Uninhibited: Alex's Awakening Part 1

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Uninhibited: Alex's Awakening Part 1 Page 1

by Jayde Marcelle


  Alex’s Awakening

  Jayde Marcelle

  Published by Jayde Marcelle, 2015.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. February 10, 2015

  Copyright © 2015 Jayde Marcelle.

  Written by Jayde Marcelle.

  WARNING: Adult situations, sex, and language.


  To my three kids. I will do anything to make you smile. Thank you for allowing me to be me and for indulging my dream of writing, We've been through so much by ourselves. Homelessness, abandonment, loss. Life was a struggle at times. But we made it.....TOGETHER.

  I am forever grateful for the awesome people you've become. Good can come from any home where there is love. Let's see where this literary journey takes us. I love you all so very, very, much Mommy

  Thank you to my Beta Readers: Thelondia W., Cami K., and Jennifer L D. Jennifer, thanks for being my Literary Dominatrix!

  To my fans, thank you for reading my work and giving me guidance.

  You are awesome and I'm so grateful to all of you.

  Life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and everything in between.

  But not my life.

  Have you ever wondered what your life would have been like if you had taken a different path? Maybe married a different person than the one you’re with? Or maybe, never married at all? Maybe went to the college of your own choosing?

  Or not attend college at all? What if you had taken a different career path than the one chosen for you?

  I wondered this everyday. What would have happened if I had done everything differently? Done everything...my way?

  My life was orchestrated from the day the doctor slapped my ass and declared, “It’s a boy!”

  Everything was so perfectly orchestrated that is, until one fateful day when I met her.


  My name is Alexander Jackson Davis. I am the only child of Regine Childs and Benjamin Davis, two multi-millionaires from two extremely wealthy families.

  My great-grandparents on each side emigrated here from Europe and built empires. They held on to their wealth and passed it to their children, and so on. As a child, I lived a very privileged life.

  My mother said I was very compliant and always did as I was told. They sent me to the best schools money could buy. In school, I was pretty much a loner and kept to myself most of the time. Although I was a great-looking kid and the girls flocked to me, I never dated anyone. My father said there would be time for that later in life. I excelled in math, science, and sports as a result of keeping to myself.

  Keeping my nose to the grindstone during school ensured I graduated at the top of my class in both high school and college. I worked hard under the tutelage of my father. He wanted to make sure our name and company continued long after he was gone.

  I was groomed to take over as the president and CEO of the family firm from the time I could walk and talk. The firm bought, sold, and liquidated companies for our firm as well as others. My father introduced me to my future wife, Carina, two years after college. She was the daughter of a business associate. A very pretty girl, with dark hair and dark eyes. I was twenty-six and life as I knew it changed forever after that. Carina and I married a year after meeting. It was, as our fathers put it, “What was best for business.”

  She was sweet and very loving, but with an undertone of anger. After the honeymoon, she changed drastically. Sex was only for procreation in her eyes. Or maybe just with me. She was disgusted with me as I was inexperienced in that area. She only made it worse by laying there like a dead fish, with no facial expression. I wasn’t sure I pleased her in bed once the honeymoon was over. Carina was unwilling to show me how to please her.

  I worked many hours to learn every aspect of my father’s business and dreaded going home each night. I spent many nights in the office. After work, I would watch porn to try to learn how to please my wife. And to relieve some pent-up aggression. I had more action with my hand than with my wife. I yearned to be loved and accepted by her. Hell, any woman who would love me back.

  Seven years into our marriage, my father became gravely ill and subsequently died. The baton was passed to me. Between settling my father’s estate and taking the helm of the company, Davis Enterprises Inc.. I was too exhausted for Carina and the shit she would put me through. Work soon became my mistress.

  I had to prove myself for years after my father’s death. Many of his clients were leery of me; they knew him well, but not me. However, one firm he was wooing gave me a chance and from then on, we were on fire. Everyone knocked on our door. Our firm was hired on by the Park Harrison Group. This was a multi-billion dollar account that I worked very hard to secure for nearly four years. Because we had secured this account, I made plans to announce it to my staff with a big dinner at the Tavern.

  We arrived earlier than our reservation. We were given drinks until our room was ready. Our hostess came and escorted us to our room. Her smooth as velvet voice made me melt inside. Call me crazy, but when I looked in her face, I saw my future.

  “Follow me, please.” She had an accent I could not place. Sexy.

  We gathered our drinks and followed her to our private dining room. I couldn’t take my eyes off her hips. They swayed to and fro. Damn, she had an arresting walk.

  I took my place of course, at the head of the table. As everyone sat down, I stood to my feet to speak. I thanked them for their hard work and dedication. Clapping and cheering ensued.

  “After nearly four years of wooing, we’ve landed the Park Harrison Group.”

  Everyone stood, clapped and cheered. A few even gave each other a high five.

  “So, tonight, ladies and gentlemen, let’s eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we work!”

  And with that, I nodded and the waitstaff served us. The hostess came in to check on us several times during the night. I told her everything was fine. (And she was.)

  “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” My god, her teeth were extremely white and perfectly straight. Her lips were full and kissable.

  “I will. Thank you,” I replied as she sauntered off.

  Wow, my heart skipped a beat. I knew what I wanted and it wasn’t on the menu. I really would like to get to know her. She didn’t wear a name tag, and I didn’t recall her saying her name. Hmmm. That’s odd.

  Buzz, buzz. My phone vibrated in my jacket pocket.

  “Are you coming home tonight?” It was my wife, Carina. She only called to annoy me.

  “No, I took my staff out for a celebratory dinner. Remember? Why do you ask?”

  “I just wanted to let you know I wasn’t going to be home and didn’t cook. I’m going out with Ginger for dinner.” She suddenly sounded happy.

  “Well, it’s a good thing I am having dinner now. Good night Carina.”


  “I’ll see you later then. Goodbye Alex.”

  And with that, I enjoyed the rest of the dinner with my staff.

  As our dinner wound down, the stunningly beautiful hostess entered to deliver the check. “Wow, you guys sure had a great time.” She smiled as she handed me the black folder. Her hand touched mine. Shock waves traveled up my arm and down to my groin. I looked down at her hand. “Nice nails.” Seriously? Nice nails? I really need to get out more. What the hell was that? Did she feel it too?

  “Thanks.” She giggled and walked away. I opened the folder and placed my Black American Express card inside. My future returned to collect the folder.

  “I’ll be right back.” Sh
e took the folder and walked away with those hypnotic hips. Walking like that should be a crime. And I wanted to be the one to arrest her!

  She left the folder on the table and smiled. As she turned to walk away, something stirred inside me. Sitting there for a moment, I saw her bent over one of the tables in the dining room with her skirt pulled up over her waist and her legs spread wide with me behind her fucking her brains out. My heart began to race. What’s come over me?. I’d better go. I told myself. I handed her the folder and walked towards the door. In addition to the staff; I left a very large tip for her along with my business card. I wrote the following message on the back for her,“If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. This is my private number.”

  I’ve never done that before. I drove home with a smile. I hoped she would call. A month went by, I never got that call I’d hoped for. I had returned to the restaurant a few times since then. Every once in a while, she was there, polite and business like.


  Since the Parker Harrison Group account was such a big account we spent many man hours working through lunch some days. One evening, I arranged for the staff to have dinner at the Tavern. We ate in the main dining area instead of the private dining room.

  Suddenly, she walked in. I waved to get her attention. She smiled and walked over.

  “Good evening, Mr. Davis. How are you?”

  “Doing well.” I smiled like a kid on Christmas morning.

  “Great. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” She winked, and smiled, then went back to her station.

  I ordered a Porterhouse steak medium rare, twice baked potatoes, a spinach salad, and red wine. Everyone was talking, laughing, and having a good time. Again, no one noticed me staring at the hostess whose name I’d yet to learn. She wore a black pencil skirt, soft white silk blouse, and black pumps. Her curls were pulled into a braid. Two golden brown tendrils teased her cheeks.

  The dinner was nearly over when she brought the check. Inside, a note with her name and number. ‘Mya 215-555-3403.’ I looked at it and said her name slowly as if in a trance. “Myyyaa.” My heart skipped a beat. Finally, her name and number. I will definitely call her. Unlike ‘Mya’, I will call her.

  We practically closed the restaurant down. Or did we run everyone out with our loud laughter? Didn’t matter really. As long as my staff blew off some steam, that’s all that mattered. They were an exceptional team and they worked very hard on this project for me. I loved to reward them frequently and openly.

  I stayed behind after the last of my staff left. I needed to sit off my buzz.

  “Hey, Johnny, did you remember to call me a taxi?”

  That’s Mya’s voice. I said to myself.

  “I’m sorry, Mya. I forgot. Let me do it right now.” Johnny picked up the phone. Mya walked towards the door. Now’s my chance. I hurried to my feet and made my way to the door as well.

  “Do you need a ride home?” I tried not to sound out of breath as I asked her.

  “As a matter of fact, I do. My car is in the shop until tomorrow. Do you mind Mr. Davis?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “Will your girlfriend mind?”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  “Oh?” Her eyebrows rose.

  ”Hey, Johnny, don’t worry about it! I have a ride!”

  “Okay. See you tomorrow, Mya.” He smiled and waved.

  I opened the door for her and handed the valet my ticket. He ran to get the last car of the night. “So, do you make a habit of helping damsels in distress, Mr. Davis?” She gave me that amazing smile. “Actually, this is my first time.” Just then, the car drove up. I opened the door for her and helped her in.

  “Nice whip.” She said as she got in.

  Note to self, ask Google: What does nice whip mean? On the drive to her place, we made small talk; we learned we had a lot in common. Where have you been all my life, Mya?

  As I approached her house, she asked if I would like to come in for a drink. I looked at her, then her door. My heart raced, and my breathing increased. “Sure, that sounds great.”

  Shit, too late to turn back now. Thanks, mouth. My heartbeat resounded in my ears.

  “Awesome.” She smiled. So I parked the car and helped her out.

  Unfortunately my erection threatened to rip through my pants. Being near her, and smelling her perfume was a heady combination. I hoped she didn’t notice it. She looked at it. Shit, she noticed it. She smiled glancing at my manhood. I flushed red.

  When we entered her place, she showed me around. “Nice place you have here.” I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and practically nothing else. My mouth was dry; my nerves were on edge. Fear, guilt, and need surged through me. I need to calm down.

  “Thanks. Make yourself at home. I’m going to change real quick.” I stopped to watch her as she walked to her bedroom. The way she sways her hips should be illegal.

  As I headed over to her bar, I saw an urn with a flag next to it. Hmm, who could that be?

  I checked out her bar; it was nicely stocked. After I decided on what to drink, I poured a glass of brandy for both of us. The sound of running water filled the silence. Was she taking a shower? I took a big swig and poured another. Oh Alexander, you should go home. This is not your home. Go home now! The words swirled in my head. I was frozen. I wanted to leave. And I wanted to stay. I took another long pull of the brandy and poured myself another. That may not have been a good idea. But my nerves were getting the better of me.

  She returned in a long, red, silk robe that flowed as she walked.. I handed Mya her drink. “Thank you.”Her damp hair hung in golden brown ringlets. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was so beautiful. Her golden skin had a red hue to it from the shower. She was radiant. We sat down on her brown leather sofa. She took the remote from the table and turned on the television that was perfectly hung on the wall. Is that an eighty-inch or what? We don’t look at television at home. My largest TV is the thirty-two inch flat screen in my office. I need to step up my game. She had me beat in this area.

  “Want to watch a show?” She asked looking at the screen.

  “Sure.” But I didn’t know any of the shows on television.

  She turned on the guide and found a comedy to watch.

  “Hope you don’t mind a comedy. I need to laugh to unwind.” “No, I don’t mind.” We watched the show and I listened to her laugh. It was very infectious.

  “I know you just ate, but I need a snack. Would you like something?”

  “No, I’m good thanks.” I took another sip of brandy. Why did I pick brandy to drink? My head was swimming. I felt a strong buzz coming on. I won’t be able to drive for a while. Shit Alexander. Now what do I do? I am stuck.

  Mya returned with a small plate of cheese, crackers, and grapes. She ate her snack while we watched the show. We laughed, and I snagged a few grapes from her. Then I found myself just watching her. She didn’t notice my gaze. It was as if the world just stopped in that moment. She was so beautiful. I felt as if we’d known each other for years. Kindred spirits. My head was spinning. I felt like I was under a spell. Her spell. Or maybe I’m under the brandy’s spell. As Mya sat and watched the show, with liquid courage flowing through my veins. I leaned over and kissed Mya’s full luscious lips softly tasting the brandy and fruit.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” She smiled broadly. She leaned over and kissed me back. I moved closer bridging the gap between us. We kissed again. Her tongue sought entrance and I granted it. Her tongue encircled mine. She moaned inside my mouth when I sucked her tongue, then explored her mouth with mine. I ran my fingers through her still damp hair. I inhaled it deeply. It smelled so exotic. I was overtaken by the scent of her hair, the alcohol in my veins and her. I stood pulling her up with me. She had to be about 5’3” or 4”. She was a tiny thing with killer curves. Much curvier than Carina. I kissed her lips, they were soft, full, and delectable, the
kind of lips you want to kiss and suck every time you see them. She moaned as I sucked her bottom lip. I held her face in my hands, looking at her, in a voice that’s almost a growl I moan, “You are so beautiful.” We locked eyes as I moved my hands to the belt of her robe. Her hazel eyes had specks of gold in this light.

  Her gaze fell to my hands. She watched as I slowly untied her robe. Mya stood there and didn’t say a word as I dropped to me knees and explored her body. It was as if she wanted me to take her. Her breasts were perfect mounds with dusky rose colored nipples that were hard points. Her stomach was flat, muscular and tight. Her curvy hips accentuated her lovely legs and that high and tight ass of hers. My cock was responding to her beauty. “So fucking beautiful.” I moaned feeling the strain of my erection against my pants. Mya slowly inhaled and locked eyes with me again as I looked up at her.


  She held my gaze for a moment. It was as if she was getting to know my soul with those big beautiful hazel eyes. As I opened her robe to soak in more of her beauty, I noticed she had on a pair of black lace panties. Her body truly was spectacular! Shit! I wanted to ravish her right there! “You really are very beautiful.”


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