Dirty English

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Dirty English Page 27

by Ilsa Madden-Mills

  But, here’s the rub. I’ve never in my life slept the entire night with a girl. It was an unwritten rule to be gone before sunrise. So yeah, this waking up next to someone was strange.

  She was still asleep, so I propped up on my elbow, leaned over, and inhaled her scent one more time, committing it to memory. I truly intended to leave, but I found myself staring at her, seeing how her dark lashes contrasted with her hair and skin. And her lips. They were full and erotic looking, and I wanted to— I jerked back away from her. I had to get out of here before I did something I regretted. Giving her one last lingering look, I told myself this would be the last time I saw Nora in a bed. Ever.

  I disentangled our hands, severing our connection, and got out of bed.

  I made my escape just as Sebastian came out of his room, dressed in running clothes.

  His eyes grew, and he shook his head. “Really, Leo? Did checking on her take all night? She’s not one of your sluts.”

  I sighed. “Relax. It’s not what you think.”

  “Then what is it?” he said, cocking his head.

  “We started talking and I . . . I guess, I fell asleep. Nothing happened.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Huh, guess that’s a first for you.”

  I shrugged and made to go into my bedroom when he touched my arm to get my attention. “Hey, man. Don’t be hurting her, okay. Don’t add to her problems.”

  “I’m trying not to,” I said curtly, striding into my room.

  When I was alone, I sat down on my bed, wondering when my little brother had gotten so perceptive.

  BY 9:00 A.M. THE smells of bacon and coffee were in the air when she wandered into the kitchen wearing baggy blue sweat pants and Sebastian’s old Dallas Cowboys shirt that somehow managed to cling to her breasts, despite being too big for her. It irked me seeing her in his clothes.

  She yawned and then glanced at me sheepishly, and I wanted to ask her how she’d slept, but instead I poured her a cup of coffee and avoided her eyes.

  “Cream and sugar?” I asked her.

  She smiled shyly and nodded.

  “Both are on the island,” I said, handing her the cup, her fingers brushing mine as she took it. She poured in a liberal dose of cream and sugar and drank. After a few sips she spoke, her voice husky with sleep, “Thanks for staying with me.”

  Sebastian saved me from replying when he walked in. “Breakfast time,” he called out with a grin. He stopped and took in Nora, and I imagined his eyes were admiring the same view I had tried not to. “Hey, there. Not sure if you remember, but I’m Sebastian, Leo’s brother,” he said, gesturing at himself. I couldn’t help but notice that he’d showered, shaved, and put on nice clothes. Not his usual weekend lounging clothes. Was he trying to impress her?

  She blushed. “I’m sorry for imposing on you guys this morning.”

  “Pretty girl like you? You’re always welcome,” he said, moving in to stand next to her.

  She drank her coffee, peering at him over the rim, and it made me remember how she’d analyzed me. I wondered what observations she’d come to about Sebastian. She’d probably like him. All the girls did. And he already thought she was hot. It pissed me off to imagine them being attracted to each other. Surprised at the feeling, I paused right in the middle of flipping the French toast.

  What the hell? Was I jealous of my brother?

  After breakfast was ready, I stayed silent while Sebastian jumped into being the perfect host, making her a plate piled high with toast, strawberries, and bacon. He gave her silverware and a napkin and then poured her orange juice. He even pulled the stool out for her.

  I’d never seen him so solicitous.

  Finally, he stopped hovering and sat down beside her. As he ate, he kept shooting her little smirks, and she’d grin back. When she ran out of bacon, he jumped up to get her more. And as he sat back down, I noticed that he scooted his seat a bit closer to hers. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear, and I slammed my coffee down hard, splashing most of it all over the bar.

  “Okay, bro?” he asked, his eyebrow cocked.

  My mouth tightened. “Fine. Just fine,” I said, getting up to grab some paper towels. I wiped up the mess, angry at myself for losing control. For wanting what I couldn’t have.

  “I like your tattoos,” she said after I sat back down, her eyes flicking over me. “I didn’t see this one last night,” she said, pointing at the writing I had wrapped around my left wrist. “Rachel and Joel,” she read quietly. “Your parents’ names, right?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  She bit her lip and gave me a cute smile. “Can I see the dragon on your chest again? It’s incredible.”

  I faltered, thinking how ridiculous it’d be to take my tank off in the kitchen, but I couldn’t say no to her. At that moment, I would have done anything to make her smile like that again.

  “I’ve got more on my back,” I said, taking off my tank and showing her where I had Sebastian’s name and birth date written on my left shoulder blade. “Sebastian Tyler Tate,” she recited.

  When I faced her, she studied the dragon that lay across my heart, making my pulse kick up.

  “He’s gorgeous,” she said, staring at the large tat for so long I began to feel hot. She finally looked up at me and said, “His eyes are blue just like yours. And he’s fierce and breathing fire, yet he doesn’t seem scary to me.”

  I nodded, pleased at her words. “Yeah, he’s an eastern dragon, the ones with the snake-like bodies. His colors symbolize courage and protection of loved ones.”

  “I like it,” she murmured, and I pictured her touching it, caressing the green scales, licking the red flames . . .

  “You interested in getting a tat?” Sebastian asked her, pulling her attention away from me and yanking me back to the present.

  She shrugged. “My friend Mila and I are going to check out this new place a couple of blocks over today. You can come with if you want,” she said, looking at both of us.

  I shook my head and took a deep breath. Here it was. My chance to make sure she knew where I stood with her. “Nope, got a date with someone at the park,” I said, picking my shirt back up and slipping it on.

  Sebastian scowled. “Tiffany?”

  “Just eat, Sebastian.”

  He huffed and murmured out something, but I couldn’t understand it, which was probably just as well. Tiffany was not his favorite person.

  “Who’s Tiffany?” Nora asked.

  “A girl I’m seeing,” I told her, holding her gaze and keeping my face cool. I had to set her straight, and if exaggerating about my relationship with Tiffany was the way to do it, then I would.

  She stared down at her plate. “Oh.”

  She seemed disappointed, but it had to be done. But then I remembered her list where she’d written about having meaningless sex. Was she really going to screw any guy she could? And now that I had told her no, would she go for Sebastian? I glared at them both, imagining her taking her clothes off for him.

  “Tiffany’s a real sweetheart,” Sebastian said with a sarcastic smirk. “Not the sharpest tool in the shed, but hey, she is pretty.”

  Nora picked at her fingernails and shrugged. “Pretty’s good. Smart isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be.”

  “Let me see your fingers,” Sebastian said, reaching out and taking her hand.

  “Why?” she asked, letting him take it.

  “The BA brochure said you’d taken piano for years. I can tell. You’ve got the calluses to prove it. So maybe you could play for us sometime?” he said.

  She shrugged.

  “Sebastian, can you start clearing the table, please?” I said, giving him a hard look as he still held her hand. The same one I’d held last night.

  “In a minute, bro,” he dismissed me, not looking away from Nora. Speaking to her, he said, “Our family has always been into music . . .” He paused. “Our parents are dead.”

  Nora nodded. “Yeah, Leo told me.”

  Sebastian straightened up like he’d been poked in the ribs and looked at me in surprise. He dropped her hand. “You told her about mom and dad?”

  I nodded.

  He looked quizzically from me to Nora. “Really?” he asked me again, like I was lying.

  I clenched my teeth together. “Yes.”

  He trained his eyes on me then Nora, scrutinizing us, jumping from one to the other, seeming to be deep in thought. Finally, he nodded as if he’d just figured something out. He laughed a little to himself, like he knew a joke we didn’t.

  He continued, “Anyway. So instead of sending me off to live with some distant cousins when they died, he gave up his band and college so he could be a full-time dad.”

  “I bet he was a great one,” Nora said.

  Sebastian snorted as he stood to clean up. “Don’t let him fool you, Nora. He packs a mean wallop to the head when you least expect it. I only keep him around ’cause he can cook.”

  And immediately, I felt my jealousy of Sebastian ebb away. He was the only real family I had left. I loved him. Hard. And I had no right to be mad at him for flirting with Nora.

  I hugged him and rubbed his head playfully with my knuckles. He was long overdue with all the lip flapping he’d been doing this morning.

  “See how he is?” Sebastian said, grinning as he pulled away from me, trying to smooth down his styled hair.

  The buzzer pealed from downstairs. “What’s that?” she asked.

  “Door bell. Looks like it’s payback time, Nora,” I said.

  Her face turned white and her fork clattered down on the table. “Shit. Parents?”

  “No, it’s friends of ours, and I want you to come downstairs and meet them,” I said.

  She nodded, her face still pale.

  I stood there for a moment, wanting to tell her it would be okay. That I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. But I walked out the door and didn’t look back, leaving her there with Sebastian.

  My other books:

  Briarcrest Academy Series

  Reading Order:

  Very Bad Things

  Very Wicked Beginnings

  Very Wicked Things

  Very Twisted Things

  Dear Reader,

  Hearing from you is very important to me. Honestly, it makes my day because I love to talk about my characters like they are real people (they are in my head!). So please drop me a line on my website or on Facebook. Book reviews are like gold to indie writers, and you have no idea how we relish each one. If you have time, I’d appreciate and love an honest, heartfelt review from you. Thank you for being part of my fictional world.

  Ilsa Madden-Mills, NYT and USA Today best-selling author

  For more information about the next book and to order signed books,

  please visit my social media sites:


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  NEW YORK TIMES and USA Today best selling author Ilsa Madden-Mills writes about strong heroines and sexy alpha males that sometimes you just want to slap. She's addicted to dystopian books and all things fantasy, including unicorns and sword-wielding females. Other fascinations include frothy coffee beverages, dark chocolate, Instagram, Ian Somerhalder (seriously hot), astronomy (she's a Gemini), Sephora make-up, and tattoos. She has a degree in English and a Master's in Education.

  Sign up here for her newsletter to receive a FREE Briarcrest Academy novella ($2.99 value) plus get insider info and exclusive giveaways!


  THERE ARE SO many fantastic people in the indie world that made this journey possible. Please know that my gratitude in no way lessens as the list continues.

  For my husband who has stood by me every step of the way. You and me, babe, against the world.

  For author Lisa N. Paul—We’re both hardworking writers living similar lives, only we’re too far away from each other, and it drives me crazy. I don’t know what I’d do without your calls each day. Thank you for all the giggles and lunch dates that we’ve never even had in person. Most of all thank you for being my dear friend and being there when I need advice.

  For author Tia Louise, my twin brain, and author Scarlett Dawn, my cheerleader—I can’t think about you guys without wanting to sing “It’s Getting’ Hot in Herre” and smoke cigarettes. I adore both of you tremendously, and the next time we get stuck in an elevator together, I plan on bringing more alcohol…and a bikini.

  For all the girls in my author group (Fuck That Noise), the best group of writers and storytellers around. We’re small but we are MIGHTY. I appreciate each and every one of you!

  For Debi Barnes—you are a gem of a blogger and an even better friend. Thank you for all your help with DE.

  For my graphic designer who sacrificed time to make my cover one of a kind—S.k. Hartley, you are the best!

  For Rachel Skinner of Romance Refined, my awesome and sweet editor who is extremely tough on content and exactly what I need. She worked with my crazy schedule when she didn’t have to, and I love her for her kindness.

  For Jimmy and Jenn Beckham and Tia Louise—thank you for proofreading and helping me polish.

  For Miranda Arnold of Red Cheeks Reads: my wonderful and talented PA. HOLLA! Haha! So happy we connected through our love of Very Bad Things. Thank you for being a go-getter for me. Race to the end, baby!

  For the admin girls of Racy Readers: Erin Fisher, Tina Morgan, Elizabeth Thiele, Miranda Arnold, Stacey Nickelson, Sarah Griffin, Heather Wish, Heather Reed, Kinsey Taylor. You ladies are responsible for the great reader group we have. It’s one of the best ones ever, and I thank you for your constant support, ideas, and love.

  For Julie Titus of JT Formatting: the best formatter out there. I appreciate you so much! :)

  For the ladies of The Rock Stars of Romance who worked tirelessly and answered all my questions and offered advice: Lisa and Milasy and Dawn…you are the best!

  For my Ilsa’s Racy Readers Group: you may be last on this list, but you are the BEST. You picked me up when I got knocked down and made me laugh when I needed it the most. Thank you all for every shout out and each review you posted. Thank you for sharing a part of yourself in our group.

  “I LOVED Kenny and Slade's story! This book has it all.”

  –Aleatha Romig, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author

  “Kenny and Slayde had that James Dean and Audrey Hepburn kind of feel.

  Broken and perfect rolled all into one.”

  –Love Between the Sheets

  “Kenny and Slayde’s story was heartbreaking, beautiful, passionate and HOT!”

  –Blondie’s Little Book Life

  Tattoos, bad boys, love…

  Boxing, fame, fortune…


  It’s the one thing Kenny and Slayde have in common. Until the night Fate throws them together and everything changes.

  It’s a story about fighting. It’s about falling in love. And it’s about losing everything only to find it again in the least likely place.

  A STAND-ALONE New Adult Contemporary Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is for readers 18+ only.

  Get One to Love:

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