Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door Page 2

by Manmohan Gaur

  All these pictures were his own creation, he used to draw them and put them on that wall.

  Except those little blue eyes of him, he has now transformed completely, and now his face has become long and fair, there is an amazing shine on his face like he did some make-up but it was so natural and may be this was a reason, people used to come at his home again and again, but no, they used to come to know him.

  Now he got a muscular body, he was wearing a red t-shirt and black shorts and was in a very deep sleep.

  Natania, after reading her morning newspaper, she was going towards Rony’s room. She was still a beautiful woman, with the same thin body but still after looking at her face, she look quite a young lady.

  Rony… Rony… She knocked the door twice and called him. But while knocking the door she gets scared too thinking that instead of him somebody else could open the door, yeah, because it had happened with her once when she knocked the door of Rony’s room and the door gets open on its own besides he was sleeping on his bed.

  Because of Rony, Natania is very upset and anxious from the beginning. In childhood, Rony himself made a picture of that first incident, so she got afraid of it and then after asking by Rony, she had to tell everything what had happened with him.

  Natania knew, due to that blue light incident, Rony has got some supernatural powers in him because he would sometimes turn on the mower in his garden without touching it and in the kitchen, he used to make the utensils fly in the air without touching them too, all the more, all those horrible stories, he used to tell Natania.

  Hence, she took care of Rony more and also prevented him from going out anywhere all the time and in front of everyone, she only showed Rony as a common child.

  Rony was famous, everyone always used to keep an eye on his every little action, but his search continued that what was wrong with what happened to him and he would continue to find that.

  Yeah mom, he answered without opening the eyes.

  Wake up son, its 7:00 in the morning; you have to go somewhere today? She asked.

  He remembered that he have to go to college even today, since it was Sunday, and then he opened his eyes.

  Yeah, thanks mom, he replied.

  Come out soon I’ll make breakfast for you, Natania said.

  He got up on the bed and said “ok mom, I’m coming”, he replied. Natania went towards the kitchen to make his breakfast.

  Now Rony got out of his bed, he stared at his wall on which he had put all the pictures and then he made his neck straight and bent down and looked down under his bed. Rony always used to see strange things in his room, but as before, now he isn’t scared of them, rather now he wanted to see those serious shadows.

  There was nothing under the bed, oh… so today there is nothing which I will see, this is great, he said.

  After a while he got out of his room, he was wearing an orange t-shirt and blue jeans and his favourite black hoodie and there was a black bag in his right hand with some of his college books.

  He came out while shaking his shoes; He said “Mom hurry, I’m getting late”.

  Natania came out of the kitchen with a warm hot toast in a plate and a glass of hot milk, but you did not tell where you are going on Sunday? She asked. Then, she placed the plate on the dining table and joined the chair and sat on it and she was trying to read his facial expressions.

  Oh, didn’t I tell you? Rony also drew the chair of the dining table so fast that her ears got shrank by that loud noise and her eyes get closed, then he sat down on chair.

  He picked up a toast and ate a bite. Yeah, you didn’t tell me, that’s why I’m asking, Natania said this in anger.

  All right, it is about my college project, we are going a little far from college, maybe we have to stay in night too, saying this he was chewing the toast.

  Listening to this, Natania’s eyes become like owls, away from college but where? She spun her both hands on the table.

  Mom, There is a forest named ‘Sirgao’. Professor Lucy is taking us there, the unique tree plants research will have to be done and their marks will be added to our finals, it’s very important. He said it all and finished his breakfast.

  He saw the grave feelings on her mother’s face so he asked her “mom, Is everything fine?”

  Yes. Natania said to Rony and blinked her eyes twice.

  Then why are you looking at me like the entire neighbourhood sees me like I’m a ghost or a magician. He said.

  Natania found Rony was getting heated and to make him cool she said, No no, off course not, why would I look like such, rather, I was just trying to tell you that if anyone says anything to you outside you keep yourself calm.

  Yeah okay, I’ll take care of this. He replied. But you don’t dare to do what you are thinking.

  What? Don’t tell me you are reading my mind again; she whispered, didn’t I forbid you to do this, she shouted.

  But I do not like anyone cleaning my room in my absence, he too screamed.

  Only then did the bicycle bell hear from outside,

  Trin… Trin… Trin…

  This must be Kristen, he thought to himself.

  Forgetting the argument with his mom, he got up from the dining table and reached to the main door, he saw that both Kristen and Saina were on a bicycle.

  Kristen used to live in the Bungalow no. 7 near Rony, and Saina used to live in Bungalow no. 8, they both were Rony’s best friend, the one who knew Rony was both.

  Kristen was a long enough girl with brown eyes and long brown hair, a round pretty face, she was about 5.5 foot heightened, and was wearing blue jeans and white woollen top.

  Saina’s eyes were like a cat and there was a mix of light golden and white hair, she was little shorter than Kristen in height, she was wearing a light pink top and black jeans.

  The day was pleasant, Natania had come near Rony.

  He hugged his mom and said I love you mom.

  I love you too, take care of yourself, she replied.

  Yeah, you too, bye, Rony said.

  He then crossed the door and came out and patted the seat of the bicycle kept in the right side and sitting on his big tyre bicycle, reached near Kristen and Saina.

  “Good morning girls”, he said.

  Good morning Rony, they both spoke together.

  There’s good news for you, Kristen smiled and said. She put her hand in her bag and pulled out a book, “look at this”, she said to Rony.

  What is this book, he asked.

  Seven planets warrior, Kristen said reading the book title. I searched for four hours in our college library. They kept it hidden behind the old books.

  Oh, thank-you so much, you found it. I direly needed this. He turned over the two pages of that book and then opened his bag’s chain and kept the book inside his bag.

  With this I will know more about them, Rony whispered.

  Saina asked what you are talking about.

  About no one, he replied. He thought it would be better if he’ll say nothing to her.

  And it wasn’t the first time he didn’t want to tell Saina about his secret tasks, he told no one anything till date, His mom too, was tired asking him what is there in his room in which he doesn’t let her go. Also, he did not even know what was happening to him from his childhood, he didn’t even know anything so he could tell somebody else.

  O, don’t you trust me? Saina said.

  Rony felt, if Saina had a wish to know this then there will be more.

  I saw some unique people in my dream, they were weird, but I can’t tell the whole thing right now, by saying this, he turned the talk.

  Are not we getting late? He said seeing Kristen and Saina.

  Yeah, we should just run, Kristen said.

  So, how about having a bicycle race today? Rony asked them, the three used to always race from their home to their college.

  There is no choice, Professor Lucy doesn’t like anyone who’s coming too late, and don’t you know this? Saina asked Rony.

  Yes, I know this and even sometimes I think she is a descendent of a wild wolf, Rony said.

  They both hit their bicycle pedals and left for college. Saina started the fastest peddling, she wanted to win the race, Kristen was very slow, but she was trying to run with at least Rony.

  People doing morning walk were walking on both the sides of the road, and all the people were showing their waving hand to Rony like he is a celebrity, but he didn’t feel good at it and he hit the pedals faster.

  Oh, please wait for me, Kristen blurted while peddling.

  Come on Kristen, pedal up fast, he replied.

  I will win this race, he said to himself, and overtaking vehicles he went beyond Saina.

  Ooooooooooooo, he yelled.

  Oh, noooo. I was about to win this, Saina said to the fast moving Kristen with her.

  Their college is seen in front, it was a huge red building.

  Rony first went inside the gate and then Saina and then Kristen came in, they all turned in the right hand side and descended from their bicycles, the yellow coloured bus was standing in front of them where their classmates and Professor Lucy were standing out there.

  I won, Rony said.

  “Congratulations” but I don’t care, Kristen said to Rony with a crooked nose, but the good thing is that we reached here on time.

  Saina’s mouth was bloated just because she lost the race. She said, yeah, right Kristy, and last time it was me who won this race. She said to Rony.

  O really, he said, we all know how, he crossed his fingers to tease her, you won the race, both Rony and Kristen laughed at each other.

  You slipped like a cat in the middle of the gate that was so funny that day, he laughed again.

  “It wasn’t funny” Saina stared at Rony and said.

  Okay, I’m sorry, look there, isn’t she professor Lucy? He noticed.

  Yeah, it’s her. Kristen replied.


  Chapter 3

  Trip to sirgao forest

  All three went towards the bus, there, Professor Lucy with a big round plaited hair was standing with a register in her hand, and she was taking everyone’s attendance one by one.

  Kali, Susan, and Edi were left in the queue and rest already had gone inside the bus, the three of them ran there and stood by the queue behind Edi.

  It was Saina’s number, “Good morning professor”, Saina said to Lucy, she was looking at Saina with a scowl because she was a friend of Rony and she considered it a bad future of her.

  Your number, Professor Lucy asked.

  Its 21, by saying this, she went inside the bus, now it was Rony’s turn, but Lucy said to him, oh rony, my boy, you please wait; she said it sharply.

  Just as she is not willing to let him climb in the bus, rony withdrew from there, he knew he had told Miss Lucy once that she would collide with a single stone pillar and that her nose would be broken and it has happened.

  Yes, your number? Professor Lucy asked to Kristen first.

  Its 22, she was staring like a witch even to the Kristen. She ticked mark on 22. Kristen saw Rony nervously and went inside the bus.

  Now again, it was Rony’s turn; he was frightened, but he courageously said, its 24, professor.

  Professor Lucy heard his number but ignoring him, she was staring at him as if she would eat him in a single moment.

  If you keep your black tongue shut, it would be good for you, she said it horribly, now go and keep in mind that my eyes will be focused on you only, then she marked 24 in the register.

  Rony went in the bus saying nothing, as soon as he got on the bus, his name was heard by him, Riya sitting in the first line said, “hello Rony. And then kali also said “hi Rony”, who was sitting in the right and the first line, and then Edi also waved his hand for Rony, and Rony was replying to all of them by shaking hands and with smiling too.

  So far it was fine, but when he went ahead in the corridor of the bus, he heard James and peter were condemning him.

  He saw Kristen and Saina sitting in the last, a chair was empty beside them, and He went and sat there before someone else takes that last chair too.

  The bus started, many students are happy and excited in the joy of going to Sirgao forest, some were taking this as a picnic trip and some others were planning to do African dance there.

  Saina listened to the rest of the classmates and she excitedly asked, so Kristen, what’s your plan? Can we also plan something like these people are doing?

  I will read my book, Rony said, and you Kristy? What you going to do? He asked.

  I don’t know, maybe it would be nice if we go there and think something, she whispered.

  Yeah, that’s the better idea. Saina agreed and nodded her head.

  While the three were busy in their conversation, suddenly James, who was a bloated boy like a balloon with so big cheeks; he came and stood like a pillar in front of them. He was envy of Rony because Rony has two beautiful friends according to him and his fame was not less than a celebrity.

  Hello girls, are you both okay? Or this crazy person has even made you crazy like him?

  What is your problem James? Go to your seat and sit there, Saina showed her eyes and said.

  So can you curse me that I should be thin or muscular? He made fun of Rony by saying this.

  Hey, hold that handle or else you will fall right away, Rony warned him, saying this.

  Are you kidding me to being fat, James roared on him?

  No, I swear, Rony’s face seemed to be genuine.

  No, I will not hold any handle. He just completed his sentence then suddenly a big stone came under the tire of the bus and he fell down on his waist with a terrible noise.

  The bus got filled with silence. All were looking at each other. Saina and Kristen also watched the face of Rony.

  James got up and thought in his heart that maybe it would have been better if he did not talk to Rony.

  You did this? Kristen pointed Rony with her finger.

  No. he whispered. I saw he was about to fall, so I just warned him.

  Oh, I am sorry then, Kristen said it slowly.

  Leave it such false accusations are already on me. Rony replied.

  All of them think you do this but actually…. Saina stopped.

  In fact, I warn them but no one listen. Rony said.

  Yes, I was also saying that too, Saina said.

  After covering about two kilometres, the bus had reached Sirgao forest where they had their camp.

  Professor Lucy did not know why she was standing near the bus gate and was taking the attendance again, although since the beginning, bus stopped only once, that too straight in a college camp.

  Rony, Kristen and Saina all got down from the bus and turned their eyes around and saw that there are so many long trees and it seemed as if any wild animal from those dense trees would emerge and eat all. The horrible sound of some animals were coming out, but the college camp was seen right in front of them, a huge tent was prepared with bamboos and black heavy cloth, the staff had already done with a lot of preparations, breakfast was kept for students at one table, in which a beautifully decorated butter toasts, cheese toasts, jams, potato fries, juices and many other things that were covered.

  “Professor Chiraka”, who was wearing a brown coloured cloak, dense beard and moustache were but the hair were even denser, and his face was red like tomato, he was the headmaster of physics.

  “Professor Dulleta” who was the headmaster of zoology, he was wearing a black cloak, he looked more fair in it, he was bald, both were going towards the bus to welcome professor Lucy, suddenly, professor Chiraka saw Rony and he went to him rather going towards professor Lucy.

  Rony Zak, how are you son?

  All three stopped at one place, Rony said in a clear saying, hello professor, I am fine, thank you.

  I was waiting for you only, your mother called me, she told me to take care of you, so son, if you have any problem then you can come to
me, and this forest is not as scary as I think your mom must be taking; that’s why she might be worried about you, and what happened to your hairs? Fix them.

  Correcting the already set hairs again, Rony said, thank you professor, I am fine, and as you said if I will have any problem, I will tell you.

  Professor Chiraka smiled with nodding his head down and left from there.

  Perhaps your mother is worried that you are here, isn’t it Rony? Kristen asked him.

  Yes I think so, Rony said.

  Miss Lucy, welcome to Sirgao forest, we have made all the preparations for the students, professor Dulleta said shaking hands with Miss Lucy.

  Professor Lucy said, oh, thank you so much both of you, I was so worried about the preparations only but now it seems to be fantastic.

  Professor Chiraka too greeted Miss Lucy with shaking a hand.

  Miss Lucy replied, oh, professor Chiraka, you are looking so handsome, thank you so much.

  Miss Lucy along with professor Chiraka and professor Dulleta proceeded towards the tents.

  Your research is the awesome Miss Lucy, such a science project rarely could a science teacher do like you are doing, said professor Chiraka

  Miss Lucy didn’t understand that he was praising her, or laughing at her.

  Have to do, my job is the same, while roaming in the forests and seeing patients like you, I see tree plants. I do not have much difference in us.

  But why you have brought him here? Looking at Miss Lucy with suspicious eyes, professor Dulleta said.

  What could I do? Forbids him to come here, by saying that you are different from us, after all he is also a student of mine.

  People believe that, the blue light that is there in his body is the soul of a terrible men-eating wolf, which can take a terrible appearance at any time, professor Dulleta whispered horribly.

  But has it ever happened till date? Professor Chiraka took the side of Rony.


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