Chances (Mystic Nights #1)

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Chances (Mystic Nights #1) Page 5

by MJ Nightingale

  With every fiber in his being, Jonathan wanted to stake his claim on Aliya. He wanted to say, ‘I’m seeing her. Hands off. She’s mine,’ and he probably should have, but he resisted. She hadn’t agreed to a date. Yet. Though she conceded to other things with him. The auditorium was now empty. He saw the curtains move, and then as if on cue he saw Aliya emerge from behind the green velvet.

  Peter was the first to approach her, but Jonathan was quick on his heels. “Ah, we were just talking about you, my dear.” At Aliya’s raised eyebrows in Jonathan’s direction, she was met with silence as she walked down the stairs into the pit below. Peter reached his hand to her to help and added. “About your talent of course.”

  Aliya took the compliment with a small nod and smile, her eyes darting quickly to Jonathan as he fought to recover his control. Stepping between the two, he introduced Aliya to the other council members quickly.

  “We hear good things about you, Aliya,” Jason added.

  “We were talking about your idea of having a studio on the reservation in Lantern Hill,” Peter added and Aliya’s eyes lit up, her attention once again on Peter.

  “Oh, I’m very excited about it. I’m almost done preparing my proposal and presentation.” Aliya smiled at the small group before her, and then added. “I want the studio to be a place where our youth will learn traditional dances, folklore, learn about our culture, but also bring in elements of our modern world by teaching modern dance, ballroom, hip hop, and ballet. It will be a great physical outlet and offer a healthy alternative to our youth.” Aliya watched as both Jason and Myrtle nodded and smiled at her. Josephine’s face remained a stoic mask.

  “I’d love to hear more about it, Aliya,” Peter enunciated each word commanding her attention. His dark eyes were kindly. This man could possibly help her make her dreams come true. She needed three votes to get the space she needed on the reserve, although she could also rent something nearby. But her dream was to have it close to her patrons on the reservation, the children she wanted to serve. “We all look forward to reading your proposal and business plan.”

  “Oh, I’m very excited to answer your questions. Anytime.” Inside Jonathan groaned. She was opening herself to this man’s advances. He saw the gleam in Peter’s eyes. He’d talk to Aliya about this the first chance he got. Before he could intervene, Peter was speaking again. “Why don’t we have dinner and discuss it more? I’m sure it will help to have a friend on the council. Although we are all friends here,” he added chuckling, but included the other members of the council with a sweep of his beefy hands.

  “Yes, yes, of course.” She was beaming.

  Jonathan was pissed. Fuck no. His woman was not having dinner with this lecherous pig. Especially alone. And when he got her alone later tonight, he would be sure to tell her that. They began to walk up the aisle towards the exit. Aliya made her exit as Jonathan continued to escort the council members out. As per their earlier agreement, she would wait for him inside the Oneida, one of the small bars on the ground floor where they would have a drink and then go to his suite upstairs.

  As she waited for him, she hugged herself. Life was most assuredly getting better. Her decision to come home had been a good one. Meeting the council members tonight, and Peter, she would assuredly get the opportunity to have her studio on the reserve. And maybe sooner than she had hoped.

  Chapter 6


  “Peter, it’s nice to see you again,” Aliya shook the man’s hand as he stood up from the table. She had chosen to meet him here instead when he’d called her this morning. She had also suggested lunch instead of dinner. Dinner seemed more like a date, and she was here to discuss business. She’d listened to Jonathan’s concerns with concerns of her own. She saw the man’s interest in her. But for Jonathan to tell her not to be alone with the man was taking it a bit far. She was an adult, and more than capable of taking care of herself. Plus, she needed Peter’s support if she were to get her studio on the reservation any time in the near future.

  She was actually surprised he’d called so soon. Yes, last night when they talked after her performance he had suggested it, but then Jonathan cut them off and escorted them out while she waited for him to join her. That’s when Jonathan awkwardly brought up his concerns. And she read between the lines too. He was a bit jealous of the council members’ attentions. Whatever this was between them was confusing the hell out of her as well, so she tried to focus on what her goals were for her professional life.

  “And it’s lovely to see you,” he offered, pulling her towards him for a quick embrace before letting go of her hand. Aliya frowned briefly over the man’s shoulder, but accepted the quick hug not wanting to embarrass the councilman. She hoped he would support her plea for the old bingo hall without having to play his old boy club games. When he parted from her, she saw the look on the man’s face and recognized it for what it was and held her internal misgivings in check. This man was not going to make it easy for her. Narrowing his eyes, he watched her too closely as she got comfortable in her seat.

  He was assessing her, watching her every move and reaction. She would have to be blunt and up front with this man. She knew the type well from her years in Vegas. If it risked his support, so be it, but sometimes being forthcoming was the only way to deal with men like him. She needed to inform him right away that she was here for business purposes only so she forged ahead. “I’m so glad you called. I am very excited about this project. I really believe this is something that can benefit the reservation, especially our young people. But . . .” she paused before continuing, to choose just the right words. “Jonathan likes the idea as well. And, um, we are kind of seeing each other.” She saw Peter’s mask slip. Briefly. But his smile was in place before she could see how that news affected him.

  “Kind of?” He laughed and sat back, taking the glass of water the waitress just set before each of them. Was this girl trying to tell him to back off? She was smarter than he had given her credit for.

  Aliya nodded reaching for her own glass. She took a sip. “Yes. It’s new. I did not know if he had mentioned it. We have not made it public knowledge, but I did want to be upfront with you.” Direct. It was the only way.

  His smile looked sincere. “Well, then I wish you well with that endeavor.” But his tone spoke volumes. Jonathan’s reputation was well known, and she had no realistic expectations where that was concerned. But, it was a way to let Peter know this was just business. The man had expressed interest in her, and none to subtly either. Wanting to be diplomatic, she used her new relationship status to deter any further plays on his part. She wanted no entanglements or mixed messages. Later, she would also have to mention it to Jonathan, and hoped he didn’t mind.

  As soon as the waiter arrived, they both ordered sandwiches and she got straight down to business. She had a feeling though, that her confession had annoyed him. He was professional, but much cooler with her as the meal progressed and at times seemed distracted as she listed the benefits to having her studio on the reservation. Half way through her pitch, they were interrupted by his cell phone. He apologized as he glanced down to look at his phone. “I’m sorry Aliya, but I need to take this call.” His smile was shifting.

  “By all means,” she assented her agreement, and nibbled at the other half of her sandwich, trying not to ease drop. He wasn’t on the phone for very long.

  Slinging his phone into his inside jacket pocket, he picked up his napkin, dabbed at his chin, and then gave her an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, but I am going to have to leave early. It was the council office. Apparently there has been an emergency meeting of the board of directors called at Mystic Nights. I need to attend that meeting. So, sorry my dear.” He stood and pulled his wallet from his pocket.

  She rose with him as he dropped a few bills onto the table. “Oh, I hope it’s nothing too serious.” Her concern was genuine. The casino was the life blood of her people. They had invested heavily in its construction. It meant jobs, secu
rity, and would eventually help her reservation to thrive for all future generations. They had lived in poverty for so long. The success of the casino meant everything. But she couldn’t help her final pitch as he stepped away from his chair and began to tuck it under the table. “That’s why places like the one I want to open are so important. It will be educational, culturally influential, and provide a healthy service to our community’s youth.”

  “Of course, of course.” He reached for her outstretched hand for a quick shake, but she could tell he was already distracted thinking about the meeting as he rushed off. The man may have been old school and she didn’t envy his position in politics; the entire reserve depended on his judgment for their livelihood. He, the chief, and the other council members had been busy these last few years. Jonathan and his family too. Her concern switched to him with that thought as she watched Peter leave. The man was in a hurry and her worries about what the problem might be at the Mystic were renewed as he dashed to the door. She waited until the waitress came, assured her everything was all right with the food and service, and then made her way out of the restaurant. With her afternoon still free, she wanted to work on improving her business proposal.

  As she left, her thoughts suddenly turned to Jonathan. She smiled fondly remembering last night and his cautious and sincere concern for her when it came to Peter’s attentions. Then later, their lovemaking had been different. Not so rushed. Not so frantic like it was the last time. She had the thought to call and check on him. But what would she say? I just had lunch with Peter and was worried . . . No. That would not go well. Hi. Just calling to see how your day was going? Ugh, this was getting complicated. Why was she worrying about him anyway? Sighing, she shook her head to clear away those thoughts, and continued her trek to her car.

  But to her dismay, the man she had just been thinking about was approaching the popular deli she had just left. Jonathan. Bewildered, her head jerked to the side to take in his companion. On his arm was a stunning red head.

  The smile on his face froze when he saw her. He saw her look of disappointment. The one she quickly tried to mask. He looked behind him. And his anger came swiftly. Jonathan was fuming. He had just seen Peter leave. Rushing off to his car without even a wave in greeting. And now Aliya. What in the hell was going on, he mused, as he fixed his smile into place. He thought they had an understanding. He’d warned her last night about Peter. He thought she had understood what a lecherous pig the man was. But here she was leaving the same restaurant Peter just left. It definitely wasn’t a coincidence.

  He gave her a level stare as he approached closer. He knew she said it was just sex too. But he didn’t like to share his women either. He would have to make that clear. And once again he was thinking of yet another conversation they needed to have sooner, rather than later. He didn’t know where this was going between them, but he wanted exclusivity while it was happening.

  “Aliya,” he greeted her and blocked her path as she made to pass right by him without even acknowledging his presence. Like that didn’t send up a red flag.

  “Excuse me, Jonathan,” she tried to pass. She couldn’t believe the stab of pain she was feeling as she tried to avoid his questioning glare. His hand on her arm stopped her from passing on by, and a slight shake forced her eyes upwards. He was incredibly tall, but in her heels, she just had a few inches to look up to peer into his eyes.

  “What a surprise, Aliya. If I knew you would have been having lunch here, with Peter, no less, I would have suggested we all eat together.” His words surprised her, and she glanced to the red head. She looked bored.

  “Oh,” was all she could think to say.

  His smile had her pulse pounding as he directed his attention to the stunning red head in the mini skirt. In winter! She rolled her eyes. “Yes, let me introduce you to my guest, darling.” The red head’s eyes showed the first sign of interest. “Fiona, this is my girlfriend, Aliya Chance.”

  Aliya’s mouth went dry. He called her darling and claimed her as his girlfriend. Her initial thoughts about who this red head was fled. She forced herself to swallow as the red head put out her hand. She was too dumbfounded by Jonathan’s declaration to form words of her own. “How lovely,” Fiona purred.

  “Aliya is a dancer, and one of our choreographers at the casino. Perhaps your client, if we can lure him to our casino, will get a chance to work with her.” He saw Aliya’s suspicious eyes go through a myriad of emotions in the span of a second. Her eyes widened and then looked guilty. She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it. Then she blushed. His heart softened a bit. She too had been shocked to see him. Had made assumptions. He continued to give her more time to recover. “Fiona Healy is the manager of several bands and artists, Aliya. We are trying to lure Lucas Stryker to headline here when the new rooftop club, Spirits in the Sky, is open. Eve should be here soon.” He watched as Aliya gave the band manager a smile, and then a more demure one for him.

  Aliya finally found her voice. Hearing that he was not meeting with the gorgeous red head alone helped her recover. The gut stabbing emotion had left her speechless. She looked at Jonathan with new eyes. Turning to Fiona, she replied with enthusiasm to attempt to recover from the awkward situation she had put them in. “Oh, they are fantastic. That would be wonderful.” She had heard of the band, and the lead singer, Lucas Stryker, was incredible. His vocals, musical arrangements were genius. He was bringing soulful rock back to the scene.

  “Yes, he would be a great addition here. We know we can fill the club with him performing.” He gave the red head a broad smile. “He can continue to build his fan base here, and we will all benefit.”

  “It is tempting. It is something we will consider. If the deal is right.” Fiona wasn’t committing yet. Yes, this casino was getting rave reviews, but her client, and especially this client, who was a shooting star in her opinion, had to be handled just right. The woman then shivered in her short skirt.

  “Oh, let’s get you inside,” Jonathan expressed concern. “Will you join us, darling?”

  Again an endearment. Aliya had to admit, as she felt a warmth spreading through her, that Jonathan’s declarations felt amazing. Yes, it was true, she had not wanted to place a definition on what they were doing. Her studio was too important to her to risk a relationship with Jonathan Sassacus, her boss. But she had used the term, well somewhat, to get out of a sticky situation with Peter. So the fact he was thinking along those same terms helped to ease her initial shock of seeing him with Fiona. Aliya chanced another glance at the entertainment manager.

  Fiona was back to looking bored. Aliya decided to make a quick exit and let Jonathan get on with his business. “No. That’s okay. But, it was nice meeting you. I do have some errands to run though, so I will let you get to your business meeting. Will you call me later, Jonathan?” she asked as she turned around the couple so her back was now facing the exit.

  “Yes, I will.” His hand still clasped her arm. She nodded as she felt him tug her towards him. He bent to place a kiss on her cheek. His warm breath made her tingle in places she did not want to think about at the moment. “And I’ll see you later too.” Aliya nodded and as soon as his hand dropped down her arm after caressing the length of it, she left feeling suddenly confused and apprehensive. Just the stroke of his hand on her arm made her want more. His touch unsettled her even in the most casual of ways.

  A battle waged within her as she continued on to her car and they made their way inside. Jonathan confused her. So far their relationship had just been sex. He had suggested more on a few occasions, but she pushed that to the back burner. But calling her his girlfriend. Well, it terrified her. Why did things that felt so good for her, always turn out so bad? She did not know if she could go down that road. But something inside her was urging her to try. And she hadn’t had that feeling in a very, very long time. She just did not know if she deserved it. She had her chance once, and she’d blown it. The perfect life, with a perfect man. She ran scared and destr
oyed several lives in the process. As she got into her car and turned on the ignition, she wondered if she could hold steady. Take that chance again.

  Was it in her? She was home after all. There was no where else to run. Taking this chance might destroy her new hopes and dreams. And yet inside, that persistent little nagging voice was telling her, try. Try. He is the one.

  Was he? She just didn’t know. And if he was, would her past destroy it all?

  Could she? Could she roll the dice, on Jonathan Sassacus?

  God, it would be so nice to finally get the win. Shaking her head, she backed out of the parking lot more confused than ever.

  Chapter 7


  Jonathan did more than call her. He showed up at the auditorium six hours later. She was once again finishing up with a late afternoon rehearsal. Today they had been rehearsing for their new show. It was for the spring, and it was the story of the infamous Trail of Tears. It told the story of the Cherokee, Seminole, and Chocktaw. Like her people before them, they had been through a lot. Rounded up by the U.S. Government, those tribes from the south eastern coastal states had been forced to march over a thousand miles in the winter to the newly created Indian Territory in what would become the state of Oklahoma in later years. Over 15,000 natives died along that trail from exhaustion, exposure, and cruel treatment. Though sad, the story ended with hope as they fought the system using the U.S. Government’s own Supreme Court to receive compensation for their losses. It had set the precedent for future native claims over lost land. A small bright spot in a dark history checkered with blood, racism, deceit in the name of manifest destiny and greed.


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