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by Enid Titan

  First Contact Captives: Soren

  Enid Titan

  Enid Titan Romance


  Copyright © 2020 by Enid Titan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover designed by Enid Titan Designs

  [email protected]

  Created with Vellum

  To my readers. Thank you for the support and encouragement along the way. - E.T.

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  “First Contact Captives: Vidar” FREE.

  ⚠️Content Awareness: this book has hot alien/human s*x in every position you can imagine. Sucking, good ole f*cking and hot alien/human anal. This alien has an alien cock, alien horns and a tail used for unspeakable things.

  Be prepared for an alien that looks, talks and fucks like an alien.

  This is not your teenager’s romance novel. It’s hot, sexual, and for mature women ONLY.

  OK, normal content awareness continued for: some violence, mention of abuse and domestic violence which is not graphic, but mentioned, hot and heavy anal, horned and horny aliens, strong language, frequent use of erotic vocabulary, copious amounts of dominant alien/submissive human sex in every position imaginable, pussy eating, alien anal and content for grown folks only.

  Seriously if you are under 18+ GTFO or I’m telling ya mama!

  Also by Enid Titan

  In chronological order:

  Short Stories

  Virgin Earthling

  The Alpha Quadrant Series




  First Contact Captives: An Alpha Quadrant Series

  First Contact Captives: Vidar

  First Contact Captives: Kronos

  First Contact Captives: Soren (You Are Here)

  Vortha Gifted Academy

  Wicked Telepaths

  Bonded Telepaths

  Blue Alien Savage King Chronicles

  Pregnant For The Blue Alien Savage King

  Baby For The Blue Alien Savage King

  Mated To The Blue Alien Savage King (Coming Soon)



  1. Observation

  2. Soren of Tau

  3. She Will Know The Pine

  4. Survival

  5. Nadia Meets Me

  6. Nadia Nurses Me

  7. Mammalian Breasts

  8. Tight Mammalian Sex

  9. I cum in it and it's mine

  10. Nadia’s Mistake

  11. My Nadia

  12. Nightmares

  13. I lick it and it’s mine

  14. Where Will You Go?

  15. Why I Came To Die

  16. I’m Going To Fuck Your Ass

  17. I Like You Begging

  18. Meow!

  19. Your Terran Gods

  20. Did She Eat Pickle?

  21. Exactly What To Say

  22. To The Stars My Love


  An Invitation

  Free Sample: Devor

  1. Late Summer ‘95

  Free Sample | First Contact Captives: Vidar

  1. The Basement

  Free Sample | Wicked Telepaths

  1. New Earth

  About the Author


  Broadcast To The Alliance

  Ambassador Ramses of Ogneb, Aries

  Outlined are the final 5 steps of our First Contact plan with the alien planet Terra I, known as “Earth” to its inhabitants. Every government shall send a report detailing the physiological, genetic, and anatomical data about their selected specimen before launch day in 14 planet rotations.

  (1) Select an alien specimen well suited to enduring multiple alien environments not limited to temperatures of 0 degrees Celsius and 100 degrees Celsius. Specimens should expect harsh testing by the primitive species during captivity.

  (2) Selected specimens shall be launched into Earth’s atmosphere on their assigned due dates and capsules should land within 400 meters of major scientific labs dedicated to studying astronomy or extraterrestrial life.

  (3) Specimens should be trained to induce captivity if humans appear unwilling or terrified to capture them.

  (4) While in captivity, specimens will begin making scientific observations about human behavior and are expected to explore every aspect of human behavior possible.

  (5) When enough data has been collected after a period of 1/2 solar rotation (six Terran months) on Terra I, specimens will return to their home planet and send detailed reports to Alliance representatives.

  Once these reports have been received, affiliated members of The Alliance will decide the best way to induce official First Contact with the primitive world.




  I watch her from my position in the trees. How my mission has led me here has always been a bit of a blur. When my orders changed, I did not think to question them.

  Now, stuck in this wet tree in this damp-aired place, more than a few complaints cross my mind. My tail hangs over the branch, swinging back and forth as I watch the Terran closely.

  She dresses almost like our women. A long cut of purple fabric wraps around her head and cinches at the neck, covering her hair from my view. She gets down on her knees in the garden and picks through green plants. I note everything in my log. Regular human life. My assignment is to document rural life. The Terrans are unprepared for alien conquest entirely.

  Two bands of Taurean raiders could easily subdue a village of this size, with houses so far apart.

  Nadia. Her name is Nadia. She picks weak, useless plants from the garden and fills a basket with them as I watch from the trees. If that brute comes near her, this time I will intervene. My orders were to do the opposite.

  But I cannot watch my subject endure him any longer. He is her mate or a more casual acquaintance and he rules over her with an iron fist worthy of the most brutish, criminal, Taurean senator.

  He beats her nightly. From my tree I hear her screams and their arguing. They live in a house so big with a vast space between their home and the neighbors. None can hear her but me. And I do nothing to stop it. I want to. But how would she respond?

  On this primitive world, they do not know of alien life. And I am no Devoran. A proud soldier of planet Tau, I stand at an impressive 7 feet with wide horns and a long barbed tail. She would see a monster, not a protector.

  And she does not know that I have been watching. That I know her. But I have seen her through her window as she removes her scarf. I know her hair is blue, dyed the same color as a tropical ocean. I know that when he leaves is the only time she smiles. I know that one day I will rescue her the way I could not rescue…

  I hear his growling voice snap, “NADIA! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!”

  My body tenses from the trees. I cling to a branch and swing down to the ground, landing on my feet and crouching behind a giant shrub. The earth here is too damp.

  I miss the desert. I miss chowing on crunchy grubs instead of these soft sickening worms I am forced to eat. I always have known that military service is supposed to challenge me.

  But now I am not interested in being challenged. I yearn for death. I yearn for my life to end on a battlefield. I yearn to meet the one I have lost.

  Nadia, that soft alien creature I am charged with observing, is the only thing that has brought me close to forgetting my death wish although I have not forgotten. She pretends that she doesn't hear his voice and remains outside. She wipes her hands on the apro
n over her clothes. She dresses more modestly than most human females. It is the only reason I can control myself around her. I have the drug, given to me by my general, but I need not use it.

  The brute exits their home and grabs her by the wrist. My pupils turned to slits and hot blood courses beneath the rugged ridges of my shoulders and pumps rage into my chest. Tonight the brute is lucky because he chooses not to hit her. He drags her inside, and for once; I do not hear her screaming. I hear nothing and I am alone once more. I crawl back to my ship, tucked away in the woods half a mile away from their home. I file my daily report and prepare myself for a spot of sleep. I do not sleep too much and I do not sleep well. I haven't slept well since I lost…

  A creature emerges from the woods. A strange furry thing with a damp black nose and antlers that nearly rival my horns. I snort, hoping to scare the thing away, but it approaches me.

  “What do you want beast?”

  The creature does not respond,, but neither does it run away. I growl, and it behaves as if it doesn't fear me. I could snap its neck easily except mammals are useless as food. I charge it, and finally it runs. I’m alone once more and this time, I can appreciate it.

  I nestle into the earth near my ship, the damp soil soothing the scaled ridges of my back and shoulders. I have not swung a blade in three months. All I do is watch as Nadia and the brute grow more entangled in their daily warfare. Why does she not run away from him? Where are her strong brothers to chase this brute away from her? On Tau, no decent man would treat a woman like that.

  Women need protecting. At least from the sun. My sisters could all best me with a blade. With translucent skin sensitive to our powerful scarlet sun, our females llive underground and in safety. The Terrans allow men to hurt their women — a brutality typically reserved only for powerful senators on our homeworld who disregard the law. I find it strange.

  The cool Earth soothes my skin, although I find my scales do not dry as easily on this planet. My mission has softened in tone to where I fear no death will come for me. I must live without her, without peace, only with guilt.


  Soren of Tau

  She stays at home all day. The next day, I am pleased that her mate has not hurt her any further. I check my instruments, readily take down data and then file reports. I return to my tree afterwards so I can watch her closely again. Nadia is beautiful. I never thought I would find an alien female beautiful.

  She has olive-toned skin, blue hair that she keeps covered, and eyes that are an incredible shade of hazel. They are nearly yellow like mine, but not quite. When the brute leaves, sometimes she takes a communication device from her apron and she speaks on the phone for hours. She lies to whoever she talks to, but I don't blame her. She fears the brute. Today, I have filed another request to ask permission to rescue her. I am sure that the general will deny me again. I am not supposed to interfere in alien affairs, even if those alien affairs include a brute beating a defenseless female within an inch of her life.

  I promise myself that no matter what they say, the next time he lay his hands on her I will rescue her. Perhaps I should introduce myself before then. I have watched her for long enough and sometimes I get the sense that she knows I am watching. Her gaze will dart over her shoulder, or she will look toward the tree. Given my shimmering green skin tone, I blend in easily with the leaves and I can still my swishing tail so she will not notice me.

  After a long conversation on her communication device with someone I believe to be her sister, I cannot control myself any longer. I want to be close to her. I want to introduce myself to her. I want to feel like more than a hunter stalking prey. I want her to know that I am a soldier, and I was capable of love. I want her to know that I will die before I let this man take her life. Even if I am large and monstrous, I like to think she would accept me. I leap out of the tree and crouch on the ground, moving low with military stealth. I am so close to her, hiding behind a large evergreen that stinks of sharp pine. She looks over her shoulder, her eyes wide and panicked.

  "Is someone out there?"

  I hold my breath and slow my breathing.

  "If some creep is watching me expose yourself. I'm armed, you know."

  I do not want to chuckle and betray my position. She might have weapons, but I am a 7 foot tall Taurean soldier. No primitive weapon that she could own would hurt me. Not unless she were skilled with it and fast.

  My camouflage works effectively because she races inside her house, and I hear her lock the door. So this time, introducing myself has failed once more. But I am closer to her. I am closer to letting her know that I have watched her. I have protected her. On nights when it got bad, I would make a sound outside and distract her husband. I would slow him down in traffic as he drove to her home. I have watched her and kept her safe and I will continue.

  I remind myself to be patient. I remind myself that to let her know my presence will compromise my mission on planet Earth. I remind myself that even if I get to know her, I will still be in hot pursuit of what I truly want: an end.

  I may not be old by Taurean standards, but for a soldier, I have lived a long life. Five years at the military Academy and 15 years in the field. I am tired of fighting. I am tired of the loss. If I can see if Nadia, I can die in peace knowing that I have paid my debts to this universe, and that is even if I could not save her, I could save someone. I could save Nadia.

  In the night, her mate retires early and Nadia leaves the house. I watch her amble into the darkness and I wonder if she plans to run away from him tonight. She has no bag for her belongings, nothing but the clothes on her back, covering most of her skin, and the fabric covering her hair.

  “Hello?” She calls into the darkness and her silky voice whispers to me on the breeze. I reach for the vial of medicine to suppress my urge to seek her scent. Not now. Never. I cannot have her in that way.

  “Hello? I know there’s some little guy out there. I’m not afraid of you.”

  She is not afraid of me now, but she would be. I am no ‘little guy’. I would terrify her. I cannot lose how I imagine her, the sweetness in her voice, her tenderness with the plants, the softness of her skin. I cannot lose that image by revealing myself and allowing her to fear me. My tail swishes as I crouch near her house. If she comes any closer, she might make out my form, ducking behind a leafy bush.

  “Whoever you are, if you’re hungry, I’ll leave some food out, okay?”

  She sets a ceramic bowl on the grass and returns indoors. I wait for the house to go dark before I approach the bowl. There’s some meat in it, smelly mammal meat. She must think I am a cat. I know cats… I met one of those foul creatures my first day on Terra.

  Feisty little thing with claws and a yowl that nearly exposed my position. I tracked the little monster for days only to find out Terrans believe these creatures domesticated. Humph. Not by my impression of them.

  I return to sleep alone, regretting that I did not introduce myself to Nadia. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. I will find my bravery. She will meet the one who watches: Soren of Tau.


  She Will Know The Pine

  The brute leaves Nadia for three nights. He locks her in their home and there are bars on the windows so she can't get out. On the first night, I do not see her in the garden and I assume the worst has happened to her. I get close to the house and scale the wall and peer into her bedroom to see her sobbing. She does not wear her scarf when she is alone, and she sheds the modest clothing.

  I sniff the vial in my pocket, but I cannot help stare at the tattoos that cover her body. There are two sides to Nadia — the one who belongs to the brute and the one who belongs to herself. She doesn't see me and this is not the way a soldier should behave so I scurry away. I am supposed to be observing her, not encroaching on her space.

  The general has sent me a message. Under no circumstances am I to disturb Nadia. Under no circumstances am I to help her escape. I find his ruling to be cruel and unfair. Perhaps she will find a w
ay out on her own.

  On her first full day alone, she dedicates herself to leaving the house. From the tree where I usually watch, I can hear her footsteps pounding up and down the wood. I can hear on the phone whispering.

  "He's gone crazy. I don't know what to do."

  Her day ends in frustration. The brute spends much effort to keep her in prison. She is more of a captive on her home world than I am. I yearn to make first contact, but it isn't safe. Maybe if she escapes, I can offer my help to her. I might get away with it then. But now, if she is not in any immediate danger, I cannot justify disobeying the general's orders.

  I explore some forests behind her house. I come across many strange creatures, including another cat. This one is orange and hisses when it sees me. By the evening time, the two of us cuddle together. I let the orange cat go when I hear its mistress calling for it. It scampers off with a little squealing mew.


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