Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World)

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Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World) Page 18

by Unknown

  Another customer was about 5 feet behind me, and he saw the same thing. I asked him are you seeing what I am seeing? An older lady came out from the infant department and was looking that way, and all three of us stood and looked in amazement.

  I called for Julia to see what I was seeing, but by the time she reached it stopped. I told her about it and about the arm, and I looked in the aisle next to it thinking there has to be a reasonable explanation, like someone reached through the other side and pushed them off.

  What I saw was a metal backing to the shelf which proved to me that no one could put their hand through from the other side. I told the checkout girl who said that's scary.

  When I got home I told my husband, and he told me I should call Wal-Mart and report it. I called and spoke with the assistant manager Jim and told him I was hoping he didn't think I was crazy. He told me they were wondering what happened in that aisle. I asked if they had cameras, he said yes. I asked him if he could view that aisle, he said yes and I asked if I could call to find out the results. He told me to call the next evening. When I did, he said the home office had taken the tape and told him not to talk further about it. He couldn't tell me what was on the tape.

  Demon With My Face

  Abilene, Texas

  My story begins two years back on a chilly December night. I was hosting my annual "Cookies and Caroling" party, and the party was finally dwindling down to an end. Early parents were arriving, and only five guests were left along with my cousin, Hilda.

  We were all gathered in my room telling ghost stories with all the lights out, and only a flashlight to illuminate our faces. If you live in Texas as I do, you know it never gets below zero most the time and you only need a light jacket to go outside in the winter... it was one of those nights. Bailey and Kyleigh, two of my very close friends, were getting quite restless after a few stories and were ready to do something else.

  Bailey announced she was going outside. I reminded her as she walked out not to forget her jacket. Kyleigh and Hilda tagged along, grabbing their jackets as well.

  Kristian and Brooke, two of my best friends in the whole world, and myself were still sprawled on the bed, Kristian holding the flashlight and a book in my lap.

  About five minutes later I heard screaming, a door slamming, and my mom saying, "Quiet down!"

  Bailey, Kyleigh, and Hilda pushed through my doorway gasping. Then they saw me and their mouths dropped open really, really wide.

  "But you, you, you.. were outside, but you're not and..." they all stammered.

  "Tell me the story," was all I had to say, and they started to spill. This is what they said:

  They were walking outside when they swear they saw me in the corner of my yard (I had a big yard so it was hard to see from one corner to the other when it's dark). They said it was crouching and "my" long hair was covering "my" face.

  Bailey asked, "You okay, Maddy?" Of course it didn't answer. Then they all started calling out my name.

  When it didn't answer again, Kyleigh said, "That's not Maddy." Then they ran in.

  I know this story is true, because later after everyone was gone, Kristian, Brooke, and I went back outside and sat on the swing set. After only a few minutes we heard footsteps. We turned around and there this thing was, smiling. Yes it did look like me, only with black skin and bright red eyes. We, too, screamed and ran for our lives into my house.

  Ghost House

  Buda, Texas

  I lived in California until I had to move with my family when we couldn't afford our house anymore. We moved to Texas. The new house was old, and very big. I wanted to cry, I hated that house so much. Especially one particular night.

  That night, while I was sleeping, I woke up to hearing a baby crying. Unfortunately, we don't have a baby. I got up, half asleep, and ran to tell my parents. They got up and went into the empty room where I heard the crying. They didn't see or hear anything. I went back to bed, scared and shocked.

  Then the crying started again. I didn't move. For what felt like an hour the crying didn't stop! I was so tired, suddenly out of nowhere I said, "Shut up!" That was the worst thing I could have done. About 5 seconds later, I heard a woman sobbing. Then she screamed "No! Don't please!" then a shot fired.

  I couldn't move. I wanted to scream but nothing came out. Then the baby started crying again. Another shot fired, then silence. I started to cry. I wanted to puke. Then, my door creaked open. I stopped breathing. A lump crawled across the room. It groaned. I screamed and I ran as fast as I could to get out of there.

  I ran to my parents room and woke my mother and I told her I'm sleeping here. The next morning I went to my room and found nothing there. I went to the empty room and found nothing also.

  I got on the computer and looked up info on the house. As it turns out, this house belonged to a man named Richard and his wife Anna. They had a baby named Richard, Jr. The husband killed both of them and then himself. The wife had managed to crawl out if the other room to the next room down. She died before she could reach the phone. That would have been my room.

  Back and Forth...

  Lockhart, Texas

  Let me start off by saying that this story is 100% true. Nobody believes me when I tell this story, but I promise this is true.

  Just about two months after my fifth birthday, my father died. On his birthday the very next year, the two light fixtures in my kitchen fell simultaneously at exactly midnight. This was only the beginning of my haunting.

  Not much else happened until I was about eight and my step-dad moved in. Around this time I began to notice shadows moving when there was no light or people to cause them. When I told my mom she brushed it off as me not handling my step-dad moving in well.

  It only got worse as the years went by when I began hearing voices, whispers, and footsteps in the dead of night.

  The first time my mom left me alone at the house I heard footsteps going up and down the hall! I was all alone and at this time we had no pets.

  That very night I woke up to go to the bathroom and as I was walking into the bathroom I heard a deep voice say, "You'd better not." I spun around and saw nothing. I turned on the bathroom light and a shampoo bottle which had been in the tub fell to the floor as if from the ceiling! I ran back to my room terrified and I heard a woman's voice (which was not my mother's) shout, "What are you doing?!" I hid under my covers for the rest of the night.

  Also on several occasions my sister's bedroom light would turn on at night when she was at friends' houses. One night when I was asleep I heard whispering in my room and the light turned on by itself. The scariest part of this is that I was watching the light switch turn on by itself.

  The scariest of these events just happened about a year ago. For Christmas a few years ago my aunt gave me this amazing clock that would beep and light up when it sensed motion. It would also rock back and forth on its stand. I loved that clock, until about a year ago when the most terrifying experience of my life happened.

  One thing you should know about the clock is that it is extremely sensitive and will often beep and light up when the house settles so it's not strange to hear it go off at random times.

  Well one night about a year ago I was lying in bed, unable to sleep. I heard my clock go off by itself which I brushed off as the house settling which it did quite often. About a minute after it beeped the first time, it beeped a second time, and then a third. I turned over to face the desk on which the clock was lying and was horrified. The clock kept beeping over and over again as if someone was walking past it over an over again or waving their hand in front of it. I listened in horror as it beeped by itself at least 20 more times. *Beep beep* over and over again in a terrifying melody. Not only beeping, it was rocking back and forth on its stand! I just laid there hypnotized and frozen in fear. Suddenly after about two minutes, it just stopped. I buried my face in my pillow and cried out of fright.

  The incidents at my house just keep getting scarier. Almost every night I hear
whispering and footsteps outside of my door. I'll be happy when I finally move out in a few years and get away from this horrible place!

  Thirsty Ghost

  Corpus Christi, Texas

  About ten years ago, my mother lived in a very old house that was kind of secluded. We were not sure of the exact age, but it was built before the turn of the century.

  This house was two stories, and had a strange layout. On the upper level, there was what looked like a hidden door. One day my sister and I were exploring, and decided to look behind this small door. We found a narrow stairway that looked like it used to go down stairs, but had been closed up.

  There was still a remaining portion of the stairway leading up, and we followed it. This was a very weak and unstable set of stairs, which only had eight or so steps. It lead to yet another door, which opened to a long, narrow compartment. This compartment went in a circular pattern around the attic space. There were about three small makeshift doors throughout the compartment. We had no idea what it was for. My mother suggested maybe it was for storage.

  This house had always given me the creeps. I felt that something was wrong with it, and with the land on which it sat. The owner had bought the house, for what was owed in taxes, from the city. It had been vacant for some time, and he wanted to rent it out so that kids would quit partying out there.

  My mother felt drawn to the house; she said it had a feeling of timelessness. I thought it was just an old, ugly house that needed to be torn down. My mother had made a lot of repairs, which were needed.

  While cutting down the high grown weeds in back, my mother and brother found three mounds and what looked like remnants of old wooden crosses. At first, she thought nothing of it, as there were a lot of strange things about this land and the house.

  One strange thing was the addition that was added on and never quite finished; it was as if someone built it just to take up space. There were no finishings, only the floor, ceiling, and walls, and no plugs or outlets. This was odd, because you could tell that it was a recent addition, and there were outlets throughout the rest of the house. I never could go into that room. Every time I tried, I couldn't breathe and I felt that something dark was in there. My brother made the room into his hangout room. No matter how much light was in there, it always seemed dark.

  My brother suddenly quit going in there, and locked the door. He never said why, he just wouldn't go near there. That was about the time that things got active. There was always a feeling of unease there, along with the toilet that would flush by itself, the faucets that would run without being turned on, and the unidentifiable noises.

  One day, my little sister came running inside screaming. After we got her to calm down, all she said was, "She's dead." My brother went to investigate what she was talking about, and outside, not too far from the house, he yelled and kicked something.

  When we went outside, we found her cat had been decapitated. We thought that someone had done it to be hateful, but didn't know who would do such a thing.

  Later that night, my sister heard a man talking outside her window. She couldn't make out what was said, and when we searched, no one was found.

  Then everything seemed quiet for a while. Until one day, while my mother was doing dishes, she heard a little boy. She had heard his voice several times, but never saw him. He would always say, "Momma, I'm thirsty". At first, she thought it was my brother, and would tell him to get a drink. After realizing that no one was there, she finally came to ignore the voice.

  On this day, she not only heard him, but also heard the voice of a woman. My mother looked out the kitchen door, and there they stood. A little black boy, and what we think was his mother. He was crying and asking his mother for a drink while she was trying to pull him away, saying to him to be quiet or the master would beat him again.

  My mother was a woman who accepted the presence of spirits, so she was not too alarmed by this. She simply said that the boy could come in and have a drink. The woman said, “thank you ma'am,” and they disappeared. That is the only time she has seen them. After that encounter, the faucets quit coming on by themselves. There still was the presence that we can only describe as a hate-filled man.

  Shortly after a horrible experience, my mother moved out. About a month after moving, the house fell in. It is not understood why.

  I think it was probably vandals. But my mother believed otherwise. She also began to believe that those mounds in the back were graves. Possibly of the little boy and his mother.

  When checking around about the property, we learned that the original owner had been a slave owner who had treated his slaves badly. He would force them to go without food or water for long periods of time. This led us to believe, although it is not documented, that the little boy and his mother died due to this man's cruelty. We never did find out who or what killed my sister's cat. I try never to drive down that road where the house stood. I always get an eerie feeling whenever I pass the property.

  Three Bridges

  Edgewood, Texas

  There are so many stories of ghost encounters near or at the Three Bridges. My encounter is near it.

  Me and my two friends decided to go walking and it was already pretty late. The reason we did, I don't know? Lucy is a chicken, she was so scared of walking at night. So being the nice guy I am, acted like I saw someone in the woods by the road and they took off running, but stopped about 200 yards ahead of me watching me. I was just standing still looking in the woods, then I jumped back (I was at the edge of the road so when I jumped back I jumped in the trees, and I ran to the edge and came out, deciding joke's over.) So I looked down the road and there were Lucy and Emily walking in the opposite direction. I ran up to them and they stopped and looked at me.

  Their eyes, I don't know how to explain what they looked like, if that makes any sense, but what scared me the most was the smiles on their faces. It was not normal, they were demonic looking, and then I heard someone calling my name. I looked behind me to find Lucy and Emily looking in the woods and shouting my name. I looked back and no one was there with me.

  To this day I don't know what I saw, but I have never played a trick like that again, and I still feel like I'm being watched every where I go.

  The Lying Ouija Board

  San Antonio, Texas

  When my oldest daughter was fifteen and we were stationed on a base in Sembach Germany, I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt of us moving back to the U.S. into a dark, creepy looking house. As the dream progressed I saw different things. I saw myself trying to clean the house and crying because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get it clean. Then I saw a strange plaid jacket hanging on the coat tree in the foyer that had those old fashioned mirror tiles on the wall that reflected whoever came to the front door. The next part was the worst, with someone breaking in. I could hear them rummaging around in the other rooms and I was hiding in my bathroom. Suddenly they were trying to cut through the wall with a chainsaw. These people wanted to kill us. I knew it in my heart, but didn't know why. I realized the jacket I had seen earlier was my husband's and that it being there on the coat tree meant he was gone on military duty somewhere. He always left it there when he was gone.

  So in the dream I finally knew that I was alone in the house, the kids were at a bunking party at the youth center on base. As the intruders were sawing through the wall I managed to get out a sliding window and jumped onto a rooftop made up of tar and gravel. I jumped onto the pecan tree next to the roof and fell from its branches to the ground. Then I started running from the yard, and as I got to the corner of the front yard I saw the intruders coming after me. They ran under the low hanging limbs of a weeping willow tree.

  From all that happened in this dream, I knew it was a premonition dream. I've had premonition dreams my whole life, and I'm 55 years old.

  I told my teenage daughter about it and we both agreed that we would recognize the house in my dream and make sure we didn't move into it. But we had to return to the
States early due to my son having a mental illness called schizophrenia, that required him to be in a children's psychiatric hospital.

  We stayed on base in guest housing for over a month and then moved into a really nice house, nothing like the dream house (or should I say nightmare?). We had applied to buy the house but it failed the VA inspection so we couldn't get a loan. We were really in dire need of a new place to live since the owner gave us 30 days to move and we had to let prospective buyers in all the time. I was working nights and it was getting irritating to have to wake up, get dressed, and show the house, or answer the phone and talk to the realtor and arrange appointments. Try 30 days of strangers in and out at odd hours and you'd be in a rush to get out, too.

  A friend of mine had a friend who worked in rentals at Century 21 and she took us to see a lot of places. However, the nice ones were too expensive or too far from the base. We finally got a decent place and by this time that dream was the furthest thing from my mind.

  Regardless, this house started to make itself known. First I saw the coat on the coat tree exactly like the dream, and my husband was off in Turkey. So I took down the coat tree and boxed it up with yard sale stuff. Next I noticed how dark the dining room and den were with dark brown paneling, so I got some wallpaper to hang to lighten it up.

  Then our cook stove was full of grease from previous renters cooking on the griddle in the center and just letting the grease run into the rest of the stove as the drip pan was missing. So I tried and tried to get it clean, even dismantling it and soaking the parts in the bathtub. The main problem wasn't so much the grease, but every time I turned it on bugs came running out. I guess they lived in it because of the grease buildup. I cried and cried and finally got my oldest daughter's boyfriend to take the whole stove outside into the back yard. When he came in he mentioned there were a lot of pecans on the tree in the back yard. I hadn't known there was one back there.


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