Finding Paradise

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Finding Paradise Page 6

by Laura Westbrook

  Slowly, he smiled. “Yeah. That’s it. Exactly.”

  He gave her hand a squeeze, and then let go to find a space for them to sit. It was easy and comfortable, and even though she no longer held his hand, she could feel his presence beside her. There was a warmth to it. She had no idea what he’d do next, but she knew she’d enjoy it. That it would make her smile.

  She turned back to look out at the water. “It’s beautiful.” The sun wasn’t overhead yet, and though the air was warming up, it was still pleasant, the cool breeze blowing her hair away from her face. She couldn’t imagine any place feeling more perfect. “It’s beautiful.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” he murmured, his voice soft.

  She turned to find him closer than she’d expected. She could see his eyelashes, see every curve of his face, every crease in his skin where the sun had freckled him, where his life worried him, where he’d laughed or smiled. Suddenly, she could feel his breath on her skin. He leaned in, and she met him in the middle, wanting what she thought she saw in his eyes

  She felt her heartbeat thumping in her chest, thudding softly against her ribs. The whole world seemed to slow down.

  Then his lips reached hers. It felt like time itself stopped. Suddenly, there was nothing but the feel of his lips, warm and laced with lychee and the salt of the ocean breeze. She felt him wrap a hand around her waist until he held her, and she melted into it. It was the most perfect kiss, and she knew he wasn’t thinking about anyone or anything else. In that moment, there was nothing but the two of them, together, and her heart raced like she was a teenager all over again.

  After what felt like an eternity, he pulled away, and the moment was over. She turned away so he wouldn’t see her reddened cheeks. It was just a kiss, she thought to herself. Except, it wasn’t. How could it be with a man like him?

  “How was it?”

  She clapped her hand over her mouth and stifled a laugh. It was so unexpected.

  “I’d give it a nine out of ten. Make that a nine-point-five.”

  “That extra half-point is pretty important. It’s good to have feedback.”

  “Happy to offer.”

  “I should get you back to the hotel,” he said, voice low. “I’m sure your friend is missing you, and I can’t hog you for the entire day.”

  She found herself nodding, even though she didn’t want the moment to end. She wanted it to be more than just a fun part of her vacation, even though she didn’t know if that was possible. It was thoughtful for him to think of Cassie.

  She wanted him to look at her that way again, to hold her, but he was right. It was time she got back. As it was, she’d probably face plenty of questions from Cassie about her “summer fling.”

  As they walked away, she glanced over at him. He seemed deep in thought, contemplating something. He was quiet, which was unusual.

  “Are you all right?” Surely kissing her wasn’t something he’d regretted?

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  He didn’t sound that way. She tried again. “You seem to be thinking hard over there.”

  “Mhmm.” He shrugged, adopting a lighter tone. “I was wondering if we should get more shave ice.” He smiled at her.

  Hanna nudged him lightly, her shoulder bumping into his. “Really?”

  “No, not really. I just…I have something to say, but I’m not sure how to word it. I mean, I’ve only just met you, but…there’s a reason I rushed this date. You said you’re only here for a few more days, but I might not even be around that long. Business has been pretty slow here, so a friend of mine said I should come work with him.”

  “But you said there are more and more tourists, right?”

  “Right, but there’s also more competition. There seems to be a new scuba place in our area pop up every year. It’s getting pretty fierce out there.”

  “Where does your friend work, then?”

  “On another island. Maui. I’ve thought about maybe moving there one day, after a few work trips, since it’s so competitive here. I know it wouldn’t be fair to ask you to spend the rest of your vacation there with me. You came here with your friend, and you have your own plans. You can’t shift islands just for me.” He glanced at her, but she couldn’t think of anything to say. “Anyway, I hope this was a good impromptu date. And that you had fun. I did.”

  She bit her lip, contemplating something completely wild. “When do you leave?”

  “In the next day or so. I know I should’ve mentioned something. I just didn’t want to put a damper on things.” He looked away as though he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. She knew the feeling.

  She knew she was supposed to just fall in line and go back to her boring ways, but something snapped in her, throwing all that out the window. She didn’t want to be predictable all the time. She didn’t want to do what she was supposed to or even what was logical. Sometimes, in life, there were only a handful of chances to do something truly spontaneous, and no amount of number crunching would stop her from this one.

  “I’ll come with you.” As soon as the words left her mouth, it almost sounded like it had come from a different person.

  There was a spontaneity and a freedom there that she didn’t really understand. She’d never experienced anything like this before in her life. She was predictable. She planned. She schemed and scheduled and made lists. She didn’t go on wild trips with a man she’d recently met just because there was a spark. She wasn’t that kind of woman.

  And yet, there she was, feeling excitement bubble up inside her as she offered to go island-hopping with him. She had no idea if this was a crazy bid to build something long term with him or just a fun trip extension, but either way, she was committed.

  He stopped mid-motion and turned and looked at her, his eyebrows threatening to fly off his forehead.

  “What?” she asked. “Not my normal vanilla self?”

  “No, but, I just didn’t…” She’d never known him to be at a loss for words.

  “I’ll come with you,” she repeated. “Just until the end of my vacation, though, so don’t get too excited.”

  Then came the reaction she’d been hoping for, and she knew it was worth every second of explaining she’d have to do with Cassie for the smile that broke out across his face. She’d make it up to her. Somehow.

  Chapter Six

  “Wait, what?” Cassie crossed her arms. “I thought you wanted to stay here for the vacation. I’m sure other islands are nice, but there’s still so much we haven’t seen here and…”

  “I know, I know. I just thought Maui might be a good place to explore too, and Josh will be there to show us around.”

  “I get it, Hanna. It’s been ages since a guy turned your head. But you can’t chase him around like this. You barely know him.”

  “I’m not chasing him. And it’s not like I’m giving up on our vacation. It’s just…a slight alteration to our plans. ”

  “Hanna, don’t try to make excuses. I’ve seen the look in your eyes. The way you smile and daydream. Come on. Just the way you’ve sprung out of bed each day should tell you something. You like him. A lot.”

  “I mean, I guess I like him enough to follow him to another island. That much is pretty clear.”

  “But it’s not fair to me, though. We’ve planned this for ages, and I thought I’d get to see more of my best friend. I didn’t think you’d fall for some guy as soon as we landed.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I just…I’d really like to spend a couple more days…I see you all the time back home, but I won’t see him again, possibly ever…” She swallowed the next few words. She didn’t want to think about that yet.

  “Maybe if it was a road trip back home or something, I wouldn’t mind being ditched for a hot guy, but I never thought you’d do it to me on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation.”

  “I’m not ditching you. I promise. I’ll prove it to you somehow.”

  “You already have, Hanna. You’ve gone off on your own a bunc
h already.”

  “You said you didn’t mind. For the second scuba, you told me to do it.”

  Cassie shook her head. “I was just trying to be nice. I could tell you were crushing on the guy big time. I just didn’t think it would get this big. This is turning into a whole…thing. I don’t even know what to call it.”

  “Me either. I just know spending time with him feels right. I know it’s crazy and probably stupid because I haven’t known him that long, but shouldn’t I follow the trail and see where it goes? What if I only get one shot at this?”

  “I don’t know if I believe in soulmates, but I think it’s way too soon to be thinking about that.”

  “I didn’t mean it quite like that. I just have such bad luck with guys that I don’t get many opportunities with someone nice.”

  The thought struck Hanna that she actually had no idea what there was to do on Maui. She assumed most of the same stuff they could do on Oahu, but ultimately, she didn’t know. But she knew just the person to show them around, assuming he’d been there before.

  “How about we go out tonight?” Hanna asked. It was also impulsive, but then, it seemed to be her thing lately.

  “Go where?”

  “Anywhere you want. This whole afternoon and evening can be pure Cassie-time with no Josh involved. I promise. Consider it an olive branch. Least I can do.”

  “If you think you can go a whole hour without mentioning him. In the past day or two you’ve pretty much failed at that.”

  “Not true. Sometimes, I’m sleeping.”

  Cassie crossed her arms again, but the corner of her mouth turned up a little.

  “You have to admit,” Hanna said, “that was pretty funny.”

  “I’m not going to say it.”

  “So, do we have a plan?”

  “It better be a fun day out for all this.”

  “It will be. We’re going to have a lot of fun. Right after I call the airlines. They’ll probably make me pay a fee or something, but I can probably have my miles cover it. With all the flyer miles I’ve saved up over the years, they have to be good for something.”

  “And you’ll be using your miles to cover mine too.”

  “Of course. It’s my fault this is happening, after all.”

  Cassie tapped her cheek. “Hmm. Fault is a good word for it.”

  * * *

  “Where would you like to go?” Hanna asked when they walked out of the hotel lobby an hour later.

  “I think there’s a cute, little theater across the way,” Cassie said. “We could always see a movie, go out for drinks. That sounds nice.”

  “We could go shopping too.”

  Cassie made a face. “I try not to go shopping with you, remember? You’re always so picky.”

  “I like to think I’m frugal instead.”

  “Whatever. I see something cute and you go straight for the price tag, saying ‘Cassie, I think you could probably get this cheaper online.’

  Hanna couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, fine. No shopping. Let’s start with tonight and work our way backward. What are we doing this evening?”

  “I have that part figured out,” Cassie said. “I found a nice, classy bar. I asked Sabastian for suggestions, and he recommended this place just down the road and around the corner.”

  Hanna turned. “Wait, Sabastian the waiter? Are you trying to get together with him? I mean, I won’t mind. I don’t exactly have room to talk.”

  “Don’t worry. I think one Hawaiian romance is enough for the two of us. But I get dibs on the next nice guy back home.”

  “Deal.” Hanna couldn’t imagine a guy back in Coopersville comparing anymore, no matter how cute he might be. “So how about we get something to eat beforehand?”

  “Works for me. Room service breakfast was a long time ago.”

  “You had breakfast in your room? You know how much extra they charge for that?”

  “I’m on vacation…and this is why we don’t go shopping together.”

  “You have a point.”

  “And it’s my money.”

  “True. Okay, so…do you want something sweet or savory?”

  “Sweet, obviously. This is your best friend you’re talking to.”

  “Then I have the perfect treat. It’s a local custom, and I think you’re going to love it.”

  “Local custom. I wonder how you found out about it.”

  “No comment. It’s called shave ice, and it’s amazing.”

  “Amazing, huh? What is it?”

  “Didn’t you read all the brochures you got about Hawaii? They talked about it. They said it was an experience you shouldn’t miss, and I agree.”

  “Because you already managed to try it on one of your many dates?”

  “Would you stop?” She swatted Cassie’s arm. “Look, I’m trying, but you’re not helping.”

  “I never asked you to stop thinking about Josh. That was your promise,” Cassie said as they walked up to the same food truck that Josh had taken Hanna to, or at least one that looked similar. “What flavor would you like? You can choose up to three.”

  Cassie craned her neck looking up at the board. “I like pineapple. Maybe I’ll go with that.” She glanced at someone walking past. “It looks like a snow cone to me. Is that what this is?”

  Hanna nudged her. “It’s nothing like a snow cone. Come on. Have an open mind.”

  “What about you?”

  “I want lychee.”

  “What even is that? You sure you don’t want something safe like cherry or strawberry?”

  “I think my days of playing it safe are…on hold, at least.” She wasn’t sure if they’d ever come back. She supposed it depended on what happened with her and Josh. If things don’t work out and I fly home with a broken heart, never to see him again…

  She pushed the thought out of her mind. They ordered, and moments later, Cassie was holding her very first shave ice.


  “This is not what I expected.”

  “Wait until you taste it. It’s much better than you think.” Hanna felt a sense of anticipation as she watched her friend. She wondered if this was how Josh had felt before she’d tried her first bite. She glanced down at her own and realized she’d gotten the flavor because it reminded her of him. First chocolate and now lychee. Bold, yet classic flavors, just like him.

  She turned back to Cassie. “So what do you think?”

  “It’s pretty good,” Cassie said.

  “What do you mean pretty good?”

  “I mean, if it’s in front of me, I’ll definitely eat it. I’ll still keep my ice cream, though.”

  Hanna sniffed. “You’re lucky you’re my friend, otherwise I’d disown you.”

  “Oh come on. You discovered this stuff just a few days ago, so don’t give me that.”

  “I just think more people need to know about this. People outside Hawaii. It can’t hog all the nice stuff to themselves.”

  “It probably would all melt before it got there.”

  “What a comedian you are. I think you missed your calling.”

  “So where is this bar Sabastian recommended?”

  “You’ll see. First, I’d like to have time to actually savor this, thank you.”

  “Okay. If you want, we can go to a beach while you eat it. There’s a lovely one just around the corner.” She’d gotten a map of the area and had marked out the path Josh had taken so she’d always remember, and she had it in her purse.

  “A beach, huh? Another one of the tourist brochure specials?”

  Hanna smiled. “You could say that.”

  “Let’s just go for a walk. I don’t think we need to relive your date. Let’s just see where our feet take us.”

  “Fair enough.” They meandered their way along the sunny streets, eating their shave ice and watching the water glimmering in the distance. It was beautiful: the sparkling ocean and the sunshine, the bright clothes and colorful plants. The lychee taste of her shave ice lingere
d on her lips, reminding her of Josh—of his lips against hers, of a kiss at the beach, just the two of them and the ocean in the distance. She smiled to herself and knew that she was lucky, so very lucky to have a friend like Cassie in her life. Even if she still owed her big time.

  “What are you thinking about?” Cassie asked.

  Hanna stood there and looked at her, realizing she’d been lost in a daydream.

  Cassie smiled. “Are you thinking about him again?”

  Hanna knew there was no use hiding it. “I couldn’t help it.”

  “I knew it.” She came alongside Hanna and said, “So, while you’re thinking about him, why don’t you tell me all about your date?”

  “What do you want to know?” Suddenly, Hanna felt awkward talking about him. She was used to arguing with Cassie about the men in her life, not gushing about how great they were. She’d usually be pointing out all their faults and why she and the guy-in-question didn’t “click” and Cassie would be encouraging her to give them a try, anyways. This time was so different, she wasn’t sure how to start.

  “Well…how did the date go? How did he ask you out? Did anything interesting happen?”

  Hanna said, “I thought a girl wasn’t supposed to kiss and tell?”

  Cassie smirked. “Oho, so you kissed, huh?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You said as much. Come on. I’m changing vacation plans for this guy. I should get to hear about him.”

  “Okay, you have a point.” Hanna had to admit, she owed Cassie more than just the details of her date after this. “Well, he asked me to a coffee shop, by letter, because he didn’t know my room number and didn’t want to stake out the lobby for me.”

  “Smart move.”

  “And I met him there…where he asked me on a date.”

  “Oh, a date for a date, huh?”

  “Yes, a date for a date. He wanted to be very official about it. And I said yes, and he took me to get shave ice.”

  “I knew it.” She lifted her cone. “I knew this was his idea. Okay, so what else?”

  “He took me for a walk. And we talked, and he showed me a lovely, little beach, over that way…” She gestured back around the corner from where they were.


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