Goodbye is a Second Chance (Sons of Sin Book 1)

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Goodbye is a Second Chance (Sons of Sin Book 1) Page 15

by Nola Marie

  “It’s why I came. You too.” It’s a simple statement of fact, not a question.

  I nod in agreement. We walk to a fountain and grab a couple of glasses. I plan on drinking nice and slow. I have no intention of letting anything distract me from Josie. Including the red head trying to climb me.

  Dane looks over to me with a grin. I give him a finger as I try to unwind the girl’s arms from around my neck.

  We work our way through the room, talking to a few familiar faces here and there. We do our best to avoid the women determined to get our attention without coming off like assholes. All the while I watch as Josie and Cami laugh with Jamie and Tyler until some random guys come dragging them off to dance.

  I feel like some kind of masochist standing here watching her grind herself on the guy. My teeth grind when he drops his mouth to her ear. My fist clench as he grips her hips to grind himself against her.

  “Your growling, brother,” Dane tells me without looking my way.

  I grunt some more. I watch as Josie excuses herself. The guy follows her.

  So do I.

  “Don’t do anything stupid,” Dane calls out.

  I watch as they make their way to the rooftop. It’s still crowded up here but not nearly as loud. The guy leads her to a sofa in the back corner, and I feel like a damn creep following. It doesn’t stop me though.

  Definitely a masochist. Because what other kind of idiot would stand here watching some guy make moves on the girl he wants. On the girl he’s always wanted.

  She giggles at whatever he’s saying to her. He moves her hair away from her face. She blushes. He moves in to kiss her.

  And I’m pretty sure my head is about to explode. There is no point in standing here. I just want to make sure she’s safe. I can’t stop her from doing something she wants, and she hasn’t sipped more than an unopened bottled water since we got here.

  I make my way back downstairs to find Dane. I need to get out of here before I do something stupid.

  It takes me a second to find him dancing with Cami.

  “You heading out?” he asks clearly reading my expression.

  “Yeah man. I’ll see you in the morning,” I answer with a nod.

  I’m making my way toward the door when I see her coming back down the stairs alone. I don’t wait to see where she’s heading, I just head out the door.

  I’m surprised to see her standing next to me at the elevator. She doesn’t say anything to me. I don’t say anything to her. We just enter the elevator in silence.

  Silence that becomes deafening and maddening. Silence that I have to break.

  I turn to her, pushing her against the elevator wall without a word. I cage her in with both arms on each side of her head.

  She doesn’t say anything either. She just stares at me with those sparkling eyes. Defiance. A dare to do something.

  And that stupid thing I’ve been trying not to do, is exactly what I do when I press my lips to hers. She lets out a squeak of a gasp with her hands moving to my chest. I expect her to push me off. I can tell by her body language that’s what she meant to do, but it’s not what she does.

  Instead, those tiny hands grip my shirt pulling me in closer. I pull my arms away to reach down. Dragging both hands until they’re under that tiny skirt she’s wearing. I knead her ass for a second before I lift her, wrapping her legs around me.

  I have wanted to kiss Josie since I wanted to start kissing girls. I’ve wanted her lips against mine, her tongue dancing in my mouth for so damn long. I savor every goddamn second because this is so much better than my imagination ever dreamed.

  My finger drifts to the edge of her panties, reaching beneath the thin material to grip the soft flesh of her ass. She grinds her hot pussy against my covered erection and moans against my mouth.

  I don’t dare let go. I don’t dare move my mouth anywhere else. If I stop, I know that whatever this spell is will be broken, and fuck if I want it to end right now.

  I feel her grinding harder against me. Chasing a release. I press her hard to me and help her. I move with her as I run my hand up the front of her shirt to find her braless, making it my turn to groan. I knead her full soft breast in my hand feeling the weight of it before I roll her nipple with my fingers.

  A few seconds later another moan comes. Her breathing is shallow and heavy. Her entire body becomes taut and tense. My mouth swallows her screams.

  Then the elevator dings and stops. I hear the door open behind us. I lean my forehead against hers as I work to catch my breath. I slowly lower her to the floor and help her adjust her clothes.

  Neither of us say a word. We don’t even look at each other. We just make our way out the elevator to the waiting car.

  I stare out the window of the SUV until we reach the hotel. I can’t say I haven’t enjoyed having hotel rooms this week instead of sleeping on the buses. Tonight, I’m extra appreciative because I have an erection the size of Texas that I have to take care of.

  I walk into my room and begin stripping as I make my way to the shower. I don’t even give the water time to heat up as I step into the beating spray. I lean my head against the wall and my hand finds my dick, giving it a squeeze as Josie’s face appears behind my eyes.

  I see those tits that I swear felt like they were made for my hands and picture my mouth wrapping around a pink, peaked nipple while my hands explore her body. I squeeze my dick harder as I picture her plump mouth wrapping around to take my full length. I imagine her pretty cheeks hollowing out as she bobs her head up and down, going deeper with each motion.

  I fist that long sandy hair as I begin to thrust into her mouth. I know it’s probably too much, but she doesn’t try to stop me. I can feel her tongue flatten against the length of me then swirl around the head. My balls tighten and my spine tingles as the release I’m chasing gets closer. I see her swallowing me down without letting a single drop escape.

  I roar into the empty room as thick white ropes spurt from me. My vision gets fuzzy as my release seemingly goes on and on. When I finally come down, I continue to lean against the shower wall in an attempt to catch my breath. Then I quickly clean up and exit the shower.

  I wish I could say I’m going to sleep well, but I won’t. In spite of my release, I’m not even close to satisfied, and my mind continues to travel to Josie. I will be thinking of that kiss all night. I will be picturing her face as she came against me.

  It’s going to be a very long night.

  Obnoxious screaming fills the airport terminal as Tori runs towards us. Dane has his arms stretched wide, but it’s Maddox she goes to first, leaving her brother looking absolutely chagrined.

  Cara goes to her brother, making him look a little less putout, but I can’t help but notice something about Cara seems – well, not Cara. She isn’t her normally bubbly, hyper self. Granted, I didn’t get to know her well before she left for college, but something is definitely not right. Her bounciness isn’t there. She isn’t talking a mile a minute. She’s just not herself.

  Zoey is here too with her husband, who I’ve never seen in person but he’s an NFL quarterback so he’s not exactly unfamiliar. When Tori steps back to go to Dane, Zoey takes her place. I notice neither of the two girls’ husbands seem even remotely concerned that their wives are climbing all over Maddox.

  “I can’t believe I’m finally going to get to see you play for real,” Zoey tells him with a grin.

  Maddox flits his eyes over her head, which isn’t hard given she’s barely five feet tall, to her husband and brother with worried eyes. They both give him a grinning nod that looks as if it just took a thousand-pound load off of Maddox’s shoulders. “You’re coming to the show?” he asks her with a grin.

  “I wouldn’t miss it Mads,” she tells him softly as her eyes so pale, they rival my own, look up to him.

  I never noticed it before, but I see it now. The way she draws everyone in. Why Maddox can’t seem to let go of a girl he never had.

  Her husband and
brother walk up to us. They shake our hands and introduce themselves to Ryder, Liam, and me. “How long are you here?” Jax asks in a deep baritone voice.

  “We actually don’t leave until day after tomorrow. Today is interviews and signings then we’re free,” Maddox answers.

  “Then we want you to come over tonight,” Jax tells him but then turns to the rest of us. “All of you.”

  “And what are you planning on doing with my nephew?” Dane grunts toward Zane. I’m not sure when the guy is going to realize he shouldn’t fuck with his sister’s husband.

  “My son will be at Jax’s parents’ house with his cousins tonight,” Tori tells her brother with a glower.

  “So, what do you say?” Zane asks looking at Maddox with a grin.

  “You know you can count me in. I don’t see these beautiful girls nearly enough.”

  Tori and Zoey both giggle.

  They are looking at all of us for an answer, but I’m not hearing any of it. My eyes are on Josie who is dragging her two bags behind her while struggling with a third. Without excusing myself, I go to help her.

  When she drops the bag for the third time, I reach to take it from her. “I’ve got it,” she grumbles without looking at me, but I don’t let her stubbornness stop me. I take the bag from her then grab another. “I said I had it,” she tosses at me again with more anger.

  Clearly last night did not lessen any of her resentment. If anything, she looks even angrier.

  “Obviously, you don’t, or you wouldn’t be dropping them,” I answer her without breaking stride.

  She huffs then starts walking ahead of me dragging the last bag. I blow out a breath of frustration and follow.

  I help her get the luggage loaded into the cars without a word. When it closes, she moves to walk away from me. I grab her by the elbow to stop her. “Why are you doing this?” I ask, probably a bit too forcefully.

  She won’t even meet my eyes. I don’t know if she’s embarrassed about the other night, last night, or what. It pisses me off. Of course, it does. All she does is make me want her, then piss me off.

  “You’re not even going to answer me?” I practically spit. She looks up at me with absolutely nothing in her eyes. Not kindness or joy. Not even hate and anger. It’s like she’s completely dead inside, and it makes my gut twist in pain. Literally. I have to fight to stay upright from the sharp stabbing pain.

  And she still doesn’t say a word.

  I release her arm, not knowing what else to do. I don’t understand that look. I don’t like it either. I’d rather her be angry and pissed than to look like she feels absolutely nothing. Especially after last night.

  I know it wasn’t some significant romantic moment. More like sexual tension had built until the top blew off. It was sordid and dirty and hot as fuck. But still, to act like nothing happened at all or that she didn’t feel what I felt.

  Because what I felt was like lightning striking a fuel tank. Explosive and combustive. That elevator should’ve had scorch marks where we stood.

  I watch as she gets in the car without looking back.

  A clap on the back gets my attention. “She’s shut us all out, Mate,” Ryder tells me looking in Josie’s direction.

  “But why? Why all of a sudden is she not even fighting?”

  “I may have let it slip the other night that you were the one paying for everything,” he tells me with an apologetic smile.

  I groan and scrub my hands over my face. “Why? Why would you tell her that?”

  “She was pissed, Mate. Pissed at Mads and me for worrying about your reaction to her getting wasted. Saying all sorts of rubbish about you not caring about her and calling her over so she could see you fuck that Erica chick and doing it all out of guilt.”

  “Wait one second,” I say as I zero in on something he just said. “Did you say that she claims I called her over so she would see me and Erica going at it? Those were her exact words?”

  “No. There was a bit more to it,” he says giving me a questioning look.

  My mind is moving a million miles an hour. “Tell me, Ryder. Tell me exactly what she said.”

  Maddox walks up about that time looking between us with worry. “What’s going on?”

  “Tell me what Josie said the other night. About Erica. I want to know word for word.”

  Maddox’s furrow in confusion. “Well, she said you haven’t cared about her since the day you set her up to come over to see Erica riding your dick and that you didn’t get to have a say or opinion about her life after you continued to, and I quote, ‘fuck the bitch that made it her mission in life to make mine hell’.”

  Set her up? What the fuck? Has she said all this before?

  “You don’t have a clue what she’s talking about, do you?” Ryder notes.

  “I mean I did keep fucking Erica after that. It didn’t mean anything to me. I knew Josie didn’t like Erica, but I didn’t know the rest.”

  “Maybe you should talk to her,” Maddox tilts his head in Josie’s direction.

  “What do you think I have been trying to do for years?” I groan.

  “If you really want to know, you’re going to have to try harder.”

  And for once, I plan on doing just that. I’m not letting her dodge me this time.

  But first, I’m calling Eden. It’s time she finally tells me what I’ve wanted to know all these years.


  River City was a massive success. Dirty Minds seemed like an afterthought compared to the Sons of Sin when they entered that stadium. Maddox’s hometown welcomed him home with so many accolades you’d think he was already the superstar he’s destined to become. Of course, that only pissed Blaze Erikson off.

  Getting them ready for the show was not the easiest thing to do that night. An incredible feat to be honest considering the amount of people that were gathered in flocks.

  I met most of them the night before at a party that the band insisted Camilla and I attend. Or rather Dane insisted Camilla attend and she dragged me along.

  I wasn’t too fond of the idea. I didn’t want to be at another party where Angel would be. Not after the night before in the elevator which should not have happened if I want to keep my job.

  I have no idea what came over him. I didn’t even have a chance to think. I’ve been actively avoiding them all for not telling me immediately that Angel was the one who planned and paid for my birthday events. I have also been more than embarrassed about how the night ended.

  When he leaned over me, I pretended not to react, but my heart began pounding like the hooves of a racehorse. When he kissed me, I meant to push him away, but as soon as my hands were in place to do so, all sense left me. I wanted him closer.

  And when he lifted me to his waist. I completely lost it. I was lost in the feeling of him and the burning, throbbing need between my legs. The need that had to be satisfied. And boy was it satisfied. A little embarrassing to say the best orgasm of my life came from dry humping him.

  Once we were at the party, I didn’t regret coming a bit. My jaw practically dragged the hardwood floor when I walked into Jax McCabe’s penthouse.

  Jax McCabe and Zane Valen were my celebrity crushes. I love football and I’ve been a Raptors fan for years. It was surreal to know that not only had Maddox grew up with them, but Dane’s sister was married to Zane. I had a feeling there was a story there. It was hard to miss the evil eye that Dane kept throwing Zane’s way.

  I wanted to be jealous of the women, but it just wasn’t possible. Not only were they stunningly beautiful, but they were also incredibly sweet. Tori was so beautiful with her stark white hair and deep brown eyes. She meshed so perfectly with Zane that I don’t think I’d ever seen a more beautiful couple. Even though their other friends, two very serious, very tattooed, very hot men and their wives were nearly as stunning.

  Then Jax’s wife came down the stairs. I’d been completely captivated by her at the airport. By her beauty, of course. It was almost exotic the
way her pale eyes seemed even lighter against her long dark waves. She was so petite and tiny. Especially next to him, but it was the radiance she showed that held my attention. She looked like she could bring about world peace with a smile. Everything and everyone seemed to just gravitate to her. Then there was the way she and Jax looked at each other. It was intense for anyone to see.

  Then I noticed the look in Maddox’s eyes. He had genuine happiness and love for the couple, but there was a sadness there too. I wondered if she was the girl that he talked about at Ryder’s party all those weeks ago.

  It was hard to believe she was Zane’s twin. They looked so different. He looked like a Calvin Klein model while she looked otherworldly with her dark hair and pale eyes. In fact, she reminded me a lot of someone else I know whose beauty is out of this world. She could pass for his twin any day.

  I did my damnedest to avoid him the entire party. I would say that I succeeded except I still felt his eyes on me every step I took.

  Today, I’ve made it my mission to pretend complete ambivalence to everyone.

  After the show, getting them undressed proved just as difficult as their friends all gathered to tell them goodbye. Finally, we loaded the buses for the next stop in Dallas. The show there was just as epic, and I started wondering if the guys weren’t outgrowing their status already. Since we hit Florida, it seemed the headliner, Dirty Minds, was actually the closing act for Sons of Sin. I supposed it didn’t hurt that they’d had two songs hit number one in the last couple of weeks. They broke download records, and it didn’t seem to be slowing down.

  Now we’re on the buses for Oklahoma City and all I want to do is climb into my bunk and sleep. I’m about to pull back the privacy curtain when I hear noises coming from my space.

  My space. Just gross.

  So, I head for Cami’s bunk. She left on the first flight she could catch back to New York after her mother called her to inform her that her dad had a mild heart attack. Her mother insisted that she stay where she was but there was no way that was happening. Cami was so panicked and upset that I, and our boss back in New York, insisted that she take a few days. I promised her I’d be fine.


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