Forever and a Night_A Vampire Romance

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Forever and a Night_A Vampire Romance Page 18

by Lana Campbell

  “Oh, I’m sure he did,” Nathan snarled, shooting the man another vicious look. “Mia, I never meant to hurt you. I know right now you can’t believe that, but I swear it’s true.”

  She let out a brief, caustic laugh. “No, I can’t believe that. I’ll never believe anything that comes out of your lying mouth, ever again. Thanks to Christian, I now get what vampires do to survive theoretically, even though I find it disgusting. Your lies I’ll never be able to wrap my mind around. At some point, Christian and I will talk about this feral vampire thing, but you have no part in my life or future, Nathan. I’ve witnessed first hand the casualties of war being around you brings.” She fingered the bandage on her neck, spun and headed toward the exit, her purse in one hand, her cell in the other. Just before she stepped into the archway dividing the great room and hall, she turned and said, “I’m going to the kitchen to call my girls, Christian. As for you, Nathan, loose my number.” With that, she stalked off.

  The doctor snorted derisively. “Did you accomplish what you came here for tonight?”

  Nathan was seriously pissed and just plain miserable. He may have lost his life-mate and this man had her trust and maybe even her affection. “Perhaps the better question is have you accomplished what you want from Mia? She’ll never be yours, if that’s what’s going on in your head. You of all people, a doctor, should understand the life-mate bond. She’s mine and I know it with every cell in my body, whether she does or not.”

  Dr. La Mond snarled and stepped toward Nathan, posturing. “She isn’t yours or anyone’s at this point. Get the hell out. You’ve done nothing but upset her tonight.”

  The man equalled him in size and weight. He could have been twice his size and Nathan wouldn’t have cared. He itched for a fight, but enough logic remained in his head to realize as much as he hated the man, Mia needed him. He had no choice but to leave her in his care. That choice might cause him to loose her, but La Mond’s protection would save her.

  Nathan knew if he lost Mia, he probably would not survive, but he loved her enough to sacrifice his own life for hers. He fixed La Mond with a serious, dead pan glare. “She is mine. I guarantee that. You’re the only one of our kind she trusts at the moment. If you use it to take advantage of her, I’ll end your miserable life and it won’t be quick. I’ve lived far longer than you and have witnessed many means of torture. I’ll spend my last dime and breath executing as many as I can on you before you draw your last.”

  His gold gaze burned with fury. “Save your threats. If you care about Mia, then yes, you will have to trust me. She’s my patient and I don’t expect you to believe I have her best interests at heart, but I do.”

  Nathan let out a sharp, derisive laugh. “Now that’s a lie if I ever heard one. You accused me of being duplicitous with Mia, but it’s obvious there’s some shady thoughts going on in your head where she’s concerned. It kills me to admit it, but there’s not a damned thing I can do about it. Mia trusts you and as you said yourself, she’s emotionally vulnerable right now. If you use that fact to your advantage, I will kill you.” Nathan gave him one last look of warning, then turned and left.

  Julia and Dimitri were still up when he arrived home, awaiting him in his parlor when he entered. Their expressions were twin studies in worry.

  “Yes, it was an unmitigated disaster. She hates my guts,” he said as he strode across the room and plopped down on a Chippendale chair catty-corner from the Victorian couch where they resided.

  “Nathan, my darling, she doesn’t hate you, she’s scared and angry. Mia needs time and distance right now. I tried to warn you.” Julia approached him and laid a hand on his shoulder.

  Nathan recognized her efforts to reassure him, but he was furious at the moment and couldn’t appreciate the kindness. He scored her with a steely look. “That damned doctor of yours is trying to sink his hooks into her.” He cast a matching one Dimitri’s way. “You’d better find your wife a new doctor because I’m going to kill the one she has.”

  “What happened?” Dimitri asked, his features creased with concern.

  Nathan’s gaze cut between Dimitri and Julia. “He’s all over protecting her and not from some physician standpoint. I’m not sure she even realizes what’s on his mind. But she’s drinking it up, seeing him as the only person she can trust at the moment. He’s using her vulnerability to his advantage and I suspect convincing her I’m the devil incarnate, while weaseling his way into her life.”

  “Christian wouldn’t do that,” Julia stated adamantly.

  “Well, he is!” Nathan snapped.

  She shared a troubled look with her husband, then said, “I assure you he would never stand in the way of life-mates.”

  Nathan’s rage exploded. “She does not see me as her life-mate, Julia! And he’s only too ready to convince her I’m not. If I loose her…”

  He didn’t finish. They knew what would happen. He would die or turn feral. Their kind did not survive if they lost their mate unless minor children were involved. If he lost Mia to La Mond, he would die a slow miserable death. Eating and hunting would be impossible. If he turned feral, someone of their kind would likely end up killing him in his weakened state. The thought that he could hurt Mia, force mate her, should that insanity overcome him, scared him more than death by starvation.

  The mating bond of their species was so deep and complex, beyond what any human couple could ever experience, but for all its’ upsides, the downside was death when it didn’t work out. Should he loose Mia, he would starve himself to death, not out of self-pity. He wasn’t one for that at all. Nathan’s life had always been one of aloneness. He knew how to be solitary. He’d gladly die before he reached that point of no return, because he would not, could not hurt Mia.

  “Nathan, you must not give up.” Julia said.

  He spared her a weary look, but said nothing.

  “I can’t imagine how you must feel, my darling, but you haven’t lost Mia yet. I realize it has been many years, but if possible, try to think like a human. Consider how she must have felt when you revealed the truth to her that awful night. Dimitri and I understand the attraction you felt for her when you yet had no concept she was your life-mate. You merely acted in a way quite natural for a male vampire. However, Mia can’t see those actions as normal because she is viewing them through a human filter. Everything she feels for you is buried beneath that thought process currently.”

  Dimitri added, “The bond between you will win, my friend. The last thing anyone wishes to hear in a situation such as this is to exercise patience, but you must. Recall your own turning and how long it took you to come to terms. Give her time to become vampire. When she does, she will view things differently, just as we all did in our own way and time.”

  Both of their speeches bore wisdom and settled him considerably. “Thank you both. I know I don’t say it enough, but I couldn’t ask for better friends. I’m going to accept your advice and go do some serious thinking.”

  Nathan walked away from them and headed up the stairs to a bed he would merely roll around in tonight. He paused halfway up the staircase. On second thought, maybe he would hunt. His body ached for both blood and food. Once revived, maybe his thinking would too.

  Bourbon Street rose to the forefront of his mind. The popular place was littered with memories of Mia. Bitter ones and sweet, but they were the only possessions he had left of her.

  Chapter 13

  “I’m sorry you had to deal with that.” Christian said as he entered the kitchen.

  Mia glanced up from her cell and frowned at him. She was irritated with Christian. He had been just as culpable as Nathan in that awful scene, but she had a bigger irritation at the moment.

  For the past few days, her kids had blown up her phone with messages and calls, but currently they weren’t returning any of hers. They’d been worried sick about her and hopped a flight due to arrive in New Orleans in a little over two hours. That fact paired with Nathan’s impromptu visit had her stom
ach rolling like a butter churn.

  She had to get home before they arrived at her apartment. Mia knew Christian would take her. She’d told him her girls would be coming for a visit soon and he’d promised to release her before they came to New Orleans. She intended to hold him to that oath.

  “Christian, don’t try to rescue me from Nathan. It’s not your responsibility. I have a feeling he’s going to be a pest for awhile, but I’ll handle him. Despite all he’s done to me, I don’t sense him to be dangerous. I know he was furious just now, but the situation could have been much worse, the way you were egging him on like that.”

  Christian appeared properly chastised and joined her at the harvest table where she sat, holding her cell phone. “I’m sorry. It’s a male vampire thing. I know that’s no excuse.”

  “It certainly isn’t. You’ve given me a little history as to the baser instincts male vampires possess, but both you and Nathan are mature, educated men, yet both of you were acting like a couple of bucks in rut.” She shook her head and huffed. “I know you were just trying to protect me as my doctor. Like most everything about this life, it will probably take me time to understand. I just hope my instincts are correct regarding Nathan.”

  Christian stared at her, his expression frustrated and angry. “I don’t like him, Mia. I don’t like the fact he kept the truth from you while you were in his employ and especially afterward when he tried to court you.”

  “Well, that makes two of us. On an ethics scale of one to ten, he ranks at a minus three in my opinion.”

  Christian studied her for a few moments with a troubled frown, Mia couldn’t interpret. Finally, he sighed, then said, “I agree. On an ethics level, I rate him lower than pond scum, but I’m certain he has no intention of harming you, Mia. Quite the contrary. He wants you for his life-mate. I know you have reservations regarding this part of vampire life, but it is an integral part of our world, a key factor to what makes us the unique people we are. Rarely does a true life-mated couple not recognize the signs, but we can make mistakes. Let me say, it’s catastrophic for both people if they aren’t able to work things out. One or both might be able to move forward and life-mate with another, but that union will be a shadow of what they could have had with the person they were destined to mate with.”

  Mia knew what Christian implied and didn’t like it. She was sick and tired of everyone telling her the man was her life-mate. Besides, she had way too much to deal with currently and she didn’t need the `Nathan thing’ complicating matters. Like it or not, he had, and not just today. He’d been ruling her thoughts far too much lately.

  When Betty interrupted her and Christian’s dinner to announce Nathan’s arrival, excitement and anger shot up inside of her like twin geysers. The carnal part of her wanted Betty to go tell him to get lost. Yet she’d yielded to the part of her that just wanted to lay eyes on him. Her choice hadn’t resolved a thing. She was still as confused, angry and scared as she’d been the day she’d awoke to this new body.

  She hated asking Christian this, but she was at a point she had to. “Do you really think Nathan could be my life-mate?”

  He glanced up and sucked in a long breath. “Honestly, I hope to hell not for your sake, but I couldn’t answer that if I wanted to. He thinks you’re his life-mate. Nathan is a very mature vampire. The signs are easier for him to see and he obviously sensed something when he drank from you. Perhaps you did too. True life-mates can feel each others emotions prior to mating when a blood bond is created.”

  His words prompted memories she’d fought valiantly to keep at bay. At the moment she was in no frame of mind to examine those shameful experiences that had occurred when he’d had her under enchantment. “I told you the only thing I feel for him is disgust and loathing.”

  Christian offered her a sympathetic smile. “I can understand that based on what he did to you. As to your question, unfortunately, I have no way to advise you as to whether he is or isn’t yours. I told you before, knowing if someone is your life-mate is personal and instinctual. At the moment, the issue isn’t paramount because you have more important things to concentrate on.”

  She sat her phone on the table top and gave him her full attention. “You’re right about that. Christian, I’m so confused right now and trying hard to make sense of this new life, so help me out here. We’ve talked about me getting back to my life. Honestly, I’m pissed at you for not telling me about this feral thing because if it’s going to cause more babysitting by you, I can’t have that.”

  His gaze cut away briefly, then centered on hers with earnest. “I told you I would never lie to you, Mia. However, there’s only so much information anyone could digest in such a short period of time. That aspect of vampire life I didn’t feel to be the most prevalent one you needed to learn when you were still struggling to understand your body and come to terms with this attack that changed your life. Case in point. Look how you’re reacting now. Had I told you this in the beginning, it would have done nothing but upset you and impede your recovery.” He hunched a shoulder. “Maybe I was wrong. Yours was not a normal turning. Anyway, I suppose it’s best it came out. You’re very close to being ready to go home. Trouble is, you can’t do so without a chaperone. Feral male vampires are a very real and present threat to an unmated female as yourself.”

  She snorted, growing even more aggravated with him. “Then what did you anticipate happening when you allowed me to go home if it’s so necessary I have a chaperone?”

  Guilt squirmed across his face. He cleared his throat and said, “If you chose not to allow Nathan to help you in that regard, I’d planned to do so until you took a mate.”

  She blinked at him, trying to make sense of this protection thing and why he would take on such a responsibility. “And what if I never did?”

  “Trust me, you will and probably soon. Right now you feel more human than vampire, but one day that will change and when it does, you’ll be just as driven as the rest of us to life-mate. I told you before we are far more instinctual beings that humans. They can remain celibate for life if their drive and determination is strong enough. We can’t and I’m not referring to mere sex. Our need to life bond and procreate is as strong as our need to feed. Plus our females almost always life-mate more quickly because it’s easier for them to find their male. Statistically, there are ten born males to ever one female of our kind, then add to that males like Nathan and Dimitri who were changed by a feral female, which are many. So just imagine the vampire dating pool.” He grinned.

  She sneered at him. “Well, I have no desire to go swimming in that pool anytime soon. The only thing I care about right now is my kids.”

  He sighed. “I understand and I hate to point this out, but Isabella is also a threat to you. Even more reason for you to be under a mature vampire’s protection, although few could thwart a bitch like her, but at least Nathan or I could try to hide you from her.”

  Mia grit her teeth and fought the urge to scream. Was there no good news to be had regarding this horrible life these people led? “I still have some confusion about this feral vampire thing. Is Isabella trying to force mate Nathan?”

  “No. Apparently, she just wants to marry him for his money and social status. Strange as this may sound, when a female turns feral, they have absolutely no interest in life-mating or having children. Actually, they can’t get enough sexual partners.”

  “Wow. Well, what if the feral woman gets pregnant?”

  Christian blew out a sharp breath and rolled his eyes. “Generally, they have abortions, or kill the baby when it’s born. Occasionally, one might develop a twisted maternal instinct. Let me just say, when that happens, the child is better off being aborted or killed at birth.”

  Mia grimaced. Just thinking about a woman like Isabella raising a child gave her the shivers. “So I guess Isabella wants to make Nathan her personal sex slave too, huh?” The notion caused a pang of jealousy, but she chalked it up to residual feelings for him she hadn’t managed t
o exorcize from her mind yet.

  Mia had witnessed Nathan’s loathing for the woman that night, but she’d also witnessed her control over him. Her disgust for Nathan aside, it troubled her to imagine the fresh hell he would suffer if Isabella got ahold of him.

  Christian quirked a brow. “Undoubtably. I despise the guy, but as morally bankrupt as his is, even he doesn’t deserve to be a prisoner of a feral female. They’re just as nasty if not worse than males. Basically, they’re on a power trip. They use humans or vampires for sex, money, whatever they want. They also create a lot of male fledglings for sexual purposes and to use their superior strength for protection. Worse, when they feed, they usually kill their human donors because fear heightens the experience for them. Unless they’re desperate, they almost always feed on males. Rest assured you aren’t at risk from feral females. Isabella is another story because you hurt her.”

  Mia hung her head and shook it. “I can’t be saddled with a chaperone, Christian.” Frustrated, she picked up her phone and shook it at him. “My girls are flying here right now as we speak. I’ve been texting and calling them since Nathan brought me this thing and I’ve received no answers from any of them. They’re obviously still in flight. They’ll be at my apartment in a couple hours based on the time they told me they left. From there I haven’t a clue what to tell them for why I’ve been SOL this last week.”

  He offered her an understanding look. “They obviously love you very much. I get that. Keep in mind, mothers have lives too. You’re girls are all grown. Should it be so unusual for you to be unavailable for several days?”

  Mia pursed her lips. “You’re over a hundred years old, Christian, and a man. If your mother didn’t hear from you but a couple times a month would she be overly worried?”


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