Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World)

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Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World) Page 16

by Unknown

  Nothing happened to me, so I was like, "This is stupid, and you are just imagining it."

  So, we did it again and this time we heard a huge bang, and we screamed and ran over and turned lights on. The huge trash can that was 25 feet away by the sink had fallen over.

  We still wanted to do it again, so we did it again. We were standing there and 25 feet away the sink turned on full blast. It was spraying cold water, and it was the kind you have to twist and pull up to turn on. It was twisted and pulled up and of course it hadn't been when we came in.

  Then when my friend turned the light on, and the second she turned it on the water stopped.

  Some games you don't want to play.... It might be for keeps.

  Demon Friend

  Austin, Texas

  When I was doing laundry I went to my daughter, Sauris's room to gather her dirty clothes. I could hear her faint whispers and giggling. She was my only child, we had no pets, so I assumed she was talking to her doll.

  I walked in and proceeded to get her clothes. She turned to look at me, no doll in sight.

  "Sauris, who was that?"

  She turned away, then stood slowly. Her eyes grew wide and she let out a high, shrill scream that made my heart skip a beat.

  Sauris fell to the ground once more, and continued to talk to her “friend.” I hurried to my room where my husband was working on the computer.

  I immediately shouted, "I need you to ask Sauris about that friend of hers!" I was still worried. Why had she done such a thing? She was always a quiet and calm child. He nodded and went to her room. I waited outside, listening to their every word.

  It turned out she had a friend that we couldn't see named Andrew. He made her laugh and played with her. Andrew told her he was going to make her do something and he would have complete control over her. Like, possessing her. I was angry and worried at the same time.

  That same night I hurried to put her to bed and she refused to listen to me. She glared in my direction, making a growling noise. "Sauris stop!" I demanded. "Get away!" she screamed and ran to hide in her closet. I could hear heavy breathing coming from the closet.

  I then decided I was going to talk to Father Jansen the next morning.

  We met at the church in his office, both of us quiet. "Based on what you told me over the phone it sounds like Sauris has a not so nice friend. If she screamed like that and did those things he must have possessed her. Did you do something to upset s spirit?"

  I then remembered how tearing down the extra room because of the strange noises had something to do with it. "Father, I think I did upset a demon. My husband and I were tearing down an extra room. The room where the strange noises were... Where that teenage boy killed himself." I sighed.

  This happened a time ago, and my daughter has not talked to him since. Turns out I was right. It was a demon and she was possessed.

  This is my story and all true.


  Andrews, Texas

  I was about 14 years old. My friend Nora and I were curious to play the Ouija board. She pulled it out from under her bed. So, we started playing, and a friend that had just passed away supposedly was talking to us. We stayed up all night talking to him.

  The next morning we tried to get back on to talk to him, but instead we contacted a girl named Michelle. She seemed really nice and friendly, and constantly insisted that I knew her. She knew deep secrets about me that no one else knew. So, I asked my friend if I could take the Ouija board with me home.

  Well, Rule Number 1 is, when you play the Ouija board don't play with it alone. And of course, stupid, curious me broke the #1 rule, and played it alone.

  My friend the next morning called me tripping out. She said that she was asleep on her bed and that she felt something watching her. And a hand came through her window and started choking her. Her mom heard her kicking the wall and ran in her room and saw Nora gasping for air, and freaked out.

  Nora told me to throw away the board, but I didn't listen. I played with that board hours a day. To me I felt I found a good friend, until later when weird things started happening to me.

  One time my cousin was over, and I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone. All I remember is being in a dark place, and when I came to my cousin was shaking me and my boyfriend was calling out to me over the phone. When I asked them what had happened, they told me that I was somebody else. My voice changed and I was crying and ranting that my dress was full of blood, and I was in pain.

  So they freaked out and told me to stop playing the Ouija board. Then the next day my other cousin came over. Her dad passed away when she was 3, and she wanted to talk to him. but something kept interfering in their conversation. It kept asking for me.

  So I got on and it spelt, "I'm gonna kill you." When I asked who it was, it spelt the word "Swift." So I freaked out. I let my cousin take it home with her and never touched it again.

  But it didn't stop there. At night when I go to sleep I can feel something evil watching over me. I can hear her in the bathroom, in my room, and out my window. I would see her in my dreams, there were times where she even got in my dolls.

  And one night I finally had a vision. I saw me in the past of El Paso, Texas. It was the year 1876. My hair was blonde, my eyes were blue, and I was wearing an old peasant dress. I was Michelle, and I saw her being murdered by her ex-fiancé and her cousin (Swift).

  Ever since then I still see Michelle and still get more clues of her unsolved murder, and I know somehow or another she wants revenge. A lot more has happened, but it's too long to explain everything. It’s been 7 years of visions, dreams, and sightings. I just want to know what she wants from me...

  My Cozy Haunted Home

  Pampa, Texas

  The story is tragic indeed. Eerie sights? Yes! Chilling sounds? Absolutely! A frightening experience to several people? Without a doubt.

  I have always enjoyed horror movies, blood, gore, and other things of the sort. I have always wondered what it would feel like to come face-to-face with a supernatural being: Would I have the heebie-jeebies? Would I feel as if my life were at stake? Would I shriek with terror, only to find no one to help me? What, exactly, could it do to me, besides scare me?

  All of these wonders were true to some degree. But, the sense that something was wrong; dreadfully wrong, was the most horrific part. Never, even in my wildest nightmares, did I dream of being directly in the midst of a real-life haunting. Never, in my most lucid thoughts, could I imagine the feeling that would overcome me countless times.

  June 2009 was a bright time in my brother's life. After surmounting many personal obstacles, he was off to purchase his first home. I was right by his side as we toured the many homes of his interest. I favored one in particular.

  I loved the floor plan, and it had a warm, cozy feeling that the others seemed to lack. But, I spoke nothing of my preference. I crossed my fingers, though. I immensely hoped that he would pick this house. It felt....well.....right. It felt right.

  The wood trim surrounding the lower one/third of the living area added a warmth unlike any other. The layout reminded us both of the home of our childhood. I was filled with delight when he chose that house. OH, how cunning and deceitful that warmth was.

  The move was soon completed, and he was good and settled. I would go by to visit him each morning and to enjoy the house. Strange how a year later I could hardly set foot near the place.

  A couple of months passed, and a medical condition that he had struggled with for countless years began to slowly creep up on him, like a ghost in and of itself.

  He was the same person, but not so in many ways. He slept more. His moods were erratic. He lost interest for something he had painstakingly developed a zest for....life itself! Yet, the changes were subtle enough that one would have to know him to see them.

  In early fall of 09, I was heavily into writing poetry.

  A creative zest was flowing, and I would often go to my brother's warm and comfortable home as
a getaway. One night, something did not seem right at the house. It wasn't a sight. It wasn't a sound.

  It was more than just a sense. It is impossible to fully explain. An "experience" is the only word I can think of to describe "it". As I was writing in the office, the wall to my right (where the doorway was) was heavily drawing my attention. Nothing unusual about the wall, but it kept distracting me.

  Fear can manifest itself in many ways, but what I began to feel at this point was a consumption by fear that is as close to hell as I ever care to get. The distraction of the wall was similar to someone looking over your shoulder while you are trying to concentrate (annoying and intrusive). A transitional phase was occurring and resonating within me. My sensitivity to whatever was in the house was concurrent to the continuing and intensifying intrusiveness of the wall. The wall, as seen from my peripheral vision went from noticeable, to annoying, to frightening. The intensity of the "inner" experience was in correlation with the noticeability of the intrusive, "living" wall.

  First of all, everything was backwards: Instead of seeing or hearing something THEN becoming terrified as a reaction, the feeling started from within, like something was upsetting my central nervous system. As I sat in the great office chair, poetry in hand, I began to feel fearfully different. My heart began racing. Again, these happenings were not in response to any exterior happenings. They seemed to originate inside.

  Soon, I felt mind altered, as if I were in a serious drug-induced state. I was petrified to move, yet I had to. My tolerance for paranoia and fear gradually reached a ceiling in which, one way or another, I had to leave. I didn't know what any of this meant or where it came from.

  The not knowing probably accounts for half of the fear. I simply knew that I had to leave. As I gathered my personal items from the home's kitchen, my eyes were fixated on the mid-sized kitchen windows, and the black of night which they revealed. Paranoia raged through me and left me feeling like a cornered beast with nowhere to run. Windows spooked me to the point of dizziness and faint-like feelings.

  Once I made it to my car, I had to sit and calm down for about 15 minutes before feeling safe to drive. The paranoia and tension left me crashed out in exhaustion when I arrived at home. It was as if something was thriving on my energy. Something was draining me in order to revive itself. Once I returned to normal mind, it was as if the whole episode was an insignificant distant nightmare. But this was only the beginning of a series of events which eventually made the house uninhabitable.

  I endured similar experiences, at least a dozen more times over the course of the next 9 months. Not the wisest move I've ever made, but I "experimented" if you will, to notice any patterns: I was successful at discovering traits that were common to each "mind altered" event.

  First, my brother would be gone from the house OR he would be disconnected from it in some way each time that these episodes occurred. For example, if he went to bed, then the effects began. And their intensity always had to be maximal for me to fleet. If I stayed long enough, it always progressed and became intolerable. I went through this at least 3 times before concluding that, whatever was happening to me, was centered around my brother's presence (or absence).

  Due to some health conditions which he was dealing with at the time, I decided to not mention my encounters to him.

  One day, while sitting on the porch in early spring, he brought up something in conversation which confirmed my every belief that vividly strange activity was taking place, well beyond my personal experience.

  He casually mentioned that he had felt a cold spot. Not a rush of wind, like from an air conditioner, but a solid, concentrated cold body. which would approach him from the guest area (near the office wall), and then return, rushing through him once more, on its way back to the guest area.

  The most disturbing and eerie event that he disclosed was hearing a dismembered and extremely violent voice call his name from the dark guest hallway one night. It shrieked his name, disguised in my dad's voice. My dad is still alive, by the way. He seemed strangely unbothered by these happenings.

  So, at this point, I concluded that the house was indeed occupied by something supernatural.

  Since then, several claims have been brought to my attention. We (my family) agreed to remain very "hushed" about the situation as we discussed and accepted the goings on.

  The housekeeper, who is amazingly immaculate in her work, was slacking off from her usual standards. Some rooms remained unclean, and she often seemed "in a rush" to get her work done. I called on her to meet with me. I asked, first of all, if she was bothered by something while cleaning the house. She emphatically said yes.

  She explained how she had a strong sense of "being watched." She was cleaning the guest bathroom one day, and had an overwhelming sense of a dooming presence. She whirled around to see a dark shadow behind the shower curtain. She immediately fled the house.

  In order to continue working there, She brought her daughter to work with her, opened all blinds, doors, and turning on the television. She claimed to have felt the energy still, but it was more at bay.

  Next, of all people, a banker who makes occasional visits stopped by the house to see my brother. As she passed the "haunted hallway" near the home's entrance, she jumped back towards the door (about three steps), as if it were a knee-jerk reaction. Her intuitions told her she did not need to be there, so she stated a few pleasantries to my brother and left immediately.

  Another account: "Bob," a professional alcohol/drug interventionist, was hired to help a family member. He was staying in the guest room. He had the ghost radar app on his phone (One which I have come to believe is truly legitimate). I explained to him, from personal experience, that something, be it a ghost, spirit, or far worse, was concentrated in that part of the house. I had used such a device, and it annoyed the presence and in turn "tripled" the negative oppression. The entity (or whatever you want to call it), did NOT like devices that exposed it.

  Also, I had a bottle of Holy water but was instructed to not try and rid the presence on my own. I was, furthermore, told that I should wait until I knew exactly what I was dealing with.

  Bob continued to use the radar device and, as was the case when I once used it, felt the intensity of the waxing entity.

  One morning, I made my usual visit, to astonishingly find that most of the Holy water was gone. I entered the office area to find the place literally "drenched" with the sacred water, crooked lampshades, as well as other displaced items. The computer keyboard was sopping wet as well as the beautifully furnished desk.

  Shockingly, I soon discovered Bob: He was slobbering, babbling, and barely able to stand. Unfortunately, he had a major relapse into dangerously intense drug use (while serving as an interventionist) and was in need of immediate medical care. After working with his supervisor, we were able to stabilize the ever-increasing tumultuous situation.

  My thoughts: He surpassed his tolerance level to whatever force was present in the house, especially in his room, by "teasing" it with the device. Frightened, he doused the place with nearly a half-gallon of the sacred water. This, as well, could have (and I believe did), been the final act which set the entity off. Thank God he survived the relapse.

  I met with the local paranormal society. I always imagined dark suits, or gothic-like attire, when it came to individuals who vastly pursued the paranormal. They were everyday people. My obvious anxiety was calmed by their reassurance that all would be well.

  They felt the forces in the house the instant that they entered. They immediately noted the strong vibes coming from the dark guest area. For the sake of accuracy, we didn't discuss specifics prior to their investigation.

  They had a demonologist along for the walk-through, and I was relieved to hear him say that, for certain, no demons were present. They noted that the house was not just haunted by one ghost, but by several! They scheduled a second meeting in which "anything goes" as far as the ghosts were concerned: (When they are forced from their
hiding and demanded to leave, they WILL reveal themselves. I was told this by the Paranormal group.)

  The evening came, September 11, 2010, and the amount and the visual and listening devices were amazing. The videography device was sensitive to the point of picking up the sight of dust. Before the session even began, we could see orbs moving across the room on the video set-up. They seemed to be shooting out of the guest area.

  The work began, and a psychic was present. Within minutes of being inside of the house, she ran, pushing through the group of paranormal agents to exit the house. I was outside watching the video and she stormed out, out of breath and extremely frightened.

  She verily asked about my brothers whereabouts and insisted on meeting with him. The meeting was not possible, but she put her arm on me and reiterated numerous times that, if the house remained "uncleaned" then he was for certain to die as a result of his condition. His sickness caused weakness and opened him up to the energy-seeking entities in the house.

  Obviously, that was extremely disturbing to me. I had no idea what to do for him except sell the house. I just decided to wait and discover the results of the cleaning.

  Backing up a day or so, I had to collect some personal items for my brother. I had my nephew with me, and we decided to turn our iPhone ghost radars on. We decided to use his device since I was considered an intruder as a result of my authority over my brother. Strange, it spoke, but only when addressed directly.

  We asked if "whatever was there" had a name. The radar immediately responded audibly with "Henry." Next, knowing he was likely a Native American via the paranormal society, we had picked out a phrase of words which interpreted "we come as friends." We stated the phrase, and "Henry" immediately stated "equal."

  Obviously, to us, he was stating that he, too, came as a friend. He made a few more statements, and I sensed the exhaustion and his readiness to be left alone. I instructed my nephew that we turn the device off. As we were leaving, we had a couple of final questions as we thanked Henry for the information provided by him.


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