Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

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Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 10

by Michael Berg

  “Now we have finished dinner, I suggest we have a drink by the fire. I have some more sour mash if you would like Robert.”

  “Sure Valeena, but just a few. No more heady alcohol inducements thanks.”

  “Take whatever you need. I am sure...”

  “Indeed, as both you and Bethany have since my arrival.”

  “As I was saying, I am sure you will find comfort tonight.”

  “Yes. Valeena is right. Take some time just to relax and we will look after you.”

  “Thank you Bethany. Your grace is ever so consorting. I cannot abide in anything other than the truth of how much beauty you aspire my heart to seek.”

  “Your personal efficacy is of utmost regard Robert. Oh please, I would so love to call you Bobby and for you to take me in your arms like you have.” Bethany wormed about on her chair feeling the electric pulses as her body craved Bobby’s.

  “She wants to be with you again. We both do. How is it you drive is to such place Robert? When I think perhaps the desire is beginning to wane, it becomes stronger than ever.”

  “Perhaps it is in my genes Valeena. Maybe we have a connection beyond what we think.”

  For a while the three of them each thought of Bobby’s last words. Whilst originating from the same intimate liaison, their individual recollections and projections now took vastly different paths.

  “I think it is time I retired,” Bobby announced when the clock had just struck eleven. “I will take my usual room if it is alright Valeena.”

  “It is ready and waiting for you.”

  “Would you like some company as you fall asleep?”

  “Not tonight thanks Bethany. I think a night of sound sleep is in order so I feel fresh in the morning.”

  “Will you be digging snow tomorrow? It has just started to fall again now.”

  “Sure Valeena. I’ll do some before I head into town. Goodnight then and goodnight Bethany.”

  “Goodnight Robert,” they replied in unison.

  As he disappeared through the doorway leading to the staircase, Beth looked at Valeena to see if she recognised what her thoughts on Bobby were. Valeena returned the look and more, knowing inside Bobby appeared to becoming suspicious.

  “Keep an eye on him in the morning Beth. He can’t be allowed to go into town otherwise he will discover what will give everything away in an instant.”

  “I will do my best. Perhaps some morning glory might be useful in delaying him a few hours. Then, if he gets to shovelling snow, it could be well after lunch before he is looking for something to do.”

  “Don’t count on him early alone. Wake me if I am asleep and we can tantalise him the way only two women can so he finds it hard to resist.”

  “There will be enough hardness for us both Valeena. He is very competent in maintaining arousal.”

  “He is, and I could do with some now, but alas he is in bed and we should leave him alone until tomorrow.”

  “And is the incubation proceeding well?”

  “Yes. Results are well beyond the laboratory testing standards. I expect our hatchling to be ready two days earlier than expected.”

  “What of Bobby then? Are we to keep him to us?”

  “He is going to have to adapt once he finds out for real. Ultimately he has no choice unless he is able to discover our methods.”

  “What about teaching the hatchling?”

  “He does not need to do anything. It is when we have cloned from the hatchling we need Bobby’s input for constructing human servants with his traits.”

  “But surely he will not give willingly considering.”

  “When the time comes, it will take another of our Vindor potions making him submissive to meeting our demands.”

  “The first was so very good. He gave to us yet he was almost unaware.”

  Chapter 8

  Fresh snow piled twelve inches high against the rear kitchen door greeted Bobby when he went to take in a few fresh air breaths. The atmosphere inside the bordello had become stuffy where he felt closed in and stifled, particularly in the kitchen where some smoke lingered. After a few kicks with his boot, he cleared enough to begin a start on shovelling the rest before going out to the front to clear a much larger area, though not as large as he had cleared previously. His eagerness to help the women had waned, replaced with a temperate drive to nail down the ambiguous details still coursing through his mind.

  He ensured his stature did not allude to his desire to see beyond the facade of events at the bordello. As its exterior showed, he was seeing this house as one of deceit one would normally consider as a characteristic of such a place. Not much was actually happening, yet Bobby could sense there was much more than he knew. The lack of any visitors had raised questions, the onset of wintery conditions replacing late summer was astonishing to him considering it looked as if winter was here to stay. Then there was the evidence presented by the women in respect to their dress and behaviour, arousing his greatest concerns. He could easily accommodated the lack of visitation, he could get his head around the snow storm lingering for a time, but the women who by their very nature were a mystery, offered yet more intrigue and his thoughts were being directed to a conclusion no doubt very meaningful to him as Steward of Earth Defences.

  Neither Beth nor Valeena had been early enough risers to take anything from Bobby on this day. No glory, no distraction – he was alert as ever this morning and determined to make this one of discovery. With sunlight giving rise to laden skies, he could see this was not any usual type of summer storm. The air temperature was frigid, the few trees about were grey and brown as if they were in late fall, and there simply was no wildlife he could see or hear. It was as if he was immersed in a winter weather pattern both in vision and elemental feeling.

  He could feel this time displacement. He could smell something different as if there was different electricity in the air. Then, he could feel his own sense of self rise further as he deduced the actual facts behind this apparent displacement. He was truly the Steward of Earth Defences, and as he shovelled snow, he began to smile – his sense of pride did not overwhelm his sense of practicality, nor did it evoke an egotistical sense of prowess though. It was the reason he had been chosen, both by the two women and by the special administrative council who voted for the one responsible for becoming top space commander.

  As Beth approached the doorway watching Bobby clear snow, he knew of her presence without words or vision. Before she could speak, he had turned to face her uttering ‘good morning Beth’ before turning away again to return to his work.

  “You are up early today Bobby. I was thinking of coming to you as you lay in bed this morning, but here you are.”

  “I have some things to do and lying in bed once I had woken, was a bother.”

  “A bother?”

  “Yes. I need to clear this snow as I said I would, before I go into town.”

  “Don’t be in a hurry Bobby. Valeena wanted to share a special breakfast today.”

  “I’m sure I will be in attendance Beth. Afterwards, I will venture into town. My car is quite capable of over snow transit.”

  “I will let her know you will be present at breakfast. She has already begun preparations.”

  Bobby was not taking any chances. Upon his person, he always carried a supply of command issued drugs used to counteract any substance or poison he may come across in his duties. He took two pills then as Beth returned inside, before continuing to move snow about. When he had cleared the front pathway to the gate, Bobby then cleared out back by the shed to give him enough room to overcome the snow build up at the shed doors.

  The dust speckled car reminded him of his line of self inquiry the previous day where it then dawned on him. To further this investigation, he also cleared snow from around the rear door of the house – not by the kitchen as he did not want the two women to see him. When he had dug down to ground level, his suspicions were confirmed. There was a layer of dust under the snow the same co
lour and thickness as was upon his car. He realised as he had dug out front, the exertion of effort had distracted him from noticing it there too.

  “Breakfast is served when you are ready Bobby,” Beth called out to him from the open rear kitchen door.

  “I am ready now Beth. Quite hungry in fact,” he replied stating both his physical hunger and his hunger to know precisely what details he thought were becoming evident. Beth had no notion of this other description, yet she knew Bobby had changed and since this change, he had taken to being less innocent in manner. She had confirmed these thoughts with Valeena, and now they both hoped this breakfast would bring their desired outcome.

  “What a delightful spread Valeena has made,” Beth said to him as he entered the kitchen to see various dishes laid upon the table.

  “Indeed. Thank you Valeena.”

  “My pleasure Bobby. Come and sit. We have a fine meal to enjoy and a full day ahead of us.” She could say this with confidence as progress with the incubation was proceeding well and would not require her attendance aside from sporadic checks during the day. It would be the next day when the machine would give birth and the seed would come to life. As a combination of both women with Bobby’s cells, they were hours away from creating a new being, a new race, and a new war on humanity.

  He could taste the splendid untainted flavours of each dish. Valeena was a fine chef able to conquer the minds of many men through their stomach, but not Bobby. His stature of self, of mind, of persona, and of vigilance was far too prominent to be easily swayed by such simple measures. Anyway, they had tested him before to no effect. He ate enjoying the food and the company, keeping one eye on each of them in turn to see if they hinted at anything. So discerning was his taste, he could tell Valeena had drugged the food, but only enough to make him complacent and not enough to send him into unconscious.

  “This breakfast has indeed been a treat Valeena. I don’t think I can eat a morsel more.”

  “Thank you Bobby. Take some time to relax and let it settle before you go to town. I’ll make some fresh coffee.”

  “I think I will, but allow me please to sit out back. I would like to enjoy a hot steamy session...of coffee drinking outside amongst the snow I have cleared. In fact, I have made myself a nice seat so I soak up the winter wonders.”

  “Won’t you be cold?”

  “Not with a steamy coffee Beth.”

  “No problem Bobby, I’ll bring it out to you.”

  “No thanks Valeena. I think I’ll wait until you have made it and then I will go out. Otherwise it could become a little too cold waiting.”

  With a fresh brew in hand, Bobby took to his snow seat as the two women meandered about the kitchen cleaning up and checking to see if any effect was apparent. Their peculiar glances through the window pane were noticed by Bobby – he could tell they were watching and waiting. When Valeena and Beth joined him as he drained the last remnants of his coffee, both were surprised to see he was quite alert as he conversed well with their probing questions.

  “The town may well be closed off today with this extra snow Bobby. Perhaps if you wait until tomorrow, then you will have no problem with passage along the road.”

  “Surely they will use snow clearing machinery for the town’s people’s sake Beth.”

  “Perhaps they have something, but from what I know, there is very little in regards to such things. It is only a small town and mostly they rely on each other.”

  “Then perhaps their reliance is something upon which I can also rely.”

  “You might be taking a risk...”

  “Taking risks is my life Beth. You cannot be Steward of Earth Defences without knowing what risk taking involves. I have the resources and will so this snow will pose no problems anyway.”

  “I am sure Bobby knows what he is doing Beth. When he is in town, we can prepare for our next guest.”

  “Do you have a client coming today Valeena?”

  “Of sorts Bobby.”

  “Perhaps there is something in town I could obtain for you.”

  “Thank you for your kind offer, but I always maintain my house to accommodate anyone should they arrive unexpectedly. Beth and I have all we need to prepare.”

  Bobby wondered who this client was considering Valeena had said ‘of sorts’. He knew a bordello was a house of fantasy where clients would expect to indulge whatever they fancied, and he knew both women could overstep the boundaries of normal relations, so this ambiguous client may well be one who Valeena preferred to leave to such a description for retaining their privacy.

  “Then there is plenty ahead for us all today. Is there any more coffee? I think another cup would be in order to keep the chills of this weather at bay before I make way into town.”

  “There is more Bobby. Give me your cup and I will pour you another.”

  “Thank you Beth.”

  “What will you do if you cannot charge your car Bobby? Do you have enough energy left to last for another trip to town?”

  “I do Valeena, but not much more. I like to keep a significant reserve in case I am suddenly called up for duty and required to return to headquarters.”

  “Where are your headquarters?”

  “I cannot divulge such secrets Valeena. All I can tell you is it is amongst the network of cities in the east.”

  “A great establishment and such a fine mark of human achievement with all those marvellous towers and connected energy grids. It is admirable how humans have developed such a mass of technology with energy transference atop each. Those domes and current balls certainly are aspiring to view.”

  “They are. I agree Valeena. You should see it when the pulses are sent. It is like lightning flowing between the towers. It is hard to imagine anything else. Our space age technology is a wonder to behold.”

  “The pinnacle must be the Trezzlar Building. I have seen it once.”

  “Indeed it is grand at over two hundred stories high with numerous energy matrix conduits atop.”

  “Is it where your headquarters are?”

  “No way. To install our supreme command in such an obvious place would be too easy for the Vindors to find and we don’t want them to gain any ground on us do we?”

  “By no means. Imagine if they were able to penetrate...” Valeena trailed off wondering why this was not the case yet as both her and Beth wanted Bobby’s services in the bed chambers again and the drug should be working by now.

  “If the Vindors were somehow able to find our command post, then the Earth would face dire circumstances. They would over throw humanity and enlist them as slaves to their ways of self pride and perpetuation.”

  When Bobby mentioned this, Valeena’s eyes narrowed as she studied him. He was facing outward looking across the snowy landscape from the position at the steps outside the kitchen door, unaware of the deceit she cast through her look. Valeena wanted to move on him and to make him hers whilst holding an inward sneer at how easily she had taken his seed and how easily she was able to manifest her desires on behalf of her Vindor superiors.

  “Well, we cannot have them taking us over. The idea of slavery certainly does not appeal to me, especially as I am in charge here and I would have my life no other way.”

  “I am sure nobody would take kindly to being a slave to the Vindors Valeena. Ah...Beth, more coffee. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure Bobby,” Beth replied feeling similar to Valeena in wishing she was again in bed taking pleasure form Bobby. He could tell by the look in her eyes she was thinking this and for a moment the lure of lust began to rise within him. He quashed it as soon as he recognised the play of the drugs he had been fed, refusing to give in to such whims even if they were battling within him to force compliance with the women’s wishes.

  Silence was relative to the remainder of their time as Bobby drank his second cup of coffee. Very little was said as the two women watched to see if he slipped under the spell of the drug Valeena had administered in the food. Bobby watched them whenever
he could chance a glance without their noticing him. His eyes would tell them he knew of their intent, should they exercise their intuition and read his thoughts. As he was about to finish his drink, Valeena attempted to test the degree of affect the drug may be having.

  “Are you feeling relaxed Bobby? Perhaps we could all go inside and take a little time to...”

  “I am relaxed Valeena, but I insist on going into town this morning.”

  “Are you sure? Maybe you could go a little later closer to lunch time.”

  “Yes, please stay with us Bobby.”

  “You said you have a client coming today. Surely you need time to prepare.”

  “I have enough time. Stay...”

  “No I must go, but I will return later.”

  “Have it your way then,” Valeena said casting a look of contempt Bobby failed to see as he had looked to Beth searching her face for any sign of angst.

  He found none – she was complacent and unwilling to show any outward signs of her thoughts. Bobby could tell Beth was clearly under the direction of Valeena and at this time, was merely there to support the motivations of the bordello’s owner.

  “A space commander is trained in tenacious application of mind and resources Valeena. Don’t be disturbed please. I will return later for another night here at your house if you will have me.”

  “Of course you are welcome Bobby, but I cannot understand...”


  “Um, yes. Never mind.” Valeena was slipping as she failed to grasp how the drug she had administered Bobby, had not worked. Such distraction almost alluded to her intentions and for a moment, her stoic resistance to absent mindedness had loosened its grip.

  Bobby studied both of their faces for a few moments as silenced reigned between them. Without recourse, neither Valeena nor Beth could say anything to hint as to the real reason they wanted Bobby to stay – both his company and the likelihood of whom he met and what they would say to him in town, were both obstacles to their contentment for this time. He could sense their discomfort but gave nothing away to indicate he was aware of their position.


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