Protect Her

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Protect Her Page 6

by Chloe Fischer

  His hands glided down her back, one fist getting tangled in her hair, gently pulling her head back so he had a better angle to taste her. He unhooked her bra with one hand so he could lick and bite at the exposed skin of her throat and palm her breast at the same time. Cleo moaned softly. She undid his pants and they dropped to the ground, then she pulled him into her...

  The meaning of right and wrong was lost in that moment - only passion and desire in its purest form was left, and because of that, it felt so right. Everything was moving so fucking fast. Consequences be damned.

  Cleo pushed herself forward off the counter and allowed her legs to drop to the floor. She slid down his body, taking his boxer briefs down as she went. Dallas’ cock sprung forward, eagerly pointing toward her, a drop of pre-cum glistening at the tip. Cleo’s mouth watered as she took in the view.

  Dallas’ breath caught as he watched her slide slowly down his body. He must be dreaming, but if he was, his dick was dreaming too, straining toward Cleo’s body with a fervor that Dallas had never experienced before. She paused when her mouth was inches from his manhood, grasping the base of his shaft in her hands and giving it a squeeze. Pure lust shot through Dallas and landed in his balls, drawing them up tight.

  Staring down at her, he sunk his hands into her hair, tightening his hold. “Do it, Cleo,” he ordered roughly. “Put your pretty mouth on me.”

  Cleo met his eyes, with a mischievous look coming over her face. “What will you do for me, Dallas?” she asked coyly.

  “Oh baby, I’m going to make you beg for me. Your pussy is going to suck me in so deep, we won’t know where you end and I begin.” He promised.

  Heat ran through Cleo at his words, making her body weep for what he promised. She sucked his cock into her wet mouth, slowly taking it to the back of her throat, her eyes raised as she watched the look of rapture come over his face. The taste of him, the sight of his rigid muscles, the tension running through his body, it all made her clit clench, the passion so real for her. She moaned at the same time she swallowed the head of his cock, enjoying the curse that was torn from him at the sensation, his hands gripping her hair even tighter.

  “Fuck. That’s it, baby,” Dallas growled. “Hum around my cock, just like that.” He drew back slightly, and then pushed forward again, sinking into her throat. “That’s so good; I won’t be able to take much more, love.”

  Cleo gripped his balls in one hand, massaging them aggressively while she drew back, hollowing out her cheeks the whole way. A strangled gasp broke him. “Jesus, come here,” he said while pulling her off his cock. His lips slammed onto hers, his tongue delving deeply.

  He carried her over to his bed, relieving them of all of their remaining clothing as he went. Placing her gently on the mattress, he nuzzled her neck, trying to regain his equilibrium. That had probably been the most erotic sight he’d ever laid his eyes on. He’d be jacking off to the memory of Cleo’s pouty lips stretched around his shaft, her eyes looking up at him, till the day he died.

  He made a trail down to her beautiful breasts, taking first one, then the other, in his mouth. Ambrosia, he thought. This must be what ambrosia tastes like. Her small gasps and moans only increased his need to get inside her. He lightly smoothed his hand down her firm belly, then sinking his finger into the core of her. Easing back on the hold his mouth had on her nipple, he raised his head so he could watch where his fingers were moving through her slick pussy, making her writhe on the bed and moan small entreaties to some deity above. As he sunk a finger deep inside her, the muscles of her canal tightened, almost begging him to increase the pressure, the width of his penetration. So he inserted another finger, loving the sound of her cries as her body held tight onto him, her natural moisture paving the way for him.

  “Please, Dallas……..give me…..more,” she begged. Her gaze was dazed, lost to her passion, not knowing what to ask for.

  “Not yet, baby,” he told her, “I want to take you higher. Higher than you’ve ever been.” His mouth came down on one strawberry nipple, nipping it sharply. Immediately after, he laved the sharp sting with his mouth, making it impossible for Cleo to tell the difference between the heated jab of pain and the silky pleasure that followed it immediately. Her womb clenched, her pussy milking his fingers.

  He did it again, and a strangled moan escaped her, “Oh god! Dallas……please, fuck me! I can’t take it.”

  He chuckled evilly. She shuddered as he eased back from her, his lips gleaming with the moisture from her breasts.

  He kneeled between her legs, “Spread your knees,” Dallas ordered. “Wider, baby.” Pressing against her inner thigh, he guided her until her legs were spread wide enough to part her swollen folds.

  The sight caused a groan to escape from Dallas’ throat. “Fuck,” he muttered, with one hand wrapped around his cock as he stroked it, the other holding her knee spread. “So pretty, Cleo. So fucking beautiful.”

  He guided his cock to her folds, trying hard to hold back. More than anything, he wanted, needed, to sink into her hard. To fuck her like a piston, slamming into her depths just to hear her scream. But even more than that, he wanted to make this last. This feeling, this attachment, was ephemeral. He had never experienced passion this sharp, this deep.

  He looked into her eyes as he sank another couple inches into her pussy. She tried to pull him forward, to force him to go all the way, but he was too strong, too determined. “Please….Dallas…” she wailed, “Fuck me!”

  Finally, he locked his eyes with hers. “Like this?” And he slammed himself forward, impaling her, groaning at the same time that she screamed.

  “Yes! Oh god, that’s so good…” Cleo cried.

  After a moment, Dallas pulled back partway, then forcefully sank into her again. She worked her hips, shuddering, desperate cries escaping her lips as she experienced the sublime pleasure, the wicked bite of pain, that his huge cock gave her as he pistoned into her depths.

  Cleo was lost in a place where only sensation existed, where ecstasy was within her reach. Before she could get used to the sensations, Dallas’ lips covered the ultra sensitive tip of her breast. He sucked forcefully, seeming to join the pinpoints of electric current going through her from her nipples to her clit. The sensations threatened to overwhelm her, to take her over the edge. Her pussy clamped down hard on him.

  “Not yet, sweetie. I’m not done playing with you yet.” Dallas murmured as he let her swollen breast go and stopped his downward thrusts.

  Cleo cried out, “Noooo….don’t stop!”

  “Shh….it’s going to get even better, beautiful,” he promised. “Patience.”

  He pulled back and grasped her hips, turning her over quickly so that she lay on her stomach. He lifted her hips up, propping her ass up high, directing her knees to hold her up while her cheek still lay on the soft blankets.

  “Oh yeah, baby, that’s it,” Dallas said with appreciation while he rubbed his hand over her right cheek. “So fucking beautiful.”

  He guided his cock to her wet entrance, sliding in smoothly, going even deeper than before. He started thrusting immediately, not giving her a chance to get used to his depth, the penetration more powerful than anything she had ever felt before.

  “Ah! Dallas……yes, yes….please.” Incoherent, Cleo still managed to get her message across, Dallas pistoning even harder, faster, sinking into her womb and making her world implode.

  Just when she thought she’d die if she couldn’t come, he reached around her, his fingers sliding between her folds, and grasped her clit, squeezing and rubbing methodically. The sensations were just what she needed to send her over the edge, into a screaming cataclysm where lights burst behind her eyelids, her violent shudders trying to release the passion that had built up inside her to volcanic proportions.

  Vaguely she heard Dallas cry out and sink into her one last time, straining hard, his head thrown back with the force of his release, the heat of it only causing the inferno inside her to blaze deeper

  The after tremors still working their way through her body, she slowly came down from the passionate high. Nothing could have prepared her for this. She had never thought to feel so much, so deeply, so quickly. How could he have gotten under her skin so thoroughly? And now she had another person that she had to protect from her foolish actions. Actions that could get the people she cared about most hurt – or even killed.


  As Cleo lay on the bed, snuggled into Dallas' chest, she tried to sort out the twists her life had taken in just the last few days. What was she going to do now? She had made such a mess of everything! Stan was dead, her brother was in danger, and now Dallas was putting his life on the line for her too. She had thought it would all be so easy to fix…she had been so wrong.

  At least she knew her brother had the might of the police force behind him. He would follow the proper channels, and so he should be all but untouchable to Drax. She couldn’t see the drug dealer going after a cop. But Dallas on the other hand – he was vulnerable. Drax would certainly like to get his hands on the ex-Navy Seal.

  Cleo couldn’t let that happen. She had to make everything right again. She’d never forgive herself if Dallas got hurt – or was killed. He had somehow made his way into her mind, almost into her heart – and that scared Cleo.

  She never let anyone get that close to her. She had lost the people that meant the most to her when she was very young and that trauma had made her lock her walls up tight. She had plenty of friends, but no one that she felt she couldn’t live without. Her independence and her strength were just too important to her – they were what kept her heart safe from breaking. She had the feeling that Dallas could break down her walls if she gave him half the chance. She needed to make everything right again, and then say goodbye to the big bodyguard.

  And she had to say goodbye before she fell into his bed again. She wouldn’t change what had happened for anything – she had never known that sex could be so good, so deep. Almost spiritual. But as Dallas had checked her wound, straddled between her legs, she could feel her heart beating faster than it ever had. She could feel his breath on her skin, the electricity in his touch. If he hadn't kissed her in that moment, she certainly would have.

  Dallas lay asleep beside Cleo. He had been exhausted before they even had sex due to blood loss and his lack of sleep the previous night, but now he slept soundly. His arm was draped loosely over her, as if trying to make sure that she didn’t slip away from him again.

  Cleo very slowly and very nimbly slipped from underneath him. She had to get up. She had to think, to plan.

  The first thing she saw as she made her way to the kitchen was the backpack. It was right where he had left it when he had confronted her earlier, and now it seemed to be calling to her. She realized that she was still in the same situation she had been previously. She had the drugs, and if she took those to Drax then maybe this whole thing would be over with?

  She picked the bag up and looked inside, spotting the mounds of cocaine. She wanted to believe that her plan would still work. She wanted to believe that if she left right now, she could stop all of this before it got any worse.

  She looked back at Dallas, watching him sleep, and as she did, the idea of slipping out and seeing Drax suddenly seemed so wrong. It felt like a betrayal to Dallas, after all he had done. Just the thought of it made her sick to her stomach. So she dropped the bag on the ground, deciding that maybe Dallas was right? Maybe it was best to wait and see what Mark could do?

  It was as she decided this that Cleo's phone, sitting on the kitchen bench, suddenly vibrated. Excited, she reached for it, assuming it would be Mark. However, when she looked at the phone, she was surprised to see that it was a number she didn't recognize.

  "Hello?" she asked quietly, as she answered the phone.

  "Don't speak, just listen." The voice on the other end was rough, like gravel crunching under a boot. "You have something of mine and I want it back. I want it back, now. You're young. So I realize you might not understand how important this is to me – so I’ve given you a little incentive to listen to my instructions very carefully. I've set up a trade. You took something of mine, I took something of yours."

  "What? What did you --?"

  "Your brother looks like you... except for the hair of course. But I suppose you hear that all the time?"

  Cleo felt her blood go cold. "You have --?"

  "When I hang up this phone I am going to text you an address. You will be there in exactly thirty minutes. If you are not, you can say goodbye to your brother. If you are, a simple trade will take place and you won't spend next Christmas sitting by your nice little tree alone. Understand?"

  Cleo didn't answer. She could barely speak. Her entire body shook as the weight of what she had just been told came crashing down on her.

  "I'll take your silence for a yes. See you soon, Ms. Austin." And he hung up the phone.

  Almost as soon as he hung up, the phone vibrated and an address she didn't recognize popped up on the screen.

  She stared down at the address for several moments, then she looked across to the bed where Dallas still slept and then her gaze swung to the backpack – the cause of all of this. What could she do? There was no right answer.

  She knew that no matter what, she couldn't leave Mark to that monster. That was out of the question. But she also didn't think that she should wake up Dallas either. He was injured, and besides, this wasn’t even his fight. Plus he would try and force her to stay, while he made the drop and that would only put his life in danger. And that... that scared her more than anything.

  After much deliberation, Cleo finally came to a decision. She would go alone. She would take the bag, hand it off and hopefully explain to Drax what had happened. He sounded reasonable enough... maybe he would understand? And if not... well perhaps Cleo deserved whatever she got?

  Whatever happened, at least Dallas and hopefully her brother would be safe.

  And so, sparing one more glance in Dallas’ direction, Cleo picked up the backpack, threw it over her shoulder and exited the apartment, not sure if she would ever be back again.


  Cleo plugged the address into her GPS and followed it through town, all the way to the industrial estate located on the outskirts. This was a small, purpose built area comprised of lumber mills, warehouses, auto-shops, junk-yards and really any business that had no business being built in the middle of a city.

  The address was for a junk yard, located just off the main street in the industrial area. It was a large space, fenced off by high wire fence and topped with barbed wire, the place was a near fortress. As Cleo got closer, she was able to better make out what filled the yard too. It seemed to be a random mixture of small and large buildings amidst piles of broken down cars, some crushed and others waiting their turn.

  Cleo pulled the car up to the front gate, where two large men stood, waiting. As she approached, she wound her window down to speak to them, but in the end didn't need to. The gate opened up and the two men waved her in.

  The yard, open spaced enough for her to drive through, was shrouded in darkness. There were lights available, but none were turned on. She slowly inched the car into the yard, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of life, or indeed, any sign of where she was meant to go. As the car rolled forward, she eventually spotted a small warehouse at the very end of the yard: roughly two hundred feet away. It was the only source of light, so she figured that was her destination.

  Swallowing deeply and doing her best to remain calm, Cleo approached.

  The warehouse was roughly the same size as her apartment and open at the front. Inside she could see a handful of men, crowded around one another. The exact amount of people though, she wasn't sure. As her car reached the warehouse, one man stepped forward and held his hand out, indicating for her to stop. She did.

  The man, a small man by comparison to the rest, approached her car door. Cleo turned the car off, undid her
seat belt and opened the door before he reached it.

  As she climbed out, she was able to get a better view of her surroundings and the warehouse in general. Inside the warehouse were five men. Behind them was a parked car with the wheels missing. It was propped in the air over a pit - obviously in the middle of being worked on.

  There was no sign of Mark.

  "Ms. Austin?" the small man asked. He was smaller than she first thought. Cleo towered over him by at least a foot once she rose to her full height.

  "Drax?" Cleo asked. She had the backpack clenched firmly in her hand.

  "No," the small man said. "Follow me." He turned and made his way toward the shed.

  Cleo followed, doing her best to take in and be aware of her surroundings. She didn't want any surprises. What she wanted was to hand this bag off, get Mark and be gone as quickly as possible.

  As she entered the shed, the five men separated to reveal a sixth man, sitting at a table on a wooden high-backed chair. The man was older than the rest, in his sixties. He was grizzled too, as if he had spent a lifetime smoking, drinking and sitting in the sun. His most distinguishable feature though was the scar, running across his neck.

  "Cleo?" he asked. She recognized the voice almost instantly. It was the same, gravelly voice from the phone.

  "Drax," she said. She took a few steps closer. She was very aware of the way the men spread out and surrounded her, but there was nothing she could do. All she could do was try and stay strong, stand tall and let him know that she wasn't intimidated – or at least that she wouldn’t show it.

  "The same," Drax said as he got to his feet, his hands pushing up on the table to help him. The men surrounding her were all large and well built. Drax however, was shorter and hunched over. But even still, he managed to dominate the room, power emanating off the older man.

  "Where's my brother?" Cleo asked. As she had driven to the junk yard earlier, she had wondered if there would be a chance to use her best, and really only, asset to her advantage -- that being her looks. But the moment she arrived and saw who she was dealing with, she figured that this wasn't the right crowd for that particular trick.


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