Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door Page 10

by Manmohan Gaur

  Yes lord, tantori said to Sivibha.

  She Flew towards the mic faster and said, please listen carefully, one important information is there for all of you, it was yet to be known that nagavansh will no longer participate in this competition, and now the fight will be just between kadolians and tamsians.

  I pray to lord Sivibha that he should tell you all about this tussle now.

  Bhimataka is a bit upset when nagavansh is not there in the competition, seeing this, khira said sitting nearby, it had to happen, dumbgarj doesn’t have the full faith of saarak that he will fight it rightly; he will definitely use his black powers.

  Bhimataka said gravely, but now the entire responsibility is upon us, he will try to win Ketra in every condition.

  Sivibha caught the mic in his own hands and said, so are you ready for this fight?

  The sound began to sound around, yes… yes… yes…. yes…. yes, but all the tamsians were quiet.

  I would like the king of kadolians, king bhimataka and king of tamsians, king saarak to stand up in their own place.

  On Sivibha’s words, both stood up from their chairs.

  Sivibha took the Ketra weapon caught in his hand and bounced in the air, the revolving Ketra weapon went in the centre of the stadium and settled in one place.

  Sivibha started speaking again, now I would like bhimataka to come down and stand at one end of the stadium and saarak comes down and he also stands on the other end.

  It looked like Sivibha would speak for both of them to run and the one who takes the weapon before it will be going to him.

  Bhimataka disappeared from the front of his chair and appeared at one end of the stadium below Sivibha’s left side and in front of him, saarak also went missing from his place and stood at the other end of the stadium in front of bhimataka.

  No one knew till now what is going to happen? But now Sivibha played a pinch and the empty stadium area turned into a forest of dense trees.

  The people sitting above were watching three doors made in dense trees at the side of the king bhimataka, and the same three doors were also visible at the side of dark lord too, Ketra weapons was also seen among those three doors.

  Many birds were flying in the trees, and the height of those trees was some 10 feet, in the entire stadium, the trees coming up to a height of 10 feet were visible everywhere.

  Bhimataka pulled out his glowing blue light magical wand and prepared himself for the fight, saarak was also ready with his black-Smokey dark magical wand.

  Said Sivibha, the more powerful weapon Ketra is, the more mysterious, the confrontational challenge will be.

  Anyone who will touch this Ketra weapon first by crossing these three doors engaged in these trees will have the same great and powerful weapon.

  Bhimataka rotated his wand to increase the morale of his people and threw a bright light towards the sky.

  The kadolians people were pleased to see it and started making slogans named bhimataka, bhimataka, bhimataka.

  Bhimataka saw that many people from nagavansh were also taking his name.

  Saarak could not see bhimataka, but he saw the blue light in the sky and heard the voice of people, he also rotated his wand and loudly shouted to the people who were shouting Bhimataka’s slogans and screamed with his wand and quickly swirled big number of bats from his wand, and the bats started going towards the sky.

  Kadolians and people of nagavansh got silent, and Sivibha started speaking, the fight will start as soon as the doors of both the sides are opened so be prepared for it.

  Bhimataka had complete poise in his mind that he would win the Ketra if saarak did not cheat with him by his dark magic, on the other hand, saarak was also thinking that only he would win the weapon, because in front of him it is not dumbgarj but bhimataka, that is what he considers weak.

  Sivibha made a gesture while waving his hands in the air and the two doors were opened together.

  Bhimataka and saarak both entered inside, at some distance from front, both of them were seeing at their second door, Sivibha had said that the total of 3 doors had to be crossed.

  There were trees on both sides and long-long leaves climbed up on the trees like a snake climbing up.

  Looking around, bhimataka and saarak went ahead, some trees began to sound like rustle, these were many long snakes that were impossible to count, in a while, the snake began to crawl at both places and the full floor was filled with them.

  Saarak rotated his wand and threw out the terrible black smoke from it and prevented him from those snakes.

  Bhimataka began to read some spell; he closed his eyes and said, rotating the wand.

  “Nagastra avlingam,"

  And the green light got out of his wand, and he aimed at those snakes and removed them and proceeded.

  Snakes were trying hard to reach out to bhimataka and saarak, suddenly, a tortoise-like person appeared in front of the door, whose eyes were like brinjal, he took out a big and round shaped strange thing out of his mouth, it got out and turned into a dangerous bird’s shape, whose peak was sharp and long, who was coming straight towards bhimataka and on the other hand, it was exactly the same with saarak.

  All the people were seriously looking at both the sides that who will reach to the Ketra first.

  Rukhar, sitting on the tamsians, saw the bird and said this is Giklu who attacks on the eye directly.

  Saarak said the mantra; “ferrdrosh……sh” this mantra was a spell turning any bird into ashes.

  And saarak finished that bird by that mantra, the wild wolves faces were filled with joy and tamsians started screaming.

  Here, bhimataka spoke of a mind changing spell of birds, turning his wand, he said, “nilashristka tawatri…….” And that horrible bird flew into the sky while blinking its eyes.

  That was terrible giklu, seeing him flying, nagavansh and tamsians got scared and everyone expressed a little scary.

  Again removing the serpents both proceeds further, the turtle-like person was still standing in front, he pulled out the giklu bird once again with his mouth, and this time he collected many birds together, all the birds were moving fast towards bhimataka and saarak.

  Saarak said with anger, “timkroliftus sagraka…..” it was a terrible dark spell, along with the person who looked like a turtle, along with those birds were also consumed.

  Tamsians started laughing loudly, taking a terrible laugh, bhimataka again said the spell of changing the bird’s mind, “nilashristka tawatri…..” and all the birds flew into the sky, he spun his wand again and recited a spell to faint the person who looks like that turtle, “lakhshtudiva…..” and he fell down there.

  Sivibha notices that bhimataka is really a great man because he did not kill the person who looked like that turtle but fainted.

  The door in front of saarak was opened, and he had crossed the other door just a few seconds before bhimataka, it was announced by tantori.

  Tantori said, dark lord has crossed the second door, listening to this, the tamsians started playing loud applause, tantori saw that bhimataka also had crossed the second door.

  “And now king bhimataka of kadolians has crossed the second door”.

  The people of kadolians and nagavansh also applauded bhimataka for this.

  The second door was the last door, the Ketra was after the third door, both looked around there, white ghosts were roaming in the air at both places, because of them; the third door was not visible to them.

  A white ghost came very fast in front of both of them and it shocked bhimataka and saarak, bhimataka fell down from his electric shock but saarak did not fall down.

  There was a wand in the hands of that white ghost, but both bhimataka and saarak were not able to see where he was appearing repeatedly in so many white ghosts.

  The white ghost appeared in front of saarak and attacked with rays burning with his wand sharply, the rays were so sharp that saarak was blinded by that illumination for a while.

  Bhimataka had already un
derstood that in these white ghosts, the fast moving ghost with a wand was a genie which can be inserted into a lamp.

  Bhimataka formed a lamp from his wand, the colour of the lamp was like a golden stone, bhimataka read the spell to catch the genie, “kiristuka nafu…..” by the power of the spell bhimataka was now able to see the genie clearly and he saw the genie was requesting to bhimataka, NO, NO I do not want to go into it, but he turned into a very white smoke and got into that lamp.

  Saarak’s eyes were now clear, but the white genie was still out of the saarak’s closet.

  Liwaliye saw that bhimataka had put the genie into the lamp, she told sapi-e, and we should tell the lord that it is a genie, otherwise, the third door will open and bhimataka will take the Ketra.

  Rukhar said to liwaliye, no, if Sivibha gets to know that we have helped him, and then it is possible that he would deprive dark lord from taking the Ketra, we cannot help him.

  Saarak revealed a soul with his wand, since many years, saarak has been dominating the souls strayed from his black power, and everyone knew it and that’s why saarak’s awe was everywhere.

  Saarak ordered that black soul, go make the bhimataka weak and he should not reach to the Ketra.

  Dark black soul was passing through the trees; bhimataka was moving ahead by crossing the white ghosts there and moving fast, suddenly the black soul grabbed bhimataka.

  Bhimataka was no longer able to shake his leg nor was he able to shake his wand.

  Khira, sitting near the queen Ambishi, was upset to see how Bhimataka would get rid of the black soul now.

  In nagavansh, dumbgarj saw that bhimataka was bound by the spirit sent by saarak, he himself did not become part of the contest because he knew saarak that he would surely win by deception, dumbgarj decided that he would not let this happen, he began to read the spell with his full force to eliminate that black soul, gently pushing both of his hands towards bhimataka, he was trying to remove the soul.

  Even after attacking white ghosts repeatedly by saarak, that ghosts was not coming under his control, saarak was now upset with fury, he decided to finish everything there, and he called the fire making spell, moving his wand clock-wise, “sirvikaltu sinkoya”.

  Saarak’s wand turned out to be a terrible fire, the fire was so horrible that the trees on both sides started to burn and swiftly moving white ghosts disappeared, the genie also started burning in that fire.

  On the side of bhimataka, the third door was opened, the black soul that had caught bhimataka was over with the chanting of dumbgarj, and bhimataka crossed the third door and reached near the weapon, it was waving in front of him in the air.

  Wild wolves sitting in the stadium started shouting, they saw that the time was now very short for their lord, bhimataka had reached near the Ketra, they said, my lord, hurry up, it’s going out of our hands.

  Tantori announced, king bhimataka of kadolians is very close to the Ketra, that feeling…., tantori stopped speaking.

  Saarak ended the genie with fire, opening in front of him, crossing the third door; he saw that the Ketra was taken by bhimataka.

  Seeing this, the faces of the tamsians got off and the people of kadolians and nagavansh woke up happily, all loudly started calling the name of bhimataka.

  Tantori announced that king of the kadolians has won the Ketra, there was happiness on Sivibha’s face was as if he wanted bhimataka to win the Ketra.

  Seeing the Ketra in the hands of bhimataka, saarak got fuming with anger, he caught his wand tight, “congratulations, king bhimataka”, he slowly started going closer to bhimataka, but I do not think, you will be able to keep it safe for a long time, saarak was threatening bhimataka.

  So you must have now realized the power of the kadolians, better you stay away from us, and the question is, to keep the weapon safe, we know very well how to keep the weapon safe.

  Saarak stretched his wand towards bhimataka and pulled out a lightning wire from it that straightened the neck of bhimataka, he said; do not forget that you are standing in front of dark lord saarak.

  King of nagavansh stood up watching this and khira and Pagashi along with them also came into action, Sivibha noticed that bhimataka was caught up by saarak.

  Jokriot told Sivibha, scared, lord, it is feared that he do not snatch the Ketra from bhimataka.

  Sivibha standing from his throne, he waved his hands in the air and along with it the ground became very clear, the forest made of trees had disappeared, now everyone was able to see bhimataka and saarak clearly, saarak looked at all the people and freed him from the current queue caught by his wand, and leaving the black smoke in the sky, he flew away, along with that, all tamsians also flew from behind there.

  Bhimataka was standing alone on the field, he raised the Ketra in the air with his own hands, all applauded for him.

  Sivibha took the mic from tantori, he said I congratulate king bhimataka of the kadolians that he has won the divine Ketra weapon, and I hope he will keep this weapon safe and use it properly.

  “I also thank all the people who came here”, even on Sivibha’s case, everyone applauded the applause, Sivibha gave his mic to tantori, and with their throne disappeared from there, Jokriot quipped and along with the round table, he also went from there, and after that tantori also went from there.

  Bhimataka came back among his people while shaking his cloak, dumbgarj appeared before him.

  Thank you, for the help; bhimataka said to dumbgarj, he had seen that the black soul of saarak was redeemed by his powerful spell only by dumbgarj.

  King Bhimataka, we are always ready to help kadolians, but now you will have to save this precious weapon from him, I am afraid that he must surely do something to take it.

  Khira said but king bhimataka has won it and shown him his place: king dumbgarj.

  Everybody in the stadium started going one after one, in the end, dumbgarj also took permission to go and he too went from there, in the last, bhimataka also left with his people.

  The birds which were illuminating the stadium stopped lifting the lights and the gelab perkisto stadium got covered with the darkness once again.


  Chapter 22

  Arrival of four kadolian ambassadors

  After the victory of Ketra, some time had passed, bhimataka was standing with khira outside his palace.

  The lamps of the blue light were hanging in palace in the air; there were very large and dense trees around the palace, those whom bhimataka thought of removing and planting small trees around the palace.

  Kadolians soldiers were riding on horseback, and they were giving the work of extinction of large trees from the ground to the long men made of sand, those people made of sand were uprooting thick fat trees and the soldiers were recovering their raised ground from their wand by using some spells.

  Those people made of sand were taking big trees and going to the forest with the soldiers to hide them up.

  Khira had a book in hand, which was written on it, “aromatic plants and their mantras” khira was reading the spell to reveal the small plants from that book and was collecting different plants near him with bhimataka there.

  In the plants red, yellow, green, pink flowers were all colours and there were white bright leaves too.

  Bhimataka was planting all the plants in one queue, waving his hands in the air.

  The plants were flying in the air, the hand-shaped roots itself was digging a small pothole for itself, and the plants were planted inside the ground, the roots in the shape of the hands came out again and levelled the crushed soil and then went back to the ground.

  These small plants were so beautiful that both bhimataka and khira were watching them so excitingly, then suddenly the bright shining light rained down from the sky of the kadol, where king bhimataka and khira were standing right in front of them, the light was raging at some distance, and in a single moment, there were four long-long, 10 feet long people came in their sight.

/>   Their feet and hands were thin-thin perfectly, there were only bones in the whole body, out of which white light was coming out, the eyes were big and round, was blue and shiny, these four were kadolians ambassadors.

  King bhimataka saw that the ambassador came, king bhimataka felt that the ambassador would also have come to give him good news that he won great weapons like Ketra, but when bhimataka saw them in the eyes of the four, he saw their eyes moist, as if they brought bad news.

  Four ambassadors came forward and bowed head to king bhimataka, khira also welcomed the four ambassadors, khira said, so this time what message have you brought?

  One of the four ambassadors said, “Occasionally victory is a kind of defeat”, the ambassador said, looking at the Ketra weapon caught in the hands of bhimataka.

  Both bhimataka and khira understood their gesture towards the Ketra.

  Bhimataka said this is Sivibha’s great weapon; whoever has a weapon like Ketra is unlikely to lose.

  One of the 4 ambassadors raised his hand and a blunt on his palm-side, after blowing, black breezes started flowing on his palm as he blew up.

  He said something serious to bhimataka, black winds have started flowing towards our kingdom, this is a warning of destruction, never before has something happened which will be this time; you will have to be cautious, king.

  The ambassador removed the black wind blowing over his palm, and put his hand down, bhimataka was a bit worried after hearing this, he asked, what is your point of view? Will this weapon not protect the kadolians and this kingdom?

  It’s too late now, and bad times are coming, we just came here to tell this, now we will go, an ambassador said.

  In honour of king bhimataka and khira, the ambassadors respected them by bowing their heads, and as they came there, they went away from there.

  Both king bhimataka and khira were worried that something bad would happen in their kingdom.

  Khira said what could it be that the ambassador was so nervous? Despite having the Ketra with us, who is such that can harm us?


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