Campione 08

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Campione 08 Page 6

by Trials of the Devil Kings

  "Could you tell me why we are going there?"

  "Urgs. Since long ago there have been many magic practitioners near Aoyama Doori. I heard lately an evil witch, an associate and mistress of Kusasagi Goroh, has been hanging around there lately. *Sniffle* I will capture that woman and this time I will find that devil king for sure!"

  Fuyuhime answered Godou's question while sniffling.

  She looked like she would cry if she relaxed. Apparently she was rather incompetent. Standing next to her, Godou thought: She had managed it twice, a third time would certainly follow...

  They entered a small side street a bit away from Aoyama Doori.

  Street stalls and little shops sat in rows. It was the area where Godou had come with Sakura for her question one month before.

  Fuyuhime was heading for the focus store [Kogetsudou] in one corner of that area, explaining that the female shopkeeper there was like the representative of the Aoyama neighborhood.

  When they came to the shop, Godou pressed his ear against the door.

  He tried to hear what was going on inside. Fuyuhime and Sakura seemed surprised by his suspicious behavior, but they still copied him.

  They heard two women talking.

  'In short, you are trying to get the latest scoop about the Committee from me?'

  'Could you phrase it more pleasantly please? What I want are details of a personal nature rather than anything of crucial importance. Such as, which girlfriends Sayanomiya Kaoru went on dates with last week, or that Amakasu-san actually has a wife and kids, that kind of stuff. Of course, if you come across any latest news, you can always tell me later.'

  'You've already paid me for my services and you're satisfied with this little? I love helping people, you know.'

  'I'm pleased by your offer, but your prowess is not sufficient to hide things from the Committee. Even someone better than you would find them difficult to handle... And all I want to know are those people's interests and personalities. Whether as enemies or friends, knowing more can only be beneficial."

  They were smack-dab in the middle of a clandestine conversation.

  Earlier that morning, that particular girl had mentioned plans for a "Round Table." Of course, the plan also included reconstructing their relationship with the History Compilation Committee.

  In accordance with that plan, she was gathering useful information in order to conquer them?

  Godou was greatly impressed. Like Liliana had said, Erica was really diligent when it came to matters she judged essential.

  Then Renjou Fuyuhime took a deep breath before the door.

  With a determined expression, she reached for the door knob and vigorously threw it open.

  "I've finally found you, Italian witch who serves the devil king Kusasagi Goroh! You might feel like you are something big because they call you [Diavolo Rosso] or whatever, but to me you're as good as dead! Obediently tell me where the Campione lives!"

  Having finished this declaration in one breath, Fuyuhime was subjected to the inquisitive stares of the people inside, the shopkeeper of [Kogetsudou] and Erica Blandelli.

  The Milan-born blonde beauty smiled with great amusement.

  "...Godou, I leave you alone for just a few hours and you already found someone with such distinctive talents. What in the world is the idea here? She is together with the Campione, Kusanagi Godou, and yet she asks me to tell her his address?"

  Of course, Fuyuhime and Sakura heard her response loud and clear.

  Part 4

  "Hm, what do you mean by that?"

  Sakura inclined her head, bewildered. Godou's head was spinning about how he should fix this, when...

  His cousin suddenly collapsed to her knees and fell forward like a puppet with its strings cut.

  Hurrying before her, Godou found her peacefully asleep, breathing calmly.

  "Looks like I made it just in time."

  Someone spoke behind him. That husky and seductive voice belonged to someone he knew.

  He turned around to find Sayanomiya Kaoru standing there. Liliana, whom he had parted with a few hours earlier, was also present.

  "Letting the situation deteriorate any further would be troublesome, so I magically put Koudzuki Sakura to sleep," reported Liliana as she approached.

  "Fuyuhime, regarding your problematic behavior, you will be properly lectured and punished accordingly."

  "Wah... P-P-Please forgive me, Kaoru! I'll definitely be a good girl from now on!"

  "No way. How many times have you tricked me with those words? Please come this way, Godou-san, and everyone else as well."

  Kaoru was speaking with a refreshing smile while Fuyuhime was cowering in panic.

  Fed up with the whole affair, Liliana sighed. Godou and Erica blankly exchanged glances.

  Leaving Sakura to continue sleeping in the care of the [Kogetsudou] shopkeeper, they went outside.

  Since there was little vehicular traffic in these parts, it was fine for the group to gather on the side of the road. Godou, Erica, Liliana and Fuyuhime stood around Kaoru as she started the conversation.

  "I only became aware of the situation because Liliana paid me a home visit. As you may have guessed, Fuyuhime here is indeed the Renjou family's eldest daughter. Originally, she was meant to become the next family head like Ena or me or Kuhodzuka's Mikihiko-san and work for the History Compilation Committee."

  Kaoru brought up names of important people that Godou and the others knew.

  Come to think of it, due to being controlled like a puppet by the witch Asherah, Mr. Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko's mind and body had been severely weakened, and he was currently being treated at a Committee-affiliated hospital.

  "Unfortunately, Fuyuhime's body has an exotic constitution which cannot store magical power. Unable to use spellcasting techniques , she was not chosen as a hime-miko, naturally."

  Godou recalled Salvatore Doni's past.

  That man apparently suffered from the same condition before he became a Campione.

  "Well, it's actually not a requirement for a head of the four families to be an excellent spellcaster. As long as she made a clean break and focused herself on the duties of an organization head, it would've been fine. However, Fuyuhime developed quite a complex over her dwarfishness and inability to cast spells... Consequently, she always had difficulty getting along with others and was thus unsuited for field work, resulting in the current situation."

  The talentless Fuyuhime had put her all into studying and apparently stockpiled a great amount of knowledge related to wizardry.

  But what she desired were "practical" techniques. It was such a sad story that Godou could not help but pity her.

  "Well, she is a troublemaker who disclosed Godou-san's information to his relative sleeping inside there, so I'm not 100% sympathetic."

  "The one who made her mis-remember Kusanagi Godou's name, must have been Amakasu Touma after all."

  Liliana added as Kaoru shrugged beside her.

  "Were Renjou Fuyuhime a normal wizard, she would likely regain her memories. However, for someone on a layman's level, the probability isn't that high. His measures were appropriate."

  Hence, Liliana and Sayanomiya Kaoru had decided to subdue the out-of-control Fuyuhime directly.

  Brought up to date on the situation, Erica nodded.

  "...Looks like all sorts of amusing things happened. So Kaoru-san, how are you going to punish this troublesome girl? You're not going to acquit her of all charges, are you?

  "Let's see... maybe we should call in a hime-miko specializing in the spirit power of mental manipulation to give her amnesia..."

  Kaoru's dangerous suggestion made Fuyuhime cower and tremble again.

  "Oh poor thing, maybe I'll simply throw her into a nunnery to train for a decade so she can spend all her time to reflect and improve her character... How about that?"

  "Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Kaoru! W-W-We are childhood friends, right? Are you going to throw me to the wolves?"

  "As one of the organiza
tion leaders, I have to prioritize discipline over personal ties. Showing you leniency would set a bad example."

  Kaoru shot a glance at Godou at this point. It was a meaningful look.

  "Actually, she didn't cause me any real trouble, so can't she be forgiven this once? About me being a Campione... The only one she told was Sakura-san anyway."

  The whole commotion was like a farce. However, if they let Fuyuhime off too easily, it might happen again.

  Feeling he had more or less grasped Kaoru's intentions, Godou had cut in.

  "It's not quite fair for me to speak, considering I'm her relative and all... But even if Sakura knew about devil kings or something, I don't think she'd be able to do anything major."

  "The king hath spoken! In that case, she shall be granted a special pardon."

  Kaoru bowed her head in reverence then turned around to Fuyuhime.

  "That's how it is, so let us express our utmost gratitude to the king. There will not be a second time! You've also heard lots about how fierce Godou-san can be, right?"

  "W-What's going on? Why are you bowing down to a commoner, Kaoru!?"

  "That's because Godou-san here is Mr. Kusanagi Godou, the very one we call the Campione. Hasn't Amakasu-san's [Derangement] spell worn off yet?"

  "HIHHH! I-I-I-Is that how it was?"

  About to faint from shock, Fuyuhime fell on her backside. Her legs had given out.

  Nevertheless, she continued to look up at Godou and stuttered as she tried to say something.

  "Uhhh-uhm, I didn't mean it, but c-c-c-corporal punishment or chastisement is still in order, right? It must be something terrible, right!? Of course, as a daughter of the Renjou, I will resolutely accept punishment, but p-p-painful or scary things are a biー"

  "It's fine already. Nothing is going to happen."

  She had become inarticulate and her choice of words was baffling. Still, something resembling Fuyuhime's gratitude made it across.

  When Godou nodded generously, Kaoru also made a wry smile.

  "Well, this concludes the incident. Godou-san, Liliana-san, Erica-san, sorry for the trouble and thank you for your cooperation."

  "You're very welcome. I think it was a worthwhile opportunity for me to find out what an open-minded person you are, Kaoru-san."

  The one who replied like the mistress of the house was Erica, naturally.

  Despite having done virtually nothing, her attitude was grandiose. She freely showed off her subconscious talent for taking the spotlight, no matter the time and place.

  "No matter the kind of relationship, dealing with disingenuous people is simply unpleasant. But with Kaoru-san and Amakasu-san, I should not be bored, at least."

  "You're welcome. ...Ah, right, Godou-san."

  At the end, Kaoru asked him with a sly smile.

  "Why not simply add Fuyuhime to the ranks of your army of paramours one day? It seems like the next step."

  "What next step!? Please stop joking around before this turns into another weird rumor!"

  A few days later in the Kusanagi residence.

  Together with Sakura whom they had invited for dinner, Godou and Shizuka were sitting around the dining table.

  As a side note, their grandfather was away on some business. In the master of the kitchen's absence, the siblings and the cousin had made dry curry[15] and salad, together with all kinds of oven-roasted vegetables for just the three of them.

  "After that~, Fuyuhime-chan has completely calmed down~."

  With a smile all over her face, Sakura reported her friend's recent state.

  Because she didn't like spicy things, that night's curry was made especially sweet for her.

  "She says that thanks to talking things over and receiving care from her distinguished childhood friend, she doesn't need to seek Godoh-kun's help anymore."

  "I see. That's good to hear," Godou perfunctorily answered and put some curry in his mouth.

  After the events, Godou had returned to [Kogetsudou] alone to wake up his cousin.

  He explained that Fuyuhime had been called by her family and had left already. When Sakura wondered why she had fallen asleep, he simply tricked her by saying it was probably anemia.

  Now, as for Erica's statement she had heard just before falling asleep...

  'Did that girl say something about Godoh-kun?'

  'Nope, I think you misheard.'

  Sakura firmly believed his arbitrary explanation.

  Next to him, the shopkeeper of [Kogetsudou] was listening with a ghastly pale face, but of course, she did not interrupt Kusanagi Godou.

  "Hmm. Looks like Onii-chan was a little useful to Sakura-chan."

  Shizuka's self-important comment caused Sakura to nod with a big smile on her face.

  "Yep. Godou is really reliable... Ah, right. Lately, Fuyuhime-chan frequently furrows her brow in deep thought..."

  Godou had a bad premonition as he tasted the dry curry.

  Too sweet! Just as he thought, he really should have spiced up his own portion.

  "Fuyuhime-chan said, you know, 'As I thought, maybe I should maximize my charms as a woman to aim for the top. I need to use everything at my disposal...' And she asked me to give this to you, Godoh-kun."

  With that, Sakura held out a letter.

  "Somehow, Fuyuhime-chan wants to become penpals with Godoh-kun to develop a closer relationship. And some day she must obtain a high enough position surpassing that distinguished childhood friend, she said. I don't really get what she means though."

  Sakura probably did not understand the true meaning of her friend's words for real.

  Smiling without a care in the world, she handed the letter over. Godou found her smile too dazzling, while Shizuka's severe gaze looked like trouble.

  "What's this about, Onii-chan? I thought you were discussing things with Sakura-chan, so how did it come to this? Explain the situation properly!"

  Of course, Godou had no intention of answering his little sister's request.

  Carelessly muttering 'now what might that be about', he single-mindedly munched his curry.

  And then it struck him. His grandfather was strangely competent at playing the fool when things got inconvenient. Surely, it had to be a skill honed through one too many similar experiences.

  Chapter 3 - The Knights and the Sword Trial

  Part 1

  That human kept opposing him with wonderful tenacity.

  As leader of the divine beings called Danann, he swung an invincible sword.

  He was a king and a warrior, a mighty god. His opponent, although hard to believe, was no hero. The blond man was not even a mage.

  But the long spear swung by that human showed splendid skill.

  He could give high praise to the martial arts that child of man had learned.

  "Let us stop this, you who are destined to die. However hard you try to fight, it will not change my victory. Saint George, who brought you to this other world, has already perished. He passed, leaving nothing but that spear. Even if you follow him in death, you can choose a gentler way."

  Thrust, slash, swipe.

  The human's spearmanship was ever-changing. There was not a single mediocre attack.

  But he did not bother with them one by one. Moving his sword and arm purely by reflex, he warded them all off.

  Alas, child of man, your enemy is an unrivaled invincible god.

  Most likely the human had used up all of the skills he had learned.

  Gradually he cast technique aside and simply thrust the spear. Aiming at his — the god's body, he thrust out the spearhead with a clear heart.

  Again and again, he foolishly repeated it. With a clear heart. With a clear mind. Not thinking, not feeling anything.

  Or maybe combat experience had made him realize the most difficult secret along the martial path, that of attaining the mental realm of serenity and nothingness.

  If that was the case, this human held unimaginable talent.

  Splendid. He smiled.

e spear the human wielded sent the invincible sword in his hands flying.

  The sword danced high through the air and fell at the human's feet. However, Saint George's spear which had allowed this exploit had been smashed to pieces. Before reaching its end it had saved the human warrior. Repelling his sword was truly worthy of praise.

  "Your master George has perished and you have reached your limit. Therefore, child of man, your hope has already vanished."

  "...Nahh. We're just starting. With this I can finally fight for real."

  The blond human stretched his hand out towards the sword sticking in the ground before him.

  Claíomh Solais[16].

  He gripped the otherworldly steel that should be handled by the lord of the Tuatha De Danann[17] and took it.

  "Spears aren't bad, but this type of thing is still better. If I don't lay my hands on a weapon like this, I can never get fired up enough to enter my truly serious mode. Sorry, but I'll be borrowing your sword."

  He was striving for victory, fighting to the very end.

  Commendable spirit. It was truly magnificent fearlessness. Or maybe he was just a moron.

  In reality, a mortal human should not be able to handle that sword. He shouldn't be able to use it as a simple blade, to say nothing of the divine power hidden inside. Well, it might be useful as a steel club...

  He called a new sword into his hands and casually took a stance.

  Although not as much as his shining sword, it was sharp. With this he would bring death to the fool who challenged a god. It was the least he could do for that idiotic hero.

  The god and the simple human crossed blades, fighting between life and death.

  After a long, long time, a winner was finally decided and the duel came to a close. The tale to be told this time takes place after this event.

  Part 2

  The refreshing early summer atmosphere of June was hanging over the hills of Tuscany.

  "It's not too bad after all. If only the one accompanying me wasn't you."

  The current location was the southern gates of Porta Romana at the ancient city of Florence.

  As the car continued along its way, swathes of farmland soon came into view.

  This scenery of green rolling hills covering the landscape was unique to Tuscany. This was the time of year before the arrival of the merciless summer heat, and the air was filled with joy as it came rushing through the open windows of the car.


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