His Contrary Bride (A Gentleman's Guide to One Upon a Time - Book 2)

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His Contrary Bride (A Gentleman's Guide to One Upon a Time - Book 2) Page 22

by Charles, Jane

  Marius had already guessed that is what the man had done and almost positive he would have done the same in similar circumstances. “May I see those books?”

  Reluctantly, Mr. Harden handed them over which Marius reviewed quickly. Even with the high rents skimmed off, Lord Chesterfield was becoming extremely rich. “I understand why you took this action and I hope in the future the same is not necessary.” Closing the book he placed it on top of the other. “I would like to take these with me to review so I can decide the best way to proceed. In the meantime, return the rent to those whom you trust to keep our secret. Only those you completely trust and take the rent money from the profits. It galls me to send that man anything but the rents are due and I am not ready to alert him to my presence.”

  “Then I am still employed, Mr. Parker?” The solicitor asked as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “Yes, Mr. Harden. However, in the future if anyone runs into any type of difficulty I would like it brought to my attention. I assure you nobody will be burned out of their home. Lord knows I know how that feels.

  After a few more apologies from Mary and assurances that their secret was safe, Sabrina and Marius finally left the solicitors office. Together they walked through the small town, observing the business, most of which were closed. It seemed only those who dealt with the basic necessities remained open, though Marius doubted they were profitable. It was decided they would purchase a horse and wagon or carriage to take them to their home. The walk wasn’t overly far but Marius had anticipated that they would be needing a number of supplies for the long vacant house.

  While he went to the stables, Sabrina went in the opposite direction, to the modiste at the end of the street.

  * * *

  The bell tinkled over the door as she entered the small, but bright shop. No one was in the front but voices could be heard whispering beyond the closed curtain. Approaching the counter, which held a small selection of gloves, she called out. “Hello?” directing her voice toward the curtain. The whispers immediately stopped and she could hear soft footsteps approaching.

  A younger woman entered and took in Sabrina’s appearance. “May I help you?”

  After Mary’s earlier reaction, Sabrina didn’t give her name and proceeded with the reason she came here. “Yes, I need some dresses, undergarments, everything. You see, my home was recently destroyed and the only clothing I own I have now worn for three days.”

  The woman began to smile. “I am sure I have a few things you can take now. The rest can be made up and delivered later.”

  Sabrina sighed gratefully. Though the dress she wore wasn’t a poor fit, she longed to be in something new and clean. “You have no idea how grateful I am to hear that.”

  The young woman nodded her head. “Why don’t you come into the back and we will get your measurements.”

  Happily, Sabrina followed her only to find Mary sitting by a well-lit window sewing. Quickly the woman stood. “Lady Sabrina.”

  “Hello again, Mary. Is this where you work?”

  “Yes. Bridget was kind enough to offer me a position mending. There isn’t much demand for new dresses but the bachelors still need a woman to mend their clothing until it is too worn to mend any longer.”

  At the other woman’s instructions, Sabrina stripped off the offensive gown and stood on the stool to be measured while engaging Mary in conversation. She learned that her son was only three and that Mary’s sister took care of him while she worked. The babe she carried was to arrive in only two months. Sabrina was warming to Mary but the woman was still uncomfortable, which Sabrina attributed to her embarrassment from what had occurred in the solicitor’s office. Sabrina had put it behind her. How could she blame the young woman, or anyone else for that matter, for hating her after her uncle’s lies?

  The seamstress remained quiet throughout the measuring and left only to return with some dresses. Sabrina knew immediately the woman misunderstood what she needed. The gowns were lovely and made of fine satin and silk. The colors were those of ruby, emerald, and blue. They were also impractical for her current needs. Openly she admired the dresses before addressing the seamstress. “They are very lovely indeed. Unfortunately, they are not what I need at the moment.”

  “You are Lady Sabrina, no?”

  “Yes, but I need more serviceable gowns. I doubt I’ll be doing any entertaining and I suspect much work will need to be done. I could probably use a few aprons as well.”

  “I don’t understand, you can hire others to do the work.” The seamstress added.

  “I have no doubt that my husband and I will be hiring help shortly. For now though, the cleaning falls to me. Besides, I enjoy cleaning and hate to be idle.”

  The woman left with the gowns to retrieve more practical items.

  “How long ago did you marry Mr. Parker?” Mary inquired, clearly becoming more comfortable with Sabrina.

  “Last week.”

  “Oh.” Mary smiled. “That explains why your husband wants to be alone for a few days.”

  Sabrina caught her meaning and blushed.

  “Escaping fires and traveling on public coaches isn’t how most prefer to spend the first days of marriage.”

  Sabrina’s blush deepened. “No. It isn’t.”

  Thank goodness the seamstress returned just then with half a dozen cotton muslin dresses suitable for working. “Those are perfect. Do you have the other necessities?”

  “Of course, Lady Sabrina. Can I assume you wish your undergarments to be durable as well.”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Sabrina pretended to study the dresses while Mary watched her curiously. In a few moments the seamstress returned with everything Sabrina would need.

  “Once everything is straightened out, I hope to have reason to come back for the first dresses you showed me.”

  The woman returned her smile. “Is there anything else you require?”

  Sabrina thought for a moment. “No. I believe this is everything.”

  Mary stood to come stand by them. “What of night gowns?”

  “Oh my, yes. Of course. I have been sleeping in my chemise.”

  Mary looked at her oddly again before addressing her employer. “Why don’t you show her the non-durable gowns.” Turning back to Sabrina. “You won’t be working all the time and should have some nice things.”

  Bridget returned shortly with some night rails. Remembering what Marius had purchased previously, Sabrina studied these with embarrassing interest. They were far from modest. There were two she chose before she came to the last. Gasping, she held the garment out to examine it. Never had she seen such beautiful handiwork and Sabrina just had to have the item. The seamstress smiled brightly. “You are a woman of exquisite taste.” Taking the items Sabrina had selected, she began wrapping them in paper. “I learn much from my customers based on what they purchase. It will be easier to design for you in the future, Lady Sabrina.”

  Sabrina simply smiled, waiting for the purchases to be tabulated. Tonight she would wear the beautiful night dress. She had no doubt that Marius was ready to proceed onto their next step. Even though he was up before her in the morning and hadn’t come to bed until after she slept after the first couple of nights, she knew he wanted intimacy. Just last night he had begun kissing her, then caressing. Sabrina thought last night she would finally learn the truth. But no. Marius had pulled away groaning. He didn’t want their first time together to be in a coaching inn and muttered something about having to wait until they had a home and their own bed. He then promptly sent her off to bed while he sipped wine by the fire.

  Since they had left London he had remained close to her, constantly touching her, and an arm about her shoulders while they were crammed into the coach. Sabrina herself was longing to be closer, physically. His touch made her want him to touch her more and she couldn’t explain it to herself. She became anxious to discover exactly what a man and woman experienced together in the most intimate of ways. Th
e voice of the seamstress intruded on Sabrina’s thoughts. Surely she had heard incorrectly. “Pardon me?”

  The seamstress named the price of Sabrina’s purchases again.

  She could only stare at the woman. A mistake must have been made.

  “Is the price too high, Lady Sabrina?” The seamstress asked, becoming worried.

  Slowly she shook her head. “No. I expected to pay much more. Are you sure a mistake wasn’t made?”

  The seamstress smiled gently. “No mistake, Madame. I’m afraid you are used to prices in London. Here we don’t need to spend near as much to clothe ourselves.”

  Sabrina withdrew the funds she had hidden away and paid the seamstress, very pleased at what she perceived as a bargain.

  Leaving the shop, she strolled the street toward the stables. Her mind was filled with the gown. Would she have the nerve to wear it? Part of her longed to expose herself in such a way. Her more insecure part was scared to death and wanted to wait for Marius to make the request first.

  Chapter 26

  Marius had spent the time gathering the items he thought they would need to live and eat alone for the next few days. A number of supplies were purchased, not knowing the condition of the house, along with additional clothing for himself. Never in his life had he longed for a bath as he did now. Unfortunately, it was still hours away. Who knew what they would find. He shrugged as he put the last of the materials in the back of the wagon. It really didn’t matter what they found. As long as there was a bed and he was finally alone with Sabrina to truly begin their marriage.

  The drive was short and extremely quiet. When Marius asked about Sabrina’s purchases she vaguely answered. “A few dresses and such.”

  She turned red and turned to look away from him. What was so embarrassing about a few dresses?

  Turning off the road and onto the tree lined drive, Marius drove the wagon another distance until the house came into view. Once they had finally emerged from the trees they stopped, gasping as they took in the structure. Together their eyes took in the front, main floor, noting how long the house was before their eyes traveled up the structure, stopping after four stories and a number of chimneys. The house was of a reddish stone and the design seemed to date back to the Elizabethan Era.

  Lawns and gardens spread out, surrounding the house, completely overgrown.

  “This isn’t exactly what I was expecting.” Marius stated.

  “I had visited on occasion as a child and remember thinking the house was huge. I just assumed that it was a child’s perspective and it was actually an ordinary house.”

  “My dear, this is far from an ordinary country house.” Marius chuckled.

  Sabrina turned toward him with searching eyes. “Are you disappointed? I know it needs a lot of work and nobody has lived here for years.”

  Marius reached over and squeezed her hand. “I am far from disappointed. Before us is a very grand old house and it will be grand once we bring it back to its former beauty.”

  Sabrina turned back to survey the house and lawn once again. “That could be years. I’m afraid even this house is beyond me.”

  Marius laughed and set the horses to motion. “Never fear, dear. I’m sure I can afford a few servants to help you.”

  “A few? More like an army.” Sabrina stated as they stopped at the front door and Marius helped her down.

  He was in good spirits. They had finally arrived at their destination and still had at least a few days before they had to begin worrying about Chesterfield. What he said was the truth. The house was far grander than he had expected and the lands surrounding it were fertile. Marius could envision how it would appear when the work was completed. “I recall you specifically telling me that you didn’t want to be an ordinary wife but needed a purpose.”

  Sabrina stared at him. “I don’t mind the work but even this is much more of a purpose than I need.”

  Marius pulled her to the door. “I’m teasing wife. This house will require dozens of servants just to get it in order and keep it that way.” He unlocked the door with the key he’d been given by the solicitor and opened the door into a dark foyer. Sabrina allowed him to pull her inside. It was too dark to see anything as all the draperies had been closed. Lighting the candle, which sat inside the door, Marius wandered into the rooms directly off the main hall and Sabrina opened the curtains to let the day light in.

  All the furniture had been draped with cloth, as had what they assumed were art work on the walls. They wandered to the next room, to what Marius assumed was the library. The shelves that lined the room were empty but dozens of sealed crates were stacked in the room. For the most part, the rooms were no worse than dusty and nothing appeared to be in disrepair. If all the rooms had been preserved this way, perhaps the task would not be so difficult.

  The second floor contained bedrooms and sitting rooms. The third floor contained more bedrooms and the school room. The fourth floor obviously contained the servants’ rooms because they were smaller and the furniture, far from grand, had not been covered.

  Returning to the second floor Marius pulled Sabrina along as he inspected the bedrooms a second time, finally entering the one at the end of the hall. “This is it.” He stepped into the room. It was by far the largest with four doors leading off it. Opening the door separate from the others revealed a private study. The only access to this room was through the bedroom. The three doors on the opposite wall led to a bathing chamber, a dressing closet, and the adjoining room, which they inspected next. This chamber was large as well, but not nearly as large as the room they had just left. It also had a bathing chamber, and its own private sitting room that over-looked the gardens. Sabrina was quite happy with their suite of rooms.

  “These are obviously yours.” Marius stated, “But you can get rid of the bed for more room if you like. You won’t be sleeping here.”

  Sabrina refrained from speaking. Even if she didn’t sleep in here it would be practical to keep her things here so she and Marius weren’t crowded in the master chamber, if that were possible.

  Pausing at the top of the stairs Marius turned toward his wife. “Do you have a plan of action?”

  There were only two immediate needs. Food and sleep. “I suggest we get the kitchen in order and then our bedroom. The rest can be decided tomorrow.”

  Marius grinned at her. “I certainly agree.” Turning he began down the stairs. Personally he could care less about the kitchen. It was the chamber he was interested in. They had been married a week and nothing was going to prevent him from making Sabrina his own, tonight.

  The kitchen itself was not in bad shape either. With some dusting and scrubbing he would be able to cook in here. To speed matters up, he suggested Sabrina clean the chamber while he saw to the kitchen.

  “The kitchen is your domain more than mine.”

  Marius grinned at her. “Does that mean the bedroom is your domain, dear wife?”

  Flustered at what he could be suggesting, Sabrina quickly gathered the cleaning items and left while Marius chuckled behind her.

  Sabrina surveyed their chamber. Each piece of furniture was draped with cloths as they had been on the first floor of the house and the curtains were closed to the sunlight. The first thing she did was remove the curtains. This let sunlight in and she no longer needed the lamp. Carrying them down the back servant stairs she took them outside to hang over a line and began beating the dust out of them. Leaving them hanging, Sabrina returned to the chamber where she began meticulously cleaned from the ceiling to the floor. Within three hours, all dust had been removed, the walls had been washed and she proceeded to uncover the furniture.

  For five hours she scrubbed and dusted their chamber while Marius worked in the kitchen. In end, with a sense of satisfaction she made her way back downstairs. Marius had just finished cleaning the kitchen when Sabrina appeared. They were both dirty and dusty from their labors. Darkness was beginning to fall and Marius retrieved the food he would prepare for dinner.<
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  “The first improvement I am going to make to this house is pumped in water.” He announced.

  “I am in full agreement. As much as I would like a bath, I don’t relish carrying buckets of water up those stairs.” She sank onto a stool.

  “For tonight we will use this one.” Marius opened the door of a small room off of the kitchen.

  Sabrina stood to peer in. A larger than normal tub sat in front of a stove in the corner.

  “Water is heating. Why don’t you take your bath while I cook dinner.” Marius suggested.

  “Wouldn’t you like my help?” She wasn’t going to relax in a bath while he worked.

  “The kitchen is clean enough and as much as I love you, I think we can both agree that it is a task I should see to on my own.”

  Sabrina was still embarrassed at her lack of culinary skills.

  “You go ahead. I’ll bathe after we eat.”

  Sabrina didn’t have to be told a second time and she left the kitchen to retrieve a clean set of clothing for herself and Marius, along with towels and the soap he had purchased. By the time she returned, Marius had already filled the bath with the hot water and Sabrina couldn’t wait to sink into it.

  * * *

  While Marius prepared their simple meal he tried to ignore the sounds from the other room. Each splash or movement of water reminded him that his wife was in that room, completely naked. It took all of his self-control not to forget dinner and join her. He had to keep reminding himself that they had all night and he shouldn’t rush their joining. Still the simple thought of her in the water caused him to harden. Dinner would be a very long affair.

  Their meal was not finished cooking when Sabrina emerged from the room dressed in new, soft muslin gown and her hair wrapped in a towel. Smiling and glowing from scrubbing herself clean she approached the table. “The tub is drained. Have you put on more water or would you like me to do that?”


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