She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy

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She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy Page 4

by Cara North

  A few moments later, they walked in, both smiling, as though no one heard the few curses and what sounded like a trash can being knocked over.

  "Now,” Bethany said and wiped her hands together. “Where were we?"

  "Heath?” Chance moved over to him. He looked down and shrugged.

  "I guess you got a job.” The fact he allowed it meant there was one little chink in his armor. She wanted to hug Bethany, to kiss her! She wanted to jump up and down and scream, but she couldn't do any of those things, so she did the next best thing.

  "Thank you!” She grabbed his neck and yanked him down to kiss her. His arms fell roughly around her back, and he squeezed too tightly, letting her know he didn't like it one bit! But he wasn't going to act out in front of everyone. No. Not this new Heath.

  "Okay,” he said and pulled her arms down. He gave her a murderous glare, but she didn't care. If she worked at the ranch, she would see him. The more she was around the more she could prove to him she belonged there. It wasn't only about proving it to him though. She was going to prove once and for all to herself she was worthy.

  "Yes, please.” Buck laughed. “I still have to eat here."

  "Why does he tease at you so much?” She watched a genuine smile form on Heath's face. The smile was so hot it could melt butter. It did a fine job of melting her insides.

  "I shot him in the ass when he came to ask for Jan's hand. I wasn't in a good place to talk about marriage then.” He laughed a deep rumble of a laugh. “But he found a way to get me back.” Then, he was completely distracted. “Ooh. You made my tomatoes."

  Chance watched as Heath picked up tomato slices with mozzarella cheese slices and what looked like oregano on top and then piled them on a plate. He took a bite and actually made an, mmm, sound. Please!

  "Just for you, Heath,” Bethany said. Jack smacked her butt.

  "Just for Heath, huh?” She winked at Jack and then continued on her way to the table.

  "She likes you.” Chance sighed. Of course the woman liked him. He was her brother-in-law. Big as a mountain, strong as an ox, and steady, so steady no woman would ever fear a fall around Heath.

  "Most women do,” he quipped.

  "I love you.” She bit her lower lip and waited. He continued to chew on the tomato. He shook his head then smiled.

  "Most women do.” He piled a few more sandwiches on his plate, stuffed another tomato and cheese slice in his mouth, and then spoke around it. “Grab a plate. You look thin."

  When did the Johnson brothers stop liking thin women? Oh, must have been when Bethany arrived. One minute she wanted to hug the woman. The next she wanted to choke her. Resigned, Chance made a plate and realized there was no place for her to sit at the table. Heath looked up, looked around, shook his head, then swung one large leg out to the side, then patted it.

  Grateful no one gave up a seat, she hurried over and sat on his lap.

  "Doesn't change anything,” he whispered. “When my momma leaves, it's back to business, understand?"

  She nodded. “So, Mom, how long are you visiting? Bethany was talking about the kitchen, and I know for a fact they can't come to this ranch and not have your fried chicken."

  "Oh, well now.” Emmy Johnson blushed. The boys made the biggest fuss over her southern roots and cooking skills. It was actually Emmy who inspired Chance to learn how to cook and then to do something with it. Of course, she didn't think that ‘something’ included running off to California without Heath at the time.

  "No, she's right, Momma. Jan makes a good batch, but it's not yours,” Heath agreed, and for the first time in a long time, they were on the same side of something. “As a matter of fact, you ladies should take a tour about the place after dinner. I have to meet someone in town later. Bethany, you can walk Chance through some things then, couldn't you?"

  "Absolutely.” Bethany smiled.

  "Me, too,” Jan chimed in.

  "See there, now I can keep an eye on you and go on my date,” he whispered in her ear. His words were not nice to hear, but the feel of his breath along the shell of her ear was like heaven. It took all of her restraint not to lean into him and beg for forgiveness.

  The family ate and talked, and she learned that Rafe would be along later when Layla got home. Whoever the hell she was.

  So much had changed in the last year. Star did a very poor job of keeping her posted. She was sure of that much. The thought of her sister reminded her she was supposed to call when she got back to Missoula. Chance was squatting at a friend's house there. Her days of traveling, hitching, and roaming were over. Actually, she needed to make two calls.

  "Bethany may be pregnant,” Jack announced as his wife returned and sat on his lap. His words broke her out of her ruminations, and the rest of the table broke into congratulations.

  "You old dog you!” Buck pointed. “Congratulations."

  "Maybe, congratulations,” Bethany said as she mussed up Jack's cropped hair. She must have scolded him because he soon said sorry with a little laugh.

  Chance sighed.

  It really was nice to see Jack happy. There was a time when he would have told her the news before telling everyone else, but those days had passed. She looked over her shoulder at Heath. He was looking at the happy couple, and since everyone else was too, he didn't disguise his look of longing. He really did want a family, a wife and kids of his own. “Hey."

  "Um?” He snapped out of it as he looked at her.

  "I don't want you to go on your date tonight.” She knew she was pressing her luck.

  "Oh, my date. Shit. I'm glad you reminded me. I almost forgot about it.” Heath lifted her off his leg and stood. “Hey all. I got work to do in town tonight. I'll be back a little later."

  He walked around the table and hugged his mother, his sister, and then Bethany. “See ya tonight, Honey!” He winked right at her then headed out the door.

  She stood there in shock for about two seconds. Gathering her wits, she excused herself.

  "Heath!” She ran after him. He had a good start, and his long legs ate ground faster than she could run. “Heath Johnson, you stop right there dammit!"

  He looked over his shoulder and kept going. Chance knew her face was full of shock. He never ignored her before. She wasn't about to let him get away with it now. She chased him up the drive and into the kitchen. He picked up his keys and his cowboy hat then started back out the door.

  "You ... wait ... one ... minute.” She breathed and held onto her knees. She hadn't run anywhere in a long damn time. Heath barely broke into a trot ahead of her, and he wasn't even sweating.

  "Catch your breath there, wild woman. I'll be back in a few hours.” He sidestepped her and headed out the door.

  She fell to her knees then lay out on the cool wood floor. Sweat poured off her body, and the shirt stuck to her skin. Her feet hurt from running in the boots. It was a huge change compared to the comfortable, thick rubber soled shoes she wore in the kitchens.

  In a restaurant of any kind, the floor was usually concrete with tile or some other hard surface, which was easy to clean but hell on feet and legs after hours of standing on it. Cute shoes were a thing of the past for her. She didn't know how long she had been lying there, but her breathing finally regulated itself.

  The door opened. She hoped it was Heath.

  A light feminine laugh filled the room.

  "Guess you really are tired of running.” Jan laughed some more. “Get up, Chance. You're not doing a good job of convincing me to forgive you on the floor."

  She pushed herself off the floor and looked at the nineteen year old girl/woman staring back at her. “I can't believe you're married."

  "I can't believe you ever got married. Even as a kid, I knew you were bad for my brothers, yes, both of them. I watched you flirt with Jack in front of Heath. I watched you divide them and reap all the rewards. Then, I watched you leave at three in the morning on your wedding night.” Jan crossed her arms and leaned against the doorjamb looking v
ery much like her overbearing oldest brother as she did so. “You didn't even say goodbye."

  "What were you doing at three a.m.?” She headed to the refrigerator. Apparently she misjudged the touch in the kitchen earlier. Jan did not forgive or forget. The young lady stood there, her dark auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail, dressed comfortably in well fitting but not tight clothes that accentuated her shape. It was amazing the things a girl learned so young if she had a good home. Like class.

  "Fooling around with Buck, what else?” Jan shrugged.

  Well, so much for the innocent act. Jan had grown up quite a bit in just a year. Her brothers guarded her like watchdogs. It took a man like Buck, one who could physically hold his own against them, to court her. “Does Heath know?"

  "Of course, he knows. Why do you think he shot Buck in the ass?” Jan laughed.

  "I meant..."

  "I know what you meant, yes. He knows that I saw you. I didn't think you were leaving for good.” Jan looked at a point beyond Chance's shoulder as she spoke. “It hurt us."

  "Hurt Heath you mean?” She knew Jan always looked up to her. From a young girl's perspective, it was adventure and excitement every time she came home. Of course, she couldn't tell them the truth about where she had been and why. The shame she carried during those years was more than she could bear to remember yet too deep to ever forget.

  "No. I mean us, all of us. We took you in. You were the only other woman around besides Momma, and I sure couldn't tell her everything.” Jan stood up and stared right into her eyes. “I knew you were no good for my brothers, but I thought you really cared about me. I thought I really was that little sister you never had. Your big sister abandoned you when she got pregnant. You abandoned me when you abandoned Heath. You didn't even send a postcard."

  "I'm sorry, Jan. There are things you don't understand about me. Things I've never told anyone. I love your brothers, all of them, and I love you and your mother, too. But I love Heath more than I love oxygen.” Chance tried not to cry again, but facing things was new to her. Tears fell as she continued. “This was my real family you know. It was hard being torn between two worlds. One in which I was accepted, the other in which I was used then shunned. I kept thinking that my mom would come around. Star kept telling me to stay away from her. Every time she slipped I would leave to find her. Then, once she got on her feet, once we got on our feet, she took off again."

  "And you did the same to Heath.” Jan let her arms drop. She raised her fingers to her head and rubbed at her temples. “I don't know what to do. I want to trust you. I want to believe you. I was so excited to see you, then ... I couldn't be."

  "Yes, you can.” She stepped toward her and held out her arms. “I promise you, Jan, I won't run off again."

  "Well, you're not a good runner anymore.” Jan laughed and then cried as she hugged her. “I missed you. More than the stories and the weird stuff you always brought back. I missed you."

  "I missed you, too.” Chance sobbed.

  "So.” Jan sniffed and pulled back. “You wanna get dressed up and go find my brother?"

  Chance felt her mouth open then close. “Won't he be mad at you?"

  "He shot my husband in the ass. I think he'll get over it if I bring his wife to a bar.” Jan winked. “Besides, if Buck and I take you out and Heath just happens to be there, well, we can't control that now can we?"

  "You always were a mature kid.” Chance shook her head, in awe of the young woman before her.

  "Get dressed. I'll run tell Buck we're going out!” Jan smiled. “I haven't gotten him on a dance floor since our wedding."

  * * * *

  Chance gulped. Should she really go out looking for him? Wouldn't that make him even angrier at her? But if she didn't then he would surely be wrapped up in another woman's arms tonight. The thought alone made up her mind to go.

  Two hours later Jan was at the door.

  "Wow. You look great.” Jan nodded.

  Buck let out a low whistle from the truck. “Lookin’ good, Mrs. Johnson."

  "Is he always like that?” Chance smiled. The big blonde monster of a man with a boy's face was about the silliest, sweetest thing she'd ever seen.

  "Yes.” Jan bit her lower lip. “Except in the bedroom, there is no monkey business, no jokes, and no holds barred with that man."

  Her sigh made Chance wonder if they still wanted to go out. It seemed that they could easily entertain themselves elsewhere. “Lucky girl."

  "Well, Lucky did introduce us.” Jan laughed and tugged Chance out the door.

  Buck held the truck door, helped both ladies in, and then shut it. Once he got behind the wheel, he stole a kiss on the cheek and called Jan beautiful. She blushed and giggled. Love seemed to be blooming this summer at the Johnson Family Ranch. She wondered, would a seed of love take root again for her.

  * * * *

  "I thought he said he was going into town?” Chance asked as they pulled up to The Big Barn. The restaurant/Honky-tonk wasn't far from the ranch.

  "Nope. He comes here.” Buck smiled. “I've seen his truck here a time or two on patrol."

  "Besides, I don't think he really has a date.” Jan shook her head. “I think he just pulled that out of his ass to get away from you."

  "Gee, Jan, spare her feelings why don't ya, Honey,” Buck said quietly.

  "What?” Jan looked at her. “That's a good thing. If he's trying to prove he doesn't want you, then he definitely hasn't decided. Right Buck?"

  "I have no clue. You're the only girl I've ever loved, and if you ever left me...” Buck looked at Jan and all humor left his face. “I'd just die."

  "You are the sexiest thing alive. Did you know that?” Jan kissed him as Chance opened the door. The two were practically making out by the time she got herself straightened out and shut the door.

  "Hey, hold up,” Buck called as he helped Jan out of the truck. Jan wiped his face again, removing the last bit of gloss. She shrugged innocently. “We aren't going to let you go in alone. Just in case."

  "In case what?” Chance asked as the couple caught up with her.

  "In case he wasn't lying about the date.” Buck extended an arm, and Chance looped hers through it. Like a stallion, he proudly escorted the two women to the door.

  He didn't know it, but she needed the support. What if he wasn't lying about the date?

  When they entered the establishment, the music hit them full blast.

  "Chance!” A familiar voice cracked through the noise as they made their way farther into the place. Candice was one of her best friends in high school, but even she didn't really know her. No one did. The busty blonde headed toward her. Candace looked too thin and apparently modified her already decent bustline into a huge set of boobs.

  "Candice,” Chance smiled.

  "Where have you been? Did you know our Jack got married? Heath's at the bar. Betty Jo is trying her best to pull him out to the dance floor.” Then, she stopped, put a hand over her rose pink lips, and shook her head. “I'm sorry. I just ... seeing you ... I just forgot. You probably don't care what Heath's doing."

  "I care.” Chance nodded. Then, she caught sight of Buck and Jan again. They claimed a booth in sight of the bar. Buck pointed and made a face letting her know Heath was indeed there and probably not alone. “Excuse me, Candice. I've got to catch up with my family."

  "If you say so. Call me. We'll grab lunch and catch up,” Candace said as she went on about meeting and greeting others.

  "Oh, I say so indeed,” Chance said aloud to no one in particular, but she caught sight of Betty Jo and Heath. Her shoulders straightened, her heart pounded, and her fists clenched. The busty blonde with the eighties hair ran a big pink nail along Heath's ear. Chance almost lost her vision she was so mad. The music, which seemed ridiculously loud when they first entered, was barely heard over the thrumming of her heart in her ears.

  Stalking up to them, Chance tried to regain her self-control.

  "Excuse me.” She tapped on Betty
Jo's shoulder. “That's my husband you're clawing."

  Betty Jo turned at the same time Heath did. “I don't see a ring on his finger."

  "Well, do you see this one on mine?” She held up her left hand, and the rings were still in place.

  "Well, word has it you left him.” Betty Jo stroked Heath's ear again. He was watching the exchange with interest, but he hadn't said a damn thing. He also didn't stop the woman from touching him.

  "All right, Heath. I get it. I get the point. But do you really want this throwback to the eighties clawing you with hot pink acrylic nails tonight?” She glared at the woman.

  "What's wrong with my nails?” Betty Jo pulled her fingers in a curl toward herself to get a better look. “I like them."

  "Heath?” She ignored the woman who continued to study her claws.

  "How'd you get here?” he asked and swiveled around completely on the bar stool to face her. He looked her over from head to toe. He liked what he saw. She could tell because he made special effort not to look anywhere other than her face again.

  "Buck and Jan brought me. What? They weren't part of your babysitting plans?” She propped a hand on her hip and waited.

  "Heath, don't you like my nails?” Betty Jo asked out of the blue.

  "What?” He looked at the woman with irritation clear on his face.

  "My nails.” Betty Jo dangled the long claws in front of him and waited impatiently for his response. Chance was waiting, too.

  "Well, Heath?” Chance crossed her arms and looked at him.

  He took a deep breath then let it out. “I swear I'm going to kick Buck's ass for this."

  Heath didn't answer either of them. He grabbed his beer, got up, and headed over to where Buck and Jan were playing kissy-face in the booth. Betty Jo started to get up to follow.

  "No, Honey. You need to understand this. That...” Chance pointed at the big ox walking away from them. “Is my man. Not yours. Find someone else to put your claws on because I am not afraid to go to jail tonight, okay?"

  Betty Jo gave her a “who the hell do you think you are look” then looked at the talon like nails on her fingers. “Well, I sure don't want to break one of these. I just got ‘em put on."


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