Deporting Dominic

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Deporting Dominic Page 13

by Lindemann, Renee

  I generally do not spend a lot of time milling from store to store when I shop. I usually like to get in and get out but today I take my time to choose just the right outfit to wear underneath my graduation gown. I am in and quickly out of several shops before I decide to make a purchase. When the saleswoman brings me the dress I am hesitant about how it will look on me. It is not until I try on the dress that I realize that I have lost a few pounds. My initial perception is the weight loss is nothing spectacular, until I see myself in the dress. The dress is bold, flirty, and very sexy so unlike me. I guess so unlike the old me.

  This purchase is courageous but I am in love with the bright yellow chiffon dress I have chosen. It looks amazing against my skin and I feel strangely confident enough to wear the dress. It has crisscross straps that leave my back fully exposed. Deciding I did not want to fall down at graduation I choose a pair of silver rhinestone Steven Madden thong sandals. Completing my look I opt for silver earrings, a long necklace, and cuff bracelet.

  It occurs to me before I walk happily out of the mall that perhaps I should pick up Dominic something new to wear for graduation. I feel a bit selfish having pampered myself all day with no regard for anyone else. Morgan, Charlie, and Bryce received new items the last time Sidney was here. My previous purchase of shirts for Dominic has gone unnoticed by him or he has not mentioned them. Today I decide on grey cotton pants and blue cotton plaid shirt with black Kenneth Cole slip-on loafers. I complete Dominic’s look with a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses. Now I can leave the mall with a clear conscience regarding my purchases.

  When I walk into my apartment I see the well-oiled machine that I have nurtured and loved. The kids are seated around our rectangular dining table with Dominic eating dinner. I phoned to let them know they could start dinner without me. I was still pretty full from my meal at the mall so I did not want to make them wait for me. Everyone turns to gawk at me with utter disbelief as I enter the apartment.

  “Mom wow! Look at your hair.” Morgan is the first to respond.

  “You look great mom,” Charlie adds shaking his head vigorously.

  “Thanks guys. I was trying something different,” I said smiling brightly. Dominic just stares at me and I search his face for approval. I am not immediately finding it, which gives me some pain. “He doesn’t like it,” I think to myself. I make an excuse to leave the room to put up my purchases.

  “What else did you buy? Can I see?” Morgan is practically radiating with glee.

  “I bought something for us to wear to graduation. You can see it tomorrow, no peeking,” I respond indicating myself and Dominic. He still remains mute but his eyes are locked on me as I slip into our room. I place our clothes still hanging in the plastic bags inside the closet. Our shoes are sitting on the bed and my bladder urges me to wait to put them away.

  Upon exiting the bathroom I am confronted by Dominic. His hand immediately slips to my cheek as he gives me a passionate kiss similar to the one I received earlier. My knees quiver as his tongue invades my mouth with expert proficiency. I am unaware of the sounds emanating from the other room. The only thing that makes sense to me right now is this kiss, which is bringing me to my knees. I moan into Dominic’s mouth as he continues his relentless pursuit of my lips.

  “You have always been beautiful to me Sam. Right now what I see is happiness all over your face. I know today started off a little rocky but I hope that I am at least partly responsible for this happiness I see in you,” Dominic murmurs against my lips.

  “I am happy Dominic in spite of earlier today. My kids are healthy and happy. I finally have you,” I replied softly looking into his eyes.

  “Samantha it may have been the green card that got this started but that’s not why I want to be with you. I love you so much and watching you walk into the apartment I realize what a lucky man I am. It’s not just the haircut you look simply breathtaking to me.”

  I blush considerably under his words. “Thank you Dominic. You absolutely take my breath away. I love you more than I can put into words. I finally have my complete family.”

  “Oh by the way Sidney and Mario just got here,” he said indicating the living room with a nod of his head. Finally the excited sounds reach my ear. I forcibly pull myself away from Dominic’s hold. Before I exit the room he pulls me back for an additional quick kiss. How am I to remain abstinent around this man?

  “Look mommy aunt Slidney is here,” Bryce shrieks. He always pronounces Sidney’s name with an ‘L’ in it. Sidney puts Bryce down to gawk at me and my new haircut.

  “Look at you Samantha wow! Your hair looks fabulous,” she exclaimed before encircling me in her arms.

  “Thanks Sidney,” I exclaim back. “I just thought I would try something different.”

  “I love it Sam. What do you think Dominic?” Sidney asked looking sweetly up at Dominic.

  “I always thought she was beautiful and this new hair style just adds to that.” His words make me flush outwardly but inwardly I’m dying to become this man’s wife. Eventually we all sit around the table laughing and catching up talking about the graduation.


  Saturday graduation day is a miss mash of family, happiness, and celebrations. Dominic’s family arrived at six thirty in the morning looking for a place to rest from their drive. Their hotel would not be ready until after three pm. We had to accommodate two uncles, one aunt, and five cousins while we were all running around getting dressed.

  “Yes Uncle Winston we have to be there before eight thirty. We have Dominic’s family here now so if you all just want to meet us there that would be great,” I said into my cell phone.

  “We wanted pictures before we got to the graduation Samantha,” he replies sadly.

  I relent, “Ok fine we are almost dressed the kids are eating breakfast. Dominic and I have to be there at eight fifteen.”

  I close the phone and drop it into my purse as I unbuckle Bryce from his seat. I rush him to their bathroom and clean him up.

  “Mommy wash my hair please it’s dirty,” Bryce whines.

  “Mommy can’t wash your hair today sweetie. We do not have enough time. I promise tonight you can play in the tub all you like,” I respond to Bryce’s whining. This does not calm his whining about his hair as he begins his tantrum. I am beyond grateful when Dominic intervenes. I leave my crying son for Dominic to deal with while I go pack a bag for him.

  “Morg where is Bryce’s backpack. I want to put some snacks in it for him,” I yell into her room.

  “By the door mom,” she yells back. I see the bag and I stuff a baggie of pretzels, several drink boxes, and his workbook. When Bryce gets bored he gets loud I want to make sure he is sated during the ceremony.

  “Miss Samantha is there anything I could help you with?” Dominic’s aunt Rosa asked.

  “Thank you Aunt Rosa but I think we have it under control now. Dominic is the only one that can handle Bryce,” I laugh as she does. We both turn to see Dominic come out of the bathroom with Bryce fully dressed. I stick out my tongue at both he and Bryce for their efforts. The remainder of Dominic’s family is sitting on the couch watching television staying out of the way.

  Morgan emerges wearing one of her new sundresses looking simply beautiful. Charlie recycles his graduation outfit and joins Morgan at the dining room table ready to leave. Bryce is playing with his trucks while Dominic and I escape to our bedroom. I notice that his cousins watch us as we head inside.

  Dominic stops me from my frantic race embracing me in his arms. “Calm down baby.”

  “I know baby,” I said hugging him tightly inhaling his amazing scent. We are already both showered so we just have to get dressed.

  “I hope you like the clothes I chose. If not you can wear something that you already have.”

  “I am wearing what you bought.” He said smiling down at me. “I love you Sammie.”

  “I love you so much Dominic. I do not know what I would do without you.”

I lotion my legs and slip into a pair of black panties despising being a girl right now with a bright yellow dress. Dominic steps out of the bathroom with his grey slacks and blue shirt sans shoes and my mouth falls open.

  “Damn you look good baby,” I squeal as he approaches me.

  “Damn you do too,” he laughs. I hit him playfully on the arm as I am only wearing black panties. Dominic reaches in for kisses and cops a feel of my exposed breasts. I love being wrapped in his arms it’s a feeling of being safe. A low moan escapes my lips as he continues to kiss me and gently massage my breast. I allow my hand to slip casually down happy to find that he is definitely aroused. I abruptly stop because I remember we are supposed to practice abstinence until our wedding night.

  “Don’t stop Sammie. It’s been a minute,” he begs in a hoarse whisper. I allow my hand to touch him once more. We are not going to have sex surely heavy petting is allowed. I finally tear myself away from him and his breathing is ragged. The look in his eyes is absolutely animalistic making my blood boil literally in my veins. Dominic wants me really bad and the feeling is mutual. I walk away before we do something crazy and slip into my dress. Dominic puts on his loafers before zipping up the back of my dress for me. He is sure to take his slow sweet time allowing his fingers to gently run the length of my naked back. I cannot face Dominic right now heading immediately for my new jewelry. I slip into my thong sandals fastening the strap around my ankle grateful for my pedicure. Making my way to the bathroom I give my layered locks a quick once over with an airbrush then add some lip-gloss and I am done.

  “Samantha you look absolutely gorgeous,” Dominic sighs. “I am so glad you are mine.”

  I do my usual blushing under his compliment and return the compliment right back. Dominic looks like he is ready for a GQ magazine photo shoot. The grey and blue complement his bronze color and unruly black curly hair perfectly.

  “I am so glad you are all mine,” I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

  When we emerge from the bedroom all eyes are upon us with a few gaped mouths.

  “Mom you look fantastic,” Charlie said first. “Dominic way to go dude.”

  “Thanks baby,” I beam. Morgan is standing with her mouth open but her hands make a twirling motion. I turn to show her the back of the dress.

  “I am so borrowing that dress. Mom you look freakin hot,” Morgan said proudly.

  “My mommy and daddy look good,” Bryce chimes in. The buzzer rings and we know that my family has arrived. Dominic’s family has already started taking pictures of him with various family members as I let in my family. We now have an apartment filled with my Uncle Winston and Aunt Camille, my two aunts from my mom’s side of the family, and my other uncle and his girlfriend. Thankfully they left all but one of my cousins at home. We definitely did not have any more tickets to spare for additional family.

  “Wow look at you cousin,” Briana my cousin said hugging me tightly. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks Bri-Bri,” I replied beaming. “Everyone this is my boyfriend Dominic and his family.” There are handshakes and pleasant exchanges all around. My Uncle Winston and Aunt Camille both give me a look and I pull them to the side.

  “Sorry I didn’t tell you. We were just trying to see if this was going to work. And it works very well. I love him,” I said as if I am defending myself.

  “I figured something was going on Bryce talks about him more than usual,” Camille retorts smiling. “So long as you’re happy dear.”

  “I really am happy. Dominic is a good man.” I look at my overwhelmed boyfriend and give him a reassuring smile. I am happy he gives me one back with an extra wink of his eye. The round of pictures seems to last forever and I am so happy when Sidney and Mario arrive.

  “Samantha Nicole Gable what has gotten into you lately,” Sidney said in a faux no nonsense voice. “I mean we know who has gotten into you.”

  “Sidney, please! Dominic’s family and my family are here.” I hit her playfully on the arm.

  “Dominic, grab our cap and gowns. We are all leaving for McKale Center now everyone.”


  Dominic and I barely make it to our respected areas in time to get ready for the ceremony. We are in different colleges so we have time for quick kisses before we separate.

  “You and Dominic are really serious huh?” Cassie asked as we put on our cap and gown helping each other. I carefully move her tassel to the right as we get ready for our big walk onto the floor.

  “Yes it’s very serious. Cassie, I love him so much.” I gushed as I get my cap positioned properly.

  “It’s obvious to anyone who sees the two of you that you’re both in love.”

  “Cassie, we really are happy. I hate we wasted all this time but better late than never.”

  “Dominic is hot I do not know how you held out this long.” Cassie fanned herself from mock heat as I laughed.

  “We were both so scared of ruining our friendship that we didn’t realize what we had. I am glad that our hand was forced allowing us to confront our feelings for each other.”

  “Me too you look so much freakin happier. I assume I would be too if I got to sleep next to that hunk of man,” Cassie said giggling. I roll my eyes exaggeratedly but nod my approval.

  When the processional starts I can barely contain my excitement. This day is finally here and I wonder where my family is seated in this large convocation hall. The confetti is flying as the audience of family and friends are screaming for their graduates. I can’t shake my tears wishing my parents were here with me right now. I catch a glimpse of Dominic and he blows me a kiss understanding the tears running down my face.

  Cassie unexpectedly hugs me, “That’s from Dominic and your parents.”

  “Thanks Cassie,” I said hugging her back. I turn around to face the loud audience scanning for our families. It takes me almost five minutes to find them and I yell back to them as Morgan holds Bryce who is waving frantically at me. I am sure he is waving at Dominic as well, after all that’s his hero. Danny has not put in any additional appearances nor made any other attempts to see Bryce. I feel blessed and a bit sad right now. My parents were cheated out of this moment and it takes all my resolve not to breakdown. Most of my family is in tears as we wave back and forth. They feel the same way I do right now. The ceremony starts and we take our seats.

  Almost two hours later we are standing in the large lobby trying to find our family members. Dominic and I are also hugging, laughing, and posing for pictures with friends. In every picture he is holding me either by the waist or by the hand. Finally I hear my son calling me, “Mommy, mommy you gradualated.”

  I laugh as Bryce runs directly into my arms and I scoop him up happily. Everyone around us gives collective “aws” when this happens. My family is still quite tearful as I pose for pictures in my cap and gown. I am eager to take the gown off it is blocking my cute outfit. Dominic’s family is equally as eager with the camera, snapping the two of us a million times. I finally get Morgan to help me out of the gown but leave on my cap with my tassel to the left.

  “We are just so proud of you Samantha,” my uncle Winston manages to stammer out. His only son my cousin Winston Jr. is in the navy stationed in Italy.

  “Thanks I couldn’t have done it without you,” I replied giving him a big hug. Dominic has taken off his gown as well but retains his cap. There are countless graduates and family members milling around the lobby taking pictures. Dominic grabs my hand and I think we are posing for yet another picture. Someone somewhere snaps a picture immediately.

  “What’s the matter baby,” I asked puzzled as he pulls me into the center of the room. Without preamble Dominic goes down on one knee as my remaining free hand covers my mouth. Those around us take notice and quiet down immediately. Our families look on in wonder as Dominic pours his heart out to me.

  “Samantha Nicole Gable, you have been my best friend for four years. I have loved you for four years. I want to spend the rest
of my life making you happy. I love you with all my heart and I would be the happiest man alive if you would become my wife,” he said his voice quavering but totally sincere. I have tears streaming down my cheeks as he produces a ring from his pocket. I am trying to find my voice but I can only shake my head up and down as I cry gobs of tears. Dominic slips the ring onto my finger as I find my voice, “Yes Dominic. Yes I will marry you.”

  Morgan and Charlie are jumping up and down beaming proudly. My family has no idea what to make of this scene nor does Dominic’s family. However when Cassie starts applauding everyone around us follows her example. I am wrapped in Dominic’s arms as he is kissing me with absolute love. I cannot control the tears streaming down my face as he hugs me tightly.

  “I love you so much Dom,” I whisper into his ear inhaling his wonderful smell.

  “I love you Sammie baby,” he whispered back. Bryce slips away from my uncle’s hand making his way over to us. Dominic looks down to see Bryce holding his pants leg and picks him up immediately.

  “Mommy you are going to marriage my daddy?” Bryce asked folding his small arms.

  We both laugh before I correct him, “Brycie mommy and daddy are getting married not marriage.”

  He unfolds his arms hugging us both as Morgan and Charlie joins us for a family hug. We are soon besieged with congratulations from our families and fellow graduates.

  “I am so happy for you Samantha. You two look so great together,” Cassie said hugging me tightly wiping a stray tear from her pretty face.


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