Forever and a Night_A Vampire Romance

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Forever and a Night_A Vampire Romance Page 26

by Lana Campbell

  Tonight, she opted for sandals and a simple, cotton/polyester sundress with a floral pattern, sporting an off-white, lace section covering her upper back that connected the shoulders and skirt. Nathan wore a pair of tan shorts, deck shoes and a light blue, button up shirt. He looked ready for a day on the water and sexy as hell. He did no matter what he wore.

  Now walking down a dock, his driver trailed them with their bags. Mia pushed her sunglasses higher on her nose and looked around. The slips contained boats of every kind and size, ski, pontoons, fishing, fancy yachts.

  “Where’s yours? And what kind of boat is it?” she asked.

  He smiled down at her and said, “Not much further. You’ll see.”

  Mia rolled her eyes. The man loved mystery. They took a left at a section where the dock split and Mia spied what she could only describe as a mini cruise ship. The yacht was outrageously huge with multiple levels. She knew it had to be his.

  She stopped and pointed at it. “Is that yours? And is that a pool I see on top?”

  “Yes and yes.” He chuckled.

  She faced him and waved a finger at him. “Okay, that is not a boat. Even though I know absolutely nothing nautical, I can see that there is a water pimp ride.”

  He started laughing and shook his head. “Trust me, you’re going to like it. Come on.” He took her hand and a few minutes later they embarked.

  Three men of various ages stood to the left of their entry point. All wore white uniforms. An older man, who she assumed to be the captain, stepped toward Nathan and extended his hand because he wore that style hat, a white short sleeve shirt with black and gold shoulder-thingies and smartly pressed white slacks.

  “Good evening, Mr. Davenport. It’s a pleasure to have you onboard again. I have everything you’ve requested in order.”

  Nathan shook the man’s hand, then turned, smiled at her and said, “This is my guest, Mia Peebles. Mia, Captain Davis.”

  “Good to meet you, Captain.” She offered him a warm smile and her hand.

  Next Nathan introduced her to a man in his mid-thirties, Collin, the purser, then the ship’s chef, Caleb, the youngest of the bunch, who wore a pristine chef’s jacket and white slacks like the other two men.

  Collin took their bags from Nathan’s driver and preceded them inside. They followed him down a narrow hallway, took a right which merged into another long one. She paid no attention to her surroundings because she was going into overload mode. Reason being, the magnitude of Nathan’s wealth began to sink into her brain.

  During the time they’d spent together, she given little thought to his massive fortune and the life-style he led. Initially, she’d been leery of him because of the fact he was Nathan Davenport, but once she began to know Nathan the man, his life beyond New Orleans hadn’t been a consideration. Until now.

  Mia was scared. She loved Nathan and wanted a life with him more than anything. How could she fit into this world of his? The press. Public engagements and Lord only knew what else, were troubling matters on her horizon if she was to be his life-mate. She had no concept of such a life and how to behave in a manner becoming to a wife of a man like Nathan. Had he bothered to think about that?

  Finally they stopped at the end of the hallway between two doors. Nathan said, “Thanks, Collin. I’ve got it from here.”

  “Yes, sir.” He put their bags on the floor next to one of the rooms, then left them.

  Mia swallowed back the lump in her throat and stared at him, “We need to talk, Nathan.”

  His brows furrowed. He nodded once, opened the door to his left and gestured for her to proceed him.

  Mia walked inside and gaped at the ostentatious stateroom which reminded her of ones she’d seen in movies. The king bed had an ornate, wood head board sporting carved dolphins and mermaids. There was a fireplace with a beautiful wood hearth, likely gas, she wasn’t sure.

  The wall opposite the bed held an actual bar. A glass mirror set behind shelves of a ridiculous amount of liquor for a bedroom. A few feet from that was another door which led into what she suspected to be the bathroom. Several feet from the fireplace, sliding glass doors separated the room from an exterior balcony. The decor and furnishings were nothing short of opulent.

  If this was his bedroom on a ship he probably didn’t have that much time to enjoy, what in God’s name did his normal residences look like? Sure, his New Orleans home was amazing, a historical work of art. But Mia realized he probably had many homes just as fancy and a way of life that parodied all those worldly things.

  She heard him approach her from behind. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her temple. “I know what’s on your mind. I was bad and snuck into your thoughts, although it was unnecessary. You’re afraid of being a part of my life, but Mia, we’re embarking on a life together, love. Where and what that entails has to be negotiated. We just fought the forces of Hell and won. Not my money or anything else will come between us ever again. I won’t let it. If I need to live with you in a two room shack for the rest of my life, I will. Get that straight.”

  Mia turned in his arms. The intensity of the love and determination in his eyes following that speech stole any protest she might have made. He’d proved his love to her in every way possible. It was time for her to prove hers to him. Whatever, the costs or challenges the future held, she had to face them head on and overcome.

  She shot him a pretend chastising look, then said, “Well are you just going to prattle on all night or show me around this behemoth boat of yours?”

  That made him happy, judging from his Cheshire grin. “Let’s start with my stateroom.”

  Mia’s eyes widened. “You mean this isn’t yours?”

  He chuckled. “No it’s yours unless you choose to share mine tonight.”

  Mia was committed. She’d be sharing a room with him for the rest of her life. “Well, let’s go check it out.”

  For the next hour they toured, then sat down to dinner around dusk on the top deck by the pool. Once they were seated, a male server brought them the first course, a crab salad with kiwi slices, tiny white grapes and quinoa seeds. She smelled citrus and cilantro in the dressing. It looked wonderful and sparked her appetite.

  Mia glanced around as the server filled their wine glasses with a fruity smelling Pinot Gris. The view was amazing. The pool glittered in the pale evening light. A couple dozen loungers encircled it. There was a full, outside bar on the opposite side of the deck and round, gold railing surrounding the whole area.

  The ship had been moving down the Mississippi for awhile now. Each side of the river revealed an untamed, beautiful, never-ending tour of the green thicket of bayou country. In the distance she could hear voices, laugher and cajun and country music coming from the dwellers within. The fishy scent of the river wafted on board, but her new enhanced sense of smell picked up wood burning somewhere on shore’s edge and it reminded her of nights at the farm when she and her family had cooked hotdogs and smore’s over an open bonfire.

  “This is incredible,” she said, smiling at him.

  “I’m glad you like it. Have you ever been at sea?”

  She shook her head. “Why?”

  “By morning we’ll be in the Gulf of Mexico. It can get a little choppy at times. Hope you aren’t given to sea sickness.”

  She winced, hoping so as well, then echoed, “The Gulf of Mexico?”

  “Unless, you have a problem with that.” He hunched a shoulder, then took a drink of his wine.

  “Not at all. I’m here for the adventure, wherever it may lead.”

  A smile played at the corner of his mouth, while intrigue and pleasure did the same in his eyes. “Good, because our adventure in life is not going to end for a very long time if I get my way.”

  She gave him a heated look, then said, “Oh, I’m pretty sure you’ll get your way.”

  One of those possessive vampire growls rumbled softly in his throat. “We’d better eat, before I take you up on that immediately.”

  A subject change was in order. Mia took a drink of her wine then said, “You’ve had a good infusion of my life, Nathan. It’s time you tell me more about yours.”

  “Ask what you will.” He speared some salad with his fork and took a bite.

  She did the same and chewed, pondering a starting point. “How about your roots, your age. Christian told me he was born in 1917. Dominic is around seventy, you said. How old are you?”

  “Ancient. I was born in 1843. I was turned in 1862.”

  Mia knew her eyes had grown saucer-like because he didn’t appear that much older than Christian. Someday she’d ask him about his turning, but not now with Isabella’s wounds so fresh in both their minds. “You told me once about your childhood. Was that all true?”

  He nodded. “I left out the dates and the fact that my parents and sister died of scarlet fever within months of one another. It happened a of couple years after the war between the states. I didn’t get sick because I was vampire at that time.”

  “Oh my God, Nathan. I’m so sorry.” She reached her hand across the table. He took it and squeezed. “Did they know about you? If you don’t want to talk about this, it’s okay.”

  “No, it’s all right. It happened long ago. And yes, they knew. I wasn’t Isabella’s fledgling all that long. When she released me, I didn’t know where else to go but home. They were horrified. Naturally. But they accepted what had happened to me. I told you we were a very close family. When I returned, Daddy had sold the majority of the planation. He’d been left with two hundred and thirty acres and our home which had been plundered, gutted and burned out by Yankees. We lived in two barely inhabitable rooms, scarcely surviving. We ate what we were able to grow, basically. The sellable items we had for cash didn’t last long. Poverty took their lives way too early.”

  Mia didn’t care how long ago this had happened, her heart ached for him because his grief was palpable. No wonder he’d devoted his life to the gain of riches. “I am so sorry. A hollow comfort, I’m sure.”

  The smile he returned was a bit sad. “Not at all. I know you care, but as I said, it was long ago. I managed to salvage the place and I still own it. Eventually, I had it restored as it had been when our lives were happy. I haven’t been there in about ten years, but I have a couple who live on premises and tend it for me. I’ll take you there sometime if you like.”

  “I’d love that.” The story prompted many questions. “How could you keep ownership that long?”

  A shrewd look filtered into his eyes. “I’ve had many adopted sons and nephews over the years to whom I’ve deeded my properties.”

  It took a few moments, then Mia got his meaning. “Oh. That’s clever. No one ever grew suspicious?”

  “A few people, but I learned to moved around a lot over the years. By the time I came back to live at any particular property, most everyone I associated with assumed me to be a Davenport heir, except for other vampires. Most all of us do the same thing.”

  Mia leaned back in her chair and sipped her wine, studying him. She couldn’t fathom the life he must have led, the history he’d lived. On the outside looking in, one would assume he’d had an amazing life, but Mia knew loneliness had plagued him along that journey. Well no more. She intended to put an end to that emotion for him forever.

  While they ate, they shared aspects and stories of their pasts. Afterwards, Nathan led her to the railing of the ship. She grasped hold of the top one and looked about. The full moon gave the muddy, Mississippi a weird, iridescent, brownish/green glow. She saw a few other boats, large and small with their night lights sparkling in the distance, closer to the river bank.

  “This trip is open-ended, Mia,” Nathan said, wrapping an arm around her waist.

  She turned into him. “I’m okay with that, but what about transfusions? Christian said I’d could taper off to three or four a week, depending on how I feel. I suppose I’ll have to have one in a couple of days.”

  “You think I wouldn’t have thought of that?” he asked, brushing a curl behind her ear. “There’s a doctor on board. He’s human, but he asks no questions.

  I’ve arranged for a good supply of blood units.”

  She grinned. “You are a very thorough individual, aren’t you?”

  “You have no idea, but I intend to educate you to that fact very soon.”

  She liked the sultry innuendo and couldn’t wait to see. “So where did you have in mind?

  “The U.S. Virgin Islands. I have some residences on a couple.”

  She placed her hands on his shoulders and stroked her palms down his arms. “Sounds intriguing.”

  “I hope so, but I’m more intrigued with you right now.” He leaned in and caught her lips.

  The kiss was sweet at first, soothing; a perfect end for such a perfect evening. However, it wasn’t long before the gentle flame became a blazing inferno. He was a master at the art of lip locking, knowing just how to use his mouth and tongue to tease, excite and draw out her wild side.

  His hands were always busy given the opportunity, and she was giving him free reign. One hand had hold of her bottom, pressing her against his front, while the other explored places across her back she didn’t even know were erotic points until he found them, causing her to make all kinds of soft, approving noises into his mouth.

  She let her own hands explore. One stroked his hair, then pulled out the tie, so she could thread her fingers through the silky strands. Emboldened by his actions, she trailed the other down his chest, then lower, snaking it between their bodies so she could explore that part of him she intended to have a lot of fun with later tonight.

  He released a sound into her mouth that was part gasp and part vampire growl, then stepped back. Mia sucked in a sharp breath because the look in his was wild, almost painful.

  “Oops. Too much?” she asked, then gave him a saucy grin.

  “Never, but we need a time out. There’s something I have to ask you.”

  Mia leaned her back against the railing and crossed her arms, curious about the seriousness of his tone and expression. “Well, ask. You have my heart and trust one hundred percent, so I assume you’re not about to hit me with another unpleasant revelation.” She sort of teased, but his expression remained solemn. “No, Mia. If we go forward, you know what will happen tonight. We will marry in the way of our kind. I know your doctor…” He spoke the last word as if it were a curse. “…explained what that means.”

  “Yes, and just so you know nothing happened between us even remotely romantic. He always put my best interests first.”

  “Good thing. I know how fond Julia is of him and you too,” he paused, his expression jealous and possessive. “Enough of him. I’m trying to get to an important point here.”

  He seemed intense and it started to worry Mia. She stepped forward and palmed his cheek. “Nathan, I love you. I am committed to a life with you. Honestly, I don’t understand everything involved in this vampire marriage thing, but you know I’m down for it. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”

  He nodded, then took hold of her hand and kissed her fingers before he said, “This is all new for me too. It might be painful, Mia.”

  So that’s what had him tied in knots. The news caused a few to furl in her own gut. “I trust you. You wouldn’t hurt me on purpose. Obviously, it can’t be too bad or vampire life-mates wouldn’t exist. Right?”

  He smiled. “I’m sure that’s true. I hope so anyway. There’s something else I need to say about our future. I want everything legal and traditional too.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black, velvet box, knelt on one knee and popped it open. “Mia, will you marry me?”

  Chapter 19

  Her beautiful amber eyes were wide and riveted on the box. He had surprised her. His intent. Her mouth was slack with astonishment as she stared at the ring he’d spent the entire last week consulting with a New Orleans jeweler to design. It was a three caret round, nearly flawless diamond, set in the center of another t
wo carets adorning a double band. He’d chosen rose colored gold to make it appear more antique and old fashioned, figuring she’d like something more simple. Still, it was obnoxiously large. Maybe that’s what had her tongue-tied.

  “Mia?” he prompted.

  She blinked then reached out and took the ring from the box and examined it. A smile slowly wreathed her features. “This is beautiful. And yes, of course I’ll marry you. Legally. Traditionally. As a vampire. Whatever it takes to be with you forever.”

  Relief flooded him. He took it from her and placed it on her finger. She had beautiful hands; thin, delicate, long fingers. The ring was perfect. He could both see and feel that she loved it. More importantly, he could view in her eyes and heart that she loved him.

  “How the hell did I get so lucky?” he muttered staring into her glittering gold eyes.

  “No luck was involved. It’s called being blessed. If we always look at this between us that way, and give God the glory, we will never stop appreciating it. Why don’t we start by appreciating tonight?”

  Desire began to hum between them again. Nathan wasted no time. He took her hand and they hurried back to his stateroom. He swung the door open, then swept her into his arms.

  She started giggling. “Seriously?”

  “I’m a man for tradition.” He carried her across the threshold and placed her on his bed, then drank in the siren vision she made, laying there. Her long, auburn curls framed her beautiful features, alight with love and the glow of the moon filtering through the balcony doors. Excitement and passion filled her exotic, almond-shaped eyes.

  “Take off your clothes.” Her tone was deep, husky, a command.

  Nathan grinned and did her bidding, pleasantly surprised by both her urgency and lack of hesitation. It told him two things. She didn’t waver in a commitment and they were both in for one hell of a ride, tonight and for the rest of their lives.


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