The Conan Chronology

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The Conan Chronology Page 230

by J. R. Karlsson

  Like a jungle beast Conan was up and running, feet sure on the slanting tiles, climbing granite gargoyles to a higher level, leaping from a balcony tiled in black and white marble to clutch at a high peaked gable, edging with chest pressed flat against smooth granite along a ledge wide enough only for the balls of his feet, then climbing again, past mullioned windows and trefoils, until at last he scrambled through a narrow ventilation arch and looked down from great height on the vast throne room of the royal palace.

  Great golden lamps hung on thick chains of the same metal from the vaulted ceiling, their bright flames lighting well the floor far below, a floor mosaicked in huge representations of the leopards and eagles that were the royal symbols of Ophir. In the middle of that floor was a black-shrouded bier on which Valdric's body lay in state, clothed in ornate robes of gold embroidered purple set with pearls. No living man was there to keep vigil over the dead King.

  Conan's eyes sought the throne. Like unto the great chair in which Antimides had sat it was, covered in leopards and eagles, but larger still and of solid gold. The beasts' eyes were rubies, and claws and talons clutched emeralds as large as the joint of a man's thumb. Of the crown there was no sign. Ancient law or no, the Cimmerian thought, Valentius had not found it in himself to part with the royal diadem for even nine days once he had gained it. Yet what he sought was there.

  Across the arms of the throne lay the scepter of Ophir, its golden length glittering with an encrustation of all manner of gems.

  Carefully Conan let himself down inside the throne room, using the scrolls and arabesques carved in the marble walls to climb down until he reached their end, some twenty feet above the floor. Here great tapestries hung. He ripped loose a corner of one-a scene of a crowned King hunting deer from horseback-and let himself drop, swinging on it as at the end of a rope. His feet brushed the floor, and he released the tapestry to run to the throne.

  Almost hesitantly he hefted the long scepter. So much had he risked on the word of a drunk, and so much depended on it. Hastily he produced his dagger and began prying away soft gold and sparkling jewels, letting them fall to the purple velvet cushion of the throne. At the sight of wood beneath he grunted in satisfaction, but continued until he had stripped away all the outer sheath. He was left with a plain wooden staff as long as his outstretched arms and as thick as his two thumbs together.

  Yet could it be in truth the Staff of Avanrakash, he wondered. He felt no magical qualities in it, and it showed no signs of its supposed great age. In fact, had it been a walking staff he would have thought it cut no more than a few days previous.

  'But it was within the scepter,' he breathed, 'and it is all I have.'

  For luck he scooped a handful of gems from the cushion, not bothering to see what they were, and stuffed them into his pouch.

  'A common thief,' Taramenon said from the door to the throne room.

  'Will not Synelle be surprised when she returns to find your head on a spike atop the River Gate-'

  Conan reached over his shoulder; his sword slid easily into his grasp.

  The staff clutched in his left hand, he strode toward the tall noble.

  He had no words to say, no time for words. Even so in a corner of his mind lust flared at the mention of the woman's name. Synelle. How could he have gone so long without thinking of her? How could he have gone so long without touching her? The frozen rage of battles forced the thoughts down, smothered them.

  Taramenon threw aside his fur-trimmed scarlet cape and drew his own blade. 'I but stepped in here a moment to spit in Valdric's face. To offer obeisance to a corpse that was half-rotted before even it died turned my stomach. Finding you is a pleasant surprise I did not expect.' Abruptly rage contorted his face into an ugly mask. 'I will tell her of your death when I see her this night. Your filthy hands will never touch her again, you barbarian swine!' Snarling he rushed forward, swinging his blade in a mighty chop at Conan's head.

  The Cimmerian's broadsword met Taramenon's with a tremendous clash. The Ophirean's eyes widened at the force of the blow but on the instant he struck again. Again Conan's blade met his in a shower of sparks.

  Taramenon fought with all the deadly finesse of one who was the finest swordsman in Ophir, his longsword as agile and swift and deadly as a Kothian viper; Conan fought with the cold ferocity of a northland berserker, his steel the lightning of the Cimmerian crags. Conan had no time to waste in defence-he must conquer, and quickly, or the noise of the fight would draw others, and he might well be overwhelmed by sheer numbers-but his constant attack left no room to Taramenon for aught but defence.

  Sweat rolled down the face of the finest blade in Ophir as he found himself forced back, ever back, by an implacable demon with a face of stone and icy blue eves, eyes in which depths he could read his own death. Panic clouded Taramenon's face, and for the first time in his life he knew fear. 'Guards!' he screamed. 'A thief! Guards!'

  In that brief instant of divided attention Conan's blade engaged that of the tall Ophirean, brought it down, around, thrust under it. Chain mail links snapped, razor steel sliced through muscle and bone, and the Cimmerian's sword hilt slammed against Taramenon's chest.

  Conan stared into dark incredulous eyes. 'Synelle is mine,' he grated.


  Blood bubbled from Taramenon's mouth, and he fell. Conan stared at the body in wonder before remembering to pull his sword free. Why had he said such a thing? Synelle was of no import in this. Karela was important, Al'Kiir and the staff and getting to the crossroads quickly.

  Yet images suppressed by events rose unbidden, sleek thighs and satin skin and swelling breasts and ... Shaking his head woozily he halfstaggered to Taramenon's discarded cape to clean his bloody blade and cut strips to bind the staff across his back. Was he going mad, he wondered. Visions of Synelle kept crowding his brain, as if time spent not thinking of her had to be made up. Desperately he forced them back.

  The crossroads, he thought. The crossroads, and no time.

  Running to the half-torn-down tapestry, he began to climb. Synelle. The crossroads, and no time.


  Karela grunted as the sack in which she was carried was upended, dumping her, still bound and naked, onto cold stone. After the darkness light blinded her, filling her eyes with tears. The tears infuriated her; she would not have those who had taken her prisoner think they had reduced her to crying. Blinking, she was at last able to make out the roughly cut stone walls of what seemed to be a small cave, lit by rush torches in black iron sconces.

  She was not alone, she realised. Synelle was there, and four other women, alabastrine-skinned blondes who seemed to wear variations of one face. The noblewoman was not dressed as when last Karela had seen her.

  Now she wore bracelets of black iron chain on each wrist, and two narrow strips of ebon silk, before and behind, leaving the outer curves of hips and breasts bare, were all her garb save for a belt of golden links. Karela stared when she saw the buckle. It was the head of the malevolent bronze she had sold-tried to sell, she thought ruefully-but rendered in gold. A chaplet of gold chain encircled Synelle's silvery tresses, severely braided into a coronet, and on that golden band, too, were the four horns of that demonic figure.

  The other women were dressed as was Synelle, but the narrow belts cinching their waists were of black iron, and dark metal enclosed their ankles and necks as well. Their hair, neatly coiled about their heads, bore no headdress. With bowed heads their humbly alert eves watched the exotically beautiful noblewoman.

  Karela swallowed hard, and was reminded again how dry was her throat.

  Had she the use of her mouth she would tell this Synelle she could have Conan. It would be a lie-she would not be driven from her business with the Cimmerian by this pale-haired trull who called herself a lady-but lying seemed much the better part of valor at the moment.

  Synelle nodded, and the four women in iron belts produced leather straps. Karela jerked futilely at her bonds despite herself. If o
nly she had a dagger, or but a single hand free, or even her tongue to shout her defiance at them.

  'Listen to me, wench,' Synelle said. 'These women will prepare you. If you fight, they will beat you, but in any event they will carry out my orders. I would have you as little marked as possible, so if you will submit, nod your head.'

  Karela tried to shout through her gag. Submit! Did this fool woman think she was some milksop maiden to be frightened by threats? Her green eyes hurled all her silent fury at Synelle.

  Abruptly Synelle moved, placing a foot on Karela's knees, bound beneath her chin, to roll her onto her back and hold her there. 'A taste, then.

  Cut well in.'

  The other women darted forward, their leather straps slicing beneath Karela's corded heels, raining blows on her helpless buttocks, drawn taut by her trying.

  Her green eyes bulged in her head, and she had an instant to be grateful for the gag that held back her cries, then her head was nodding frantically. Derketo! There was no use in being beaten while lying trussed like a pig for market.

  Synelle motioned the women back. 'I was sure you would be reasonable.'

  Karela tried to meet the dark eyes staring down at her, then closed her own in humiliation. It was clear from the look on Synelle's face that she had never doubted that the red-haired woman could be brought to heel. Let them free her, Karela prayed, and she would show them the worth of pledge wrung from whips. She would ...

  Suddenly the cords binding her were severed. Karela caught a flash of a dagger. She moved to grab it ... and sprawled in boneless agony on the stone floor, muscles stiff from long confinement barely able to do more than twitch. Slowly, painfully, she brought a hand up to drag the gag from her mouth. She wanted to weep. The dagger was gone from sight, and she had neither seen who had held it nor where it was hidden.

  Even as she dropped the wadded cloth two of the women pulled her to her feet. She gasped with the pain; had they not supported her she could not have stood. One of the others began drawing an ivory comb through her tangled locks, while the last wiped her sweat away with soft, damp clothes.

  Karela worked her mouth for the moisture to speak. 'I'll not sell you to a tavern,' she managed. 'I'll tear your heart out with my bare hands.'

  'Good,' Synelle said. 'I feared your spirit might have been broken.

  Often the journey here, bound, is enough for that. It is well that it was not in your case.'

  Karela sneered. 'You want the pleasure of breaking me yourself, then?

  You will not have it, because you cannot do it. And if you want Conan back-'

  'Conan!' the noblewoman cut her off, dark eyes widening in surprise.

  'How do you come to know of the barbarian?'

  'We were once,' Karela began, then spluttered to a halt. She was tired, and spoke of things of which she had no wish to speak. 'No matter how I know of him. If you want him, you'll cease your threats and bargain.'

  Synelle trilled with laughter. 'So you think I merely attempt to dispose of a rival. I should be furious that such as you could think of yourself as my rival, but I find it merely amusing. I expect he is a man who has known many women in his time, and if you are one of that number I see he has little discrimination in his choosing. That is at an end, now.' She held out a slender palm. 'I hold the barbarian there, wench. He will crawl to me on his belly when I call him, dance like a bear for a tin whistle at my command. And you think to be my rival?'

  She threw back her head and laughed even harder.

  'No woman could treat Conan so,' Karela snapped. 'I know, for I have tried, and by Derketo, I am ten times the woman you are.'

  'You are suitable for the rites,' the silver-haired woman said coolly, 'but I am High Priestess of Al'Kiir. Yet were I not, you would still not be woman enough to serve as my bowermaid. My tirewomen were nobly born in Corinthia, and she who draws my bath and rubs me with oils was a princess in far Vendhya, yet to obey my slightest wish is now the whole of their lives. What can a jade of a bandit be beside such as they, who are but my slaves?'

  Karela opened her mouth for another retort, and gasped when a black-armoured man in a horned helmet appeared in the entrance to the cavern. For an instant she had thought it was the creature the bronze represented. Foolishness, she berated herself. Such a creature could not exist.

  'Has Taramenon come yet?' Synelle demanded of the man. 'No, my lady.

  Nor any message of him.'

  'He will suffer for this,' Synelle said heatedly. 'He defies me, and I will see him suffer for it!' Drawing a deep breath, she smoothed the already taut black silk over her rounded breasts. 'We will proceed without him. When he comes, he is to be seized and bound. There are rites other than the gift of women.'

  'Taramenon, my lady,' the man said in shocked tones.

  'You heard my command!' Synelle made a brusque gesture, and the armoured figure bowed himself from her presence.

  Karela had been listening intently, hoping for some fragment of information that might help her escape, but now she became aware of how the four women were dressing her, the tiny white tarla blossoms woven into her hair, the diaphanous layers of blue silk meant to be removed one by one for the titillation of a groom.

  'What travesty is there?' she growled. 'You do think me a rival, but if you mean to rid yourself of me in this way, you are mad! I'll marry no man! Do you hear me, you pasty-faced trull-'

  A cruel smile curled Synelle's lips, and the look on her face sent a chill through Karela's blood. 'You will marry no man,' the haughty noblewoman said softly. 'Tonight you will wed a god, and I will become ruler of Ophir.'

  The tall white marker at the crossroads, a square marble pillar inscribed with the distances to the borders of Nemedia and Aquilonia, loomed out of the night ahead of Conan. No sound broke the silence save his laboured breath and the steady slap of his running feet on the paving stones. Beyond the marker reared the dark mass of Tor Al'Kiir, a huge granite outcropping dominating the flat country about it.

  The big Cimmerian crouched beside the marble plinth, eyes straining at the blackness. There was so sign of his men. Softly he imitated the cry of a Nemedian nighthawk.

  The muted jingle of tight-strapped harness announced the sudden appearance of Machaon and the rest, leading their horses. Memtes, bringing up the rear, gripped the reins of Conan's big Aquilonian black as well as those of his own mount. Bows and quivers were slung on their backs.

  'I thought it best to keep from sight,' the tattooed veteran told Conan quietly. 'As we arrived, two score men-at-arms passed, chasing another band as large, and twice parties of light cavalry have gone by at the gallop. Scouts, the last, no doubt.'

  'Unless I miss my guess,' Narus added in a low voice that would not travel far, 'Iskandrian seeks action this night, and the nobles seek to avoid him until their strength is gathered. Never did I think that when the final battle for Ophir occurred, I would be scaling a mountain.'

  'Go to Taurianus, then,' Conan growled, 'if you seek glory!' Irritably he shook his black-maned head. Such edginess was not his usual manner, but his thoughts scarcely seemed his own. With a desperation foreign to him he fought to cling to his purpose of mind, struggled against images of Synelle and lust that threatened to overwhelm him.

  'Is that the famous staff?' Machaon asked. 'It has no look of magic to me.'

  'It is,' the Cimmerian replied, 'and it has.' He hoped he did not lie.

  Unfastening the strips of cloth that held the length of wood, he clutched it in one hand and drew his sword with the other. 'This is the last chance to change your minds. Let any man unsure of what he does step aside.' The soft and deadly susuration of steel sliding from scabbards was his answer. Conan nodded grimly. 'Then hide the horses in yon copse of trees and follow me.'

  'Your armour,' Machaon said. ' 'Tis on your saddle.'

  'There is no time,' Conan said, and without waiting for the others he started up the stony slope.

  Crom was not a god men prayed to; he gave nothing beyond h
is first gift. But now Conan offered a prayer to any god that would listen. If he died for it, let him be in time.

  A silent file of purposeful men fell in behind him in his climb, on their way to beard a god in his den.

  The lash struck across her shoulders again, and Karela gritted her teeth against the howl she wanted to let pass. Bound between posts topped with the obscene head of Al'Kiir, she knelt, all but the last layer of thin blue silk torn away from her sweat-slick body. It was not the pain from the incessant bite of leather that made her want to cry out, or not alone; she would have died before giving her tormentors the satisfaction of acknowledging that. But the burning stripes that made scarlet lattices on her body were as pin-pricks beside the flaming desire the ointment with which Synelle had anointed her brought unbidden. Uncontrollably Karela writhed, and wept for the humiliation of it.

  The silvery-haired noblewoman danced before her, spinning and dipping, chanting words that defied hearing in rhythm to haunting flutes and the pounding of scabbarded swords on the stone floor of the vaulting cavern. Between Synelle and Karela stood the bronze she had stolen from Conan, but its evil was overpowered by the waves of horror that radiated from the huge sanguinary image that dominated the chamber.

  Three ebon eyes that seemed to drink in light held her own. She tried to tear her eyes from that hellborn gaze, she prayed for the strength to pull away, but like a bird hypnotized by a serpent she had no will left.

  The lashes struck, again and again. Her hands quivered in her bonds with the effort of not shrieking, for that demonic scarlet figure had begun to vibrate, giving off a hum that blended with the flutes and wrenched at the core of her that made her a woman. Conan, she cried silently, where are you?

  Stirring where neither time nor space existed, where endless nihility was all. Awakening, almost full, as pleasure overwhelming lanced through the impenetrable shield. Irritation, vaster than the minds of all men together could encompass, flared. Would these torments never cease, these returnings of ancient memories near gone and better forgotten? Would not.... Full awareness for the first time in eons, awareness cold enough to freeze suns and stay worlds in their motion.


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