Club de Fleurs 5: Tina's Twins (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Club de Fleurs 5: Tina's Twins (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 2

by Rose Nickol

  “From now on, angel, you will not wear any underwear in our presence. Whenever we are together you will be open and available for our touch. Only short skirts and blouses that button in the front will be worn. If you don’t have these things in your wardrobe, we will be glad to take you shopping. We are going to take you to get club wear, though don’t plan on wearing it long. We will also be buying you clothing we can rip off of you. There’s something very satisfying about tearing clothing off our woman.” Kurt told her with an evil grin on his face.

  “And angel, we are not teasing. If you wear underwear, either a bra or panties when you are with us, I promise you Kurt and I will be glad to rip it off of you and then paddle your ass red until you can’t sit comfortably. Do you understand? Also, from now on, whenever we are alone together, or in the Club, you will call us Master followed by our first name or Sir. Any questions?” Kevin asked, pulling her nipples.

  Tina shook her head, chewing on her bottom lip. She was so in the shit right now.

  Kurt slid one hand up her leg to the juncture of her thighs. “You will answer all questions verbally. We may not be looking at you and need to hear you,” he said as he slid his hand to her waist and grabbed her panties. “Lift her,” he said to his brother and pulled the garment off.

  “Okay, Sir,” Tina answered him, what had she gotten herself into?

  Sitting her back in his lap, Kevin deftly removed her bra, handing it to his brother. He took her panties and they both pocketed their prizes.

  “Hey, those were expensive, give ’em back,” Tina demanded.

  Reaching in between her thighs, Kurt pinched her clit, hard. “How are you supposed to address us, angel?”

  “Ouch, dammit that hurt, Sir! Now give me back my things!” she demanded.

  “I think we need to jump ahead on our angel’s classes and take her home and bend her over the spanking bench for an hour or so, what do you think, bro?” Kurt asked with a sadistic look in his eyes.

  “Okay, boys, enough fun, time to take the lady home. I’m done for the night,” Tina announced, struggling to free herself. She was getting pissed and needed to get away before she let them have it.

  Completely ignoring her statement, Kevin sat her between them and fastened her seat belt. Not saying a word, he started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot.

  Boy, I’ve really done it now, she thought. They are so pissed they aren’t even talking to me. Should I apologize or just go with it? Crossing her arms over her chest, she felt a tear slowly slide down her face. She just left the tear, she didn’t want to draw attention to it.

  Kurt reached over and rubbed the tear away with his thumb. “Don’t cry, my angel, we’re not done,” he said softly, laying his hand on her thigh.

  Chapter Three

  Tina was looking down so she missed the look that passed between the two brothers, but the atmosphere in the truck changed. When she looked up, she didn’t recognize where they were. “Where are we?” she asked, confused.

  “That’s another one, angel, we’re going to our place.”

  “Guys, I really want to see your place, but I’m tired and just want to go home. Can we do this another time?” Were they seriously going to take her to their place and spank her? She had to be batshit crazy to go along with this.

  “Angel, you will learn that when your Dom makes you a promise, he keeps it. You were promised a spanking and that is what you will be getting,” Kevin answered.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding, grown women don’t get spanked. I haven’t been spanked since I…well I don’t remember, it’s been so long. Take me home. Now!” If she could have stamped her foot she would have, but at just five feet tall, her feet didn’t reach the floor of the truck.

  Both men just chuckled and Kevin kept driving. “Bro, we are going to have so much fun with this one. I think we may have found our match,” he said.

  “Yep, a challenge for sure, but it is going to be fun taming her,” Kurt answered as he moved his hand up her thigh.

  Tina slapped at his hand and demanded, “Take. Me. Home. And don’t talk about me like I’m not here. I didn’t sign up for this shit!”

  “Actually you did, if you look through the paperwork you signed for the class you agreed to obey your Doms for the duration of the class. So…unless you want to quit the class. Be quiet and take it like a big girl.” Kevin told her.

  “But I don’t want to get spanked.” She pouted.

  “You should have thought of that before you got mouthy and bratty,” Kurt informed her. He was the stricter of the two. Kevin was more lenient and would have let her off easier because she was new. Kurt believed in coming out of the gate strong and setting strict rules so the sub knew exactly where she stood. He knew he was going to have to go easier with Tina because she was so new to the lifestyle, but that would only last so long. He had discovered that if he let his brother go easy on the sub, they had more trouble with them later.

  Kurt decided to let Tina stew in her own juices, as the saying went, and lifted the leg closest to him over his and started to trace patterns on the inside of her thigh. Just enough to arouse, but nothing more.

  When she reached down to slap his hand away, he gathered both of her wrists in one of his big hands and held them in her lap. She started to struggle, and he pinched the inside of her thigh, hard.

  “Fuck, that hurt, ass.” Tina glared at him.

  Reaching a little higher, he pinched the lip of her labia, harder.

  When she opened her mouth to cuss him again, Kevin said, “I wouldn’t. He’s only going to reach higher and pinch harder. Think about how that would feel on your clit, angel.”

  She wisely kept her mouth shut. She was going to have bruises tomorrow and had already had her clit pinched once.

  Chapter Four

  The three sat in silence until they pulled up in front of a huge house with a long, winding driveway. Kevin activated a remote on the visor and the gates slid open. He drove to the garage where another button opened that door.

  Tina knew her mouth was hanging open. The house was huge. She knew where she was now, Cherry Hills, one of the richer neighborhoods in the metro area. How much money did these two have?

  Tina wasn’t poor, she felt she was comfortable, but her entire apartment building could fit in this house, no mansion, and she lived in an eight-unit building. Holy Christ! This was luxury at its best. How many rooms did two guys need? She hadn’t even seen the inside yet, but could tell it was huge. She had grown up lower-middle class and her parents had given her and her brothers and sister all the necessities, but money for extras was tight. She still considered going out for a meal a treat. There had been six of them, including her parents, in the small house, but it was full of love and her mom had always found a way to make the important things happen. Her grandmother on her father’s side did her part also. A tear ran down her face for the two most important women in her life. How she missed them.

  Kevin and Kurt were both watching the play of emotions across her face. When Kevin saw the tear, he cupped her face gently and asked, “Okay, angel?”

  Smiling, she turned her face into his hand and answered, “Just a trip down memory lane, Sir.”

  He looked into her eyes, and liking what he saw there, nodded to Kurt.

  Kurt got out of the truck and helped Tina out. Once she was standing, he flipped her over his shoulder, caveman style, and carried her into the house, squealing and laughing the whole time. “I can walk, let me down,” she demanded. She wanted to look around and all she could see from her position was Kurt’s ass, not that it was a bad view. She just wanted to see the house.

  “We’ll give you the grand tour later, now we have a punishment to administer.” Kevin answered as he walked up behind Kurt and swatted her on her ass.

  Kurt quickly walked through the house, and she bounced over his shoulder like a leaf in the wind. She finally wrapped her arms around his waist to anchor herself before she ended up with a conc
ussion from bouncing against his rock-hard back.

  Kevin grinned when he saw her grab Kurt. You had to give it to his brother. He knew how to control his women.

  Kurt carried Tina quickly through the house. Taking the stairs two at a time, he continued carrying her until he got to a closed door. Standing her up, he kept his hands on her waist to steady her. Kevin was standing close behind her to catch her if she fell.

  Slightly dizzy from being upside down, Tina held onto Kurt’s arms, trying to clear her head. Looking around she was in a hallway, there were paintings on the walls and the area was beautiful. “This is gorgeous guys, who did your decorating?” she asked in awe, she was lucky if she could match towels.

  “All the credit goes to our mother,” Kevin answered.

  “When our grandfather left us this house after we graduated from college, we wanted to update it. Mom came out for six months and stayed with us to help with the renovations. Kevin was just starting his law career and was busy and I was gone a lot with Uncle Sam in the marines. Dad still sends us thank you cards for getting her out of his hair, although he was out here several times to ‘help,’” Kurt answered.

  Kevin laughed low under his voice. Even though his dad teased his mom constantly, they were very much in love still. That’s what he and Kurt wanted. Someone to spend the rest of their lives with. They had shared everything since before they were born and had known for several years that they wanted to share a wife also. Until Tina, they hadn’t found anyone they thought would work. Now the future was looking brighter, if they didn’t screw it up.

  “She did a great job. Maybe I should hire her to do my place, it looks like a kindergartener did it.” She laughed.

  “Who did your place, angel?” Kevin asked, curious.

  Laughing even harder, Tina answered, “I did. I’m lucky if my shoes match when I leave home, I have no sense about that stuff.”

  “We’ll find something you’re good at, angel,” Kurt answered dropping his voice an octave.

  Tina’s pussy gushed and a shiver ran down her back. I can guess what you’re good at, she thought to herself, and it has nothing to do with decorating, unless it’s decorating a sub’s ass.

  “Now you are standing outside our playroom. There are a few rules for this room you need to know before you go in. You need to pay attention and listen, because you are going to be spending a lot of time in this room and you don’t want it all to be about punishment or discipline. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Tina answered breathily. What was it about these two that made her brain go to mush? She was an educated woman, she should be able to come up with more than one-syllable answers, for cripes sake. Blonde bimbo here, if anyone needs one.

  Pinching her nipples through her top, Kurt lifted her chin. “I don’t think she’s listening, bro. We’ll have to see if we can come up with a way to get her attention.”

  Tears brimming in her eyes from the sting in her nipples, Tina looked up at Kurt and said, “I think you figured it out, jerk, that stings, maybe I should pinch your nipples.”

  “You could try, baby, but I don’t think your ass would like the results.” He answered with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  Swallowing, Tina looked up at him and answered, “Oh,” as Kevin’s arms came around her from the back.

  “Hey, he’s just teasing you. Relax,” Kevin leaned down and said in her ear. As small as she was, they both towered over her. They were each over six feet tall and built. Eye candy, anyone? She had definitely found herself a couple hotties.

  “Now rules. In the playroom, we are the bosses. You will listen and do as we say. You don’t need to think, just obey. We will never do anything that will hurt you, but we will punish you when you need it. I know you are new to Ds relationships, but remember for as long as we are your Doms and you are our submissive, you will always be our main concern. You may not always enjoy what we are doing, but punishments are not for fun.” Kevin was still speaking into her ear. As he was talking, he had managed to work her top over her head, leaving her naked from the waist up.

  Kurt knelt down in front of her and palmed both of her now naked breasts. “Some things we do you will like and some you will not. We will push your limits, but not go past them. For the duration of the class, we will be exploring those limits. All you need to remember is that we won’t hurt you. You are our precious angel and we both want to take care of you.” As Kurt was talking, his hands slid down, taking her skirt with them. He lifted each leg and removed the skirt and shoes.

  Tina had been so absorbed in listening to them that she didn’t realize they had removed her clothes until she felt Kurt lick between her legs. “Oh My God, what…what are you doing?” she asked breathily.

  “Last rule for now, baby, you will always be naked when you enter this door. If you are wearing clothes, you will leave them here by the door before we enter. You are never to enter this room alone unless told by one of us to.”

  They turned her and Kevin keyed a complicated code into the key pad beside the door. It swung open and they walked her in.

  The room was dark and it took a minute for Tina’s eyes to adjust. Kevin and Kurt each on one side of her, holding her by the arm, walked her into the room, closing the door behind them. She heard the lock click and jumped.

  “That’s to keep others out, not you in, baby, you can always open this door from the inside, but you have to have the code to get it open from the outside. We don’t want anyone stumbling in here by accident. It would be kind of hard to explain to some of our friends that are not in the lifestyle,” Kevin explained, and turned to show her how the door opened.

  Tina relaxed a little, she felt better knowing she could get out if she had to.

  Walking her over to a comfortable-looking sofa in one corner of the room, they sat her down, one on each side of her. “We have a few more things to talk about,” Kurt told her.

  “First, safe words, we talked a little about them in class tonight and we are going to talk more now,” Kevin said.

  “Do you remember what a safe word is and when it’s used?” Kurt asked.

  “Yes, a safe word is a word I use when we are playing and I need a break or to stop. The ones used at the Club are like the stoplight. Green for “go, I’m good and enjoying what is happening,” yellow means “it’s starting to get to be too much or I need a break or I need something adjusted or to move,” and red for “I can’t take any more and want to stop.” When I say yellow everything will stop and we will discuss what I need and make any adjustments. When I say red everything stops until we figure out what went wrong and whether I’m okay to continue or if we need to stop completely.” Tina answered proudly. She had that part of the class down.

  “Very good, baby, those words apply every time we play. I hope you never have to use them. My and Kevin’s job as Doms is to read your body and its responses and keep you from getting to the point that you have to use your safe word. We will always watch you very close, but especially while you are training. These first few scenes and few weeks while we are going through the class, it’s very important that we not push you. After the class is finished we will push harder. At some point we will push you to use your safe word, because we want to know that you will. But that won’t be for a while,” Kurt explained to her.

  “Now for this evening, we are going to turn you over our lap and each of us will be giving you ten smacks with our hand. Eventually we will use paddles, straps, canes, and crops, but until we know how easily you bruise and what you can tolerate we will use our hands and work up to the others. And yes, it will hurt. If you take your punishment like a good girl afterward, there will be a reward,” Kevin told her.

  Chapter Five

  Tina swallowed. Paddles, canes, crops, straps, what the fuck? These boys were serious. She looked around and saw everything they had talked about hanging on the walls and things she didn’t know what they were for sure. What the fuck had she gotten herself into?

  She ha
d witnessed some scenes in the Club and knew that these things did happen and had seen some of them used. One night she, Kevin, and Kurt, had watched Dave take a cane and Evan take a strap to Sadie, their sub/wife, until her ass was bright red and she was sobbing. She wasn’t sure why the owners of the Club were punishing their wife, but at the end of the night she had talked to the woman and she was very happy. Sadie was giggling and flirting with her men, declaring them to be “the best” and that she couldn’t wait to do it again. So she must have enjoyed it on some level.

  Rachel, her friend, had told her that there were endorphins released and it felt like she was floating. Rachel said it was hard to explain, but it was the best high and there was nothing like it. Rachel also explained that she personally liked a bite of pain and it helped her to achieve the high. Not everyone needed or wanted that level of play and that Tina needed to find someone to explore her own limits with. She had told her how a good Dom would start easy and work up until they found out what her limits were and how much tolerance she had. It sounded like this was what Kevin and Kurt had in mind.

  Kurt stood and pulled her up with him. “I’m going to help you lie across Kevin’s lap, and he’s going to start you off with ten. I’ll be watching your responses. When he’s done, it’s my turn,” he explained.

  Tina could see the evil glint in Kurt’s eyes. She had a feeling that Kevin was just going to be the warm-up and the real show would start when Kurt got his turn. She was going to have to be very careful around Kurt. She could already tell he was going to be the stricter and harsher of the two. Kevin was definitely softer and easier.

  Kurt helped her lie over Kevin’s lap and showed her how to brace herself. Kevin trapped one of her legs between both of his and Kurt spread the other wide open.

  He must be able to see everything, she thought. Nothing hidden here, no surprises for these boys. Good thing it was dark.


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