Holding Onto Forever (The Beaumont Series: Next Generation Book 1)

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Holding Onto Forever (The Beaumont Series: Next Generation Book 1) Page 21

by Heidi McLaughlin



  Telling my parents I needed to return to California immediately wasn’t easy without causing an array of alarms to go off. After the few hours Noah and I had spent together, I had to get out of Beaumont. He was going to marry Dessie, and despite him begging me to tell him not to, I couldn’t. There was no way I’d be able to live with the burden of him walking away from his child to be with me.

  In hindsight, I should’ve told him. I should’ve yelled from the top of my lungs, but I didn’t, and he’s since called the wedding off. I thought my parents would tell me why, but I’m not sure they even know, and if they do, they’re not saying anything. Not that I would expect them to. They probably figure Noah has told me himself since we’re best friends and all.

  But he hasn’t, and I haven’t heard from him and I’ve lost track of time. I stopped counting the hours, which turned into days. I had hoped he would’ve called, but if he’s with Dessie, I’m going to be the furthest person from his mind. I imagine she’s not very happy with him. As long as she doesn’t blame me, I’m good.

  Currently, I’m sitting on the couch while my mother runs around crazily packing. The band is going on a mini-tour. It’s really not for them, but for an up and coming band called Little Queens who recently signed under the same label. The record company thought it would be nice if 4225 West accompanied them on tour. The funny thing is, they’re opening for Little Queens. My dad, Liam and Jimmy were all eager to help out. Plus dad says that being the headline act is too stressful and now they get to go out and just play for forty-five minutes.

  Mom almost stayed home, but I told her to go, and she finally agreed to be away for a few weeks and then come home to check on me. While I’m not fully recovered, I have a driver to take me to therapy, an aunt and uncle who will come if I need them and a beach to stare at. Besides, I plan to call Quinn and ask him to come down to take me surfing. I figure he could do the same as our dad did, but this time I won’t have to worry about getting wet. Even though I miss Chicago, I have to admit, being here during the winter has been very nice. I can’t imagine trying to get around in the snow right now.

  Honestly, I’m looking forward to the break from my parents. It’ll give me time to relax, get my homework done and just be free without them hovering. Well, Mom hovers. Dad, he’s just there, waiting in the wings for when I need him, and he always seems to know when that is.

  My parents hug and kiss me goodbye, making me promise to call them if there’s an emergency or if I need anything. I jokingly asked if pizza was included in the aforementioned category. Mom rolled her eyes and waved me off. Dad smiled and said to call him for anything. I’ll likely take him up on that.

  I wait for their car to pull away before yelling, “Freedom!” If I were crazy, I’d try some ridiculous stunt with my Rollator, but the idea of getting hurt doesn’t sound too appealing. Calling my parents seconds after they left would defeat the purpose of having the house to myself.

  Also defeating the purpose of is whoever is at my gate right now and pressing the button incessantly. “Hello, who’s there?” I ask, even though I can see them on the video camera. It’s Kyle and he’s waving like crazy.

  “I heard you were back in town.”

  I press the buzzer that unlocks our gate and open the door. He scoops me up into a hug and carries me into my living room while I desperately hold onto my cane. The hug is awkward and a bit over friendly. I thought I’ve been fairly clear about my feelings. Noah and I may not have ever been together, but for a brief glimmer, I thought we had a chance. And knowing Noah’s in love with me, well, I don’t know when I’ll be ready to move past him.

  “I missed you,” he says as he reaches toward my face. I sidestep him as much as I can and hobble toward the kitchen.

  “I wasn’t gone very long. I actually came home a few days earlier.”

  “Oh yeah, why?” Kyle sits down on one of our bar stools. From where he is and the counter, there’s more than enough space between us.

  I shrug. “Not my scene. You know the ‘whole go back to your hometown’ thing. Besides, all my friends are away at school, and as much as I love my grandpa, hanging with him and his poker playing buddies isn’t my idea of a good time.”

  “Can you play? I can teach you.”

  I shake my head. “Grandpa taught Elle and I, a long time ago. He says when we turn twenty-one he’s taking us to Vegas so we can run the table. Something about twins at a table makes people nervous.”

  “I believe it.”

  “So what brings you by?”

  Kyle runs his hand through his hair. “I mean, I guess I could say I was in the neighborhood, but you’d know it’s a lie. It takes me an hour to get here from the gym and that’s without traffic.” He shrugs and stands up, making his way over to where I am and stopping in front of me. “Peyton, I was thinking we could go on a date, something real?”

  I step, putting some space between us. “Kyle…”

  “Is it Ben?” he asks as he steps further away. “I mean the guy is always whispering in your ear, but I thought he was a friend.”

  “Not Ben. Ben actually has turned out to be one of my best friends, surprisingly. He’s in love with Elle.”

  “Really? But she’s never around.”

  “I know. He comes over because our dad likes him, and he’s been around for a long time.”

  “So if it’s not Ben… It’s Westbury isn’t it?”

  I honestly don’t know how to answer his question. It is, and isn’t. “I haven’t been completely honest about Noah. I’m in love with him, but he’s with Dessie and--”

  “And you’re not ready?”

  I shake my head and expect him to leave, but he steps forward and pulls me into his arms. “Friend-zoned. I can dig it.”

  “The only other better place is the end zone.”

  “Watch out people, Peyton’s on fire.”

  I hug him back, thankful he’s understanding, at least he’s acting that way. With my direction and guidance, Kyle loads his arms up with junk food and sets it out on the table. I challenge him to a game of Madden, which he happily accepts.

  “I hope you’re ready to lose,” I tell him as I get situated. I have residual pain in my right side and my reflexes are a bit slow, but I can still video game with the best of them.

  “I’ve never lost to a chick before and I’m not about to today.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “Remind me, how is it you’re so well versed in football? I’ve met your dad and brother, they don’t seem like the type.”

  I turn slightly to face him. “Remember when I told you my dad died when I was five?”

  He nods.

  “Big time football guy. Football gave me a way to stay connected to him. My uncle Liam filled the gap left behind and I went to all of Noah’s practices and games.”

  “Do you ever get star struck when it comes to your family?”

  I start laughing. “No, why? Because my dad and uncles have a band?”

  “Well, yeah! And your brother is a pretty good musician. You’re… whatever with Westbury. It’s like Beaumont-bred stardom.”

  I roll my eyes at him and turn my attention toward the television. It’s time to pick teams. Kyle picks the Bears, earning an odd look from me. I pick the Patriots, because why not. Brady is the best.

  “My dad and Quinn are from here.”

  “Which makes the majority of you from Beaumont.”

  I’ve never thought of it that way before. To me, everyone is family. It doesn’t matter what we do for a living or who we’re surrounded by. Kyle is famous in his own right as well.

  Within seconds of the game starting, I’m up by two touchdowns. Normally, I’d get up and do a little dance, but it’d take me too long and I’m rather comfortable. I easily win the first and second games, but now Kyle has switched his team to Denver and is giving me a run for my money.

  “You can try to beat her, but it’ll neve
r happen.”

  I hit pause on the game and look toward the sliding glass door. Noah is standing there, staring at the television. “How’d you get in?”

  “Ben gave me his code.” My eyebrows shoot up and Noah shrugs.

  “Is he supposed to be here?” Kyle asks.

  “More than you are, I’m sure. Harrison and Katelyn won’t care I’m here.” Noah pushes off the doorframe and saunters into the living room. He stares at the TV for a minute before turning his attention to me. “I need to speak with you, Peyton. In private.”

  “I have company,” I state the obvious.

  Noah pushes his hands into his pockets and nods. “It’s urgent. Maybe we can go outside and talk? Or to your room?”

  Definitely not my room.

  “Do you want to talk to him, babe?” I look at Kyle oddly. Why would he call me babe? He leans forward and kisses me. It’s chaste, but still, it’s a kiss. “I’ll call you after my appointment. Maybe stop by later?” He speaks low, but I know Noah can hear him.

  Kyle gets up from the couch, leaving me stunned. Once the door slams, I slowly turn my attention to Noah, who is still standing in the same spot.

  “Are you dating him?”

  “What would it matter?”

  “It’d make all the difference in the world. If you tell me you’re with Zimmerman, I’ll walk out the door right now.”

  “And if I tell you I’m not?”

  Noah steps closer. “Then I’m going to drop down on my knees and beg you to give me a chance to prove I’m worthy of your love.”

  “I think you’re forgetting about your girlfriend, Noah. I told you before, I won’t be a side chick. I manage to get up on my first try and maneuver my way outside. It’s been so hot the past few days and there are people milling around everywhere.

  Noah stands next to me, close enough I can feel him, but far enough way we’re not touching. “The day you and I spent together at the field, you told me something about text messages. When I got back to my house, I did the unthinkable and went through her phone. I saw what she was sending to you, but I saw and read some other messages… Dessie and I aren’t together anymore.”

  “But she’s pregnant.”

  He nods. “She is, but it’s not mine. She cheated on me sometime after telling me she was pregnant and before we left for Beaumont.”

  “Noah, I’m so sorry.” I fight the urge to pull Noah into my arms.

  His head drops, but he turns it slightly to look at me. “Better now, right? I mean, Nick raised a kid that wasn’t his, but he knew it. I don’t know how I would’ve coped down the road.” He clears his throat and straightens up. “However, I’ve taken some time to clear my head.”

  “Was it foggy?” It’s a stupid joke, but humor is always needed.

  Noah laughs. “I miss you, Peyton. I miss everything we had and believe it or not I miss what we could’ve had because I think about it all the time. I had an opportunity with you and I screwed it up, but it’ll never happen again. You see, I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I’m not willing to state an age because let’s face it, five years was a big gap when we were growing up. Now, it’s nothing.

  “So here’s the deal. I’m going to chase you, woo you, romance you, and beat your ass at Madden because you know I can. And when I’m done, I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel the same way. I’m in love with you, Peyton. It’s crazy, ridiculous and unconventional, and it may have taken an accident for me to see the light, but I’m not fighting it.”

  Noah stands before me looking sexy and kissable. It’d be so easy to jump into his arms and ask him to take me to bed. But I don’t. I shrug and say, “Okay.” Much to his dismay.



  I can feel my eyes bug out of my head at her nonchalant response. Is she for real? I just poured my heart and soul out to her and all she can say is “okay.” I must be living in some twisted version of the Twilight Zone because the last I knew, this woman was in love with me. And color me stupid, but I thought when two people were in love, despite one of them being an idiot, they usually fall into each other’s arms after they’ve declared their feelings for each other and start to live happily ever after.

  Granted, I did tell her I was going to woo her, and maybe she needs some romance in her life. For all I know, the guys she’s dated before were dweebs who think being romantic is pizza and a lava lamp for ambiance. The only reason I know this is an option is because of my college teammates. They would share their big plans with us about their date nights. That’s not me, it never was and it never will be. If I learned anything from my dad, it’s how to show the woman you’re in love with the fact that you are completely head over heels in love with them. I’m going to pull out all the stops and show Peyton I mean what I say.

  My dad told me earlier that Katelyn had decided to go on tour with the band, otherwise I probably wouldn’t be here. I needed her to be alone when I told her my plan, and having her parents lurking by wasn’t going to do. My dad thinks I’m crazy, and I probably am, but I’m going to spend as long as it takes in order to win her heart. If she makes me wait until after she graduates, so be it. I’ll be the one in the crowd holding a sign proclaiming my love for her. Either way, I’m here until she tells me I don’t stand a chance.

  “Bet I can beat you,” I say, motioning toward the house where her Madden game is still paused. “I’ll even take his sorry ass team.”

  “You’re on.”

  Peyton steps forward and I use this opportunity to scoop her up into my arms. Her cane falls to the ground, clanking against the patio a few times before coming to a rest. “I can walk,” she says with a bit of bite to her words.

  “I’m fully aware of your abilities, but this gives me a chance to feel you next to me, even if it’s only for a few seconds.” No sooner are the words out of my mouth, am I setting her down on the couch. “Do you want anything? Water, juice, a kiss?” I throw the kiss out there, thinking maybe she’d like a little make-out session. I know I would, but I have a feeling it’s still too early for her.

  Peyton laughs and cracks a smile. “Kissing is off limits, but water is good.”

  “For how long?”

  “Water is always good. It’s a necessary staple for survival. I can’t imagine we’ll live to see when water is bad for you.”

  “Smart ass,” I mutter as I start looking through the cupboards to see what’s there. “Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?” Despite nothing jumping out at me, the shelves are fully stocked.

  “Are you going to make something?” she asks.

  I smile and tilt my head to the side so I can see her better. “I will if you want me to.”


  “Don’t what?” I ask.

  “Don’t be like that,” she says. “I don’t want you to cater to me because you think it’ll make me happy. Are you hungry, Noah? Do you want to make something to eat or get take-out?” Peyton looks fierce as she gives me the riot act. It’s duly noted she doesn’t want to be waited on. I’m not sure I’ll be able to stop though because I feel like I need to do this for her.

  “Take-out it is.” The first thing I do when I pull my phone out is send her a text message. After the fiasco with Dessie, I changed my number. Her nonstop calling grew tiresome, as did her excuses. Telling me she only cheated so I would be happy because she thought she was pregnant when she blurted it out in Peyton’s hospital room. Too bad the messages on her phone told me the truth. She was trapping me into marriage. My dad and Nick say I dodged a bullet. I say I dodged a lot more than that.

  I’m in love with you. Someday, you’ll be ready to tell me the same.

  I stay back in the kitchen, watching as Peyton opens her phone. From where I’m standing it looks like she’s concentrating, possibly trying to figure out who sent her the message.

  Peyton: Stop skulking in the kitchen

  “Skulking? What kind of word is that? I�
�m not skulking.”

  “It’s a perfectly fine word for what you’re doing and it’s creepy. Why’d you get a new number?”

  Returning to the couch, I set her water down on the table. “Too many unwanted phone calls and text messages. I moved on.”

  “Has she?”

  Peyton’s question gives me pause, but she’s right to ask it. I can’t expect her to become involved with me when Dessie could be an issue for her. “Has she texted you?”

  She shakes her head. “No. In fact, I thought you were still with her.”

  I sigh. “Things got ugly. The stuff that she said to her friend… I couldn’t even look at her after I read what I did. I took her phone as evidence in the event she gives birth and tries to pin it on me.”

  “Do you think she will?”

  “I’m an optimist. Everything will work out in our favor.” I look at her and wink. She holds my gaze for a few seconds, maybe even a minute or so before turning away with blushed cheeks. “I’m thinking Chinese for dinner.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I place the order quickly and reach for the controller. “You’re the Patriots?”

  “Of course,” she says as she scrolls through the many options for her offense.

  “Why not the Pioneers?”

  Peyton shrugs. “I heard their quarterback has sloppy footwork.”

  I try not to laugh, but there’s no use. “Touché.”

  It’s been days since I made my intentions known to Peyton, and she’s still keeping me at an arm’s length. I’m fine with it because it means I have to work harder and I’m not afraid to put in the effort. She’s worth it. We’re worth it. However, something has been weighing heavily on my mind, and while her parents know we’ve been spending time together, they’re under the impression I’ve been checking on her, making sure she’s eating, getting to her therapy appointments, all the stuff Katelyn’s worried about.

  Not the case. I haven’t left. When Peyton goes to bed, I sleep on the couch. It wasn’t a decision I consciously made, but that first day, which turned into night, we fell asleep watching a movie. I wish I could say a few of my dreams about her turned into reality, but the truth is, we both stayed on our own sides of the sectional. I’m not even upset about it. As much as I’d love to hold her at night, knowing she’s safe and not alone is far more important.


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