She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy

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She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy Page 10

by Cara North

  Yes, she was excited, very! It was her kitchen, and she had ideas and plans and ... damn it, that was keeping her awake, too.

  Pushing out of bed, she stalked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and pulled out a beer. Maybe if she drank a little she would sleep. She twisted the top and put the bottle to her lips. But what if Heath had already worked magic and impregnated her?

  "Damn it!” Chance pulled the beer from her lips and tipped it upside down in the sink. “Think, think, think. What makes you tired?"

  She laughed out loud.

  Yeah, sex did make her tired, but she wasn't much good on her own. As she put the bottle on the counter, she remembered the goodies she bought earlier. The video, the vibrator. Quickly, she double checked all the locks and pulled all the curtains closed.

  Like a sneaky teenage boy, she put the video in, turned the volume low, then double checked to make sure she was alone.

  As if anyone would be there!

  "You're being stupid. You could blast the damn thing, and no one would hear,” she said aloud as the warnings and intent of the porn rolled across the screen. The opening scene opened her eyes all right. A woman on her knees already, the man had his cock in hand and was smacking her lips with it gently. “Okay maybe not too stupid to keep it low."

  She watched in rapt fascination as the couple on the screen got it on. She noticed that her nipples tightened against the nightgown she wore. Her vagina wept its approval of technique when the man went down on the woman on screen. After the first couple came, another appeared, fresh and ready. They were outside. The woman shed her clothing. It was then she realized her muff was buff. No hair anywhere!

  "Huh?” she said. Then she stroked her hand between her legs to feel her curls. They were intact, of course. She wanted to draw her hand away, but somehow it wouldn't move. She found herself imitating the couple on screen.

  Her arousal floated to her nose as a whispering plea. She looked at the vibrator next to her on the couch. Picking up the rigid piece of cool plastic, she thought how ridiculous it seemed to think it would help her out now.

  "Well, let's see what you got.” She held the vibrator in one hand and turned the base with the other. The battery operated device began to hum and, well, vibrate. She turned the base more, and it sped up. The vibration made her hand tickle and tingle from so much friction. “Whoa. That's a lot of motion, buddy. Let's just take it one volt at a time."

  Gulping a lump of uncertainty and anticipation down her throat, she looked back at the screen. The man was putting his dick into the woman's pussy, doggy style.

  Her pussy clenched and pleaded.

  She looked around once more, as if at any minute Heath would pop out. The added sensation of possibly getting caught threw her for a loop, but it was a thrill. Being a little more daring, she pulled up the hem of the gown.

  Her nostrils flared as her scent filled the air. She was sopping wet and in desperate need. She pressed the cool plastic to her hot throbbing clit and turned the dial.

  The low vibrations pulsed through her, and she was amazed at how quickly her clit adjusted and wanted more. She turned the knob again and more sensations assailed her body. “Oh my!"

  The woman on the screen was crying out for the man to fuck her harder. Chance couldn't agree more. She turned the knob again, then again. As the speed and depth of the vibrations reverberated from her clit to her nipples and back, she thought for sure the humming noise could be heard all over the house, probably even the ranch.

  "Just a little ... bit...” She turned the dial to the max speed. “More."

  Like a thunderclap with lightning, the orgasm smacked into her body and shook it. Wave after wave of pulsing pleasure arched through her. She squeezed tightly around the vibrating wand and couldn't believe she had just done that. To herself no less!

  "Wow,” she said and turned the dial back to zero.

  Her greedy little cunt clenched and cried out for more. Her heart thundered. Her legs shook, yet she couldn't deny that one more might just ease off all the stress and settle her into a nice deep sleep.

  The screen on the television gave another couple a shot at turning her on. Ha! Like she needed them anymore!

  She closed her eyes and pictured Heath.

  "Mmmm.” She moaned in abandon as she rubbed the stiff device over her swollen clit. “Heath."

  Her imagination kicked in. She saw him standing over her. His cock in hand, his cowboy hat and boots still in place, but nothing else. She was on her knees and licking him just like the woman had in the video. He tilted his head back; his Adam's apple bobbed, and his chest heaved. She was doing that to him.

  As she sucked harder, more creative in her stroke and played with the tip of his head with her tongue in her mind, she turned the base on the vibrator and escalated the pleasure she felt in her body.

  Could she really come from giving him head?

  She continued to hear him praise her in her ears. She couldn't hear the vibrator at all anymore. She was completely lost to her fantasy. Only the turning of the dial was necessary. As Heath succumbed to her mighty jaws in her thoughts, her body reveled in the power of taking him over in her mind. Another long, slow wave of pleasure rippled through her. It was different than the first one, but no less intense or pleasurable.

  As Heath settled down in her mind, she could swear she smelled his sweat drenched skin. She turned the dial to off and sighed. Her tongue licked out over her lips; they tasted like his. She opened her eyes expecting to see him.

  She giggled as she realized he was definitely not there.

  "Good grief, girl,” she scolded herself aloud. “At least you know how to get to sleep from now on."

  She picked up her battery operated buddy and ejected the tape from the VCR. Why he didn't have a DVD player was beyond her. Maybe she would get him one for Christmas.

  Chapter 6

  "So.” Heath shrugged. He listened to Bobby John go on and on about Holly and the new baby and how great his life was. Lucky laughed out loud. Bobby John had conned the two of them into coming out here to get his cattle back where they belonged. They knew where the cows were, but it had taken all day to get out to them, even on four wheels. The all terrain vehicles, or ATV's, were the reason why not just anyone could come out and collect the cattle. He didn't know his new ranch hands well enough to trust them not to go joyriding while Lou, the foreman, was on vacation.

  "I'm just saying, life is good.” Bobby John smiled.

  "Life is good.” Lucky laughed. “You jabbered on for an hour to tell us life is good. I thought that maybe you were having problems or the baby had colic or some shit. Life is good? You fucker, we're out here in the middle of the night eating hotdogs and beans when I could be at home in a warm bed with at least one woman, maybe two."

  "Oh come on guys, this is great. A break from the women, a chance to just be men.” Bobby John sopped his bread in the beans. “And babies can't get colic till they're born, moron."

  "Well, I have been without my woman for a year. I had plenty of time to camp out with you boys then. I would much rather be in bed with her than next to your smelly ass tonight.” Heath shook his head. If the man kept eating beans, he would have to go sleep far from the campsite.

  "Yeah B.J., what's with the franks and beans?” Lucky stood, stretched. His belt buckle reflected the fire light.

  "Holly doesn't let me eat these anymore. She says it's bad for me.” Bobby John sighed. Apparently, life wasn't as easy breezy as he made it sound. “She has me on a diet. Like I need to lose weight! Do I look fat to you?"

  "Jesus.” Lucky threw up his hands. “That woman has fucked you up. You even sound like a broad. Do I look fat in this?"

  Heath laughed. “Do these jeans make my butt look big? Honestly."

  "Assholes.” Bobby John scraped out his last bit of beans and ate them.

  "You're sleeping over there tonight.” Heath pointed away from camp.

  "Second that.” Lucky nodded. He rea
ched back and grabbed his sleeping bag. “Hard ass ground. I'm too old for this shit."

  "You pussy.” Heath laughed. “I'm a lot older than you. You're spoiled. Just ‘cause you can ride a bull doesn't mean you can rough it."

  "Shit. I rough it just fine, thank you.” Lucky tipped his hat then settled into the bag.

  "Pretty boy.” Bobby John snorted then headed for his own bag.

  Heath rolled out his sleeping bag and sat on top of it. He watched the fire, listened to the wind and the night. Animals called to each other. He wished he could call to Chance. His cell phone lost reception shortly after leaving Bobby John's ranch, so here he was, in the middle of the night, watching a fire die out like he did when he was a teen. They would ride out on horses back then, not four wheels. He preferred the horse, but with Chance at home, hoping she would still be there when he returned, he wanted to get out here, get these cows and get back.

  He wondered how she would like being out here, if she would like being out here. He loved it. He loved everything about it. The night sky was dark and full of stars. It looked like a sparkling blanket covering the Earth. He loved the range, the smells, and the sounds around a new campfire. The camaraderie he felt. He understood what Bobby John was talking about. At home, in town, there was a different man who showed his face. Out here, it was just the cowboy.

  Heath looked at his other traveling companion.

  Lucky, that boy lived up to his name. He was the fifth child. The four before him were all girls. His dad named him Lucky because that's how he felt. The kid was a promising rodeo champion. He was also quite a heartbreaker. He would have stolen Jan's, but he knew three brothers who would bring his luck to an end. Heath laughed looking at the kid. Lucky had turned Jan over to Buck, and Jan fell hard and fast for him. Lucky always teased Rafe, his idol, that he was just as good as family. Heath agreed; Lucky was family. At least to Heath. He trained him at Bobby John's ranch to be a cowboy when he was just a teen. Rafe, on the other hand, taught him everything he knew about riding. They were both proud of the kid.

  "How's Jan?” Lucky didn't sit up or shift; he was talking as much to the night sky as to him.

  "You know Jan. She's stubborn as usual but happy.” He tried to get a better look at the kid, but Lucky remained in place, so his expression was lost to the moon. Something about his voice made Heath take notice. “You talk to Buck lately?"

  Lucky snorted. “Hell no. If I never talk to him again, it will be too soon."

  "What happened with you two exactly?” Heath never fully understood the falling out of two best friends since grade school.

  "He took something of mine.” Lucky sounded sad, very unlike himself. “I'm glad she's happy."

  Then, he rolled to his side facing away from the last flickers of campfire. Heath wasn't sure what to make of it, but young men were more complex than most would give credit for. If Buck took something, whatever it was, it meant a lot.

  Heath settled back on the sleeping bag. He wondered what Chance was doing tonight.

  * * * *

  "God, I feel so stupid.” Bethany sobbed as she wrote names on the labels and stuck them to the pantry shelves.

  "No.” Chance's heart broke for her. She knew firsthand the grief she was feeling except Bethany only found out she wasn't pregnant. Chance miscarried. “Now, you know for sure you want one. That's all, and the doctor was right. You had a lot of stress. That can cause you to skip."

  "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying. I mean it's not the end of the world or anything.” She sniffed then groaned. “But if you would have seen Jack's face."

  "I understand.” Chance gulped. “They take things a lot harder than expected."

  "Chance?” Bethany looked at her now, and she knew she told her too much, but it felt good to talk about it.

  "I miscarried when I got to California. I didn't know I was pregnant until I fell on the stairs.” She looked away, not wanting to be judged.

  "Heath?” When she looked back, she saw Bethany held both hands full of labels over her chest. She knew in that instant that Bethany really cared for Heath. She loved Jack's family like it was her own, and Chance was a part of the family now. She wasn't judging her at all. She was concerned for both of them.

  "He's okay. I thought he knew before, but he didn't.” She shrugged. “But we aren't trying to stop it from happening now, you know?"

  "I do.” Bethany smiled. “Okay. I have to stop this crying now. It's nice to have someone to talk to. I could never really talk to anyone before."

  "I know what you mean,” Chance agreed. She really hadn't realized how much she missed having friends. With her mother's condition, she found ways to hide herself from people. If they knew too much, got to close. She shook her head. If they knew, maybe someone could have helped her realize it was a losing battle years ago. “I guess I never really had friends. I mean Jack was probably my best friend, but I lied to him, too."

  "Funny, when I heard about you, I thought wow, you know? I assumed you just had it made.” Bethany wiped her eyes and sniffed.

  "I have to admit, I thought the same about you.” Chance smiled. “Hey, what's your favorite movie?"

  "I don't know.” Bethany went back to labeling shelves.

  "Mine's Practical Magic with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. They have this ritual in there to feel better.” She formulated the idea in her mind first and then nodded. “Midnight margaritas! Yes. We'll get Jan and Emmy and have a girl's night!"

  "Tequila?” Bethany giggled. “Okay. I'm in. Besides, I think Jack is hiding from me."

  "Men!” Chance laughed. She could host the party and not drink. She couldn't drink. She may actually be pregnant. Though Bethany's news was sad, she couldn't help hope deep inside her own belly, a life grew.

  * * * *

  "More!” Jan shouted. “I can't believe we're all here together like this. It should be a Johnson family tradition from now on. Women only!"

  "I can't believe you're drunk. Your husband is going to kill us,” Bethany slurred. “Has anyone seen my shoe?"

  "Nope.” Emmy Johnson was in the bag herself. “But this isn't about shoes, child. This is about men, and I'm going to tell you girls a secret."

  Chance made another batch but used a lot less alcohol this round. Being the sober woman at the party was definitely fun, but she had the feeling what Emmy Johnson was going to say next was best suited for inebriated ears.

  "I have a boyfriend. Carl. He's a retired Navy pilot,” Emmy said and took another drink of her margarita.

  "Mom!” Jan smiled and tried to hide it, but she was too drunk to hide her emotions. Through giggles, she said, “I can't believe it. A boyfriend?"

  Then, she broke down in laughter. The giggles were contagious, and Emmy and Bethany laughed, too.

  "What? I'm your mother. I'm not dead. And thanks to that little pill named Viagra, he ain't either.” Emmy toasted herself.

  "That's great, Jack's mom.” Bethany toasted her, “Here's to men and their wicked ways."

  "Here, here!” Jan lifted her glass. “To men and their tantalizing tongues."

  "To men,” Emmy said, “and their sexy smiles."

  It was her turn. She looked at the wild women at the kitchen table. “To men. For being ... well, for being men."

  "That doesn't rhyme.” Bethany laughed.

  Then, the other two joined her. Chance laughed at the women. Her mother-in-law, whom she always saw as very proper and rarely happy, was snorting and laughing like a young girl. Her sister-in-law, Jan, under age and in the bag, would have some explaining to do to the deputy when he got home. Then, Bethany, Jack's wife, nothing like she expected, the woman had class and character. This was her family now, and though they revealed way more information over the last two hours than she cared to remember, she was having fun.

  A knock rapped on the kitchen door, and it opened. Jack stepped inside.

  The women collectively burst out laughing at him. He didn't get it at all. Poor thing loo
ked behind himself, twice. “Sweetheart, I need to sleep."

  "So, go to bed.” Bethany stood, wobbled toward him.

  "Are you drunk?” he asked.

  "I,” she said with great passion and pointed to herself. “I am drunk. Yes. But you may sleep, King Jack. You may return to your chambers and..."

  "All right, let's go home. Where are your shoes?” Jack spoke as if she were a child. Chance had to admit it was a little weird her calling him King Jack and all.

  "I have no clue, sire.” Bethany made a great display of lifting her jeans off the tops of her feet and staring at them as if shoes would appear. “You may punish me for losing them..."

  Now, they had everyone's attention. Chance looked at Jack who covered his wife's mouth with his hand. His face was beet red. “Where are her shoes?"

  "I have no clue either, sire.” Chance laughed. Oh boy, being in on their little game was a little creepy, but if it tortured Jack like this, she would be sure and tell Heath about it when he got home.

  "Christ.” He looked at Bethany. “I think tequila makes her clothes fall off."

  "I see.” Chance waited as Jan laughed behind her.

  "So, if you're the king, what exactly is Bethany?” Jan asked.

  "No, nothing, no,” he fumbled.

  "I'm the slave girl. I'm a naughty little slave...” Jack bent over and lifted her onto his left shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  "She's drunk. She doesn't know what she's sayin,'” he said and escaped out the back door.

  "I didn't know he had it in him.” Emmy Johnson laughed. “He must have got that from me."

  "This is way too much information.” Jan's face went serious. Then, it turned almost green. “Does anyone else feel a little..."

  Jan ran off to the bathroom. Chance shook her head.

  Emmy sighed. “Light weights."

  "Well, Mom, what do you say we call it a night?” Chance gathered the glasses and started toward the sink.

  "I think I'll stay here in the guest room if that's all right.” Emmy ran her finger around the rim of the margarita glass. “I was so happy to get out of this house, away from these memories. But now, I don't feel ashamed anymore. My sons knew all along I wasn't happy. I loved their father, but I wasn't happy. I was too stubborn, and he had too much pride."


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