Redneck Romeo (The Culture Blind Book 1)

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Redneck Romeo (The Culture Blind Book 1) Page 16

by Xavier Neal

  I adjust Lacey on my back at the same time she asks, “Aunty Carly, are you gonna take Uncle Dusty away from us?”

  The unexpected question delays my steps.

  “Lacey,” Lynette scolds.

  “He’s our favorite uncle,” Lyndsey states from her mother’s back.

  “What about Uncle Mike and Uncle David?” Lynette ponders.

  “Uncle Mike never makes us pancakes.” Lacey shakes her head. “Or gives us waffles with chocolate!”

  “Of course he doesn’t. He considers carbs the enemy.”

  “Uncle David is too fuzzy,” Lyndsey adds.

  I toss their mother a curious look.

  She simply shrugs. “I don’t know. He’s got hair like a grizzly bear. It’s just thick and a bit much. Can’t blame the girls on that one.”

  “And David is the one who works with Cody?”

  “Above Cody. He’s his boss.”

  Another uncomfortable cringe crosses my expression.

  “Yeah, tell me about it. Family dinners with him either go really well or really isshy.”


  She motions her head at the girls to indicate the odd word choice is an attempt at stifling her curses.

  Lacey’s chin lands on my shoulder. “Can you move here, Aunty Carly?”

  “Then we can have dance parties all the time!” Lyndsey declares.

  The hope in their voices is enough to trample away any trepidation about not being the one to move.

  We should be here. As much as I thought I’d hate the outdoors, it has its benefits. Putting aside my disgust and hatred for creepy crawly creatures, it’s quite peaceful. I got in too late last night for us to watch the sun set, but Dusty made sure we were up in time to see it rise from his front porch. And while I’ve seen it via video chat, it’s much more breathtaking in person. It was an awe-inspiring moment I’m not sure I could, in good conscience, rip someone away from experiencing every day. Then there was the drive out here, which was down bumpy back roads but had no traffic. I got to see deer, or at least I think they were deer, running freely. Dusty and I even sat in silence before we were joined by his family and simply listened to the water move. There’s so much I’ll miss about the big city. Chinese food at midnight. Dancing until 2 a.m. The ever changing artwork at the galleries….But all of that shit pales in comparison to what I’ll be gaining.

  Upon our arrival at our fishing spot, the guys erupt into laughter. The sight of seeing them together, laughing and bonding, further builds the need to tell him I’m the one going to move. Not sure exactly what I’ll do for work, but I’ve got enough savings to get me through until I do.

  Dusty catches a glimpse of me and his smile expands vastly. “Look at my favorite girls all together.”

  Lacey giggles. “Aunt Carly’s your favorite, too?”

  He lightly laughs. “Without a doubt.”

  “Then all your favorites should be together!” Lyndsey demands during her slide down to the ground.

  He tilts his head in question.

  “Oh, these little monsters have been trying to bully Carly into moving here.” She tosses a displeased glare at Cody. “Wonder where they got that from.”

  His hands fly into the air. “Not takin’ the blame for this one. Those girls have a mind all their own, you know that. They get it from you.”

  Her jaw hits the dirt floor though the rest of us laugh.

  Dusty strolls over and transfers Lacey from my grip to his. He pushes the fallen hair out of her face. “Whether Aunt Carly moves here or I move there, you and your sister will always be my favorite little girls. Got it?” She nods and drops her head onto his shoulder. At that point he looks over at Lyndsey who is snuggling up to Cody. “Got it?” She nods profusely too. “Good.”

  I wrap my arms around my lower stomach to stop myself from announcing they have nothing to worry about. It’s a conversation I know we should have first, but seeing their worried expressions has me wanting to erase them right now.

  Ugh. So glad Art doesn’t have kids yet. Not sure how I wouldn’t have spoiled them rotten.

  “We should get goin’ if we’re gonna make dinner,” Lynette sighs, the hint of irritation apparent in her voice.

  “Y’all stayin’ at momma’s tonight?” Dusty asks, adjusting Lacey on his hip.

  “We are,” Lynette points to her and the girls, “but Cody’s going back to the city. He’s gotta be on in the morning.”

  “So you’re not gonna be there for breakfast?” Dusty’s disappointment is dripping in his tone.

  Cody shakes his head slowly. “But ‘Nette will be. And the girls.”

  My boyfriend’s face remains unhappy.

  “It’ll be fine, Dusty,” he insists. “And if it’s not, then it is what it is. Won’t change how we feel about Carly.”

  Unmistakable dread drags itself down the back of my neck.

  Now I’m wondering if I severely underestimated what is heading my way tomorrow. From the identical tension both men are displaying, I’m beginning to gather his parents might put up a similar resistance to my own.

  “Come on, baby,” Dusty attempts to lighten his demeanor. “Let’s help ‘em load up the girls and then we can get goin’ too.”

  Packing everything while dealing with two crabby four-year olds proves to be a slightly difficult task. Their initial whining is easily ignored, but the increased complaints about walking and wanting to have dinner with us instead of grandma gets so out of control, Cody has to raise his voice in order for them to stop. Once they’re buckled in, rubbing their bleary green eyes, and displaying grouchy expressions, they wave goodbye to us, only smiling when Dusty promises them candy treats in the morning.

  As we watch them take off, I shake my head at him. “You know you can’t just promise our girls candy every time they get a little pissy.”

  “We’re not havin’ girls,” he instantly insists.

  I give him a pointed look. “Oh really? Do you possess some sort of special baby making technology you haven’t shared with the rest of the world yet?”

  Dusty lightly chuckles at the same time gives my ass a good squeeze. “Only sharin’ it with you.”

  His juvenile joke causes me to shake my head a second time.

  He loads the last cooler and prepares to shut the tailgate when I swiftly stop him. “Can we sit? You know, just watch the sun set?”

  A wide grin springs onto his face and he scoots over before helping me up.

  For a few moments we simply sit side by side in silence. Our legs are swinging. Our faces turned towards the colorful sky. Our hands lightly touching.

  My voice is barely above a whisper when I declare, “You can’t sacrifice all of this for me….”

  Dusty’s delay in response is as unexpected as the words that proceed it. “I’ve got an interview in Highland.”

  I let my jaw fall in surprise.

  “Better hours. Makes more money. They actually wanted me to have a management position based on my years of experience, but the company has an in-house promotional policy, so I’d have to wait for the next openin’. Which, accordin’ to the HR rep, could be within the next few months.”

  My mouth moves, yet not a sound graces us.

  “I’m not sacrificin’ anything, baby. I’m gainin’ more.” His eyes finally meet mine. “Better employment opportunities. More diverse culture for our kids….” He briefly pauses. “As much as I want them to have this, Carly, I want them to have what you had, too. I want us to take ‘em to art museums and historical places just as much as I want us to take ‘em out muddin’ and fishin’. I want ‘em to have the best of both worlds, baby, and I know that ain’t here. I also know I want them to experience life with a bit more acceptance. When I was in Highland there were mixed couples everywhere. No one seemed to mind. No one seemed to even care. They were jus’…people. People who were in love. People who were happy. And livin’ here…livin’ in this small town, our kids will never get that. They’ll be forc
ed to deal with hatred they shouldn’t have to…especially not when I could’ve prevented it by simply movin’ states.”

  Our fingertips loop around one another’s.

  “We’re movin’ to Middlebrook, Carly. I can have all of this there and peace of mind.”

  “What about the twins? And your bother?”

  He offers a crooked smirk. “The twins will love it out there. Besides, when we were kids, we never did a bunch of travelin’. All our family lived close by. I think it’ll be good for their kids and ours to have that experience.”

  Disbelief clings to my voice. “You’ve really thought this through.”

  “Haven’t you?”

  It’s my turn to smile. “Yeah. A multitude of times, but then I came here and spent time with Lyndsey and Lacey….And Lynette and Cody. And I guess I just feel like money can be made anywhere. Maybe it requires I get a new job. Perhaps one in which I can actually use the degree I got in college. Maybe I make less, but our kids would have more. More memories than I did growing up. More fun experiences with us. More chances to cultivate the family bond Art and I didn’t even have until a few years ago when my parents kicked him out….”

  Dusty releases a heavy sigh, wraps his arm around my lower back, and tugs me into him. “Why do I get the feelin’ this discussion on who’s movin’ where isn’t over?”

  My head lands on his arm. “Because I’m not sure it is.”

  He lightly chuckles. “Well, how about we put a cork in it for a few? Go back to the house. Get a shower together. Get dinner goin’….”






  “Ice cold.”

  “Can I drive your truck home?”

  His expression instantly transforms to skeptical. “Do you know the way home?”

  “Are you too buzzed to give me directions?”


  “Then I will know how to get back with your instructions.” I slide out of his grasp and down to the ground. Once I’m wedged between his legs, I hold my hands out for the keys. “Cough ‘em up, cowboy.”

  Dusty groans his uneasiness. “Swear to me you’ll be careful with her.”

  “I’m always careful.”

  “Then how do you explain the dings on that little sports car you rip around your city in?”

  “Those aren’t my fault.”

  “Oh, they’re not?” He doesn’t bother hiding his snicker. “Not even the one I saw you create when you backed into the post in that parkin’ lot?”


  Dusty laughs louder at the same time he removes the keys from his pocket. “Like I said, swear to me you’ll be careful with her.”

  “Starting to wonder if you love this truck more than me.”

  His body leans in forward as he coos, “I don’t love anything more than you, baby.”

  A sweet smile slides onto my face seconds before our lips lock. The kiss which I intended to be short and chaste quickly turns long and deep. Dusty’s hand curls around the nape of my neck while his tongue affirms the words he just spoke. I helplessly whimper at the rough sensation and wind my fingers around the edge of his t-shirt. My fingers skim across the skin right above his jeans, faltering his movements. The brief loss of his mouth encourages mine to explore other areas. I steal a nip of his jawbone line. A swipe of the side of his neck. Tease his taut chest and nipples with nibbles hard enough to stimulate but not completely satisfy. By the time I’m pushing him backwards to undo his khaki shorts, he’s panting hard in anticipation. The combination of his heavy breathing and our seclusion spurs my own actions into becoming savage. Wild. Unabashed. Despite my swift nature, my movements seem to drag. I can’t get his shorts down fast enough. Can’t move his boxers from obstructing my view. Can’t lap up the pre-cum before it drips down to the base. It’s not until the tip of his cock is easing its way towards the back of my throat that I feel even remotely pacified.

  “Damn, baby,” Dusty huskily growls, fingers knocking the hat off of my head to let themselves lock into my hair.

  I groan at the compliment and hollow my cheeks. His body responds with an immediate shutter, followed promptly by a harsh yank forward. The aggressive reaction receives another heady groan as I relax my throat to let him slide in further. I begin a slow, steady bobbing that seduces his hips into joining the rhythm. With each taste, I grow greedier and boisterously suck. His cock swells against my tongue, and the way his groans transform into something animalistic increases my efforts to wrench him over the edge of ecstasy. He thrusts unforgivingly, hissing in a mixture of pleasure and pain when my teeth lightly skim his dick. Spit slips slowly down his balls and one of my hands rushes to bathe them in it. Another tremble tears through him, hinting at the treasure I’m impatiently chasing. My mouth constricts in unison with my hand, and Dusty’s cock surrenders everything it’s been keeping from me in long, searing streams.

  “Swallow,” he ferociously howls towards the sky. “Swallow it all, baby.”

  Like an addict determined to overdose, I gorge on the creamy reward, only ceasing my sucking when he tugs me away from the now sensitive area.

  An arrogant smile stomps its way onto my face as I stand all the way up. “Your truck can’t do that.”

  Dusty’s heaving chest starts to shake on a chuckle. “No, baby. She definitely can’t do that….”

  Our shared laughter joins the beautiful sounds of the early night.

  Where we live is starting to matter less and less. The only thing we both really give a shit about is being together. Come to think about it, that’s where our heads have been since day one. Hopefully, after an easy breakfast with his parents, we will finally be able to decide once and for all exactly when our fantasy will become a reality.

  Chapter Twelve


  Every mornin’ should begin with the sound of my woman moanin’ my name.

  “Dusty,” Carly’s voice quivers as does the rest of her body. “So close….”

  I hold her hips tighter and continue to viciously pound. She bucks wildly on top of me. Pulls her own hair. Squeezes her own tits. Grits her teeth while skirting the line of too much yet not enough. The sight of her so free and so consumed by her hunger for me tightens my nuts to the brink of pain. All of a sudden, her voice breaks in sync with her body. Her pussy relentlessly drowns my cock in wave after wave of wetness. The muscles rapidly contract, calling out to my cock to let go. I’m barely able to deliver one last thrust before my orgasm is rushing out to meet hers. We groan in gratification while our fingers folds themselves together, desperate to leave no part of us unanchored.

  Carly collapses on top of my chest with a heavy thud. “Who needs coffee when you can start your day with coming?”

  A laugh covered in pride pours out of me. “When we live together, baby, I will gladly be your caffeine replacement.”

  She snickers and lifts her chin up. “Then we’re gonna have to wake up a helluva lot earlier than we do now.”

  My hand slides over to give her cheek a stroke. “We’ll adjust, baby. Learnin’ new steps is what we do.”

  The sight of her sweet smile seduces mine into staying.

  It’s the absolute truth. Whether we make a life here or there, we’ll both adjust. I think that’s what everyone forgets about us. From the moment we started this crazy adventure, we found ways to meet in the middle even when the middle seemed impossible. Guess that’s jus’ the kinda thing you do for love.

  “We should probably shower. I don’t think we should be late to your parents’ house.”

  “Then you might wanna skip the shower.”

  “Ugh. No. I am not meeting your mother for the first time smelling like sex and her son’s sweat.”

  I slyly snicker. “I think you smellin’ like me is the best thing in the world. In fact, I think you should smell like that every day.”

  “Bet you do,” Carly
mumbles and slips away from me.

  After the two of us share a quick shower to save on time and change into summer attire that’s still appropriate for breakfast, we’re in my truck headed towards what I’m sure will turn out to be a great day.

  “I really like this song,” Carly coos in between singing the chorus. “I mean, I know it’s kind of a sad song, but it’s still sweet….Can heart break songs be romantic?”

  Her question receives a chuckle.

  “Not to mention I think Kenny Chestnut is super sexy. Almost Cooper level of sexy.”

  I turn onto the road that leads to my parents’ property. “First of all, it’s Kenny Chesney. He’s a country singer not somethin’ you roast on an open fire.”

  Carly gives me a snarky sneer.

  “Second of all, new rule in this relationship. You are not allowed to call other men sexy while sittin’ in my truck.” Shaking my head, I toss her another scold. “It jus’ ain’t right, baby.”

  The sound of her giggles makes it impossible for me not to smirk.

  “Let me just get this straight. You can play all the country music you want in this truck, but I can’t comment on the people singing it?”

  “No. You just can’t drool over the people singing it. At least not in my truck. This is a sacred place.”

  Carly erupts into more laughter. “What about Carrie Underwood? I think she’s kinda hot. Can I drool over her in the truck?”

  A grumble festers in the back of my throat. “Now, you’re purposely messin’ with two different emotions, and I don’t appreciate that.”

  She continues to snicker as I pull into the driveway beside Lynette’s SUV. Once we’re officially parked her joy is swiftly replaced by fear. Our eyes meet and she whispers, “What if they hate me, Dusty?”

  “They won’t.” When I notice my argument doesn’t provide any comfort, I unbuckle my seatbelt and lean across the middle to plant a soft kiss on her lips. Her body noticeably relaxes. “Everything’s gonna be fine, baby. Trust me.”


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