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Seduce (McKenzie Brothers)

Page 14

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Yes ma’am,” I replied as I started to get rid of them. In five seconds flat I was standing in front of the bed just as naked.

  Her eyes widened. “You’re huge!”

  “I’m a McKenzie, what did you expect? All McKenzie men are hung like horses.”

  “Oh. My. God! I can’t believe you just said that! Did I really need to know about your brothers?” She wiggled on her ass to get closer to me and then spread her legs on either side of mine.

  I placed my hands on her shoulders and caressed along her collarbone to her gorgeous breasts. I gently slid my hands over her nipples. She erupted in goose bumps.

  Then it was my turn to get goose bumps when she caressed my hips and around to my ass before kissing along my shaft to the already moist tip. I only had to think about Lily and I was in this condition, but having her naked in my room with her hands on me was driving me totally insane.

  “Mmm, that feels damn good.” She was sucking and licking me like a popsicle while my hands tangled in her hair.

  She pulled her mouth away and used her hands on my balls. “I love touching you. Putting my mouth on you. I’ve never let anyone come in my mouth before, until we were in the barn today.”

  I froze. “Lily, you mean, you’ve never sucked cock before?” She burst out laughing. “Sorry, I guess Sebastian’s rubbing off on me. He has a fowl mouth.”

  She really did have the giggles.

  I stood in front of her with my hands on my hips and just stared at her. I probably looked like an idiot standing there naked and aroused.

  “Okay, I think I’m fine now. Sorry, you’re just so proper at the office, hearing you blurt something like that really tickled me. I think you have to pay the price,” she said and scooted back on the bed, cocking her finger for me to follow her.

  “Lie down on your back.” She kissed me. “I’m going to love you like you’ve never been loved before.” She grinned and I did what she asked.

  She started at my feet, caressing them and rubbed between my toes – it felt good. She slowly moved up my shins and tickled the underside of my knees before moving up to my thighs. I wasn’t sure how long I would last, but I knew I wanted to come inside her.

  I lifted my head up to look at her. “Lily, I need to touch you.”

  “You can, later. It’s my turn. I’ve wanted to see you naked and touch you since the first time I laid eyes on you in the elevator.”

  I dropped my head back onto the pillow and let her have her way. It would be my turn soon enough.

  She licked my hip bone then moved in to lick the other one, avoiding my throbbing shaft. I felt her dip her tongue into my navel and move slightly up my body to rub my cock between her breasts.

  “Fuck.” I arched off the bed into her. “That’s so hot! If you keep doing that I’m going to come all over us,” I panted. She rose slightly above me and the view was…. wow. She was slim and curvy with large breasts and rose-colored nipples. Every mans’ fantasy and she was mine.

  “Behave.” She sucked my nipples into her mouth alternatively and then bit down, sending a rush of blood to the tip of my cock.

  She sat on top of me as the lips of her pussy opened over me and wrapped me in her warmth and wetness. Then she started to move.

  I put my hands on her breasts and started to massage them. I twisted her nipples between my thumb and finger. She shuddered.

  “That feels good.”

  “I need inside you right now.”

  I watched as she moved slightly and took hold of my cock, positioning me at her sex. She slowly slid down, taking all of me inside of her. My eyes rolled back in my head as I dropped back to the pillow.

  I gritted my teeth and took hold of her hips. “Don’t move,” I said through gritted teeth. Barely.

  I breathed heavily while I tried to gain back some semblance of control, but lost it again when Lily leaned into me and brought us chest to chest. She licked my lips and bit my bottom lip before I fused our lips and tongues together. My hands held her head in place as my hips bucked up, pushing myself deeper into her. She was so tight and hot and wet. I was so excited I didn’t think this would last long.

  I moved one hand down to her hip and held her still as I fucked her with just the tip. It drove her wild. Her breathing changed as I slammed back up inside her and felt her sex contract around me.

  She came shouting my name, seconds before I felt my balls pull up and my cock enlarge. I was shooting inside her, coating her walls with my cum. No one had come inside her before me and if I had my way, no one else ever would.

  She was wrapped around me with my arms on her ass. While I was still buried deep inside her. I never wanted to move.

  Chapter 39

  ~~ LILY ~~

  I was still lying on top of Michael with him buried deep inside me. Our breathing started to slow and for the first time in as long as I could remember I felt totally happy.

  “You okay, Lily?”

  I smiled into his chest. “Oh yeah.”

  He moved us both on to our sides, slipping out of me, before he reached for the cover and pulled it over us. He pulled me back into his arms, both of us sated.

  “You’re amazing. You’ve been driving me crazy these past couple of weeks.”

  He brought tears to my eyes. “No one has ever made me as hot as you do, or has given me so much pleasure.”

  “Move in with me,” he blurted out.

  I was stunned. “What?”

  “I didn’t mean to just blurt it out like that. I guess I’m nervous. I want you here with me so I know you’re safe and because I just want you here. I want to spend all my spare time with you and its pointless paying rent on a place when you’ll be spending your nights here anyway.” He grinned and looked too damn adorable.

  That was quick. Okay, we’d wanted each other for a couple of weeks now and I knew all his quirks, likes and dislikes. He was also right about the rent and where I’d be sleeping.

  I took the plunge. “Yes.”

  I didn’t think his smile could have gotten any bigger. I knew I’d made the right decision.

  “Thank you.” He kissed me. “Let’s get some sleep.”


  He chuckled. “You don’t want to sleep?” he asked me while he caressed my face.

  Our legs were tangled together, my head was resting on his arm, and my hand stroked along his side. I was in heaven.

  “I’m tired, but I just want to talk to you.”

  He moved his hand from my face and rested it on my hip, then pulled me in tighter.

  “What do you want to talk about?” He kissed me and pulled back so I could answer.

  “Tell me one of your fantasies.” I couldn’t help but grin at his reaction when his eyes nearly popped out of his head. “I’m serious. If you tell me one of your unfulfilled fantasies, I’ll tell you one of mine.”

  “Why can’t you go first?”

  “Are you for real?” I rolled my eyes. “I asked the question.”

  He groaned. “Okay, but just remember you asked, when I tell you. Because you won’t be able to get it out of your mind.”

  “Okay, perhaps we should talk about something else.”

  “No chance. Okay, the fantasy I’ve been having for the past couple of weeks takes place in my office.”

  It must be one hell of a fantasy, because his erection started twitching against my stomach.

  “You’re in a dress and a pair of those killer stilts you wear. Those shoes drive me insane, I tell you.”

  I laughed. “After that first day, I wore them to torture you. I caught you looking at my legs a few times.”

  “Damn straight. Anyway, you walk into my office and stand real close. Close enough for me to feel your nipples through our clothing. You lean in and whisper that you don’t have any panties on.”

  I groaned while Michael started playing with my nipples.

  “You walked back towards the office door, closed then locked it. You turned and start
ed to walk towards the conference table as you slipped the dress down your arms. When it hit the floor, you stepped out of it and then bent over the conference table spreading your legs. Then you asked me to fuck you.”

  He slammed his lips down on mine and ravished me. There was no other word for what he was doing. I moved my leg and wrapped it around his hip. He reared back with his hips and thrust inside me. Heaven.

  Once inside me, he started to move in and out of my sex so slow that he was driving me wild. It felt so good. He rolled me over on to my back. I moved my leg from around his hip and tangled my legs with his as we moved in sync.

  “Keep it slow, Lily. I want to savor you.”

  He placed soft kisses all over my face as the pleasure started to build. I was so close now as I dug my fingers into Michael’s ass.


  “Yes.” We groaned as my sex squeezed the very life out of Michael’s penis. My orgasm went on and on, having kicked up a notch when I felt Michael coming inside me.

  I was glad I was already flat on my back, because that’s where I would have ended up. Michael lifted up from where he’d collapsed on my chest and tried to pull out of me. “No, I want you to stay.”

  “I’m too heavy.”

  I pulled him back down on top of me.

  He grunted then settled down.

  “That was…. fuckin’ amazing,” he mumbled into my neck.


  After lying on me for a few minutes, he rolled off to the side and lay down on his back. He found my hand and entwined our fingers together.

  “You haven’t told me your fantasy.”

  “I’m too tired.”

  He laughed. “Oh no you don’t. I told you mine.”

  “I’m not sure I would survive mine.”

  “After that comment, you’re not going to sleep until you’ve told me.”

  I huffed with indignation and offered him a wicked smile. “I have this fantasy that involves you and a motorcycle. A Harley to be precise.”

  “I have a Harley.”

  “You do? I didn’t know that.”

  “I’ll take you on it sometime soon.”

  I laughed. “Mmm, you really will be taking me on it when you hear this.”

  “Oh, lord.”

  “We are out riding on your bike and you pull over into a secluded spot. We climbed from the bike feeling really horny and you couldn’t keep your hands off me. I stepped out of your arms and stripped while you watched. I walked back over to you and started removing your jacket and t-shirt and then your jeans. I made you sit astride your bike and then climbed on top of your lap, impaling myself on your penis. In that position you go so deep and feel so good that it only took a couple of grinds until we both came real hard. When we finally climbed from the bike we were both a quivering mess.”

  God, if I wasn’t so tired I would be jumping on top of him after my little fantasy. And he had a Harley. Yeah!

  “Michael, you still with me?”

  “Oh god, perhaps I should’ve waited for that one.”

  I turned on my side and used my free hand to reach for him. He was hard as steel.



  “I know. I’ll survive. Go to sleep Lily.”

  “Goodnight Michael.”

  “Goodnight Lily.” He placed a sweet kiss to my lips and rearranged us so that he was spooning me from behind.

  Chapter 40

  ~~ MICHAEL ~~

  Lily was asleep in my arms, exhausted after the events of earlier. She was an amazing woman and had me turned inside out. Sleep eluded me, my brain refused to shut down and settle and so did my body.

  I inched my body slightly away from Lily so I could look at her. I reached behind me and switched the lamp on so I could see her more clearly.

  My breath caught in my throat. She was beautiful, which I knew already, but as I watched her sleep, she left me breathless. I didn’t want to wake her, but I couldn’t control my impulse to touch her. I reached out and gently smoothed my hand down her arms to her delicate hands and back up again.

  Without waking her, I rearranged her on the bed so that she was lying on her back.

  Her breasts hadn’t been sampled yet. I touched them and I still wanted to taste them, but that would have to wait until she was awake.

  I knelt to the side of her and just took my fill. She aroused me like no one else and unfortunately it always happened at the most inappropriate of times.

  My hands skimmed over her ribs and down to her pubic bone. I carried on down her thighs to her ankles. I kissed her feet and moved back up her body, coming to a stop when I reached the juncture of her thighs. She was completely naked there and her clit peeped out from her pussy.

  My breathing started to pick up. My cock was rock hard and weeping. I desperately needed to be inside her, but I wanted her to sleep so that she was rested when morning rolled around.

  I took a deep breath and after I placed a kiss on her peeping clit, I forced myself to move up to her navel. I licked up from her navel to the underside of her breasts.

  She had perfect breasts, not too big and not too small. They were firm with rose-colored tips. Just one touch, that’s all I would do.

  I leaned over her and kissed first one nipple then moved over to the other one. I sat back up and both nipples were rock hard.



  I looked up to her face. Her eyes were open and she was looking at me like I was the only man she’d ever seen.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you. I couldn’t sleep and needed to look at you.”

  She held her hand out to me and stroked along my thigh, then rubbed the bead of moisture on the tip of my cock.

  “Make love to me.” She wrapped her hand around my shaft and started to move it up and down. On the upwards motion, she rubbed her thumb over the head which made me shudder. It felt so damn good.

  Her hand fell away as I moved my hips out of range and stretched out alongside her.

  “I need to taste your breasts. I’ve touched them, but I haven’t tasted them yet. I can’t believe I’ve neglected these beauties.” I reached out and caressed them with my hand, leaning forward to put my mouth on the nearest one.

  “Michael,” she groaned, arching off the bed as soon as my mouth and tongue made contact with her flesh. I reached up with my hand and used it to massage her other breast. Her nipple was rock hard as I rubbed it between my fingers.

  She was panting and moaning, her legs had fallen open, so I rolled on top of her and wedged my cock between her thighs. I started to rub between her legs while I changed breasts with my mouth.

  “Michael…. please.”

  She was close. I wanted her to come while I sucked her breasts, without any stimulation inside her.

  Her hips started to move under me as she ground her pussy against my balls. My cock was rock hard and ready to release.

  “Michael,” she screamed and started to come. I released her breast from my mouth and thrust inside her, slamming my mouth down onto hers. As our tongues fused together, I came and came and came in the longest orgasm I’d ever had. I could still feel the aftershocks going on inside of Lily. The little spasms milked me, draining me of the very last drop.

  I rolled us both on to our sides and stayed connected to her. My heart was beating like a freight train. Gradually, I slipped out of her and pulled her tight into my arms, until she fell asleep.

  I was still awake with my face buried in Lily’s hair, excited that she’d agreed to move in with me. I would just be glad when she’d moved out of her apartment into my house. I couldn’t wait to make my home our home.

  Our home. As soon as I had that thought it dawned on me that we may have to redecorate. My home was decorated for a single guy and at the time I had no intention of allowing a woman to take up residence, but of course that all changed.

  Lily was going to be treated so well that she’d never want to leave me, no matte
r what. One day I would have to tell her about my past. Unless Lucien took it upon himself to tell her. I trusted him not to, but he had become fond of Lily.

  Chapter 41

  ~~ LILY ~~

  I really didn’t want to wake up. I was having the most marvelous dream about being naked in Michael’s arms while he did some naughty things to me. I turned over and came into contact with a hard body. My eyes opened.

  “Good morning,” Michael said to me. He leaned in and kissed me. He tasted like coffee and oh god, I had morning breath.

  “Don’t kiss me until I’ve brushed my teeth,” I told him as I pushed him away.

  “You taste delicious,” he grinned at my embarrassment. “I brought you breakfast in bed.”

  “You have?”

  He sat up in bed and pulled me forward, then fluffed my pillows. He helped me sit up, passed me one of his t-shirts and tucked the sheets around my legs, then reached for the tray and placed it between us on the bed.

  “This is a feast.” He’d made me a toasted bagel, a bowl of fresh strawberries, melon and grapes, a small plate with cheese and crackers with a glass of fresh orange juice and coffee.

  He just grinned at me and took a bite of his bagel. I reached for the coffee first, I was so in need of a caffeine fix. It was delicious.

  I choked back my tears. He was so thoughtful. “No one has ever done anything like this for me before. Thank you, Michael. It means everything to me.”

  Michael watched me and looked angry. “You better get used to it, because this is going to be a regular weekend occurrence. Now eat up. We have a busy day.”

  “We do?” God, I sounded like an idiot this morning.

  “We’re going to visit George in the hospital, then get you moved out of the apartment and into here. Sometime during the day, I’ll give you a tour of the house so you know where everything is.”

  The fruit was going down rather well as I sat back and listened to Michael. I could listen to him all day with his husky and deep come-to-bed voice. I took in his bedroom, painted in a deep green color with dark mahogany furniture and a green and gold sofa set in the window with a coffee table. I couldn’t help but wonder who he’d already entertained in his bedroom.


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