Finding Paradise

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Finding Paradise Page 3

by Laura Westbrook

  Hanna pushed her damp hair back as she looked across the ocean. The boat was returning to dock after what had been the adventure of a lifetime. Josh had been true to his word and had helped her with all the basics, including helping her in and out of her gear.

  He’d been especially attentive to her and Cassie as he’d gone through the safety brief and had helped them through the experience. She still couldn’t believe he’d taken such care to help her see all the sights. She would’ve missed half of it if not for him.

  Back at the shop, Josh waved goodbye to each of the passengers. “Come back soon. If you stay away too long, you’ll get rusty. Thanks for coming.”

  Hanna noticed the confident air that surrounded him. The way he walked and talked, it was as though nothing could bother him. He treated the reef, his boat, and his passengers with strength and gentleness, and, for one wild moment, she wondered what it’d be like if someone like him lived in Coopersville. He’d fit right in.

  “So did you have a good time?” Josh looked her way. She glanced around, but Cassie had already gotten off the boat to get changed in the small room of the shop. It was just her and Josh. “I loved it. I never knew there was so much to see. I mean, I’d heard it was fun, but I never expected it to be like that. I guess I never knew it would be quite like that.”

  He placed a hand over his heart. “I’m hurt. As though I’d dedicate my life to something mediocre?”

  But before she could explain herself better, his expression changed to a smile. “You never know what beautiful creature you’ll find when you’re on the job—and you never know when you’ll find something life-changing.”

  “I saw a lot of beautiful things today,” she said.

  “That makes two of us.” He shifted his stance, for once looking a little unsure of himself as he added, “I have to go get ready for my next group.” He tilted his head, and she could see the droplets of water flick out of his blond hair. “I hope you’ll be back. I’ve really enjoyed showing you around the reef. Anyway, enjoy the island…and your vacation. It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Hanna.”

  He offered his hand, and she shook it. “Thank you. It’s been great.”

  As she watched him walk away, she realized she wanted to come back here. She wasn’t exactly sure how that would happen, maybe on a later trip, but she was going to do it. As she emerged from the changing rooms, Cassie was already waiting at the other end of the boardwalk. She waved, a bright smile on her face. “So, how did it go with Josh? Did he ask you out?” There was a teasing sparkle in her eyes.

  “No, he didn’t.” Hanna didn’t want to mention him inviting them back. Not yet, anyway. She didn’t want to give Cassie any more ammunition. Instead, she changed the subject. “Didn’t you want to visit the museum next?”

  “I do. They’re supposed to have some really interesting stuff in there right now, and you kind of have to do the museum thing when you’re vacationing. It’s like a rite of passage.”

  “Sure…whatever you say.”

  Hanna followed, but even as they headed off toward the museum, all Hanna could think about was the afternoon she’d just had. All she could see with her mind’s eye was the world under the ocean waters, the warm Hawaiian sun, and swimming with a man called Josh who made her feel tingly whenever she thought of him.

  Chapter Three

  The hotel room was comfortable, and it was easy to be lulled into a peaceful state by the quiet sound of the waves outside and the dull hum of traffic. The breezy day had left the hotel room feeling pleasantly warm. The museum had been every bit as entertaining as they’d hoped, and they’d spent a few hours there before heading out for a late lunch.

  After lunch, which had been quite filling, dinner didn’t really seem to be in the cards. Hanna leaned back into the soft comfort of her bed, humming in thought. What she really wanted was something sweet. She wanted a dessert of some kind, maybe chocolate or ice cream. Or both.

  “Hey Cassie,” she called out, “want anything from the store?” The door was open between the two rooms, and Cassie was inside, equally relaxing, no doubt.

  “Um…” Cassie hesitated. “No, not really. I’m still pretty full from lunch.” She heard footsteps, and then Cassie stood in the doorway. “Were you planning on getting something?”

  “Yeah. Ice cream, probably. I guess all this humidity put me in the mood for something sweet. Besides, what’s a vacation without plenty of junk food?”

  “I hear you. If you’re getting ice cream, count me in.”

  “No problem.” Hanna got up and grabbed her shoes, quickly slipping them on. “I shouldn’t be too long. Actually, scratch that. I’ll probably get side tracked. There’s so much to see here in Hawaii that even a quick trip to the store and back could be…”

  “Yep, that sounds about right. Take your time. I just want to lounge around anyway. I might have a nice long bath and get the rest of this salt water off me. I should’ve showered yesterday when we got back from the scuba place, but I thought that little outdoor shower on the beach would be enough. I’ll be here whenever you get back.”

  “Well, call if you think of anything else we need.” Hanna grabbed her purse and headed down into the hotel lobby. She wasn’t sure exactly where the stores were, but she thought she’d seen a few on their walk today, and she was hoping she’d find them easily enough. After all, she craved the cold stuff, and she wanted more than the dainty servings a fancy restaurant would dish out. It was warm, and she was on vacation, after all. She felt like she deserved to spoil herself a little, to enjoy everything that life had to offer, at least until she got back to routine Coopersville.

  She decided to just wander around a bit, retracing her steps toward the scuba diving place and see if she could spot any stores. It was still early evening, and there was plenty of light and other people out. She fell into a steady walk, enjoying the slow pace of everything. There was something lovely about strolling around in the cool evening air, enjoying the sights and sounds of somewhere new.

  And she felt like she was moving in the right direction. There were no signs saying “Ice cream shopping here,” but she felt like she was meant to go this way. She spotted a place, a little grocery store tucked out of the way. It was little more than a corner drugstore, but it was the first place she’d seen that had given her hope.

  She glanced over across the street, and she could see the glittering waves of the ocean there, just out of reach. Even the tiny store had a view of the water. So different from home. There, at best, a store might have a view of some woods or a park. Maybe a field if it was on the outskirts of town, but most would be within sight of other buildings, brick and stone and metal, with no majestic water to be found.

  She entered the store and was greeted by a much cooler environment. She glanced around, moving past the magazines and snack food to find the freezers that were along the back wall. She was surprised to find a huge selection there behind the glass doors. She hunted through the shelves of the freezer until she found what she was looking for.

  “Vanilla?” a voice said behind her. “Really? I didn’t peg you for that type.”

  Hanna let go of the freezer door and turned to come face-to-face with Josh. He was grinning, and there was a teasing glint in his eye, as though he really didn’t care what kind of ice cream she picked—he’d tease her about it anyway. He had a T-shirt on this time, and his arms filled out the sleeves nicely.

  What are you doing here? Although, he did live here, so out of the two of them, he had more of a right to be there than she did. “I’m not. I just thought I’d go with something simple for once.” She glanced back at the shelves, adding, “After saying that, you must be into rum raisin or pistachio, right?”

  He chuckled. “Not quite. I usually go for mint chocolate chip.”

  “Well, quality is everything, you know. I’d rather have quality, vanilla-bean ice cream than thrown together mint chocolate chip.”

  Josh raised his eyebrows. “So you’d
rather go with a safe choice than take a risk.”

  She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I guess so. Cassie’s the adventurous one. I play it safe…usually.” Changing the subject, she said, “So what brings you here? You on an ice cream run, too?”

  “Me? No, I have to watch my BMI. I’m here for protein shakes and fruit smoothies.”

  “Is that so?”

  He dropped his hands. “You got me. I’m here for junk food too, but don’t let the word get out, okay? It would ruin my reputation.”

  “Your reputation?”

  “Yep. It’s pretty impressive. Fitness buff, talented dive guide, and beloved local figure.” His energy seemed to flow off him in waves.

  “Then I doubt I could spoil such an impressive reputation.”

  “Actually, there are times I feel like a little fish in the big ocean,” he said. “There are so many scuba places in Hawaii. You can pretty much walk down to the beach and throw a rock in any direction and hit one. Makes me feel lucky you picked mine.” His eyes met hers, and for a moment, she found herself holding her breath.

  Then she looked away, trying to fight off a blush that threatened to burn her cheeks. His eyes were almost as sparkling and vibrant as the ocean waters. “Did you enjoy the dive yesterday?” he asked.

  “I did. I loved it.” She knew that part of the enjoyment of the day had been due to him, but she’d certainly enjoyed the actual process of scuba diving as well. It had been something new, something she’d never experienced before—something exciting and adventurous, and she was eager to repeat it.

  “I’m hoping our vacation lets us do it again. I’d love to explore some more.”

  “I’d like that, although the normal dives keep a pretty tight schedule. When that spot opened up for you yesterday, it was a rare thing. Cancellations usually don’t happen for us.”

  “Oh…okay. Maybe the next trip out here then.”

  He scratched the back of his head for a moment. “Tell you what. Instead of the normal dive on the normal route, how about a special tour? There are some spots that aren’t exactly on the beaten path.”

  “I don’t know. I have this trip pretty well budgeted out.”

  “It’s on the house. Consider it marketing outreach for your consideration on future vacations.”

  “That’s generous of you to offer. I wasn’t expecting anything like that.”

  “It’s no trouble at all.”

  She looked off to the side and thought about being on a boat with him at the helm, the two of them crashing over ocean waves with the wind flowing through her hair. They’d hit a swell and she’d lose her balance, and he’d reach over to steady her with an arm around her waist. She’d thank him, but wouldn’t move away quite yet. There was no rush.

  She realized she was staring at a bag of chips. Taro chips, whatever that was. Something local, probably. She shook her head. There was no reason to let her thoughts run away like that.

  “I’ll have to think on it and talk it over with my friend. I have her to consider too.” She shifted her weight. “I should probably get going, though. I don’t want to keep Cassie waiting. She’s probably wondering where I am by now.” Do I really want to leave, though?

  “Sure thing.” He reached into the freezer and pulled out a pint for himself. “Try the mint chocolate chip one. Take a risk…since you’re on vacation and all. The path off the main trail is much more fun.”

  He smiled, and she almost rolled her eyes. He was laying it on pretty thick.

  “See you around, Hanna. Next scuba diving lesson. I’m counting on it.”

  She planted her feet in place to keep her from chasing after him to take him up on his offer. Scuba diving didn’t exactly break the bank, but it wasn’t cheap either. To be offered a free pass was probably something she’d never see again.

  But then there was Cassie. For all Hanna knew, Cassie had tolerated scuba diving but never wanted to do it again. Did Hanna just want to do it for the experience or simply to spend time with Josh? It was appealing, leaving every care in the world behind. She wanted to feel the pleasure of the water closing in around her as she explored the world beneath—and yes, with him.

  She gave one last look at the freezer and reached in. The chocolate ice cream with marshmallows was right next to the vanilla. Her hand vacillated between the two for a few moments before she ultimately grabbed the mint one. It was my choice, not his. Maybe I just happen to be in the mood for it.

  Then she headed to the checkout, grabbing a few more snacks along the way. She paid for her things, grabbing them all in a single bag before heading back to the hotel. The sunset was painting glorious colors across the sky, and she realized she’d spent longer in the store than she’d intended. Of course, she was on vacation and didn’t exactly have a schedule, but she hadn’t planned to take so long, especially with Cassie waiting for her.

  Once she was just outside the hotel, she gazed up at the sky. The colors went right down to the horizon, where the water reflected them back, creating new hues of pink and orange. The sky was calm and still while the water moved, creating mesmerizing patterns as the waves came and went. It just goes to show that you can mix adventure with regular life—with a calmer, regulated existence. She wondered if there was a way to bottle it up and bring it back with her to Coopersville, but she quickly pushed that thought away. She wasn’t going to think about the end of their vacation. She was just going to enjoy it. Thinking about it would only make it come that much sooner.

  She wandered back to her hotel room, lost in thought. Would tomorrow be too soon to take him up on his offer? She knew that probably made her look overeager, but she couldn’t help but look forward to it. If the offer was even still open. She hadn’t said yes on the spot, after all. But there was something about him that made her want to say yes.

  She didn’t think that Cassie would mind—honestly, she’d seemed to enjoy it too. Hanna decided she’d have to ask her later. Right now, she had a pint of ice cream in her bag and a hoard of other snacks that needed to be eaten. Maybe they could see what movies were playing and have a good old-fashioned girls’ night. That was just what she needed, and it would get her mind off things. It would also take her mind off a particular someone else who was threatening to occupy her thoughts more than she intended.

  The electronic lock of the room door clicked and she tugged her key card out. “The ice cream has arrived. How does a movie night sound to you?” she called out.

  Cassie glanced up from her phone. “There you are. I was starting to worry you’d gotten lost.”

  “Ah, no. I didn’t. I just…ran into someone.”

  “Who in the world would you run into here?”

  Hanna rubbed the back of her neck. “Anyway, I got us some snacks and ice cream.” She handed over the pint.

  “You only got one? You know we could eat three times this much. We are on vacation.”

  “True. I should’ve gotten more.”

  “And mint chocolate chip? Why not your usual vanilla? I didn’t even know you like this kind.”

  “I like all kinds of ice cream, Cassie. Are you saying I can’t branch out?”

  Cassie held the pint to her chest and leaned back. “Geesh, girl. I didn’t mean to offend. Of course you can branch out. Why, with breakfast, I saw you use strawberry jam instead of your normal grape.”

  “I’m on a wild streak now, aren’t I?”

  “I’m teasing. You’re doing fine. And I don’t discriminate against ice cream either. If it’s cold and creamy and sugary, I’m all about it.”

  “I think there are spoons by the coffee maker.”

  Cassie picked them up and kept one. “So tell me more about this mystery man you ran into.”

  Hanna nearly choked on her bite of ice cream, which said a lot considering it was only a teaspoon worth of liquid. “Who said it was a man?”

  “By the fact you haven’t yet. If it wasn’t a man, you would’ve said that by now.”

don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Well, I could count on one hand the guys we’ve said more than a few words to since being here.” She slapped a hand down on the bed. “Wait, it’s not that waiter, is it? What’s his name?” She stared up at the ceiling.”

  “Sabastian, I think,” Hanna said.

  “Sabastian! That’s his name. Was it him?”

  “No, it wasn’t him.”

  “The fact you remembered his name makes me suspicious.”

  Hanna laughed. “I remember people’s names all the time. I remembered your name right away when I first met you.”

  Cassie flipped her hair. “Well, sure. I mean, I’m incredibly memorable, so that’s obvious.”

  “Something like that.” Hanna rolled her eyes. “Now how about you help me pick out a movie?”

  “I can do that. Here, give me the remote.”

  Hanna handed it over. She didn’t know why she didn’t want to admit that she’d ran into Josh. Normally, she wouldn’t think twice about holding something like that back, but for some reason, this time, she hesitated. Maybe because she didn’t want Cassie to think it was something it wasn’t. But as she stared at the blinking screen, she wondered to herself if it wasn’t.

  Chapter Four

  Hanna woke with a spring in her step. She felt like she could do anything she put her mind to. With already two cups of coffee in her, she felt like she could scale the side of the hotel if she only had the right equipment. As she mentally thought through her day, one thing monopolized her thoughts more than the rest.

  All that she could think about was going back to the ocean, back to the boat and the wonderful world that lay just beneath the surface of the water. She longed to be scuba diving again, dipping deep beneath the waves, letting the water wrap around her as she took Josh’s hand.


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