The White Wolf of Wishing Moon Bay

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The White Wolf of Wishing Moon Bay Page 21

by Raines, Harmony

  “Okay.” She set to work, as the temperature seemed to drop. Was it the deepening night or something more sinister at work? Penny refused to get distracted. They needed the symbols and runes to ward off whatever approached.

  “She’s close,” his voice wavered, and his hand stilled.

  “Keep working,” Penny snapped. “Next?”

  “This symbol repeats. We’re calling on the elements to protect us.” He pointed at a symbol that looked like a flame. “Repeat them until you join up with those.” He pointed to where the symbols started. “I’ll work on the runes.”

  “It’s so cold.” Milo’s teeth chattered and the flashlight shook in his hand, but he didn’t drop it and kept the angle of the beam aimed perfectly so both Penny and Jeremy could work.

  “We’re not going to finish in time,” the warlock ground out.

  “Okay, does this thing protect the wearer from magic?” She jabbed her finger at the talisman.

  “Yes.” His eager eyes fell on it. “Not powerful magic. But most witches don’t wield that kind of magic.”

  “And can you remember all the runes you have left to mark on the ground?”

  He stared at the talisman and then nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then give me the talisman.” She held out her hand. “I’ll buy us some time.”

  “It’s too dangerous,” the warlock whispered.

  “Mommy, don’t do it,” Milo whispered.

  “Jeremy is going to keep you safe.” She hugged Milo. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. But don’t go. Please, don’t go.” He held onto her so tightly and she wanted to stay more than anything, but she had to buy them some time.

  “The talisman will keep me safe. And when Jeremy finishes this, you will be safe, too.” She took hold of his hands and gently eased him away from her. “This will be over soon and then we can make a new life here.”

  “Hurry.” Jeremy’s pale face showed his fear as he nodded toward the trail leading away from the house. “She’s so close, I can feel her.”

  “I thought you didn’t have any magic.” Penny carefully stepped over the runes and symbols carved into the snow.

  “I don’t. But I was raised around witches and warlocks. I can sense magic, and this is strong magic, she’s drawing on the elements around her.”

  “Like she’s charging a battery?” Penny asked.

  “Exactly.” Jeremy paused for a moment. “Be careful.”

  “I will.” Penny turned away from her son and the warlock and hurried toward the trees. She needed the element of surprise. But she had no idea if the witch could sense her and would act before Penny had a chance to pounce.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight – Logan

  “Where did she go?” Logan pushed his senses out, trying to locate Sophie.

  “We’ll track her.” Aiden and Caleb ran out of the door, out into the parking lot, and shifted.

  “Rift, you stay here.” Ivan took off his white chef’s coat and handed it to his brother. “The kitchen is closed, all you have to do is make sure the diners pay for their food and leave happy. Can you do that?” His eyes flashed as he grabbed Logan and propelled him toward the door. “We should be able to track Sophie from the air.”

  “Thanks.” Logan ran after Ivan, who headed into the middle of the road before shifting.

  Logan had seen the dragon many times, but he still found the sight of the huge beast with scales that shimmered like an azure sea…incredible.

  Amazing, his wolf agreed.

  The dragon swung his huge head around and dropped his shoulder so that Logan could climb on his back. He hadn’t ridden on the dragon’s back for years, and as the mythical creature crouched down and then leaped into the air, the memories came rushing back. He truly was an incredible beast.

  With several downbeats of his leathery wings, Ivan rose into the cloudy sky. He’d have to keep low if he wanted good visibility and if they planned to use their senses to track Sophie.

  “Can you see the bears?” Logan leaned forward as he called out.

  The dragon swung his head from left to right before angling his body as they banked to the right.

  I guess we have our answer, his wolf said as they pushed their senses out, trying to locate their brothers. Ivan had always had the strongest shifter senses out of all six brothers. Valerie claimed it was because dragons were such ancient beasts and even a young dragon had a depth of wisdom that some shifters and humans never gained.

  Rift had teased Ivan over this statement whenever Ivan messed up or got things wrong. When they were younger, Ivan would scowl and get upset, however, as he got older, he’d matured enough to let it go.

  I can feel them, his wolf said. They are on the other side of town, in pursuit of a car traveling toward the mountains.

  Is it Sophie’s car? Logan couldn’t tell, but his wolf’s senses were keener.

  Yes, I believe it is. His wolf gnashed his teeth and snapped at the air. How he’d love to get his teeth and claws on the woman who had taken their mate.

  We still don’t know for sure, Logan reminded him.

  We’ll know when we catch up with her. But the dragon didn’t increase his speed, he kept back, watching and waiting. Despite Logan’s need for revenge, they needed Sophie to lead them to Penny and Milo.

  The bears had dropped back, the car going too fast for them, but they kept going, following the trail as Sophie left the town behind and climbed into the mountains.

  The snow will slow her down. Sophie’s car slid as it hit pockets of deeper snow, her tires spinning as they tried to grip the road. Her speed slowed and Ivan circled around, like a vulture watching his prey.

  She’s heading toward the cabin. His wolf snarled. She took our mate to our cabin.

  If she’s going back there now, at least it means Penny and Milo are still alive. Logan dared not let his mind wander any further. He didn’t want to explore the deep, dark thoughts that threatened to break him.

  They clung to hope while they clung to the dragon’s back as he stalked the car, waiting to pounce. Logan could sense his brother’s pent-up fury, only contained because they needed Sophie alive. At least until Penny and Milo were found.

  Ivan is not a murderer, his wolf reminded him. No matter what Sophie has done, she belongs in the hands of the authorities.

  I thought you wanted to rip her throat out, Logan replied.

  Oh, I do. But wanting that kind of revenge and taking it are two different things.

  The car reached thick snow and could go no farther. Sophie got out of the car and started to walk, it was another mile to the cabin over difficult terrain. The trail leading to Logan’s cabin was no more than a rough path threading through the trees. In normal conditions a car would make the journey easily, these were not normal conditions. The closer they got to the cabin, the more the snow deepened, and the temperature dropped.

  Logan could see his breath as he breathed in and out. With each breath, the dragon emitted a cloud of vapor that instantly turned to water droplets and fell to the ground like rain. If it got much colder, their breath would freeze instantly.

  Beneath him, the dragon suddenly wheeled to the right and glided away on silent wings, Logan wanted to yell at him and ask him just what the hell he was doing, but that would give away their surprise and he trusted Ivan. With his life and that of his mate.

  Landing silently in the snow, the dragon turned his head to look at Logan. He got the message and slid to the ground so that Ivan could shift. They needed to talk.

  “She’s going to your cabin. I can’t tell if Penny and Milo are there, can you?” Ivan asked as soon as he regained his human form.

  Logan shook his head. “I need to be a little closer.”

  “Me, too. It’s like something is blocking me. I suspect it’s Sophie, she’s also making the temperature drop.” Ivan’s jaw tightened.

  “What is it?” Logan asked.

  “She’s powerful. Very powerful, and I can sense somethi
ng else in her.” He put his fist to his chest, “It’s like…rage. She’s consumed with it. Which makes her very dangerous.”

  “We should split up. I can shift and run from here. Unless she can sense me, she won’t be able to see me against the snow. This is my territory, I know it like the back of my paw.” Logan raked his hand through his hair. “Can you distract her?” He sighed. “I hate to ask and put you in danger.”

  “You don’t have to ask. For your mate and her child, you know I would do anything.” He stepped forward and hugged Logan. “We’re brothers. Blood or no blood, that doesn’t change what we are. Penny and Milo are my family, and a dragon would die for those he loves.”

  Logan swallowed a lump in his throat. “Thank you. It’s more than I could ever ask of you or any of the others.”

  “You know we all feel the same way. At least, Dario would if he ever gets back to town.” Ivan nodded. “I might have to incinerate Sophie to stop her.”

  “Let’s make sure we exhaust every other plan first. I don’t want this on you, Ivan.” Logan patted his brother’s back. “I love you, man.”

  “Of course you do. Everyone loves a dragon.” Ivan winked and then turned and ran from his brother, shifting in midair to fly into the sky as if he’d never been there.

  Except for the big footprints in the snow, his wolf said lightly.

  Yeah, those would take some explaining anywhere but here. Logan stared in the direction of his cabin, forcing his shifter senses to penetrate the barrier that seemed to surround it. Ivan was right, Sophie was a powerful witch.

  How come we never sensed her before? His wolf snapped at the air, wanting to taste witch blood.

  She must have kept her power low, so we couldn’t sense it, now she’s drawing in all the power she can. It’s like she’s a bomb about to explode.

  Then it’s time we took her down. His wolf sprang free as soon as Logan relinquished his hold on the world around him. This was their fight and they planned to take it right to the witch.

  And win.

  His wolf ran through the snow, his white fur blending in perfectly. Even in daylight, he’d perfected the art of melting into the snowy scenery around him. His white fur was made for snow, even if it gave him a disadvantage when the sun shone, and the leaves were green.

  As he neared the cabin, the temperature once again began to drop. He could sense the witch but little else.

  Is she blocking it out or is she just so powerful that we can’t focus on anything else? Logan didn’t have the answer, but despite the power of the witch they were about to confront, he didn’t slow his pace.

  Life without the mate he’d just found was unthinkable. That wasn’t how this was going to turn out. Not if he had any say in it.

  She’s close to the cabin, his wolf told him. I can get a sense of the others there. Three others. His wolf shook his head. Who is the other person?

  And is he a friend or foe?

  The warlock, his wolf growled as they neared the scene. He has Milo. He moved his head from side to side trying to locate Penny. She was closer to the witch who was almost upon them.

  Logan’s wolf flattened as he ran at full speed toward the place he called home. He would not let the witch hurt them. As for the warlock, he was going to get what was coming to him.

  Logan wove in and out of the trees, the snow flicking up as his paws bit into the cold snow.

  “You escaped the cabin,” Sophie’s voice carried across the distance between Logan and the cabin. “Bravo.” Only it didn’t sound like Sophie’s voice. There was something different about it.

  Cracked, like broken glass, his wolf replied.

  “Leave now, witch,” the warlock’s voice boomed.

  “Not when I am so close to completing my cunning plan.” She cackled into the frosty air.

  “What plan?” the warlock asked.

  “Why don’t you join us, Penny, instead of skulking in the trees? Don’t you think I see you?”

  Logan was close enough to watch the events unfold but too far away to stop them as the witch pulled Penny out of the trees, her fingers curled as she beckoned to her.

  Penny was powerless to stop it. “What do you want?” his mate asked.

  “Oh, so much.” She cackled again and as Logan got closer, he saw her face was as cracked as her voice. “I have a list.”

  “What do you want with us?” Penny was closer to the witch now, ten feet or less. He needed to act.

  “Well, I didn’t want anything with you. You just showed up and got in the way.” Sophie tapped her chin. “And then I thought…this is a sign.”

  “What kind of sign?” Penny was calm despite the imminent danger she was in.

  She has a plan, his wolf said.

  We can’t be sure, Logan answered, pushing his wolf to get closer, to help his mate.

  “Well, since you are not going to make it out of here in one piece, I’ll tell you. Not because you deserve to know, but because the misery of your mate will shatter your heart.” The witch stepped closer to Penny who seemed to be resisting. “Come to me, my pretty. Oh, I can’t wait to wear that young body of yours.” She shivered in delight.

  “You’re crazy.” Penny stood still as if frozen. But the temperature was growing warmer, the snow on the tree branches melting as if the sun were shining down on them.

  “That might be true.” Sophie sighed. “But sometimes only a crazy plan will do.”

  “Out with it, witch,” the warlock called.

  They’re stalling for time, his wolf said. The warlock is doing something.

  “It all started forty years ago, there was a hotel in Wishing Moon Bay where a powerful warlock lived. He hosted the best parties and people came from all over the world to attend them and stay in the hotel. He had a beautiful young fiancée who loved him so much. They promised each other there would never be anyone else. But then the warlock made a mistake and disappeared. His beautiful fiancée could feel him, trapped in the very hotel he loved so much. But she was powerless to free him.”

  “You’re talking about the Wishing Moon Hotel and you are the beautiful fiancée?” Penny asked. “Although, the beautiful part is not so obvious now. Perhaps you should have moisturized a little more.”

  “Joke all you want. But soon I will have your young face.” Sophie touched her wrinkled skin.

  “You plan to take over my body?” Penny didn’t hide her shock.

  “I am.” Sophie wagged her finger at Penny. “It’s all your fault. If you hadn’t come here, I was just going to bring back my beloved and put him in the body of Logan. Valerie would leave him the hotel when she permanently retired and then he’d have realized I was the one he was supposed to be with. Delayed fated mating. At least that’s what everyone would think.”

  “You were going to steal Logan’s body?” Penny asked in disgust.

  “His body, his life. But not for myself. For my beloved Radley.” Her expression softened as the snow continued to melt.

  “Rad the Bad.”

  “The one and only. But then you came along, and my plans changed.” Sophie sneered. “Logan was locked onto you, his mate, and suddenly he was out of my reach.”

  “And so you chose…” Penny half-turned to look at the warlock.

  Sophie sighed. “I’d have preferred to look at Logan’s face every day. But then I had a plan for revenge. What if I take his mate? Rad can have the warlock’s body since it’s wasted on him. So much potential but no power. And I will have yours. We would be lovers.”

  “And Logan will lose his mate.” Penny looked down at the snow, her foot kicking at the slush before she lifted her head and faced Sophie. “You’re melting the snow.”

  Sophie laughed, bent double as she held her hand against her stomach. “You thought you were stalling so the warlock could finish the runes of protection in the snow. But I was making things toasty so there would be no snow.”

  Penny reacted in a sudden flurry of movement, her arms outstretched as she ran at
Sophie. The witch raised her hands to stop Penny in her tracks, but her powers had no effect.

  No! Logan yelled at his wolf, who sprang forward, using his shifter speed to reach their mate as she closed her arms around the witch.

  “You can’t hold me forever,” Sophie wriggled in Penny’s arms as she fought to get free.

  “Run!” she called to the warlock and Jeremy took hold of Milo’s hand and made a dash for freedom.

  Logan’s wolf closed the distance between him and the witch who wanted to take his mate from him. As he reached them, he shifted into his human form, balled his hand into a fist, and slugged Sophie in the jaw.

  “I have never hit a woman before,” he ground out as Sophie reeled away from him, her eyes rolling back in her skull as she lost consciousness.

  “Logan.” Penny sobbed as she fell to the ground with Sophie. “You found us.”

  Above their heads, a shadow fell on them. Four faces turned upward in awe as the dragon landed only feet away.

  “Ivan.” Logan wanted nothing more than to pull his mate into his arms, but he resisted the temptation. The witch might be down, but she wasn’t out. As soon as she regained consciousness, she would be a threat to them all.

  “Her power has seeped away.” The warlock let go of Milo, turned, and ran away.

  “Coward.” Ivan ran toward them.

  “He’s gone for the rope in the shed,” Penny said quickly, her arms tightly wrapped around the witch.

  “You can let her go, if she tries anything, I’ll incinerate her,” Ivan said bitterly.

  “The twins are here.” Logan shifted his attention to the path where two large bears appeared out of the darkness.

  “We missed the fun,” Aiden said drily, as he shifted into his human form. Caleb remained a bear, his eyes fixed on Sophie, ready to attack if she stirred up more trouble.

  “We’re going to fly back to town. Can you drive the car back, if it’ll start?” Logan glanced over his shoulder as the warlock came back with the rope.

  “We’ll go now if you are okay here,” Aiden eyed the witch nervously.

  “We have it under control.” Logan nodded his thanks to his brothers.


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