Her Irish Billionaires

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Her Irish Billionaires Page 9

by Harper West

  “You want to ask me something,” Ronan said, without looking up.

  He was always good at reading my face.

  “Well, yes." I chuckled and waited for him to glance up. "We’ll have to run it by Alexia first, though. What do you think about making our situation official?”

  Ronan sat back in his chair, the way he always did when he was about to make a serious decision. “It’s not like I want to stop seeing her. But you know how I feel about relationships. After Erin…"

  I stopped him right there. I wasn't going to let Erin sabotage anything else for him, or me for that matter. “But Alexia’s not Erin, Ronan. What's the worst that could happen? That she’ll find out how much money we make, and then drain all of our assets? I think we both know that she’s not that kind of woman.”

  “How do you that, Liam?” The sound in his voice told me that he still wasn’t sure, and on some level, I understood his hesitation.

  The reason he left Erin was because she’d cheated on him, and that’s what he’d told Alexia. What he didn’t mention, however, was that it was one of his competitors in our business.

  It was then he realized that she was only after money, and over the years, he noticed the same trend among every woman he met.

  I leaned forward. “When was the last time Alexia asked you for something shiny? Huh? Has she ever demanded a diamond necklace or Tiffany earrings?”

  Ronan let out a sigh, and I could tell that I was getting through to him. “But how do we know that she won’t, Liam?”

  Now it was my turn to sigh. I wanted to reach across my desk, put my hands on his shoulders, and shake him. “Because Alexia is in awe of everything we do for her. Both of us have sent her clothes. Remember the first morning she woke up in your bed? You sent out for clothes, and then on our first date, I sent her a dress. She’s not stupid, man.”

  "No, I guess you're right," he replied. "But she is reticent about it."

  “Which is why we like her so much,” I retorted. “She’s not stupid. She’s not one of these bimbos who pretends to listen to every word you say, only to ask you in a cutesy voice if you can buy her $45,000 earrings. She’s a strong, independent businesswoman who doesn’t need a man in her life. That’s not a gold digger, Ronan.”

  He stared at me for a few minutes in silence, letting everything I’d just said sink in.

  “I see your point,” he finally said. “It’s just hard to move on, you know?”

  I stood up and walked around his chair, putting my hands on his shoulders.“I know, man. I was there. But Alexia is what’s been missing from our lives for so long. Can you do this not just for me, but for you?”

  He nodded. “I can do it. And I want to do it."

  Our eyes met, and in that moment I knew that we were about to become a happy family. “I knew you had it in ya, lad.”

  Ronan stood up and turned around, putting out his arms. We hugged, something we didn't do a lot, but the moment warranted it. It felt good to see Ronan so happy with his personal life.

  After Ronan went back to his office, I stepped out for a bit to call Alexia. I could feel my heart beating right through my chest. We were about to make things official. I pulled out my phone and called the bookstore.

  “O’Sullivan Books!” Baron always sounded so happy whenever we spoke.

  I pictured him behind the front desk, sipping on either coffee or tea, and making eye contact with any attractive male customers that came through. “Good afternoon, Baron. How are ya today, lad?”

  “Well, good golly, Miss Molly! How are ya, Liam?” His voice almost squealed and followed up with laughter. "That was a bit over the top, wasn't it?"

  I laughed loudly. “I’m great. It’s good to hear your voice again. How’s business down there at the bookstore?”

  “Well." I heard his feet shuffling to find a stool to sit on. “Everything’s good, and we’ve been getting a lot of attractive hotties down here. Like right now, two lads are smiling at me. Both of them are my type, but I’m little more attracted to the one with a buzzcut. His jeans are tight if you get my gist.”

  I laughed pretty hard into the phone, imaging Baron staring at that guy’s pants while he looked for books to buy. “Sounds like you’re having a good ol’ day.”

  “Oh, and then this other majorly sexy guy came in, but he was with his wife, and he was so obviously not straight. I mean, let me tell you, as a gay man…"

  “Give me the phone,” Alexia whispered, and then I heard the two of them fight for the receiver.

  Alexia got control. “Good God, Baron. You need to get your berries in a basket, for goodness sake! Hello?”

  “Hello, love.” I chuckled.

  “Liam,” she said.

  I could already tell she was smiling, as was I. “What are your plans for dinner tonight?”

  “Free as a bird, why?”

  I looked down at my feet, shuffling my shoe along the carpet. “I thought all three of us could have dinner at Ronan’s tonight. What do you say?”

  “That sounds wonderful!”

  I assumed she’d say yes, but a part of me was still holding my breath. “Perfect. Would you like me to send something for you to wear?”

  “No, that’s alright,” she replied. “I’m sure Baron will help me pick something out. He has such good taste when it comes to fashion.”

  That’s why we like her so much.

  The women that Ronan was used to dating would have immediately demanded something expensive, like a $10,000 dress and $1,000 shoes. Not Alexia, though.

  Ronan assumed that she didn’t know just how much money we had, but I knew better. Both of us had luxury condos, drove expensive cars, and I’m sure she saw the designer labels on most of our clothes. Ronan was a huge fan of Gucci and Armani, while I was a little more laid back with Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein.

  As far as Alexia's clothing, she seemed like a vintage shopper. On the few shopping trips we’d been on, she always seemed eager to hit up thrift shops and small boutiques. She didn’t seem all that into expensive clothing.

  “Perfect,” I said. “Ronan will send his driver over to pick you up around 6 pm, love.”

  “What can I bring?”

  “Let me think,” I said.

  Knowing Ronan, he’d probably want to make prime rib with potatoes and a vegetable. He was a great cook, but not much of a baker. “How about some libation?”

  “You got it,” she chirped.

  Just as I was about to ask what kind of dessert she liked, I overheard Baron in the background. “Don’t wear that red top. It does nothing for your figure. I’m thinking something a little more casual for tonight.”

  Alexia hissed into the background. “Hush, Baron. I’m trying to have a conversation here!”

  I pictured him walking away while throwing his hands in the air. I couldn’t help but laugh into the phone.

  Alexia came back online. “I swear, the guy hears every single word I say. And you should have seen him before he came over here. He was all over these two guys, flirting with them and trying to figure out which one he liked better.”

  "Baron mentioned there were some guys he had his eye on at the store.” I was desperately trying to keep my laughter at a low tone.

  "Okay," she sighed. "I'll see you tonight. I have some inventory to finish."

  "Sounds perfect."

  After we said goodbye, I thought about what I should bring for dessert. I was also thinking about the conversation that all three of us would be having later on that evening.

  I got into my car and drove to a local bakery, all the while picturing the three of us discussing our situation. It had been years since I last had a girlfriend, and I had never been in a three-way relationship. As I drove down the winding roads, I wondered if I’d be able to leave all of that in the past. The last thing I wanted to do was convince Ronan to move on, and then abandon our new family because of my old ways.

  I pulled into a parking spot at Shenanigan’s, which was know
n for its adult-themed desserts. They had made a few cakes for bachelor parties that I’d gone to over the years, and I was hoping they’d have a funny but delicious dessert for that night. Something that reminded me of my old self, but that I could also serve Alexia and Baron.

  The bakery smelled delicious, even from outside. I walked in and looked at all of the desserts, like cakes and pie. Any one of them would be suitable for dinner that night, but I needed something with a bit more personality.

  “Good afternoon,” I said to the man behind the counter. “You do adult-themed cakes, right?”

  He smiled and nodded. “Yes, sir. But I’m afraid we’re a bit backlogged with requests. How soon do you need it?”

  I pulled out my wallet and casually dropped my license onto the counter, letting the man see who I was.

  He cleared his throat and stood up tall. “On second thought, we might be able to make you something today if you’d like.”

  Chapter 14


  I put the prime rib steaks out on the counter, then turned on some opera music and poured myself a glass of wine. The first song that came on was Casta Diva, which I felt was fitting for the evening. It was one of the most beautiful opera songs of all time.

  As the steaks were coming to room temperature, which was a cooking tip I learned from a local chef, I pulled out the rest of the ingredients. The steaks were rubbed with a rosemary and garlic mixture, our potatoes roasted with the same seasonings, and I was excited to try out a new asparagus recipe.

  Liam let himself in with the key I’d given him. After the past few weeks of us dating Alexia, we’d become even closer. I probably should have given a key long before we met her, seeing as how we’ve always been like brothers, but it just never came up. Hearing him let himself into my apartment somehow made it feel like home.

  “There’s the chef,” he said.

  I turned around from the stove to see what he brought.

  “What’d you get for dessert?” I took one look at the box and rolled my eyes. “Shenanigan’s? Tell me it’s not dirty, man.”

  “What’s wrong with Shenanigan’s,” he said with a smirk on his face.

  The last time we’d eaten from that bakery was at a bachelor party, and the cake was a vagina that had the words ‘No More New Ones.’ Alexia deserved so much better.

  “As long as you didn’t have anything perverted made,” I said, knowing damn well that he probably did.

  I used stainless steel soap to wipe the garlic off of my fingers, then went over to take a look. Liam lifted the pastry box, and I stared down at a cake with all three of our faces printed on it. Alexia was in the middle, and we were on each side of her.

  That was fine, and also a bit creative for what we had in store. Liam wiggled his brow and lifted the lid the rest of the way off. He just had to take it a step further.

  He had the bakery draw a massive penis between both of our legs, so long that it went down to our feet. All Liam could do was laugh.

  “Dude, I don’t even know what to fucking say right now.” I had to admit it was pretty funny.

  “Like you would expect anything different from me,” he snorted.

  “At least you didn’t get us penis cupcakes,” I replied.

  We had gone to a bachelor party where the best man thought it’d be funny to bring cock cupcakes. It didn’t make any sense either, seeing as how he was marrying a woman, but Liam sure thought it was funny.

  “Those cupcakes were delicious,” he pointed out. “So what if they had male genitalia on them. It was a funny joke, is what it was.”

  He knew that Alexia was a classy person, and not at all the type who would ever order a cake with male or female genitals. Yet she also knew that he liked to pull pranks, and so far, she hadn’t had a problem with anything Liam had done.

  Then again, she never found out about all of his publicity stunts. If she agreed to be serious with us, however, she would eventually find out.

  “I hope she’s open to making this serious,” I said, steering the conversation a bit.

  All-day long, I had been thinking about it and had even had flashbacks of when Erin cheated on me. I knew that emotionally I couldn’t handle another breakup.

  “I don’t see why she wouldn’t,” he said. “If anything, she’s probably been waiting to hear from us. She knows how men are.”

  I nodded, realizing that he was right. I had never known a woman who didn’t want a serious relationship.

  “What about our money though,” I said, nervously. “Eventually Alexia will find out how rich we are, if she hasn’t already, and that’ll come into play. Plus, we’re going to have to tell her exactly where we work. To be honest with you, I’m surprised it hasn’t come up yet.”

  “Would you relax already,” he said.

  That was the problem with Liam. He was all about relaxation. He never liked to be serious about anything, which made me wonder just how serious he would take our relationship. “It’s not about relaxing, Liam. It’s about preparing for what could happen.”

  He let out a sigh. “If she says no, that it’s too complicated, then we’ll just deal with it. As far as our money situation, like I said before, Ronan, it’s pretty obvious that we’re well to do. Give the woman some credit, will ya?”

  The doorbell rang, and Liam quickly shut the box. It was about that time. Time to find out what my relationship future held.


  Alexia greeted both of us with a passionate kiss, and we couldn’t stop staring at her tight pink dress.

  “What do you think,” she said as we admired her body.

  We had never seen her in something like that before. It reminded me a bit of the type of girls I hooked up with in college, especially since she paired it with black stilettos.

  “It was Baron’s idea. He thinks that I need to loosen up a bit.”

  Seeing her in that dress made me realize that I was no longer a playboy. “You look amazing."

  Ronan seemed to be at a loss for words, so I nudged him to speak.

  “Yeah, amazing,” he said, quickly shutting his gaping jaw.

  Alexia put two six-packs of beer on the table, which were ice cold. I helped myself to one while Ronan poured her a glass of the wine he was drinking.

  “This is delicious,” she said after taking a sip.

  Ronan explained to her that it complimented the food well, which is why he chose it. As I listened to him tell her what they’d be having for dinner, I brought the bakery box over to her.

  “Open it,” I said.

  Ronan shot me a look, but I ignored it. Alexia’s mouth fell open as soon as she saw it, and then she toppled over laughing. Ronan seemed relieved by the fact that she wasn’t at all offended.

  “Liam, of course, you would get such a thing! I love it.” She kissed me playfully, running her hands through my spiky hair.

  “Leave it to Liam to bring a sex-themed dessert to an upscale dinner party.” Alexia smacked his ass a little bit. He looked at her and then slapped hers back.

  Alexia and I sat down on the stools on the other side of the stove so that we could chat with Ronan while he cooked.

  Alexia watched him as he cooked. “Have you ever thought about opening a restaurant?”

  Ronan’s chest stuck out a little bit, clearly proud that she noticed his cooking skills.

  “He should,” I said. “Thanks to him, I didn’t subsist only on ramen and grilled cheese in college. He could make a gourmet meal out of just about anything.”

  “Not anything,” Ronan said with a laugh.

  It was a sight to see him working the kitchen so well, juggling the timing of everything, so it all came out together.

  Alexia popped a cherry tomato in her mouth. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”

  He shook his head at her, but then turned back. “Actually, would you mind setting the table, sweetheart?”

  We ate dinner, all three of us, in silence for the first part of the meal. Alexia was
blown away by Ronan’s cooking, and neither of us knew how to approach her about making our situation official. By the time she finished her prime rib, I had decided it was time.

  “Alexia." I felt nervous all of a sudden. "Ronan and I were talking about how fantastic these past few weeks have been.”

  She took a sip of her wine and nodded. “It has, hasn’t it? I just adore both of you, and it means so much since I’m still new to this area. Plus, running a bookstore for the first time has proven to be a bit stressful.”

  “Which is why it’s important to have a good home life,” Ronan chimed in. He sat back in his chair, took her hand, and leaned forward. “Alexia, we want to make this official.”

  She stopped chewing, then looked at me. “What do you mean?”

  I took her other hand. “All three of us, Alexia. A family. We don’t want to be casual anymore.”

  “Oh.” She pulled both her hands away, which caused Ronan's face to drop.

  He looked at me, but I put my hand up to let him know that I could take care of it. Usually, it was us guys who were afraid of commitment. Still, Alexia felt overwhelmed by two of us, I could tell. “Tell me what makes you nervous about it."

  She looked over at me, then smiled. “I love being with both of you so much, but don’t you ever get jealous?”

  Both of us shook our heads no.

  She blinked several times in shock. “Really? I mean, our threesome nights, I can see why you wouldn’t be. But what about the times, Ronan, when I’m with Liam and not you? And Liam, what about when I’m with Ronan and not you?”

  Ronan and I looked at each other, then shrugged and smiled.

  “It genuinely doesn’t bother me,” Ronan said. “Which I never thought would be the case, but he and I are like brothers. Plus, we’re opposites, and we see how happy you are with each of us. Seeing you happy makes us happy.”

  I grinned. “What do you say, Alexia?”

  She kept looking back and forth between us, still nervous about making it official. “Are you 100% sure that you want to do this? Because once I fall for a guy, that’s it. There’s no turning back.”


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