Monica and the Sweetest Song

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by Diana G. Gallagher

  “Wanting the guy you like to win, and wanting to see Sam Willie up close, aren’t stupid things,” I said.

  Claudia shrugged. “I’m so happy you’re not mad,” she said. “I don’t care about missing Bad Dog. And Brad had a great time, and I had fun helping him. I’m just glad I still have you.”

  I gave Claudia the front-row ticket.

  “You’re kidding,” she said. “You’re giving this to me?”

  “You’re my best friend,” I said. “And you’ll enjoy it more than I would have.”

  Claudia gave me a huge hug.

  Then I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around. It was Rory. “We’re going to Pizza Palace. Mark’s treat. Can you come?” he asked. “It wouldn’t be a party without you,” he added.

  “Then I guess I’d better go,” I said. I tried to sound cool, but I melted when Rory put his arm around my shoulders. Claudia winked at me and headed home.

  Monica’s SECRET Blog

  Sunday, 11:00 a.m.

  I’m really wiped out from this weekend. Battle of the Bands on Friday night, talking to the marching band yesterday, and then the finals last night. Followed by HOURS of pizza at Pizza Palace. We just kept ordering pizza until we were stuffed.

  Rory recorded his song and gave me a copy. I’ve listened to it a gazillion times already. I wrote down the words. Here they are.



  Keep Out! Angela, This Means You!

  Got a Girl Stuck in My Heart by Rory Weber

  Can’t think straight,

  I’m falling apart,

  I just can’t wait

  For something to start,

  But I’m too shy to tell her

  So I love from afar.

  Got a girl stuck in my heart.

  Take a chance!

  Ask her out, she might go.

  I can’t.

  What if she says no . . .

  So the secret I keep

  I know it’s not smart,

  Awake or asleep

  Can’t escape Cupid’s dart.

  But I’m too shy to tell her

  So I love from afar.

  Got a girl stuck in my heart.

  Mark my words

  apparently (uh-PA-ruhnt-lee)—

  obviously, or clearly

  desperate (DESS-pur-it)—

  anxious to do something to change or help a situation

  division (di-VIZH-uhn)—

  one of the parts into which something has been divided

  finalist (FYE-nuh-list)—

  someone who has reached the last part of a competition

  groupie (GROOP-ee)—

  a fan of a musical group

  harmonize (HAR-muh-nize)—

  to sing or play music using harmony in a pleasing or agreeable way

  harmony (HAR-muh-nee)—

  different notes that sound good together

  opinion (uh-PIN-yuhn)—

  ideas or beliefs you have about something

  rehearsal (ri-HURSS-uhl)—

  a practice session

  rivalry (RYE-vuhl-ree)—

  competition with another group

  roadie (ROHD-ee)—

  a person who helps a band set up for a performance

  wrath (RATH)—


  You can write too.

  Some people write in journals or diaries. I have a secret blog. Here are some writing prompts to help you write your own blog or diary entries.

  1 Friends don’t always agree. Write about a time when you and your best friend had a fight. What happened? How did it turn out?

  2 Write about your favorite band. What kind of music do they play? What’s their best song? Why do you like them?

  3 Rory wrote a song for River Stone to play, and I think it’s about me. Write your own song about someone you care about.


  Just like Monica, Diana G. Gallagher has loved riding horses since she was a little girl. And like Becca, she is an artist. Like Claudia, she often babysits little kids — usually her grandchildren. Diana has wanted to be a writer since she was twelve, and she has written dozens of books, including the Claudia Cristina Cortez series. She lives in Florida.

  Monica is published by Stone Arch Books

  A Capstone Imprint 1710 Roe Crest Drive North Mankato, Minnesota, 56003

  Copyright © 2012 by Stone Arch Books

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.



  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Gallagher, Diana G.

  Monica and the sweetest song / by Diana G. Gallagher.

  p. cm.

  Summary: Because of their boyfriends, Monica and Claudia are cheering for competing bands in the Battle of the Bands--will this competition damage their friendship?

  ISBN-13: 978-1-4342-2556-6 (library binding)

  ISBN-10: 1-4342-2556-9 (library binding)

  ISBN 978-1-4965-3946-5 (eBook)

  1. Bands (Music)--Competitions--Juvenile fiction. 2. Competition (Psychology)--Juvenile fiction. 3. Best friends--Juvenile fiction. 4. Dating (Social customs)--Juvenile fiction. 5. Interpersonal relations--Juvenile fiction. [1. Bands (Music)--Fiction. 2. Competition (Psychology)--Fiction. 3. Best friends-- Fiction. 4. Dating (Social customs)--Fiction. 5. Interpersonal relations--Fiction.] I. Title.

  PZ7.G13543Mpi 2011



  Art Director/Graphic Designer: Kay Fraser

  Production Specialist: Michelle Biedscheid

  Photo credits:

  Cover: Delaney Photography

  Avatars: Delaney Photography (Claudia), Shutterstock: Aija Avotina (guitar), Alex Staroseltsev (baseball), Andrii Muzyka (bowling ball), Anton9 (reptile), bsites (hat), debra hughes (tree), Dietmar Höpfl (lightning), Dr_Flash (Earth), Elaine Barker (star), Ivelin Radkov (money), Michael D Brown (smiley face), Mikhail (horse), originalpunkt (paintbrushes), pixel-pets (dog), R. Gino Santa Maria (football), Ruth Black (cupcake), Shvaygert Ekaterina (horseshoe), SPYDER (crown), Tischenko Irina (flower), VectorZilla (clown), Volkova Anna (heart); Capstone Studio: Karon Dubke (horse Monica, horse Chloe)




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