was in, Top Gun, and although it was old to us and a little corny, the three of us had grandiose plans of flying planes from then on. So when our dad died and mom had to work so hard, taking on more than one job to make ends meet, we vetoed college and joined up.”

  “How did your mom cope with that?”

  “What? With all three of us joining?”

  Roxy nodded. “Especially after losing her husband that way.”

  “We know she was worried for us but our mom is a hell of a woman. She told us the morning we left that she was proud of us and our dad would have been, too. And then she told us not to let anything get in the way of our dreams.”

  “She sounds amazing.”

  “She is.”

  “Why did you retire from the Air Force?”

  Dusty frowned at her and she remembered that she’d already asked these questions before.

  “Why don’t you tell me about your childhood?” Dusty suggested.

  Roxy looked away and shrugged. “There’s not much to tell.”

  “I don’t believe that, baby. I’ve answered your questions, why won’t you answer mine?”

  She sighed and then started speaking but she made sure to keep any inflection from her voice. “My mom died when I was a baby. My dad dumped Drew and I on our nana’s doorstep and took off. We haven’t seen him since.”

  “Do you want to find him?”

  “No! Why should I want to see that uncaring asshole again? I want nothing to do with him.”

  “There may have been extenuating circumstances, Roxy. Not everything is cut and dry, black and white.”

  “What the fuck would you know?” Roxy snarled as she pushed to her feet. “I know you lost your dad when you were young but at least you still had your mom.”

  Tears burned her eyes and she turned away, walking into the kitchen to start cleaning up. She filled the sink with water and detergent and put the dirty dishes in and then she started washing them. She felt the heat from his body before he even touched her and she froze as she lifted her head to look at his reflection in the window. His arms came around her waist and his body pressed against hers. It was so nice to be hugged and held.

  Her nana hadn’t believed in showing affection of any sort and to be honest Roxy knew she and her brother had been a burden on the old woman. She’d told them often enough and it was hard to change her way of thinking after so many years of being told she and her brother were a hindrance, but in the last few minutes of her life, her nana had smiled at her with tears in her eyes and told Roxy that she loved her. She wasn’t sure she believed that and had a feeling her grandparent had said that out of duty before meeting her maker.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” Dusty murmured into her hair close to her ear. “I didn’t mean to upset you and you’re right. I shouldn’t have said what I did when I wasn’t there.”

  Roxy couldn’t stop herself from leaning back against him, abs
orbing his heat and comfort. She’d never needed anyone but her brother before, but now that she’d made love with Dusty and his brothers the thought of being away from them nearly killed her.

  She sucked in a breath and held it. She’d just realized that she was in love with all three of the Milan brothers. Her knees weakened, and when she looked at herself in the glass even she saw how pale she was.

  “Are you okay, baby?”

  “I’m fine,” she replied and hoped he didn’t hear that her voice had gone husky with emotion.

  He squeezed her for a moment, rubbed his cheek against hers, and then kissed it before moving back. They worked in silence as she washed and he dried the dishes and just as they’d finished up Booker and Stefan arrived back home.

  After looking through the things they’d bought for her, Roxy hugged both of them. “Thank you. I’ll pay you back when I’m able to.”

  “No, you won’t,” Book stated firmly before kissing her on the lips. “We like taking care of you.”


  “Don’t argue, sweetness,” Stefan said as he pulled her into his arms again. He tilted her face up and studied the bruise and stitches in her forehead. “That bruise looks worse. Are you in any pain?”

  “No. The stitches pull some, but I’m fine.”

  “Good.” He kissed her nose. “Why don’t you go and put your things away and when you come back we’ll watch a movie or something.”

  “Okay.” Stefan released her when she moved away and she collected the bags of clothes before heading to the bedroom.

  When she entered the living room a little while later all three of the men were sitting on the large leather sectional sofa. The TV was already on and it looked like they were waiting for her before starting the movie.

  * * * *

  Drew stood outside the penthouse suite and signaled to the SWAT team and his partner, Jarvis Maine, and nodded his head. They were about to take down Fretelli and Perez and anyone else who worked for the assholes. He held up three fingers and then pulled them back down, counting to go. As soon as his last finger touched his palm, he lifted his foot and slammed it against the door next to the lock. The door burst open and Drew dove and rolled knowing Jarvis was right behind him as well as the SWAT team. One of the cronies raised his gun in Drew’s direction but he fired first and the guy went down, dead before he hit the floor with a bullet between his eyes.

  “Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air,” Jarvis yelled.

  Drew was surprised but thankful to find only three other people in the room. One of them was Perez’s right-hand man, Jose Sanchez.

  Sanchez’s arm moved and Drew aimed his Glock in his direction. “Move again and I’ll shoot you,” Drew snarled. Sanchez lowered his hand and the SWAT team stormed in, surrounding the assholes. The perps were patted down and their weapons secured and then they were cuffed.

  Jarvis turned and gave him the thumbs-up as Drew got to his feet and secured his Glock. It was going to be a long night, but he was determined to find out who Fretelli or Perez had hired to watch him, but he hoped that they hadn’t found out about Roxy. If someone was after her and she ended up dead he would never forgive himself.

  * * * *

  Dusty reached for the remote as Roxy sat down in the space they’d left for her between Stefan and Booker, and Dusty’s cell rang. He looked at the screen display before he answered it. “Hello?” He rose to his feet and moved toward the kitchen.

  Stefan snagged the remote and was just about to push the play button but stopped when they heard Dusty.

  “Shit! Are you sure?” He paused as he listened to whatever was being said. “Yeah. Okay. We’ll keep her locked up tight. Just hurry up and arrest these fuckers.”

  Dusty walked back into the living room and right over to Roxy. He scooped her up into his arms and then sat down where she’d been sitting placing her in his lap.

  “What’s wrong? What’s happening? Is Drew all right?” Roxy asked.

  “Drew and his colleagues were able to arrest Fretelli and Perez but there’s a hit out on him and you.”

  “Surely whoever was hired to kill us will back off now that the leaders have been arrested?” Fear skittered up and down her spine and lodged in her gut. She was glad that her brother was safe and had been able to arrest the men he’d been after, but the feeling of dread wouldn’t leave.

  “The hired assassin was paid up front. This asshole isn’t going to give up until he’s done what he was paid to do.”

  “Does Drew know who it is?” Roxy asked in shaky voice.

  “No. No names were ever given. Fretelli said he posted an encrypted ad online, and everything was done electronically, including the transfer of money into a Swiss account.”

  “Can’t someone trace that account?” Roxy asked.

  “Not happening, baby,” Dusty said. “Swiss laws aren’t the same as ours. The security the Swiss banks have is top notch. Even Drew said he can’t hack into their system. There is no way to trace this fucker.”

  Terror raced through her body. Her heartbeat increased and so did her breathing until she was panting. Roxy trembled as the horror of the situation sank in. She was a dead woman walking.

  * * * *

  Booker wanted to hit something. Preferably the assassin after their woman. No, better yet would be to take the fucker down with a sniper rifle. He knew that she wouldn’t be safe anywhere. If the assassin was computer savvy it wouldn’t be hard to find out where Roxy was. He reached out and took her hand in his. He noticed how cold her little hand was and she was trembling. He hated knowing that she was scared for hers and her brother’s life and he needed to hold her and try to offer her a little comfort.

  He nudged Dusty and saw that his brother was just as worried as he was. “Give her to me. I need to hold her, too.”

  Dusty reluctantly lifted her from his lap to Book’s. He shifted her until she was straddling him and held her tight. He wanted to curse when he felt her shaking but kissed the top of her head instead. Stefan slid off the sofa onto his knees and moved up behind her, pressing his front to her back.

  Book wanted to talk to calm her down but he couldn’t get his voice to work. The lump in his throat was nearly strangling him and he just ended up swallowing audibly. He met Stefan’s gaze over the top of her head and nodded.

  “Calm down, sweetness. Everything will be okay,” Stefan said in a calm voice but Book saw the fear in his brother’s eyes.

  “You don’t know that.” Roxy’s voice was muffled since she had her face pressed against his chest, but they all heard her.

  Dusty stroked a hand over her hair and head. “Yes we do, baby. No one is getting to you before going through us first.”

  Roxy lifted her head, looked at Dusty, then over her shoulder to Stefan before meeting Book’s eyes. “I don’t want anything to happen to any of you.” Tears welled in her eyes and then spilled over onto her cheeks. “I love you, all of you so much. I couldn’t live with my conscience if any of you were hurt or killed.”

  “That’s not going to happen, darlin’.” Book wiped the tears from her face with his thumbs. “We’re trained for this sort of situation. We have guns and we’ll be prepared. No one is taking you away from us. I love you, Roxy.”

  Roxy’s mouth dropped open and her lips tilted up for a second. “You do?”

  “God, darlin’, of course I do. I’ve loved you for so long.” Booker kissed her passionately, showing her without words how much she meant to him. When he released her mouth, Stefan wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her down to his lap.

  Roxy slid off Stefan’s thighs to her knees, turned, and then straddled him. She cupped his face between her soft little hands and then leaned up to kiss him. The kiss was hot, wild, and passionate and when they broke apart both of them were gasping for air.

  “I love you, sweetness. We aren’t letting this bastard get to you. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you having babies and growing old with you.” />
  “I love you, too, Stefan,” she whispered.

  Dusty tugged on her ponytail to get her attention. “Come up here, baby.”

  Dusty helped her to her feet and then he, too, stood. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. “I love you, Roxy. We all do. We’ve loved you for so long, but you were so goal-oriented we wanted to wait until you had your full pilot’s license. But after watching you crash-land that plane and seeing you hurt, well we couldn’t wait any longer. You’re my world, baby, and I am not prepared to go through life without you by my side.”

  Roxy’s hands landed on Dusty’s chest and then moved up to his shoulders. She tugged at him, but instead of bending down his brother lifted her up into his arms. She hooked her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

  “I love you, too.” And then she was kissing him.

  Booker was so happy in that moment, but he and his brothers knew that they had only just begun to fight for their woman.

  Hopefully they could find the assassin before he found her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Stefan checked that the clip in his Glock was full before he slammed it back in place. He and his brothers were in protection mode. They had weapons stashed in every room of the house and all the blinds and curtains were pulled closed.

  After checking outside to make sure no one was lurking about he turned to look at Roxy. She was curled up on the sofa with a book in her hand but he knew she wasn’t seeing what was written on the pages in front of her. She was staring too intently and she was frowning. He walked over to her and sat down next to her.

  “How are you doing, sweetness?”

  “Okay,” she answered and looked away, but he’d seen the sheen of tears in her eyes.


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