Woman of the House: A Dark MMF Romance

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Woman of the House: A Dark MMF Romance Page 9

by Abby Angel

  Natalie stares at me, her blue eyes brewing a storm. She's refusing to hear a fucking word I say.

  "I think you should be ready to not get everything you want," she says with finality, and without allowing me to get another word in, I watch as she turns on her heels, and walks away. I stand on the sidewalk, watching her hair dance in the tendrils of the wind, giving me a mocking wave.


  I look out across the sidewalk, at the throngs of people shuffling across the intersection, and I decide to go back to my apartment. There's no fucking sense chasing after her right now. Right now, I need to decide what to do about Sloane.

  I dig into my pocket and take out my cell phone. I text my driver, and he immediately responds, letting me know he's on his way and will be here in a few minutes.

  Just as I'm about to shove my phone back into my suit pocket, I see a new text, and this time it's not from my driver. It's from a name that puts my mind into overdrive.


  What does my ex want?

  I click the message, and realize it's a group text. I begin to read it.

  "We all need 2 have dinner tomorrow nite. 6pm. The Oak Room. I've made reservations."

  Great, I think sarcastically. Fucking wonderful.



  I look at my smartphone as I climb out of the taxi, realizing that I’m already half an hour late. Crap! I bet they’re already at the restaurant, and I really didn’t want to be the last one in today. Oh well, there’s nothing I can do now.

  I stroll inside of The Oak Room with my head held high, ready to face the scrutiny of my oh-so-friendly family. Perhaps I shouldn’t have brought this dress, low cut and tight fitting, but I couldn’t help myself. Sloane and Drake are going to be here, and I have to dress to impress. Besides, my mother hardly approves of anything I do, so why bother?

  The three of them are sitting at a table on the far end of the room, and that’s where I head to. “Sorry I’m late, the traffic was --”

  “Of course you’re late,” my mother tells me, turning her bright eyes toward me. Her lips are pursed, and there’s a frown on her face; she hates people who are late with a passion, and I guess that hate extends to her own daughter.

  “Well, you know me,” I shrug, taking my place at the table without looking at either Drake or Sloane. I don’t want them to think I’m playing favorites.

  “I do know you, Natalie,” she says with a faux sigh, and I almost expect to add an ‘unfortunately’ at the end of her sentence. That’s my mother, always eager to praise her daughter. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate my mother; it’s just that she’s hard to love.

  God, I need a drink.

  I reach for the bottle of red wine sitting on the table and fill my glass. I take a gulp out of the wine, it’s oaky flavor coating my tongue, and take a deep breath. Let’s see what this is all about.

  “So, why are we here, mom? Did I forget your birthday or something?” I ask her, already aware that whatever’s coming has to be important. After all, why would she even want her stepson and ex-husband here? Mom has never been the kind of woman to cherish her loved ones, and besides, I don’t think there’s any love lost between her and Drake anyway.

  “Don’t be silly, Natalie,” she says in that scolding tone of hers, the way my name rolls out of her lips making me feel like a child again. Not a good feeling. “I wanted you all here because I have an important announcement to make. Since you’re family, I thought you should be the first ones to know.”

  Yeah, right, I think to myself. My mother would've never called us here if she didn’t want something out of us. Perhaps she wants a piece of my company as well? No, it can’t be that; she’s Lady Decency through and through (or at least that’s what she wants everyone to think), and she’d never go near something as racy as my company. Her loss, really. I think that if she bought a few of my toys she’d stop being so uptight. Ugh, I can’t believe I’m saying this about my own mother.

  “So?” Drake asks from the other end of the table, he has his elbows there, and his fingers are laced in a patient posture; still, everything in him tells me that he’d rather be anywhere but here with his ex-wife. “Out with it, Linda.”

  I look from him to my mother, and I swear I can almost see the hint of a grin creeping up on her lips. Instead, she just flashes him a humble smile and looks around the table, her gaze going from Drake to Sloane, and then from Sloane to me. I can tell she’s taking her time, allowing the tension to rise before she finally makes her dramatic revelation. She always had a flair for drama.

  “I’m going to run for mayor,” she finally says, the words hanging in the air like grey clouds.

  “Mayor? But Michael Anders has been your friend for --”

  “This isn’t about Mayor Anders or about me. This is about New York and what’s best for the city,” she cuts me off, her explanation so cold I can almost feel the temperature in the room dropping.

  Michael Anders has been the mayor for as long as I remember, and my mother always loved to brag about her friendship with the ‘humble and devoted mayor’, as she liked to call him whenever we had guests at our house. I guess that friendship’s over then.

  “Yeah, and what the fuck does that have to do with me?” Sloane suddenly chimes in, reaching for the glass of whisky in front of him and downing the whole thing at once. “Did you just call us here to wish you good luck?”

  “No, not at all,” my mom replies, and this time there’s a smile on her face. She looks almost ten years younger now, and I have a glimpse of what she looked like when she was my age. Blonde and fair-skinned, she was part of the New York elite, dazzling the whole city with how beautiful she was.

  She still looks good for her age, but there are a few wrinkles showing up on her face now. The lines are barely perceptible, though, but I can tell that not one of them is the result of excessive smiling. To my mother, a smile and a laugh were merely tools to get whatever she wanted. And, oh boy, did she know how to laugh and smile; I guess she just never did it enough for it to show on her face.

  “I called you here,” she starts after one of her dramatic silences, “because I need you all to put forth your best behavior.” Her gaze turns to me, and I feel a knot in my stomach. I don’t like where this is going, not one bit.

  “It’s not like we’re savages, mom,” I tell her, but she just waves my comment away, her smart eyes locked on mine.

  “I need you to sell your company, Natalie,” she finally tells me, the words hitting me at full force. I look back at her, completely stunned. Does she realize what she’s asking? She wants me to give up my business? To throw away all my ambitions, dreams, and success? And all this because she wants to be mayor. That’s rich.

  “No,” I reply flatly, pursing my lips and staring her down. No way I’m going to get rid of Dirty ‘Lil Angels; that company’s my life. And besides, I’m working on a new prototype that’s going to turn my company into a veritable contender in the business arena. All I need is to roll my profits into development and secure the right investment, and now that both Drake and Sloane are vying for my attention, that seems more and more like a sure thing.

  “She’s right, you know?” Drake cuts in, leaning back in his chair and looking at my mother with one arched eyebrow. “You can’t pop out of nowhere and ask us to change our lives just because you want to play politics.”

  “Do you think this is a game, Sloane?” she asks him, turning to him so fast it almost seems supernatural. “I’m begging you, all of you… I can’t afford to have my family involved in any kind of scandal,” she continues, but I know she isn’t begging; she’s ordering us to play nice. Or else.

  “I won’t be courting any kind of scandal… It’s not on my schedule,” I say, more and more pissed off with her. “But there’s no way I’m getting rid of my company.”

  “You will make that company go away,” she replies, staring me down with her icy eyes. “It needs to happen, whether
you like it or not, Natalie, and in the end it’s what’s better for you.”

  “Don’t presume to know what’s better for me!” I cry out, jumping out from my seat and staring right back at her. A few heads are turning toward us, but I don’t care. But there’s someone who cares.

  “Lower your voice, for God’s sake!” My mom hisses, conscious that we’re slowly becoming the center of all attention. Realizing that the situation is getting out of control, she grabs her purse and goes up to her feet. “Think it over, Natalie. We’ll talk about it later,” she tells me, and then turns on her heels and bolts out of the restaurant, walking with an elegant and poised gait that just pisses me off even more.

  “She’s fucking nuts,” Sloane breathes out, watching her leave the restaurant with an amused expression on his face. Clearly, everything that Linda said went right by him.

  “Hey, she’s still your stepmother,” Drake scolds him, and Sloane straightens up in his chair, the tension rises between the two of them.

  “It’s not like she fucking acts like it,” he starts, and I realize I have to stop this before everything spins out of control. Yeah, what a lovely family reunion.

  “Well, maybe it’s your fault. Maybe if you didn’t behave like a child all of the time, people would respect you more.”

  “Respect? You’re just jealous of what happened between Natalie and I,” he shoots at Drake, balling his hands into fists.

  “I’m not the one trying to impress her right now. Your bad boy act isn’t working, Sloane.”

  If they keep going like this they might end up trading punches. That’s what my mother accomplished; she warned us to avoid scandal and now here we are, ready for a boxing match at The Oak Room.

  “STOP IT!” I cry out, slamming both my hands on the table and looking from one to the other. “This has gone too far, and it stops this very moment,” I tell them, my words as solid as concrete. “Here’s what I’m going to do; I’m going to get us a room right now, and you have two options. One, you stay right here and fight like kids. Two, you come with me and we stop all this nonsense.” Taking a move out of my mom’s playbook, I let my words hang in the air while I pause dramatically, and only then continue. “Your choice.”

  I turn on my heels and head out of the restaurant, walking straight toward the hotel on the other side of the street. This insanity stops now.



  They follow after me like lost puppies, their hesitant but eager footsteps echoing in the hallway. Without looking back them, I grab the magnetic key card and press it against the magnetic reader on the door. The lock makes a barely noticeable sound and I push the door open, stepping inside the room and finally turning to them.

  “You can’t be serious, Natalie,” Drake starts, standing side by side with Sloane. There’s lust and desire in their faces but, underneath all that, there’s also a kind of restless anxiety. It’s almost funny—two men like them acting all nervous around a petite woman like me.

  “Oh, but I’m serious, daddy,” I purr, taking one step toward the two of them. I’m nervous too, you know? I don’t know what got into me to bring the two of them up here. But now that I’ve done it, it looks like the best decision I’ve ever made in my entire life. Because, really, why choose between slices when you can have the whole cake?

  “Natalie, you --” Sloane chimes in, but I raise my hand and press one finger against his lips, shutting him up.

  “I think there has been enough conversation for one night, wouldn’t you say?” I ask them, running my tongue between my lips. I place one hand on Drake’s chest, and the other on Sloane’s; my fingers trail down their button-up shirts, and they only stop when they find their belts.

  Turning my wrist around, I flatten the palm of both hands against their crotches and grin. They’re already hard, their thick shafts pulsing against my fingers.

  “You agree with me then,” I continue to say, softly squeezing both their cocks. I was already wet when I got up from the table, but now it seems like a dam has burst between my thighs. My thong is completely drenched now, and it’s sticking to my skin in such a way that I have to stop myself from sliding it down my legs.

  “This is fucking insane,” Sloane says, but his voice is charged with an almost electric tension, each of his words making his cock harden even more.

  “It is… And that’s why I want to do it,” I tell him, looking from him to Drake. Letting go of their cocks, I take my hands back to their chests and smile, closing my eyes and throwing my head back. I wait for a second—a second that seems to stretch into eternity—but then I feel a set of lips brushing against my neck. And then another.

  “See, it’s easy,” I whisper, opening up my eyes to see both men leaning into me, kissing the smooth skin of my neck. Drake is the first to come even closer, placing one hand on my waist, but Sloane follows him shortly after.

  Moving in unison, they take their hands to my shoulder and push the straps of my dress down my arms. I sigh heavily as I feel the fabric sliding down my skin, and they keep on pulling until the dress is all bunched up around my waist.

  Grinning, I tangle my fingers in Drake’s hair and then move fast, crushing my mouth against his. My lips linger on his for a couple of seconds, but then I pull back and do the same with Sloane, our tongues dancing around one another.

  With both their flavors lingering in my mouth, I take one step back and look at them, my heart kicking and pushing against my chest. My God, I’m so horny right now. My eyes wander to their strong frame and, for a moment, I don’t know who I want the most. But that’s just me being silly; I brought them both here precisely because I can’t choose between them.

  “I’m all yours,” I whisper, taking my hands behind my back and unhooking my bra. I push the straps down, biting on my lower lip as I feel the cups dropping over my tits. My skin prickles as my nipples finally break free from their cage, and I let the bra slip off my fingers and fall onto the floor.

  “You’re mine,” Drake says in a low tone, taking one step toward me.

  “Mine,” Sloane repeats, once against standing shoulder to shoulder with our stepdad.

  “Be nice and share, boys,” I purr, reaching for Drake and unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. I then turn to Drake and do the same with his shirt, un-tucking it from his pants with a harsh tug. “There’s no other option,” I add, grabbing at their shirts and pulling suddenly, all the buttons popping out and scattering around the floor like fleeing mice.

  Sighing heavily, I press my hands on their stomachs, feeling the grooves and hard lines of their glorious abs. My insides clench as I feel the warmness of their skin, my pussy so wet that my fluids have already fled past my thong and are now dripping down my legs.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard,” Sloane says all of a sudden, tangling his fingers on my hair and then kissing me. Drake says nothing, but he reaches for my dress and pushes it down my legs, leaving me only in my wet lace thong.

  “And so am I,” Drake finally says, his eyes burning into mine with unbridled fury.

  “I’m right here,” I whisper at them, and they grab me by the waist and push on my body until the backs of my knees are against the edge of the bed. I let them push me down onto the bed, and I lay on top of the mattress, looking up at them as anxiety washes over me—the sweet kind of anxiety, mind you.

  They climb on top of the bed like hungry lions, tall flames of lust dancing in their eyes. They lay down by my side, each one of them cupping one breast, and I arch my back and let out one loud moan, the sound of it caressing my throat and exploding into the air.

  Sloane takes his mouth into mine, kissing me and pulling my bottom lip between his teeth. At the same time, Drake starts kissing me up my stomach, his mouth patiently making the hike up the curve of my left breast before he finally wraps his lips around my hard nipple.

  “Ahh,” I breathe out, closing my eyes and drowning into an ocean of pleasure and anticipation. I can’t believe tha
t this is actually happening. When I dared them to come after me, I felt like I was in a dream, watching everything unfold as if I were a mere spectator. But now, laying on this bed with them by my side… It feels real, very real. And it couldn’t be any more perfect.

  Nibbling at my nipple, Drake takes his hand to my right breast and squeezes it harshly, my flesh molding to his fingers. Grabbing Sloane by the hair, I push him down until he’s level with my breasts, and then I pull him into me. His mouth goes straight for my right breast, and I moan hard as both men suck and lick my nipples, their tongues working me furiously.

  I feel one hand—I don’t know whose—sliding down my stomach, fingertips brushing over my naked skin, and then that hand presses down on the wetness between my thighs. I gasp as two fingers press on my pussy, my insides burning up.

  “Oh God,” I moan again, arching my back as desire takes over me. Drake takes his mouth out from my breast and looks into my eyes, lust flickering there, and I realize that it’s his hand on my pussy. “Your mouth… I want it on me,” I whisper, and his only response is a wide grin.

  He starts kissing my body in a downward line, his lips sliding down to my stomach and only stopping when they meet my thong. Moving seductively, he bites on the fabric and pulls on it, taking it off me with his teeth. I exhale sharply as I feel the cool air of the room lapping at my now naked pussy, and Drake throws my thong to the side, his eyes focused on my wetness.

  “I want it,” I repeat with a whisper, and Drake lays his lips above my left knee. He lays gentle kisses on my leg, each one of them closing in on my inner thigh. I spread my legs by instinct and he positions himself right between them, his tongue now caressing my groin.


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