[Roy Hudson 01.0] A Genie's Kiss

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[Roy Hudson 01.0] A Genie's Kiss Page 2

by DL Colon

  Everyone nods their approval and Roy narrows his eyes. “Whatever,” he says to them all, “now let me continue; Akasha and I were sucked into the lamp and once we are inside Akasha looks at me and asks, ‘How can you be in here with me? No human is allowed to enter the genie’s astral plane. You aren’t even supposed to be able to enter, so how come you are inside?’ I answered, ‘Well I don’t know. You’re the all almighty genie so you tell me. I am just a simple scavenger looking for a treasure to hunt.’ Akasha started thinking and after a while I was yawning from boredom. When Akasha finally spoke I was startled out of my daydreams. ‘I think I get it now,’ she said in a confident voice. ‘You’re able to come in here because you broke the lamp.’ I stomped my foot on the floor and huffed, ‘I didn’t break it. It’s only cracked a little and you can fix it if you use your powers.’ Akasha shook her head and said, ‘No genie can’t fix their lamp. The lamps are made to keep us inside until we are summoned, but the lamp is also to protect us from harm and to protect the astral realm of the genies from being found. It seems that’s pointless now since you are here.’”

  Roy pauses to take a drink before he continues. “I thought about what she said for a minute before I spoke. I told her, ‘Well I can always wish for you take me out of here and erase my memories,’ and she looked at me with a curious expression before she responded. ‘Really? You would do that?’ ‘Yes,’ I answered, ‘but that would mean I would lose my wish and I am not wasting it.’ I looked Akasha up and down with a devilish grin on my face and she covered her body with her arms like she was protecting herself and said, ‘You were thinking something perverted, weren’t you?’ I faked being hurt and with an innocent tone I said, ‘I would never look at a woman with perverted thoughts,’ but then I thought about it and had to amend my previous statement. ‘Well, I have before, but that was a long time ago. I looked at Christina that way once.’”

  Christina interrupts Roy by slapping his arm. “Hey! I know that I am hot and such, but seriously? Did you have to tell her that?”

  Roy rubs his arm and answers, “Well, I had to or I would have been lying and then she would have used her powers to make sure I was telling the truth. They have those powers, too.”

  Blake, Brock and Phantom are trying to hold their laughter at what Roy is telling Christina, and so is Roy. Christina smiles at the men around her and says, “Well, you have a good point.”

  Blake, Brock, Phantom and Roy all drop their mouths wide open, surprised that Christina would fall for something like that. Unable to hold their laughter in anymore they start laughing and softly smack the table as they are laughing. Christina gets serious and slaps all of them on the back of the head, which causes them to stop laughing. “Continue your story Roy and no one is interrupting him anymore. I have to get home.”

  Roy grins and continues, “As I was saying, Akasha reacted by slapping my face and yelling, ‘Pervert!’ I was shocked that she slapped me and I couldn’t react in time to stop her, but instead of acting on my anger I asked, ‘Do you know the way out?’ Akasha answered, ‘Yes, I do. Now why don’t you tell me your damn wish so I can leave this place?’ I looked at her for a second before I asked, ‘Are you going to help me get out if I tell you my wish?’ Akasha grinned evilly before she yelled, ‘HELL NO! After I grant you your wish I am leaving you behind, trapped in here.’ Roy smirked at her and asked, ‘Then why are you in such a hurry?’ She dropped her head and answered, ‘Because I must follow you until I grant you your wish.’ I grinned at that and told her, ‘then you are stuck with me for a while, so we may as well get comfortable.’”

  Chapter 6

  After allowing a few moments for what he’s told them to sink in Roy continues the story; “We are walking in the genie astral plane when I notice that we are alone so I ask Akasha, ‘Hey, Akasha, why are we alone? Why aren’t there any other genies here?’ Akasha thought about that for a minute before she answered, ‘I think it is because there aren’t many of my kind left. Most of us were lost when the King of the genies died suddenly.’ I thought about this for a minute before I said, ‘Hmmm, that’s weird. It could have been connected to the death of the famous actor who portrayed a genie for an animated movie.’ Akasha turned around and looked at me in confusion, ‘Really?’, she asked. I nodded and said, ‘that’s the only logical explanation. Akasha, do you have any dreams? Or wish you could do something other than what you do? How is a genie released from their prison in the lamp?’ Akasha looked at me with a dreamy expression on her face and said, ‘I always wanted to see the sea.’ I smiled at her and said, ‘Ah, the great big blue sea. It has many mysteries that humanity will never decipher.’ Akasha looked at me and said, ‘well, that’s my dream and wish. To answer your other question, one way a genie can be released is by destroying the lamp while he or she is outside and the other way is by giving him or her their freedom by wishing for it.’ I thought about what she said then I asked, ‘do you know the way out?’ ‘Yes,’ she answered, ‘now let me ask you something. Why are you asking me that question? Who are you anyway?’ I smiled at her second question and bowed deeply, ‘Akasha, female genie of the lamp, my name is Roy Hudson and I am the first time traveler scavenger.’”

  Brock, Blake and Phantom all look at him like he’s grown two heads and Christina yells, “WHAT?! You never told us that.”

  Roy looks at her and she can see the irritation in her eyes. “I was lying to her just to keep the conversation running.” Roy pauses and takes a sip of the drink. “Now would you let me continue, please? I am getting to the good part.” They all nod and take a sip of their drink as Roy continues his tale. “I gave my name to Akasha and then answered her other question. ‘The questions are to decide my course of action about my wish.’ Akasha dropped her head and said, ‘Okay, follow me.’ As we were walking I saw something shining and walked to get it. Once I picked it up I saw that it was the most beautiful sword I had ever laid my eyes upon. I looked around for a minute and found a cape for the desert and some goggles, too, so I put my old ones in my backpack and put the sword around my waist. When I had it all on I called out to Akasha. ‘Hey Akasha, how do I look?’ Akasha turned around and her face turned red with rage. ‘Take it off! That is not yours to take.’ I looked at her and said, ‘Well, they are here and I am a scavenger, after all. What I find I take and this should be the least you should let me take considering I am stuck in your lamp!’ At my words Akasha turned around and continued walking. I followed her and after a while I noticed that she seemed depressed so I said, ‘Akasha, cheer up. You will be seeing the sea soon enough. As soon as we get out of here I shall set you free.’ Akasha looked at me with a smile in her eyes and said, ‘Thank you, Roy, I appreciate it. It makes me feel better.’ ‘Does it?’ I asked and Akasha nodded. That’s good,’ I said, ‘I thought it wouldn’t work. I heard those words in some motivational conferences I had to take.’ Akasha slapped me and yelled, ‘BRUTE!’ before she turned around and continued walking. I rubbed my cheek and followed Akasha until we came to a door. Akasha stopped in front of it, took a deep breath and asked, ‘Are you ready?’ I nodded and Akasha and I opened the door together.

  Chapter 7

  “As we opened the door almost all the stuff I had taken with me disappeared. The only thing I had left was the sword. I looked at Akasha and asked, ‘What happened?’ Akasha answered quickly, ‘everything here is a creation of a genie. If someone wishes for a sword, we create one for him and another for us, so most of the things here can’t be taken. I am surprised you were even able to keep the sword. I assume that is their way of paying for your troubles.’ I looked around and was surprised to see that we were in front of my car and the lamp was on the hood. ‘It seems we made it out. Thank you, Akasha. I do have one more question for you. If the lamp were to be destroyed can the genie return to the astral plane?’ Akasha thought about this for a moment before she answered, ‘From what I heard we can go back and forth. We are free to roam the world and live amongst humans, but we can ret
urn to our plane as well.’ ‘That’s good to know,’ I said as I took out the sword and cut the lamp in half. Akasha gasped in shock and asked, ‘You know that I am free, right, and that I don’t have to fulfill your wish?’ I looked at her and answered, ‘yes I know, Akasha. You are now free to see the sea.’ Then I turned around to get in the car, but Akasha put her hand on my shoulder and stopped me. ‘On my pride as a female genie I will grant you your wish,’ she said and I was quite surprised. ‘Anything I want?’ I asked, looking at her with a devilish grin. She narrowed her eyes and said, ‘You are thinking something perverted, aren’t you?’ I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, ‘I am a man, after all.’ ‘UGH!’ was all she said and I smiled at her reaction to my comment. ‘My wish is for a kiss from you,’ I told her and a look of surprise crossed her face at my simple request. I could sense the underlying embarrassment, but I didn’t say anything as she looked me over from head to toe like I was a piece of decadent chocolate and she knew she felt the same attraction I was feeling. She started laughing softly as she approached me seductively and gave me a kiss I will never forget. As the kiss ended she slowly disappeared, but before she was gone completely I heard her say, ‘Goodbye, Roy Hudson, until we meet again. Fate has decided that we shall meet again.’ Once she was gone I looked around and noticed that my camel was there so I unloaded my supplies from its back and set it free. Then I got in my car and turned back to return to my plane. I looked in my mirror and saw Akasha watching me with her hand softly touching her lips. I touched mine and smiled, remembering the kiss.”

  Roy takes a sip of his drink and looks at everyone around him. “Well, that’s what happened.”

  Blake, Brock, Phantom and Christina all start laughing and Blake says, “You are telling us that you wished for a kiss when she could have granted you whatever you wanted?”

  Roy looks away as a look of yearning comes into his eyes. “What I wanted couldn’t be wished for.”

  Brock whispers to the others, “He has fallen head over heels for someone who doesn’t even exist.”

  Blake nods his head and turns to Roy, “Since we only have your side of the story how can we know you are telling the truth?”

  Phantom looks at them and says, “You don’t seem to be hiding the sword under your cape.”

  Roy is ignoring them as he looks around the bar and spots someone at the far end of the counter taking a drink of something. Her face is under a cape and he can only see her eyes, but he has the vague feeling that he knows her from somewhere, yet he can’t remember where. Her eyes have him mesmerized and sudden realization strikes him, but he dismisses it as quickly as it pops into his head. There is no way that person is Akasha.

  The woman looks at Roy and says, “That’s an interesting story you just told, but how can we know that the female genie is real?”

  Roy responds, interested in the pull he feels coming off of her, “Because I wouldn’t lie about something like that and the kiss I shared with her was unforgettable. I know I will meet her again.” Roy looks down at his Time Traveling Watch and shakes his head. “Well, everyone, it has been a pleasure, but now I must go.” Roy touches some buttons on the bracelet and it says; Time Travel enabled.

  Everyone is surprised when they hear this, but Roy is already hitting the center button to leave. When the person who has the cape covering her face pulls it back Roy smiles and says, “I knew it was you, Akasha, until we meet again.” Roy blows her a kiss right before he disappears back to his time.

  Brock, Blake, Phantom and Christina look at Akasha dumbfounded and Akasha looks at them and smiles, “It was good seeing you all,” she says and disappears right in front of their eyes.

  They all look back at the counter and see the gold piece Roy mentioned being black, but it is now gold. Blake shakes his head and murmurs, “Son of a gun.” Then they toss back the last of their drinks and leave for home to wait for the next time they will see Roy Hudson and hear one of his stories.

  The End

  Coming Soon from D.L. Colón

  The Lost City: Blaze’s Inferno

  Rick Blaze thinks he’s a fire user, but all that he thinks he knows is about to change.

  He can hear the call, but he doesn’t know where it is coming from, or who is calling him, but the call gets stronger each day that passes and he is forced to leave his Guild behind and go in search of the owner of the mysterious voice that is continuously calling out to him.

  Kenna Flames, Goddess of Fire and protector of the Holy Flames, is forced to step out of the Sacred Temple of her ancestors and defend it against the Saviors who are approaching. They seek the Holy Flame.

  When she is forced to use her powers to compel all the fire users to defend her she realizes too late that they are all already heading her way, but for another reason entirely.

  The Holy Flame is calling them.

  What may be her last chance may also be her doom.

  When Blaze arrives at the Temple there are a lot of fire users already there and they are all trying to touch a blue flame. When he sees the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on he hears the voice in his head again, the same voice that compelled him to come here in the first place.

  You have come, chosen one. Will you be strong enough to survive my touch or just be absolved like all the ones before you?

  Will Blaze figure out where the voice is coming from?

  Will Kenna be able to protect her temple from the Saviors?

  Will Rick help her or will he doom us all?

  About the Author

  I am 23 years old and I have lived in Puerto Rico all of my life. I have degree in Culinary Arts and I’m a very humble guy who likes to help others. I spend a lot of time at home playing video games, Watching Anime, hearing music, I consider myself a gamer, and I hated reading until four years ago.

  I recently moved to the U.S. because I decided to pursue my Culinary Arts career and be able to promote my book easier. I hoping to be able to expand my writing career. If you have anything you want to ask me or have some feedback you can find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/AuthorD.L.Colon




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