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Uninvolved Page 6

by Carey Heywood

  Time to buck up, she thought. With any luck, she could just stay busy enough to not even think about him. Dave wasn’t working that night, so they had big plans to sleep all day and drink way too much that night. Dave went straight to bed after their chat. Becka did her best to be productive, doing the laundry and dishes. She wanted to vacuum but didn’t want to wake Dave.

  Her neck was still a bit stiff from the night before. She popped some Advil and ate a bowl of cereal before crashing. She woke hours later to the distinct gunfire of one of Dave's video games. Ugh, she thought to herself. She may have to kill him. Dragging herself from her bed, Becka walked into the living room.

  "You're supposed to be wearing the friggin headset thing, Dave."

  He just looked at her like “whoops.”

  "Turn down the volume, ass monkey," Becka grumbled, throwing a sofa pillow at him.

  "Did I wake you?" he asked innocently.


  "Good. It was about time your lazy ass woke up. I did you a favor. So, important decision time. What are we doing tonight?"

  "I don’t care. What do you want to do?"

  "Paint unicorns and look up at puffy clouds."

  "Dave, sometimes you really make me question why I am friends with you."

  "Whatever. I'm rad" Dave replied.

  She talked Dave into going to see a movie by letting him pick which one. It was an action movie, which was fun, but Becka noticed that she paid more attention to the bodies of the more muscular actors than normal instead of following the storyline, which thankfully was not that complicated. She sat there wondering why Nate hadn’t called her and if maybe he was with another girl. After the movie, Dave talked her into a drink at the bar around the corner. She dropped off her car, and they walked over.

  Dave and Becka were always the youngest people there when they showed up. She got to flirt with little old men who bought her drinks, and Dave got to pick up pointers on being crotchety. They stumbled home in good spirits and went their separate ways to pass out. She loved that little bar. She thought about it as she drifted to sleep. There were never any expectations of her there. She could be a goofball with the regulars, and they still loved her. Why was it so different with people her own age? Her last thought before she fell asleep was of Nate calling her kid.

  The next day Becka formulated a plan for Nate. Each time he would email her, she would take just a little bit more time to email him back. Becka felt that maybe if she seemed less responsive maybe he would do something about it. She was also terrified that the whole thing would back fire and then he would stop emailing, and she would never see him again. She figured it was worth a shot because, honestly, it didn’t seem like being available was doing any better.

  On Monday, when Nate emailed her, she was not mentally prepared for it and wrote right back. Kicking herself, Becka swore that she would do better on the next one. It was so hard, though. Over the course of all of their emails, the actual conversation had turned somewhat flirty. It was exciting when he said something subtly hot, and she thrilled in being able to reply. When his next email came, she waited five minutes before replying. When he responded almost instantaneously, she made herself walk away from her desk. Becka walked over to Lucy's desk just to say hello. Lucy had a pretty good bullshit radar and asked her why she didn’t just call.

  Becka confessed that she was just trying to keep from replying to Nate. Lucy rolled her eyes and threatened to revoke her friendship. Becka laughed and changed the subject to Curt, who Lucy had started seeing. Lucy blushed and remained mum on the subject, which was huge for Lucy. After killing enough time, she went back to her desk to reply. It was hard, but Becka managed to keep this up the whole week. What sucked was Nate had not called, but at least he was still emailing.

  It was Friday night, and all of her friends had plans. Dave had to work, and both Lucy and Crystal had dates. She wanted nothing more than to call Nate and invite him over. If that would not have ruined all of her progress in not seeming needy, she totally would have done it. She really did feel miserable about being all alone. Self-doubt could be so toxic, and Becka seemed to be wallowing in it. It was as though there was a loop that ran on repeat in her mind. He doesn’t like me. He doesn’t want me. What is wrong with me? Over and over again.

  It was late when she gave up and took an Advil PM. With no alarm to wake her, Becka slept in. When she ventured out to the kitchen for some breakfast, Becka did her best to be quiet. Dave was home and seemed to already be in bed. She hoped he would want to go out tonight since he wasn’t working. The likelihood of that happening increased with Dave getting uninterrupted sleep. Taking a bag of mini muffins and a glass of milk back to her room, Becka snacked and read.

  The book she was reading was a romance. It was annoying how there always seemed to be guys fighting over the main girl. I wish, Becka thought to herself. All she wanted was a text. Half of the books she read ended with a proposal. Not likely.

  She did not hear Dave bustling around until late afternoon. She came out of her room when she heard him turn on the TV. Dave was snacking on some chips and queso, randomly flipping channels. He nodded at her as Becka went to sit next to him and helped herself to his food. Dave gave her a look like “really?” but made no move to stop her. Becka grinned and leaned her head on his shoulder.

  "So, got plans tonight, Becks?"

  "Nope. Wanna go out?"

  "That sounds doable."


  Dave felt like playing pool, so they went to the beach bar. She drank piña coladas while Dave stomped her at pool. He was über competitive, and she just didn't care. Whenever she managed to pull off a couple of shots in a row, it was a shock to them both. Some random girls came over to talk to Dave, so they eventually ended up playing teams. Dave tried unsuccessfully to not have her on his team, but these girls had seen her play and were not that stupid, even though they seemed interested in Dave.

  This turned out to be an awful decision as the girls, whose names Becka already forgot, started beating them. The girls won the first game easily, and Dave was setting up the balls for a rematch when he recognized one of his buddies from work.

  Calling him over, Dave talked him into replacing Becka on his team. His friend, Kyle, who seemed nice, readily accepted so Dave was thrilled, figuring no one could be as bad as Becka. After getting a good look at him, Becka did not mind him joining their group at all. Kyle was easy on the eyes. He was tall and lean and had a lip ring, which Becka found really hot at that moment. When Kyle went to go get another round, she motioned for Dave to come over to her.

  "What's his deal?" she asked.

  "Who, Kyle?"

  "Yep. Is he single?"

  "I think so. Don’t tell me you are interested. I have to work with him."

  "Okay, Mr. Double Standard. How many of my friends and co-workers have you messed around with?"

  "Fine. I don’t know him that well but haven’t heard him mention a girlfriend."

  "Sweet," Becka said while checking her top to make sure her boobs looked good.

  "Slut," Dave teased.

  "I love you too. Besides, you owe me for being a beaver dam that night we played poker," she countered.

  "Beaver dam?"

  "So when a guy gets blocked, it’s a cock block. Same thing for a girl is a beaver dam."

  "Love it. Did you get that from Pinterest?"

  "You know it."

  When Kyle returned, she talked him into being on her team against Dave and one of the girls that had come over. The other girl just sat on a stool looking bored. Since Kyle had heard Dave say she was terrible at pool, he wasn’t surprised that she asked him for help lining up her shots. With Becka's back to his chest, Kyle would have to lean against her to check her angles. He seemed more than happy to assist.

  By last call, Becka and Kyle stood close together. She leaned up against him when it wasn’t their turn, with Kyle's hand comfortably around her waist. Was Becka as attracted to Kyle as she h
ad been with Nate? No, but he was still a good-looking guy, and, at the end of the day, she could do worse. Plus, she had been fantasizing about sucking on his lip ring all night.

  Dave, with dreams of a threesome flowing through his mind, invited Krista and Trish, the random girls, back to their house. Krista seemed more likely to pass out on the way, but he was holding out hope. Becka invited Kyle as well. They made a three-car caravan with Becka in the lead back to their house. On the drive back, Becka pumped Dave for information about Kyle. Dave was useless. The only thing he could tell her was that he thought Kyle played Xbox too.

  At first, they all hung out in their living room, which became awkward when Dave started making out with Trish. Or maybe it was Krista. Whichever girl was left over sat alone at one end of the sofa and fiddled with her cell phone. She asked Kyle if he wanted to see her room as an excuse to get out of there and to get him alone. She felt nervous walking in front of him, certain she might suddenly stumble or do something embarrassing. She kicked off her shoes once they were in her room.

  Becka tried to compare him to Nate. Kyle seemed to tower over her while Nate may only have had 3-4 inches on her. Kyle was lean but defined where Nate had actual bulk to his chest and arms. Kyle had a laid-back surfer style with messy brown hair as opposed to Nate with his short, dirty blonde hair. Kyle did have great grey eyes, but they had nothing on Nate's hazel ones.

  Kyle also had that lip ring going for him, Becka could not explain why she thought that was so sexy but cringed at the idea of straight-laced Nate ever rocking one. She really just wanted to suck on it. Always one for thoroughness, Becka decided she should see who was the better kisser.

  Kyle was looking at some pictures Becka had set up on her bedside table. Coming up behind him, she cleared her throat to get his attention. When he turned to her, Becka took his hands in hers and, stepping into them, she wrapped them around her own waist. Kyle stilled as she released his arms. They remained around her waist, and she lifted her arms to his shoulders. Becka tilted her head up at him. Kyle looked so adorable in that moment. He was gazing down at her, eyes wide, wondering what she was going to do. She stood on her toes and pulled his face down to hers.

  Kyle's lips were soft, and he tasted like Red Bull. While he was a very good kisser, it was hard to compare to the intensity of Nate's kisses. It still felt really good. Gentle, like he was cherishing her. It just seemed too safe. They had been making out for what felt like an hour, and he hadn't even felt her up yet. At a certain point, she stopped him and pleaded exhaustion. She asked if he'd like to spend the night. He readily accepted the invite. She grabbed her PJs and went to the bathroom to wash up.

  Kyle was almost asleep by the time she got back. They snuggled and kissed some more before falling asleep. He was a tad more handsy, though clearly drowsy, not wild. Maybe being bra-free was more helpful in moving things along, Becka thought as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 5

  Waking up snuggling to a cute boy was so much more fun than having one take off in the middle of the night, Becka had to admit. Becka, you have got to stop comparing Kyle to Nate, she thought. Easing herself out of bed, she went to go brush her teeth. She had no desire to scare Kyle off with morning dragon breath.

  Becka went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water then headed back to her room. Sliding back into her bed she held her breath as Kyle began to rustle, she did not want to wake him, yet. She dozed off and woke later to Kyle snuggling up to her.

  Seeing her peeking at him, he said. "Hey, you."

  "Hey, yourself" Becka said, yawning.

  Becka had to admit Kyle was growing on her. She had been so sure his eyes were grey the night before, but now, in the morning light, they seemed more pale blue. The look he was giving her didn't hurt either. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. Sure she'd love to make out with him, but she had no interest in finding out if he had bad morning breath.

  "I'm starved," Becka confessed. "Want breakfast?"

  He followed her out to the kitchen after pit-stopping in the bathroom. Becka pointed into the living room and motioned for Kyle to be quiet. She wasn’t certain which girl it was, Krista or Trish, but one of them was passed out their sofa. Not seeing the other girl, she thought to herself that it looked like Dave had gotten lucky. She grabbed a package of Pop-Tarts and a drink for herself and Kyle, and they went back to her room.

  After inhaling their tarts, Becka found a movie-on-demand, and they got settled on her bed to watch it. Kyle absentmindedly trailed his fingers back and forth across the area of skin exposed on her back above her tank top. He did it so lightly her skin erupted in goose bumps. Becka shuffled herself closer to him, losing interest in the movie. Kyle pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her.

  Becka began kissing Kyle's neck as he slid his hands under the back of her shirt. She really wanted him to man handle her more. It felt like he was still being so safe with her. Moving from his neck to his mouth, Becka could taste cherry Pop-Tarts and cranberry juice. It was not a bad combo. Becka shifted, moving into his lap, with a leg on each side of him. Kyle moved his hands to her neck as he kissed her.

  Tired of waiting for him to make the next move, Becka leaned back and pulled her tank top off. She waited a beat to gauge his reaction before resuming their kiss. He looked at her with wide eyes, almost saying, “Really, I can touch them?” Not one to be outdone, Kyle leaned forward and pulled off his shirt as well. He had an amazing Celtic patterned tattoo hugging his right side. She traced its intricate lines with her fingertip as Kyle raised his hands to cup her breasts.

  Becka brought her mouth back to his greedily as she ran her hands down his bare back. She gently tugged on his lip ring with her teeth, and he groaned. Kyle eased her onto her back and kissed his way down her neck and chest before moving down to her stomach. He stopped at her shorts and started again on the tops of her thighs. He continued lower, to her knees. From this angle, she could see the other half of the Celtic tattoo and another tattoo of Calvin and Hobbes.

  Even though what he was doing felt so good, she had to stop him and ask about it. He sat up and turned so she could have a better look at it.

  "It's to remind me to always stay young at heart," he said solemnly.

  "I love it," Becka said, placing a soft kiss on it.

  They continued to make out but didn't take it further than that. Later in the day, after he left to go home, she could not help but wonder what was going on with the potential love interests in her life. She had to admit that it was affecting her self-confidence that neither Nate nor Kyle had tried to have sex with her. Was there something wrong with her? In her previous experience with guys, sex always seemed like their ultimate goal. What had changed, and what was it going take to get laid?

  It at least felt like a giant improvement that Kyle had stayed the night. Becka was just going to have to be patient and see how everything would play out. That was not something she was ever good at. Dave was working with Kyle that night, so he had promised her he would try and attempt some recon as to Kyle's intentions with her.

  She spoke to Lilly, told her briefly about Kyle but then spent most of the conversation listening to Lilly vent about her husband Chris. In Lilly's opinion, Chris was not being the most supportive new dad. Lilly had to point blank ask him to help out with Mason and, when he did, he acted like a martyr. It was times like this Becka wished she was back at home so she could be there for her big sis.

  After their call, Becka decided she was curious enough about Kyle to see where things might go. As for Nate, she planned to flat out ignore him. She didn’t think that was going to actually happen, but it was good to have goals. Besides, after the day she had with Kyle, she felt the intense attraction she had for Nate waned a bit. At the end of the day, it had hurt her ego that he had not spent the night on New Year's and that he had not chosen to hang out with her longer when they ran into each other at the club. Her motives were simple. The furth
er she was from him, the more likely her feelings would remain unbruised.

  She had plans to meet Crystal that day for a movie. Becka told her about going out with Dave and meeting Kyle, while being careful to omit the parts about Dave bringing two girls home with him. As Becka described Kyle, Crystal began nodding. When she stopped, Crystal laughed and told her that at, of all of her friends, Becka was the one with a definite type of guy she always went for and that Kyle fit that description to a T. She agreed that he was everything that she normally was attracted to, but she wanted Nate more. Crystal waved her hand for her to stop. Even her friends were sick of hearing her obsess about Nate. Why couldn’t she just forget about him?

  It didn’t help that at work Nate continued to email her on a daily basis. What didn’t make sense to Becka is how he could be so chatty every day at work but did not text or call her outside of work. Her plan to ignore him was going miserably. Why couldn’t she just not reply? It seemed clear to her that the only reason he wrote to her was to entertain himself during the work day. She finally had a chance to see if Kyle would make him jealous when he asked what her plans for the weekend were.

  Hot date

  I didn’t know we had plans.

  Um, we don't.

  So who is this 'hot date' with?

  None of your business.

  Is he imaginary?

  Nope, he is very real.


  What night is your date?


  Can I come over Friday?

  Becka stared at his last email. There was the answer to her question of would he be jealous or not. She equated him wanting to see her the night before her date the same as a dog peeing on a street sign to mark its territory. Her brain was screaming at her to say no as her fingers ignoring her mind’s command.


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