Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series)

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Key West Wild (The Florida Keys Series) Page 11

by Cyndi Raye

  She peered down in to the shopping bag through the big glass window. Sara noticed black cases and they looked like they would hold something precious, like diamonds perhaps? Her hand shot to her throat. She had to get back to tell Josh right away. She waited for the two couples to leave the area. They walked towards Mallory square and Sara wanted to follow them.

  She swung to the jeweller. “Can I ask you a little favor? I need to go find my husband who is up the street. May I leave my things here for just a few more minutes while I go talk to him?”

  “Sure, I’ll put the bags behind the counter. You never know these days if someone will up and take them.”

  She thanked the guy and slipped from the shop, following the two couples. They walked toward Mallory Square, where vendors were starting to set up their tables. She stayed far enough away yet close enough to make out the direction they walked. The one old man clutched on to the bag as if the crown jewels were inside.

  As she neared the crowd on Mallory square, Sara heard sirens going off and a big commotion at the hotel beside the square. People were bottle-necking to see what all the noise was about. Sara joined in, getting closer to the crowd when she spotted a small group of about five people standing near the edge of the docks.

  Sara froze. Her brother Morgan stood there, along with a beautiful tall, dark-haired woman who looked familiar. She closed her eyes. It had to be Josh’s sister. When she opened them again, a man in an expensive casual suit stared at her with interest. That’s when she looked around to see the two elderly couples walking away from his entourage. They no longer held the shopping bag, but the beautiful man clutched it in his fist.

  Sudden realization came to her and she held her breath in order not to cry out. He had to be Darian Lane, the thug Josh was trying to nail. Determined not to give herself away and screw up the whole sting, Sara dug deep down inside herself for strength. Her brother’s life was dependent on her not screwing things up.

  So she began to walk towards the crowd of people, stopping short of the group. “What’s going on?” she said aloud.

  Darian Lane turned and smiled. He took in every inch of her, from her head to toes, lingering on her breasts. Like he was trying to undress her right there on Mallory square. What a piece of garbage, she thought to herself, but plastered a fake smile instead. She felt her brother’s eyes on her but didn’t dare to look in his direction, afraid she’d blow it. Seeing him and knowing how close he stood gave her goosebumps.

  “I’m not sure, the cops are over here. It looks like there’s some kind of convention going on,” he offered, his smile trained on her. Sara worried he’d see right through her facade, but she had to stop assuming.

  “Well, I’m looking for my husband, I misplaced him,” she laughed, her giggles a bit strained. She started to walk away when she felt something behind her and as she turned around, Josh swung her up in the air.

  “Darling! I found you!” he crooned. He swung her around several times before she landed on her feet. He pulled her to him and he swooped down and kissed her so deep and long that it took her breath away. She put her arms around his neck and forgot all about the crowd surrounding them. He may be pretending, but she would enjoy every savage kiss.

  He pulled away and stared deep in her eyes, his stormy and dark and she had no clue what he thought. They were void and empty and it kind of scared her. He took her hand and said loud enough for the others to hear, “I have something waiting for you back on the ship.”

  Sara turned to the small crowd and lifted her hand. “Nice talking to you,” she said to Darian Lane. He nodded to her, a small controlled smile on his face. She wanted to wipe it off, he was pure evil.

  When they were several feet away, Josh once again gathered her in his arms and embraced her as if she were the only woman on earth for him. He cupped her face in his hands and looked deep in her eyes. She whispered, “You stare at me as if you are looking right through me. This scares me.”

  He placed a tiny kiss on her mouth, lingering there for a moment and nibbling on her lips. “We must act and seem like newlyweds. I told you how it would be, Sara. It’s official, we’re under cover. What ever I do, go along with me. Please.”

  She sighed. She wanted this under cover stuff so now she had to play along. Even if he didn’t mean those deep kisses, she’d take them in and embrace the world she threw herself in to. “Whatever I can do to help my brother and your sister, I’ll do,” she vowed and lifted her face to him. She kissed him with so much force he took a step back.

  “Sara, that’s deep,” he said. He looked distraught.

  “There’s more where that came from,” she giggled, breaking free and running past the crowd they were performing for. Sara didn’t even know what direction to take, she just began to run, acting like a love struck bride. Josh followed on her heels, his face blank. “What are we doing now?” she asked.

  “We need to just keep walking,” he guided her around crowds of people gathering to board the ship.

  “I can’t. I have my shopping bags at the jewellers down the street. I need my new clothes!” she told him, upset to leave them behind.

  He nodded. “We have them already. They’re on the ship.”

  “What, were you having me followed?” she said, incredulous.

  “Babe, you’ve been in our sights the moment you left the Inn.” He smiled at the porter who stood at the entry, who reminded her of the jeweller in the shop where she left her bags. Josh flashed their credentials, it seemed way too easy to walk on-board. Sara glanced back to see others following their lead, and Darian Lane’s group not far behind.

  “How did we get in here?” she whispered.

  “Don’t ask.” He put his arm around her waist and led her along the corridors, through doorways and on to an elevator. He led her into a suite on the 8th level where several agents wore headphones and spoke to others who were apparently somewhere on the ship.

  Sara looked around the room at the high energy commotion, amazed at all the gadgets the men carried. The living room held a solid brown leather couch and a few chairs scattered about, filled with strangers. Tall floor length windows gave a wide view of the harbor and beyond. Sliding doors led to a veranda where the stars twinkled in the dark sky and the lights of Mallory square and Key West glittered and reflected upon the water. The noise seemed to blend as strange voices spoke in monotones. Everything buzzed all around, closing in. Sara went to the sliding door, stepping outside and grabbed on to the rail.

  “It’s happening, isn’t it?” she muttered to Josh, who followed her out to the veranda. Her heart began to thump against her chest.

  “Sara, you can back out at any time. I’ll find you a bed somewhere else on the ship far enough away and you’ll be fine until this is all over.” He placed a hand over the one clutching the rail.

  She breathed in the salty evening air and looked up at the stars. “All of a sudden it hit me. Nothing seemed real until I saw my brother. I didn’t dare look him in the eye or I would’ve lost my composure.”

  Another agent stepped outside. “Josh, you have a phone call.”

  “In a minute,” he told the agent, motioning for him to shut the glass door. He gathered Sara in his arms. “We have work to do and I can’t be distracted, my men’s lives are all at risk. I need to know how you stand with all of this.”

  He was right. She sucked in a deep breath. “I think seeing my brother with that criminal knocked me down a bit. I’ll be fine,” she whispered, forcing a smile. “Go take your call and give me a few minutes.”

  “Ah Sara, you amaze me. He cupped her face and brushed his mouth over hers. “Let’s hope Morgan will understand why I needed you.”

  She dangled the fingers of her left hand in front of his face. “I think you owe me something.”

  All of a sudden his eyes narrowed and anger surfaced. “I almost missed one of the most important details,” Josh growled. He reached in his pocket and fished out a small envelope and thrust it in to he
r hand. “I can’t make another mistake like this. It may have gotten you killed. Sara, do not distract me any more or you’ll be off this ship.”

  “Me! Distract you? Josh, you’re the one that keeps kissing me like it’s our last day on earth. You make my heart pound so fast I can’t hear anything else. My knees weaken and I am swooning, just like in those corny romance novels. Don’t you see, I can’t get close to you without wanting you so bad I can’t stand it.”

  He looked at her, his face blank. His hand brushed through his hair and he said to her in a stern voice, “Sara, it’s over. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to stay in the suite during all of this. I can’t risk it.”

  “What! You brought me along and now I have to stay put!” She ranted. “That’s my brother out there! I need to help save him!”

  The agent opened the glass door again. “Sorry Josh, but you have to take the call.”

  Sara felt a cold chill when Josh spoke again to the agent. “Change of plans. Put Sara in the adjoining room. She’s going to stay here. Do not let her out of this suite.” He began to walk back inside.

  “Josh,” she yelled, her voice almost hysterical. “You can’t do this to me, I can help. Oh please, let me help my brother.” Fear tugged at her heart. “I can’t sit here in a cabin and wait.” When he didn’t turn around, she reached out and grabbed his arm and he swung around, his face devoid of any emotion.

  “Get a hold of yourself. I’ve made up my mind.”

  She wouldn’t let his arm go, she would let him drag her along but she wasn’t letting him out of her sight.

  “Sara, let go,” he warned.

  She shook her head, bearing down on his arm, her nails digging in to thick muscles. She saw the flash in his eyes, the emotion he tried to mask.

  All at once, he raised an arm and shook her from it, causing her to fly back against the outside wall. Sara raised her hands in front of her, as if expecting a blow, as her past life flashed before her and terror gripped a hold as she went back in time for a moment.

  He took a step forward, pain in his eyes, but stopped, then turned. “Get her out of here,” he growled to the other agent before the sliding glass door closed.

  Sara, in shock, let the agent take her arm and opened another sliding door alongside the one Josh went through. She went inside to find a small adjacent room, unlike the suite they were in. This one had a bed, small couch and a coffee table. The agent closed the door and stood guard outside her room.

  She glanced in the mirror on the wall, shocked at the tears that ran down her face. She walked over to the dresser embedded in to the wall and leaned down, staring at the woman whose face she didn’t even recognize. Her cheeks were bright red and her eyes looked glassy and brimming with wetness. She leaned her hands on the dresser and stared at herself until she spotted the shopping bags and luggage on the bed.

  Taking a long, deep breath, she gathered every single inch of strength in and made her way to the shower. Sara Rose Kelley had no intention of letting Josh sleuth by himself. She’d find a way to help, but first needed to get ready for an evening out.


  After Josh took the call, he grabbed a towel before slamming the door and made his way to the fitness deck. Josh was furious, he felt sick in the gut and needed to get rid of the anger.

  He found the jogging track and began to jog at a steady pace at first. With a sudden burst of speed, his steps ran deeper and faster with each dark thought of hurting the woman who meant the world to him. When Sara raised her hands in front of her face, it killed him to stand there, emotionless. His Mother’s face flashed before him and it made his heart ache deep in his soul for what he did. But he had to keep her safe, even if it meant that she’d hate him. She’d already taken up way too much space in his head and it was getting harder and harder for to think straight. He had to distance himself from her, there was too much at stake.

  Sophie and Morgan were depending on him to back them. He knew he did the right thing, but it tore at his soul because he was falling in love with her. Josh picked up the pace and ran harder. She’d be safe as long as he kept her in the cabin.

  Forty minutes later, Josh slowed his pace, grabbing the towel and flinging it around his neck.

  “Where’s your beautiful wife,” a strange voice asked. Josh looked over to see Darian Lane, along with a few of his men, including Morgan, nearby. His thoughts were so caught up in Sara that he never heard them get close. This is why he needed to focus on the task at hand.

  “She’s resting, a bit seasick.”

  “Already? That’s unusual,” Darian said, a bit sceptical. “We’re not even out far to sea yet.”

  Josh stared at the man, heart pounding from the intense work out. He shrugged. “It’s not unusual when pregnant, I guess.”

  “Guess not. She’s a beautiful woman, you should not leave her sight. If she were my woman, I wouldn’t be here on the deck, but with her,” Darian bragged, as if trying to make Josh angry.

  But Josh played this game before many times. “I want her to rest up because I have plenty in store for later,” and began to walk away. Top that jerk!

  But it didn’t seem as if Darian was ready for him to leave yet. He began to follow Josh as he made his way down two flights of stairs.

  “I didn’t realize your cabin is so close to mine,” Darian called out. “Why don’t you and your lovely wife join us tonight for wine tasting at le Champagne. I have reservations for a large group.”

  Josh slowed his steps. This seemed way too easy. They were trying to figure out a way to get closer to Lane and he walked right in to it. Because a man like Lane had his eyes on his wife, or rather Sara. “Not sure how she’ll be by then,” Josh replied.

  “I hope you both show up. I love being surrounded by gorgeous women. Your wife spoke to me on Mallory square, she probably wouldn’t remember. I thought to myself, if only she wasn’t married. It’s sad, you came along and ruined my fantasy. But a guy can dream, no?”

  Josh turned. “Are you stalking my wife?”

  “No, not at all. I apologize, my manners stink. Darian Lane,” he held out a hand to Josh.

  Reluctant at first, Josh shook hands. The man thought he sat so high on a pedestal he could say anything and get away with it. What he’d like to do is lay him out, but not yet. He had a chance to get inside right now. “Sorry man, I’m just touchy where my wife is concerned. We’re newlyweds on our honeymoon.”

  Darian glared. The other men stilled, but Josh knew they would do whatever their boss told them to do, with a nod of his head. “Try to make it tonight,” Darian ordered and walked away. Morgan passed by and looked at Josh, fury in his eyes. Josh realized he would not take too lightly the fact he pulled Sara in on this operation.

  He leaned up against the wall, head back. His nerves were taut, he didn’t know what to expect with a man like Lane. He pushed himself from the wall and turned around, heading back to the jogging track, needing another run.

  Chapter 8

  Sara finished her shower and decided there was no way she would accept staying behind, not after coming this far. Plus, she had a beautiful dress to wear to a formal dinner she itched to wear. After lathering herself with cocoa butter to soften her skin, she put on the robe provided by the cruise line. It was white and fluffy and elegant. She decided to relax for a few moments before getting dressed so she scooted on to the bed and lay there with her head back against the pillows. Was this how a prisoner lived their days, trapped like a dog? A plan of escape would be needed to escape from this room.

  She jumped off the bed, realizing there was an entry door to the adjacent suite. But when she flung it open, a tall man, scruffy in appearance, leaned up against a mechanics cart. He looked up and shook his head. Sara slammed the door. She would find a way to get out of there.

  Sara took extra care with her make-up and hair, pulling it back and up on top of her head. She let large ringlets loose, cascading down her long neck. Satisfied, she dished out her favorite per
fume, Passionate Love, a soft fragrance that promised a night of unforgettable passion.

  Sara put on the new dress and gasped when she looked in the mirror. There stood one of the most beautiful women on planet earth.

  The long floral gown, the color of the sea with black, gold and azure blue hues combined in one perfect design flowed down her body from shoulder to toes. A halter top design, she wondered if the low plunge would be too dramatic at first, but decided it was what she needed to grab the attention of Darian Lane. She turned around. The open back with gold chain embellishments showed plenty of bare skin. Even the sides were open, and if someone’s arms were around her, they would feel the soft skin peeking through the open material. She wanted all eyes on her tonight.

  Sara found the envelope Josh gave her and pulled out a set of rings, one a single, large stone engagement ring with a matching band. Placing them on her left finger, she held it up to the mirror, admiring the expensive set. She remembered another piece and pulled out an elegant vintage necklace she found in a little antique shop a few years back. It looked like someone’s heirloom pendant and when Sara cleaned it up, discovered a beautiful emerald encased in an antiquated fixture. She put the necklace on and stepped back. Her little thrift shop find was worth thousands of dollars. A perfect fit on a night like tonight!

  Satisfied, she stepped in to a pair of elegant, strappy sandals and once again did a little dance in front of the mirror. Everything flowed, she looked ravishing! Oh yeah! Sara blew the mirror a little kiss. “Your on, kid. Make yourself proud.”

  She grabbed the tiny clutch bag that matched the gown and swung open the door. She peered out. “Oh dear! Can you help me?” The agent looked up at her and shook his head, giving a silent warning when she realized why. A group walked down the hall. Darian Lane and the rest of the entourage were headed towards the elevators no more than a few feet away.


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