Brenda Jackson The Westmoreland Series Books 16-20

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Brenda Jackson The Westmoreland Series Books 16-20 Page 54

by Brenda Jackson

  “I know that, but…”

  When she didn’t complete what she was going to say, he decided to finish it off for her. “But they’re going to think you’ve lost your mind for getting involved with me.”

  He knew it was true and really didn’t like the way it sounded. His family knew of his reputation more than anyone, and for him to have talked Lucia into an affair wouldn’t sit too well with them. But as he’d told her, he and Lucia were adults.

  “They’re going to think you’ll eventually hurt me,” she said quietly.

  “Then I guess it will be on me to prove otherwise, because I’m not letting what they think cause a rift between us. Besides, they know we’ve been out a couple of times, and once they see how taken I am with you, they’ll start minding their own business.” And he was taken with her, he’d admit that much. He was taken with her in a way no other woman could claim. He couldn’t help but smile when he then said, “But I’m not the one they need to be concerned about. Zane’s and Canyon’s womanizing ways are probably right up there with Raphel’s.”

  “Your great-grandfather? The one who was married to all those women?” she asked.

  “Well, we’re still trying to figure out what’s fact and what’s fiction. So far, the women we thought were his first two wives actually weren’t. Dillon gave all the records he’d accumulated to Megan. She’s determined to find out the truth as to whether Raphel actually lived all those lives,” he said, pulling her down to him before he would be tempted to take one of her nipples into his mouth. As much as he loved tasting her, he figured they needed to eat something more nourishing now.

  “I think I’ll shower and then go into your kitchen to see what I can throw together for us,” he said.

  She looked surprised. “You’re going to feed me?”

  He couldn’t help but smile, thinking that wasn’t all he intended to do to her. “Yes, but trust me, I have a reason for doing so. I meant what I said earlier about keeping you inside all weekend, sweetheart.”

  And then he leaned down and locked his mouth with hers. This was one snowstorm that he would never forget.


  “So how are things going with you and Derringer?”

  Sensations of excitement rippled in Lucia’s stomach at the mention of Derringer’s name. She and Chloe had decided to do lunch at McKay’s, and as soon as the waitress had taken their orders and moved away, Chloe had begun asking Lucia a number of questions.

  The weather had started clearing up a little on Sunday night, and Derringer had talked her into going to his ranch and leaving for work on Monday morning from there. He had even helped her pack an overnight bag. What she hadn’t expected was his siblings and cousins showing up early Monday morning to check on him because no one had seen or heard from him all weekend. She hadn’t missed the look of surprise on their faces when she’d come down the stairs dressed for work, giving everyone a clear idea of how he’d spent those snowed-in hours and with whom.

  That had been a couple of weeks ago. “So far, so good. I enjoy spending time with him.”

  And truly she did. He’d taken her to the movies several times and picked her up from work on several occasions, and had spent the night over at her place a number of times as well.

  Chloe beamed. “I’m glad. Ramsey is too. Already he’s seen a change in Derringer.”

  Lucia raised a brow as she took a sip of her iced tea. “What kind of change?”

  “Peace. Calm. He seems more focused. Less untamed and wild. Not only Ramsey but the other Westmorelands think you’re good for him.”

  Lucia nervously nibbled at her lower lip. “I hope they aren’t getting any ideas. I told you what’s between me and Derringer is only temporary. He made sure I understood that, Chloe.”

  Chloe waved her words away. “All men think nothing is forever at first, only a few have love on their minds initially. Callum was an exception. He knew he loved Gemma before she had a clue.”

  “But Derringer doesn’t love me. He’s said as much. I’m in this relationship with both eyes open.”

  Later, back in her office, she recalled her words to Chloe as she sat staring at the huge arrangement of flowers that was sitting on her desk that had been delivered while she was at lunch. The card had simply said, I’m thinking of you.

  Just the thought that he was thinking of her made everything inside her rock with anticipation to see him again. It was Friday and they were going skating again tonight and she couldn’t wait.

  The intercom on her desk went off, almost startling her. “Yes?”

  “Someone is here to see you, Ms. Conyers.”

  Excitement flowed in her stomach. The last time she’d received flowers from Derringer, he had shown up at her office later. Was he here to see her now? “Who is it, Wanda?”

  “Ashira Lattimore.”

  Lucia’s throat tightened. Why would Ashira Lattimore be visiting her? There was only one way to find out. “Thanks, Wanda, ask her to come in.”

  Lucia clicked off her intercom and glanced at the flowers on her desk. Something about them gave her inner strength to deal with what was about to take place. She wasn’t exactly sure what would happen, but she figured it had something to do with Derringer.

  It wasn’t long before the woman knocked on her door. “Come in.”

  Ashira walked in and just like all the other times Lucia had seen her she looked beautiful. But Lucia knew that beauty was merely on the outside. She had heard a number of stories about the spoiled and reckless woman who had long ago stamped ownership on Derringer. In a way she was surprised Ashira hadn’t confronted her before now.

  “Ashira, this is a surprise. What can Simply Irresistible do for you?” Lucia plastered a smile on her lips.

  The woman didn’t bother returning her fabricated smile. “I’ve been gone, Lucia, visiting a sick relative in Dakota, and thought I’d let you know I’m back.”

  Lucia placed her arms across her chest. “And that’s supposed to mean something to me?”

  The woman glanced at the flowers on Lucia’s desk, paused a minute and then said, “I think it would where Derringer is concerned. Not sure if he told you, but the two of us have an understanding.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes. No matter who he dallies with, I’m the one he’ll always come back to. I’m sure you’ve known him long enough to know our history.”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t, and for you to pay me a visit to stake a claim you think you have speaks volumes. It makes me think you’re not as confident as you want to claim,” she said with more bravado than she actually felt.

  “Think whatever you want. Just remember, when he’s done with you he’ll come back to me. He and I have plans to marry one day.”

  Lucia’s heart dropped at the woman’s announcement. “Congratulations on your and Derringer’s future plans. Now, if you’ve said everything you’ve come here to say, I think you should leave.”

  It was then that Ashira smiled, but the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. It didn’t come close. “Fine, just remember my warning. I’m trying to spare you any heartbreak.” The woman then walked out of her office.

  * * *

  Derringer’s gaze flickered over Lucia’s face. “You okay? You’ve been quiet most of the evening.”

  They had gone skating with what he was now be ginning to think of as the regular crowd. Most of the kids and teens had gotten used to him and Lucia invading their turf. And now they were back at her place, but she hadn’t said a whole lot since he’d picked her up that evening.

  She smiled over at him. “Yes, I’m fine. This has been a busy week at work and I’m just glad it’s the weekend. I need it.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “And I need it as well. More horses are arriving this week and then all our relatives start arriving the week after that for the Westmoreland Charity Ball. You are going to the ball with me, aren’t you?”

  He watched her features and she seemed surprised he’d asked. H
er next question proved him right. “You really want to take me?”

  “Of course I do.”


  He stared down at her for a moment. “Why are you thanking me?”

  “Um, no reason. I just wasn’t sure what your plans would be.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to say that whatever his plans were they would always include her, but he didn’t. Lately, he was encountering feelings and emotions when it came to Lucia that he didn’t quite understand and didn’t want to dwell on.

  “I hear Gemma is coming home in a few days,” she said, cutting into his thoughts.

  A smile touched his lips. “Yeah, and I miss her. I’d gotten used to Gemma being underfoot and wasn’t sure how I’d handle her up and moving to Australia. But Callum loves her and we know he’s taking good care of her. Besides, homecomings are good.”

  “Yes, he does love her.”

  There was something about her tone of voice that sounded contemplative and reflective, as if she was wondering, considering just how that would be for a man to love her that way. For a moment he didn’t know what to say, so he decided not to say anything.

  Instead, he did something he always enjoyed doing to her. He touched her chin, making rotary motions with his thumb on her soft skin before tilting her head back to lower his mouth to kiss her.

  The sound of her sensual purr fueled his desire, making him so aroused his erection thickened painfully against the zipper of his jeans. And when she wrapped her arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss, he went crazy with lust for her.

  Not able to hold back any longer, he swept her off her feet into his arms and carried her upstairs to the bedroom.

  * * *

  “Why haven’t you mentioned Ashira’s visit to Derringer, Lucia?”

  Lucia glanced over at Chloe. They had just finished a business meeting and she’d known something had been on her best friend’s mind all morning. “And how do you know I haven’t?”

  “Trust me, had you told him, all hell would have broken loose. He’s never appreciated Ashira’s possessiveness.”

  Lucia shrugged. “For all I know they could have an understanding just like she claims.”

  “I can’t believe you would think that.”

  “In all honesty I’m trying not to think about anything regarding Derringer and Ashira. I’m just taking one day at a time.”

  Chloe frowned. “She would never have come into my office with that haughty I’m-Derringer’s-real-woman foolishness, trust me.”

  “Because you know Ramsey loves you, I can’t say that for Derringer and me. I know he doesn’t love me,” she said softly.

  Later that night she lay in Derringer’s arms with her naked body spooned intimately to his. His arm was thrown over her and he slept with his hand cupping her breast. His warm body and the scent of his musky masculinity surrounded her and she became aroused by it. That was something she couldn’t help.

  Since becoming sexually involved with Derringer, she had become more aware of herself as a woman, particularly her needs and wants, mainly because he made her feel as if she was the most enticing and alluring woman he’d ever met. And coming from a man like Derringer, that meant a lot.

  She then thought about her conversation with Chloe earlier that day. Maybe she should have mentioned Ashira’s visit to her office to Derringer. And yet a part of her didn’t want to draw him into any women-over-man drama. Besides, time would tell if what the woman said was true.

  She knew the moment he’d awakened by the change in his breathing. The other telltale sign was the feel of his erection beginning to swell against her naked backside. And then he began touching her. With the hand that wasn’t cupping her breast he started at the dip in her thigh and let his fingers do a little walking, tracing a line toward her waist. It then followed the curve toward the juncture at her inner thighs.

  “Shift open your legs for me, baby,” he leaned over to whisper in her ear. “I need to touch you there.”

  She did what he asked and moments later she was moaning at his exploratory touch. And then when the hand cupping her breasts began doing its own thing by torturing her nipples, she clenched her lips to keep from crying out his name.

  “You’re so passionate,” he murmured close to her ear. “You are the most sensuous woman I know.”

  She wanted so much to believe him. She wanted to believe it was her that he wanted and not Ashira. And when she couldn’t take his torture any longer, she cried out for him to make love to her.

  “My pleasure.”

  He then eased her onto her back and straddled her, and before she could draw her next breath, he entered her, melding their bodies as one. And each time he stroked into her and retreated, she ground her body against him ready for his reentry.

  Over and over, back and forth, performing the mating dance the two of them had created as he thrust in and out of her and all she could do was continue to groan out her cries of pleasure. And when a guttural moan flowed from Derringer’s lips, she knew they had been tossed into the turbulent waves of pure ecstasy.

  * * *


  Derringer pulled in a deep breath. That’s how he always thought of making love with Lucia. Each and every time was simply incredible. And she was incredible. He glanced over at her and saw she had fallen asleep with her body spooned against his.

  The room was quiet as images flickered in his mind of all the things they’d done together over the past few weeks, and not all of them had been in the bedroom. He enjoyed taking her places, being seen with her and spending time with her. Exclusivity was working, but he knew it was only because the woman was Lucia.

  No other woman crossed his mind. He didn’t want any other woman but her. And his inner fear of something happening to her lessened more and more each day. When he considered all the possibilities, weighed all his options and thought of what could happen, none of it was more significant than spending time with her, being with her. For the rest of his life. He loved her.

  Derringer drew in a sharp breath because at that moment he couldn’t imagine being without her…. He wanted to live each day to the fullest with her, loving her completely. She was the only woman he wanted. For his soul mate and then one day for his wife.

  His wife.

  A smile touched his lips. No other woman deserved that title. And he was determined that Lucia—only Lucia—would wear it. He knew he couldn’t rush her. He had to take things slow and believe that one day she would realize she was the only woman who could be a wife for this Westmoreland.

  * * *

  The following days passed quickly and everyone was excited when Gemma returned home and confirmed the rumor that she and Callum would become parents in seven months. It was decided that a cookout was in order to welcome the couple home and to celebrate their good news. Another Westmoreland baby was on the way.

  Derringer, his brothers and cousins were playing a friendly game of horseshoes when someone rang the bell letting them know it was time to eat. The men went into Dillon’s kitchen to wash up, when Zane leaned over and whispered, “Lucia looks just like she belongs with the Westmorelands, Derringer.”

  His gaze moved across the yard to where she was helping Chloe and Megan set the table. Zane was right. She did look as if she belonged, mainly because she did belong. In a way, he’d always known that. And now he was waiting patiently for her to realize it as well.

  They had been spending a lot of time together lately. It had become his regular routine to go home and shower after working with the horses and then head on over to her place each day. School was out, so she was home most evenings now. They cooked dinner together, on occasion they would go out to take in a movie or shoot pool—something he had shown her how to do. Then on Friday nights they went roller skating. But he also enjoyed those times they would stay inside to cuddle on the sofa and watch videos.

  As if she felt him looking at her, she glanced over at him and an intimate connection,
as well as sexual chemistry, flowed between them the way it always did. A slow, flirty smile touched his lips and he tipped his hat to her. She returned his smile and nodded before returning to what she was doing.

  “I think you like her,” Zane said, reminding Derringer he was there.

  Derringer smiled at his brother, refusing to let Zane bait him. “Of course I like her. We all do.”

  “Hey, don’t be an ass, Derringer. You’re in love with the woman. Admit it.”

  Derringer only smiled and glanced back to where Lucia was sitting. The women were crowded together on the porch listening to Gemma share stories about her Australian adventure and how she was settling into her role as Mrs. Callum Austell.

  He couldn’t help it, but he kept looking at Lucia. Each and every time he saw her, spent time with her, he fell more and more in love with her. Now he understood how Dillon could have left home to investigate all the rumors they’d heard about Raphel and return less than a month later an engaged man. At first he thought his cousin had needed to have his head examined, but once he met Pam and had seen how Dillon would light up around her, he sort of understood. But he’d figured nothing like that would ever happen to him.

  He had been proven wrong.

  He loved everything about Lucia, including her interaction with his family. But mainly he loved the way she made him feel whenever they were together.

  His thoughts were pulled back to the present when Jason took a minute to provide an update on old man’s Bostwick’s granddaughter from Savannah. Folks were saying the woman was supposed to arrive in town to claim her inheritance in a couple of weeks. Jason was anxious about that and he was hoping his offer for the land and Hercules was the one the woman would accept.

  “Looks like we have a visitor,” Canyon whispered. “At least, she’s your visitor, Derringer.”

  Derringer frowned when he saw the sports car driven by Ashira Lattimore pull up in the yard. He couldn’t help wondering what she wanted since he knew she hadn’t been invited. Also, Ashira and his sisters didn’t get along. But that had never stopped Ashira from thinking her lack of an invite was merely an oversight on someone’s part. She was her parents’ only child and was spoiled rotten. In contrast, he thought, Lucia was her parents’ only child, yet she was sweet as wine. The difference in the two women was like night and day.


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