His Contrary Bride (A Gentleman's Guide to One Upon a Time - Book 2)

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His Contrary Bride (A Gentleman's Guide to One Upon a Time - Book 2) Page 19

by Charles, Jane

  Marius sank into the chair beside the window and sipped the fiery liquid. Surely she will understand the necessity to rush. Her life could very well depend on it and he needed to keep her safe.

  He started at the quiet knock and looked toward the door as it opened. His mother popped her head in. “Your bride has arrived so make yourself ready.”

  The woman glowed with happiness, no doubt she would be hoping for grandchildren within the next year. Marius bit back a grin. He would be happy to facilitate that very desire, and would begin this very night. Heaven knew he had wanted to make love to Sabrina for months now, and imagined the many ways he would give her pleasure. He just hoped he lasted long enough given he had been in a state of need for so long his control may disappear the moment he had her in bed.

  He followed Taylor from the library into the parlor where their guests awaited. His friends took seats with their wives.

  The minister took his place beside Marius and they both turned toward the door. The moment she stepped into the room his breath caught. She was more beautiful than he imagined when he chose the fabric and design of the dress. He was also surprised by the paleness of her skin, and barely a smile upon her lips. His gut tightened. She was upset. He promised himself to make it up to her, somehow, for taking control of her wedding day.

  * * *

  Sabrina truly felt like a princess when she entered the home of Lord and Lady Wilkes and saw the look on Marius’s face. She would carry that memory always. He really, truly loved her. If only she didn’t have to worry about that one small problem with tonight, the day would be perfect.

  Sabrina studied his face, remembering the first time she had seen him standing in the foyer of the academy. She had been drawn to him in that moment. Never would she have dreamed it would have led to this. The sheer emotion of love she had for this handsome man clogged her throat and tears formed in her eyes. Marius smiled lovingly as if he understood everything she was feeling. She blinked them away. She had cried enough tears today. In fact, she was a veritable watering pot. She needed to gain control of her emotions now or she would be sobbing like a baby before they were ever pronounced man and wife.

  The kiss he bestowed on her was the sweetest, most loving, and wonderful kiss she had ever experienced. It was so unlike the other kisses she had received from him. Those spoke of passion, this one spoke of love and her heart cinched. She was the luckiest bride alive, almost.

  Dinner passed in a blur. If questioned, Sabrina would not be able to say she ate or relay the topic of any discussion she had been involved in. By the time the meal ended her stomach threatened to reject the food and a headache had begun at the base of her skull.

  “Sabrina.” Marius’ voice broke through her muddled thoughts. “We should retreat to the library and wait for the announcement.” He stood and moved to pull her chair out for her. “Guests for the ball will be arriving soon.”

  This was the moment she dreaded. She allowed him to take her arm. Once they entered the library, Marius shut the door and turned toward her.

  “Sabrina, I am sorry, but I didn’t feel I had any choice.”

  She blinked up at him. What was he talking about?

  “I don’t trust that your uncle will not do you harm, especially now. I didn’t want to leave you unprotected another moment.”

  “I understand.” Why was he going on like this?

  Marius turned away and began to pace and pushing his fingers through his hair. “I know that brides like to choose their own dress and plan their own wedding. I don’t blame you for being upset that I took this from you.”

  He was making no sense. “Marius, what are you talking about?”

  He stopped and looked at her. “You’re upset and I am trying to apologize.”

  It finally dawned on her what he was trying to apologize for. Sabrina stepped forward and took his hand. “I am not upset about any of the things you mentioned. I couldn’t have chosen a lovelier gown myself.”

  “But you are angry over something, or perhaps worried.”

  The moment of truth had come and Sabrina turned away. She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “I’ve been worried that you will be angry with me, or at least disappointed.”

  “Sabrina, how could I possibly be angry with you, especially today.”

  She took a deep breath and blurted out, “Because we can’t be intimate.”

  * * *

  Marius was approaching from behind to offer comfort but her words stopped him in his tracks. So, that is why she is so pale. She is worried about tonight. A smile pulled at his lips and he continued forward until he could pull her close and wrapped his arms around her waist. “There is nothing to be worried about. I am sure all brides are nervous. . .”

  She pulled away from him, her back rigid. “That isn’t it.”

  He couldn’t imagine why else she would make such a statement.

  Sabrina turned to look at him, eyes moist with tears and face red as the deepest roses in his mother’s garden. His heart sank.

  She blinked a few times and looked at the ceiling, as if searching for the right words. The fact that she was clearly embarrassed by the hue of her skin set his mind to other possibilities. No, anything but that. “Sabrina, is it because of a female matter?” Now his face heated. He had never had a discussion such as this, especially with a woman. He learned the facts at a young age and it was never discussed again.

  “Yes,” she squeaked out.

  “When?” He asked with slow deliberation. Let it be days already, please.

  “This morning.” Her voice was so quiet he was afraid, or perhaps hoped, he hadn’t heard right, but his gut told him he had.

  “How long?”

  Sabrina bit her bottom lip and looked at the floor. “About five days.”

  “No,” Marius groaned. This was not happening to him. He had waited months to be with her and couldn’t wait to make love to Sabrina and now that she was his wife, he could, but not for five more days.

  A tear slipped down her cheek and he immediately regretted his reaction.

  “Are you very angry with me?” She asked the question to the carpet, still not looking at him.”

  “Angry? Of course not.” He marched forward, put his finger under her chin and forced her to look up at him. “How could I possibly be angry at something like this? It isn’t as if you have any control over the situation.”

  Sabrina let out a breath and her shoulders relaxed. This was what had her in a state of nerves, near panic, at dinner.

  “Disappointed?” Her eyes searched his face.

  “Very,” he easily admitted with a smile. “I was greatly anticipating tonight but one can’t control nature.”

  She straightened again.

  He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers; reminding himself that passion would be of no benefit at the moment. When he pulled back he smiled down at her. “I will simply have to wait a bit longer than I planned.” He pulled her closer. “However, when the time comes, you will be mine. I may not let you out of bed for a week.”

  Her eyes grew wide and she bit her bottom lip. Good Lord, he needed to be quiet before he had her sick with worry for the next week.

  “I love you,” The words were soft and the relief in her eyes tore at his heart.

  “And I love you. More than I ever thought it possible to love another human being.”

  A knock at the door interrupted them and husband and wife pulled apart.

  “Come,” Marius called.

  The footman entered and bowed. “It is time.” He bowed his head and exited the room.

  Marius took Sabrina’s arm and led her down the hallway and stopped right before the door where they could hear his mother’s announcement.

  “There have been a number of discussions this evening regarding my son and Lady Sabrina.” His mother’s voice rang out from the ballroom over the crowd and Marius escorted his wife toward the entrance. “I, for one, am thankful the truth is out and all ca
n now see that Lady Sabrina is an innocent young woman caught up in difficult circumstances.” A number of heads nodded at her statement. “Given that the truth is now known it gives me great pleasure to announce that my son, Marius Parker, married Lady Sabrina Chester just four short hours ago and that is entire reason for this ball.”

  Marius gave his wife a quick kiss and escorted her through the door.

  “May I introduce Mr. Marius Parker and his wife, Lady Sabrina Parker.”

  * * *

  The groom pulled the bride into the entry. Sabrina knew his mother would announce their marriage but this was more than she expected. Much like dinner, the ball was a blur. This time the cause was pure elation at finally marrying the man she loved, a whirlwind of dancing, and the constantly flowing champagne probably had a lot to do with it as well. Everything was right in the world.

  Shortly before midnight Marius pulled Sabrina from the gathering. She was pleasantly exhausted and allowed him to lead her to the carriage for the ride to her new home.

  Reece, Marius’s butler, was waiting to open the door when they arrived. After welcoming the new lady to the home he disappeared. Marius led Sabrina up the stairs to the room she would use as her own. Molly was waiting for Sabrina and took over readying her for the night after Marius closed the door. Relief flowed through her to know she would have a chamber to herself. She may have shared a bed with Marius once before, but they weren’t married. In fact, they barely knew each other. Much had changed since then.

  Sabrina stood in the center of her new chamber and turned a slow circle in awe. It was larger than any room she had ever slept in before. A fire burned bright, taking away any chill the night would have brought on, and a large bed, made of cherry wood sat on the opposite wall, a dark rose coverlet falling to the floor on both sides. An evergreen chair sat beside the fireplace along with a small table. Beneath the window, a settee, upholstered in a lighter green sat with throw pillows covered in dark rose rested against the back. Sabrina sighed. It was a perfect room for Cinderella.

  Given the circumstances Sabrina didn’t expect to see Marius until tomorrow morning so she washed, brushed her hair, donned her nightgown and was soon tucked into the bed. Excitement of the day still flowed through her but she was also exhausted all the same. One thing was certain, this would be her most memorable birthday.

  * * *

  As this night was not going to turn out how he planned, Marius opted for a night shirt he hadn’t worn in years to preserve Sabrina’s modesty. Less than a week, he reminded himself, and then he could return to how he preferred to sleep – in nothing at all. He poured a glass of wine and waited for his bride but when half an hour passed he tapped on the door connecting their rooms and stepped through when she answered. Though he wasn’t sure what to expect, he was surprised to find her in bed. Her white night gown was buttoned to the throat and her hair spilled down around her shoulders. This was going to be the most difficult night of his life. He’d thought the revealing items he had purchased would be provocative. Nothing could compare to the virginal night gown she now wore.

  She looked up at him shyly. “Did you come to say goodnight?”

  He stepped through the door and walked until he stood next to the bed. “Not exactly. It was my intention that you would be more comfortable readying yourself for bed in here.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It is not my intention for you to sleep in here however.”

  “But Marius, you know...”

  “That has nothing to do with the situation,” he interrupted her. “I have no intention of sleeping away from my wife tonight or any night.”

  “I thought it was customary that husbands and wives sleep apart, except for more intimate moments.”

  “Not as far as I am concerned.” He pulled the covers away and scooped her out of the bed. “Besides, one never knows when intimacy is desired and it is damn inconvenient when your spouse is in another bed.” He carried her through the adjourning door and deposited her in his bed. Standing back he looked down at her. “This is much more to my liking.”

  Chapter 22

  As she had the first night they shared a bed all those months ago, Sabrina stayed to one side of the bed until she fell asleep. Though he wanted to hold her, Marius felt it best for his own sanity to remain away. It had taken him well over an hour to fall asleep. He knew he hadn’t slept for long before awakening again. Sabrina, in her sleep, had curled around him. His arm rested around her waist. Her hand rested on his abdomen. Completely awake, he stared into the darkness. Enjoying the feel of her and aching with need. It wasn’t until she rolled on her other side and snuggled her backside against him that he was able to relax again after willing the desirous tension to leave his body. He slept fitfully afterward, always waking to find himself wrapped around her from behind. By the time the sky began to lighten he had finally given up sleeping altogether. Quietly he dressed and left the room.

  The house was completely deserted, which is how he had planned it for this week and had given each of the servants a holiday. Making his way to the kitchen he looked for something to occupy him and was soon kneading bread for that day.

  This is not how he had planned on spending the first morning after being married. Of course he knew he would be seeing to their meals, and he didn’t mind, but not this early. He had envisioned that he and Sabrina would do everything together in the solitude of the house. Of course that everything had only included cooking, eating, sleeping, and making love. He should be happy to have three of those, Marius admonished himself. Besides, a week wasn’t forever; it would just feel like it. He punched his fist into the rising dough but it did little to alleviate his frustration.

  * * *

  Sabrina woke to an empty room and bed. After washing and brushing her hair , she went in search of her clothing. There were half a dozen dresses in the closet but she did not recognize them, other than the wedding dress from yesterday. The drawers in the armoire were partially full, but none of these items were familiar either and she was especially embarrassed over some of the more delicate, sheer material. Quickly shutting the drawers and looked for another similar cabinet, but none were to be found. Returning to Marius’ chamber, she stood in the middle of the room wondering where her clothes were. Worse, though she tried not to dwell on it, who did those other items belonged to? Marius must have forgotten that his mistress had left her clothing behind or surely he would have gotten rid of them before he married.

  She turned and looked at the bed. How many women had shared it with her husband? Sabrina abruptly turned, not liking where her thoughts were going. Marius promised to faithful to her and Sabrina trusted him in that. This was the first day of the rest of their life together and she must ignore what probably occurred in the past. But first, she had to find her clothes and second, find a way to get rid of the others. Returning to bed, she decided to wait until Molly made an appearance so she could find out where her clothes had been stored.

  * * *

  Marius was smiling as he mounted the stairs. It hadn’t been his original intention when he had gone to the kitchen but as he cooked the thought came to him. What better way for a bride to wake than with breakfast served to her in bed by her new husband? Well, there was one better way, but it was best not to dwell on what he could not have.

  He also envisioned waking her with kisses before placing the tray on her lap. He had not expected her to be sitting up in bed with a pondering look on her face. She must have been up at least once because her hair was brushed and pulled back with one of the ribbons he had seen with her toiletries. Lord, she was beautiful and enticing.

  Sabrina appeared as shocked to see Marius standing in the door as he appeared at finding her.

  “What are you doing up?” He asked.

  “I thought I would dress and join you for breakfast.”

  Smiling, he stepped further into the room. “Oh, you’ll be joining me for breakfast, but I had something a little different in mind.” />
  “What would that be?”

  “Breakfast in bed of course.” He placed the large tray in the middle of the bed.

  The aroma of fresh, hot bread and coffee was strong. Sabrina’s stomach grumbled while Marius sat carefully on the other side of the bed. He bit back a smile at the sound. It reminded him of the first meal they shared together after he picked her up on the side of the road. He proceeded to prepare a plate of ham, eggs, and fresh bread with raspberry preserves. Coffee and chocolate accompanied the meal.

  “This is delicious.” Sabrina finished off a slice of bread.

  “Thank you. I hoped you would be pleased.”

  Eyeing him curiously. “You prepared this yourself?”

  “Of course. Besides, there is no one else. I gave all the servants a holiday for a week.”

  Sabrina’s eyes widened. “All of the servants? Why?”

  “Because, my dear, I wanted to be completely alone with you.”

  She frowned. “I am just surprised.”

  Marius hastily continued. “I wasn’t able to plan a wedding trip. I hope you are not disappointed.”

  “Of course I’m not disappointed. I am happy to be here with you.” Pausing as she sipped her chocolate. “Are we going to be reclusive as well?”

  “That had been my plan. However, circumstances have caused me to alter those plans.”

  Sabrina blushed. So he had thought to spend a week like That.

  “Instead, I’ll take you to the museums and all those other mentally stimulating places you wanted to visit.

  Sabrina smiled at this. “That will be wonderful and I only see one problem.”

  He quirked his eyebrow in question.

  “Do you know where my clothing is?”


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