Her Irish Billionaires

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Her Irish Billionaires Page 3

by Harper West

  Not for me.

  From the outside, I had it all except a mate. A woman to share my life with. Guys like Liam liked to play the field, but I was more of a relationship kind of man. I liked being in love and having a woman to spoil. Someone to talk to when I was stressed out, and who would take care of me as I would her.

  The more I contemplated, the more I realized that I’d probably be single for the rest of my life. It was impossible to find a woman who wanted me for anything other than my money. The only one who seemed to like me for me ended up fucking one of my biggest competitors. As if that weren’t bad enough, I actually caught them in the act.

  If that doesn’t turn a man’s heart into stone, then I don’t know what would.

  Liam had tried getting me to date pretty soon after, but I just wasn’t like him. If I couldn’t have a life with Erin, then I didn’t want a life with any woman. He and I were wired very differently.

  Yes, I told myself as I poured another glass of brandy. Life is better when you go it alone, or at least with a good friend like Liam. Erin hurt me badly, and I’d never put myself through that again.

  Chapter 4


  Baron and I had spent most of the morning getting trying to organize everything within the office. Whenever a customer came in, he was so eager to help that I could see why my grandfather had included him in his will. I knew that I needed him to keep the bookstore running.

  As I was brewing a pot of coffee behind the desk, Baron peeked his head in and said that someone was asking for me. It was odd. I didn’t think anyone else knew I was the new owner. I stood up and smoothed my hands down my skirt.

  I walked out of the back, finding a much older man with a receding hairline, wrinkled clothes, and a creepy smile. The kind that only weirdos give you on the street as you walk by.

  “How may I help you?”

  He let out a disgusting cough and leaned forward on the desk. “Name’s Haggard, my dear. I hear you just inherited this bookstore?”

  “I didn’t realize word spread around town so quickly,” I said. “But yes, yes, I did. Why?”

  He reached into his pocket and showed me his business card. “I’m kind of a big deal back in the states. Let me guess: you’re from the northeast?”

  He leaned in a little closer and winked at me.

  I immediately stepped back. “Sir, I'm not trying to be rude, but what does that have to do with anything?”

  “I’m an investor, and someone’s interested in turning this whole block into a huge hotel. And by huge, I’m talking bigger than any Hilton your pretty ass has ever stayed at.” He smiled at me even harder, revealing yellow-stained teeth with flecks of brown throughout.

  “My name is Alexia,” I corrected him. “And what exactly are you getting at?”

  He let out a frustrated sigh. “Cut the bullshit, sweetie. I ain’t got time for niceties. I was gonna come in here and tell you that you might as well sell, but then I saw some of your profile pictures online and…"

  “You googled me? What is wrong with you?”

  Baron was standing directly behind me now.

  “Hey, if you don’t want to let me finish, that’s your problem. You can get a lawyer, and we’ll strike a deal that will get you much less than you would expect. Or I have an offer for you.”

  I relaxed a little bit. The thought of selling my grandfather’s bookstore was more than I could handle from that creep. “What is it, then?”

  “As you can tell, I’m no spring chicken. A guy like me wants someone to come home to, to cook and clean, fall asleep next to. You get my gist.” He winked at me again, this time while adjusting one of his crowns that was a bit loose.

  “You’re insane,” I growled, walking around the desk toward him. “How dare you come into my grandfather’s shop and proposition me to save this place! Have you no morals, you disgusting old man?”

  The more I chastised him, the bigger his smile got. He seemed to enjoy being made fun of.

  “Listen, I know you’re just a writer who found her dream job of running a little bookstore.”

  “This bookstore is hardly little,” I shot back, eager to defend my grandfather’s name. “My grandfather worked hard at keeping it alive, which is no easy feat nowadays.”

  He slid his hands down the back of his pants and picked a wedgie.

  Baron winced. “Who picks their ass crack in public?”

  “I get it,” he said and moved his hands to his crotch. He spent a good minute adjusting his front part, too. As though he wanted me to get an idea of what I’d be missing out on. “But you don’t want to play this game, honey. Because I’ll win. I always win. Just look at my car.”

  He pointed to the window, where Baron and I got a good look at his sports car. “An extension of your tiny penis, no doubt!”

  He chuckled and put his hands his pants, trying to make himself a bit more presentable.

  “And if you’re so rich, then why don’t you whiten your teeth and get that crown fixed for God’s sake!” Baron had it, he wasn't letting it slide.

  “I’ll have you know that lots of women back in the states find me attractive,” he said.

  “Probably because you pay them, you dirty scoundrel!” I snorted.

  “You tell him,” Baron shouted from behind the desk.

  Haggard glanced at him and then back at me. “Look, I’m not expecting an answer right now. I’m sure the loss of your grandfather and then getting dumped by that…"

  “How the hell do you know all of this information?” I felt myself forming fists at my sides.

  The old creep had researched me online. Part of it was my own fault. My Facebook profile wasn’t private, a setting I changed with the hopes that my ex wanted me back.

  “A good investor knows everything there is to know ahead of time,” he said, walking toward the door. “Listen, just think about it, okay? I’m really not that bad of a guy. But a fine woman like you would make one hell of a trophy wife.”

  He winked at me again and then laughed.

  “How dare you come in here, make fun of my grandfather’s bookshop, and then think I’d marry you! Do you know how hard he worked at keeping this place going, what with everything being online nowadays? Which I’m sure you’re aware of since you took it upon yourself to stalk me!” I was heated.

  “Like I said, I’ll give you a few days. I know how emotional women can be. Your sex isn’t known for making rational decisions, especially after going through so many tragedies at once. But just remember that it’d be worth your while. Not only could you keep the bookstore, but I also make a lot of money.”

  He pulled out his wallet and attempted to hand me a wad of cash.

  “Do I look like a prostitute to you?"

  He put the cash back in his wallet.

  “If you accept my proposal,” he continued while leaving, “you’ll have more money than you’ve ever dreamed of, baby. I’ll come back in a few days. Oh, and even though you’re pretty, please wear a bit more makeup. I don’t like dark eye circles on my women.”

  I threw my coffee mug at the door as soon as it shut, shattering it all over the floor.

  Baron came running over to me, making gagging sounds.

  “Girl, if you had said yes to him!” I looked at him, and he immediately put his hands up. “Which I knew you wouldn’t, so calm down, honey. I’m just saying. I would have taken you to a psychiatrist immediately!”

  I went over to the door and locked it. Baron came over with a broom and dustpan and proceeded to clean up the pieces.

  “They can’t take this away from me, Baron! It’s all I have left of my grandfather!” I felt my heart starting to race, so I began pacing back and forth while trying to calm myself down.

  I had walked away from my entire life back home just to run that bookshop, and then some creep wanted to take it out from underneath me.

  That is, of course, unless I was willing to marry him.

  The thought alone made me sick t
o my stomach.

  “Alexia, breathe honey. We’re gonna get through this together.” He put his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes.

  “But what if we don’t, Baron? What if we lose the bookstore? Then I’ll have nothing. What if I have to marry that bastard?”

  He shook my forward and back. “Get a grip, woman. You know that I would never let that happen! You know what you need right now? Some drinks. C’mon.”

  “No,” I said, walking back to the office. “I need to sit down and think about this right now.”

  “You can’t think with a clouded mind,” he said, and I realized that he was right.

  All I wanted to do was lawyer up and go head to head with that investor, which probably wasn’t the best idea. Surely there were other ways to get out of losing the bookstore to him.

  Maybe after a night of relaxation, I could put everything into perspective.

  “Fine,” I said. “But mark my words: I will not give up this bookshop to that jerk! Nor will I marry him. Can you believe the things he was saying to me?”

  “Honey, when he made a comment about your eyes, I wanted to punch him in his!”

  “I would pay you to do that, by the way.” He linked his arm in my elbow, and we headed out to the bar.

  The bar he took me to was full of people. It was an eclectic crowd, with everyone from early 20-somethings to men in their 60s looking for a sugar baby. He ordered us some drinks, and we found a table.

  It was my first experience out in an Irish bar, and it wasn't at all what I expected. I had only seen movies where there were lines of hot Irish men, some sort of live music, and at least one fight. But this bar felt like one from the states, except for the music. The bar was playing Irish pop music, which I had never heard before. I loved it. Baron and I danced for a little bit with each other, and then with a couple of guys who bought us some drinks.

  “The one in the black shirt is mine,” he yelled into my ear.

  I burst out laughing and nodded. The guy in the black shirt started grinding with Baron, and he danced right back with him. It became clear that his friend was just a wingman, there to help him find a guy.

  “I’m also into guys,” his friend said into my ear. “But, you are adorable.”

  “Thank you,” I yelled back at him over the music. “So are you!”

  All four of us danced together, occasionally swapping partners as we continued to drink. By my fifth drink, I was feeling pretty good and had forgotten about that creepy investor.

  “I need to get some fresh air,” I said to the three of them and then made my way outside.

  As soon as I got to the front door, I saw the American investor. He was standing next to a woman who couldn’t be older than 22, maybe 25 tops. My stomach immediately felt nauseous, and I wanted to run away, but then I remembered my best friend’s words.

  You can’t run away from your problems.

  I was having a good time and knew that I shouldn’t let a creep like him ruin it. But the thought of having another conversation about the bookstore-or marriage-was out of the question. He turned and caught my eyes, and I froze. His eyes widened, and so did his smile as he started walking toward me.

  I grabbed the first guy I could find and held his hand.

  “Hi,” he said with a little laugh. “And you are?”

  “Alexia, and you’re my boyfriend when this guy comes over.”

  He looked up and saw the old guy coming our way. His hand immediately wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his body.

  “You didn’t say you had a boyfriend,” Haggard said in a drunken slur.

  He reached out to grab my other hand, but my temporary boyfriend pushed it away.

  “Why are you flirting with my girlfriend?” I looked up at the new guy and smiled, thankful that he was playing along with it.

  Haggard took a step backward and brushed against another girl’s back. She pushed him away, and he landed on my guy’s chest.

  “Who the hell are you?” Haggard was slurring his words as he struggled to balance himself.

  “Liam and I don’t appreciate a drunk fool like you chasing after women half your age!”

  He pulled me away, and we walked outside together. My knight in an Irish bar.

  Chapter 5


  I wasn’t expecting such a hot woman to just grab my hand out of the blue. Usually, I had to work a wee bit harder, but I learned a long time ago that you should never question why something good happens to you.

  “What was that all about?” I looked down into her eyes, those beautiful, emerald eyes that blended perfectly with her long, auburn hair.

  Her body was slender but curvy, the kind that nestled perfectly into my muscles. I’d been with my fair share of women, but there was something special about her.

  “It’s a long, boring story. Thank you, though.” She waved her hand back and forth, indicating that she didn’t want to get into it.

  “Fair enough,” I said. “You’re not from Ireland, are ya?”

  The people in that town had very thick, Irish accents, and hers was definitely American. Based on what I’d heard from visitors, I figured she was from the Northeast region of the United States.

  She shook her head no, and I got a strong whiff of her perfume. It was intoxicating, like coconuts mixed with vanilla and a hint of amber.

  “The United States. I just recently moved here. I guess my accent stands out, huh?”

  “Out here darlin’,” I said, “anyone who doesn’t sound 100% Irish stands out. Don’t worry about it, though. I like it.”

  It was hard to tell by her body language, but I hoped that she’d at least join me for a drink at the bar. I usually didn’t have a hard time picking up women, of course. They were drawn to both my personality and body. One that I took excellent care of. I could tell that she was different, though.

  Just then, a lad a little older than her walked over. At first, I was jealous of potential competition, but that went out the window as soon as he opened his mouth.

  “I cannot believe he was at this bar. Sweetie, I am so sorry that I brought you here!” The guy hugged her, and I took that opportunity to get a better look at her curves.

  She was breathtaking.

  “That’s okay, Baron. You didn’t know.” Baron pulled back and gave me a once-over, then held out his hand. “And you are?”

  “Liam,” I said. “And who’s she?”

  Both of them laughed, and I could tell by the way he was looking at me that he found me attractive. All of my attention was on her, though.

  “I’m Alexia,” she said in that velvet voice.

  My groin started to ache a bit, and suddenly I wanted Baron to excuse himself.

  “It’s nice to meet both of you,” I said. “And I hope that fool doesn’t come back to bother you, Alexia.”

  Baron playfully threw his hands in the air.

  “Thank you for saving her,” he said. “As soon as I saw him walk toward her, I wanted to vomit!”

  “Yes, she was telling me that he can’t take a hint, eh?”

  Baron looked at her, but she gave him a look that silently asked him not to provide any details.

  “He’s just another weirdo that our world needs to be rid of. That’s all I’ll say.”

  Perhaps sensing the tension between Alexia and me, he winked at me. “Well, I’ll let you two get better acquainted. I’m going to get my hands on that hottie in a black shirt again. Whatever his name is.”

  Alexia and I watched as he skirted off to find his potential hookup for the evening.

  “Can I buy you another drink, Alexia?”

  She nodded and smiled, and I was suddenly very thankful for that creep who was chasing her.

  We made our way back into the bar, laughing and talking as we shoved through the crowd. After grabbing the only two empty seats left, she gave me a brief summary of why she’d come to Ireland. “My grandfather recently passed away, and he left me his bookstore. Maybe
you’ve heard of it. O’Sullivan Books.”

  I nodded and took a sip of my beer.

  She looked down at her pint. “Anyway, I’m living in the apartment above it. It’s bigger than I anticipated. Three bedrooms and just me, which is fine. I could use the extra storage space.”

  “Have you been to the deli right next door?”

  She shook her head no, and once again, her perfume filled my senses. “Well, they have the best pastrami sandwiches I’ve ever had in my entire life. I’ve never been to the states, but people say it’s just as good as what you get in New York City. You should try them sometime.”

  The warm, amber glow of the bar made her eyes stand out and cast a delicate shadow over her hair. I brushed a lock that had fallen across her face, which caused her to blush and giggle.

  “Sorry,” I said bashfully. “I just wanted a better look at your face.”

  She laughed, and we continued chatting. Even though I knew the asshole from earlier wasn’t on her radar, I was still curious how they knew each other. The old guy had an American accent too.

  “Thank you again for playing along tonight. You seem like one of the nicer ones, but so many guys just can’t take a hint. It’s like they feel entitled to whatever they want in life like they’ve never had to work for something.”

  “Not me,” I said. “I like to put in the work and then reap the rewards.”

  I squeezed her left knee with my hand and gave her a wink. Her face turned a deep red, and she looked away.

  “I didn’t foresee us talking this long,” she said. “I give you props. Most guys only want to chat for a few minutes before getting you into bed.”

  “Oh, so there’s a chance we’ll be sharing a bed tonight, eh?” Had I stood up at that very moment, the bulge in my pants would have hit the bar and made a thud.

  “Maybe,” she said, voice suddenly deepening. “Do you have a girlfriend, though?”


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