The Bullion Brothers: Billionaire triplet brothers interracial menage

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The Bullion Brothers: Billionaire triplet brothers interracial menage Page 3

by Tania Beaton

  I remembered a YouTube clip where a rockstar singer called them, ‘the trio from Hell.’ The faraway look and the mist in her eyes had told a different story, though.

  My face must have shown that I recognised him and that the penny had dropped. A look of loss pulled down the corners of his eyes. An empty feeling opened up in the pit of my stomach.

  His voice was firm and he stretched his hand across the table, palm up. “What they say,” his lips were tight, “It’s true.”

  My stomach whirled my emotions like a blender that was switched abruptly to ‘blitz.’ It made no sense for me to feel so much and so suddenly. There was almost no attachment between us.

  “You’re…” my voice shook.

  “Go on,” he said, almost snarling, “Say it.”

  I looked back, horror-struck.

  “SAY it!”

  “You’re Crane Bullion.”

  We were from different worlds. Our meeting at all was just a highly unlikely, fleeting accident. I shouldn’t have imagined, not ever, that there was anything at all to connect me to him. Or him to me.

  In fact I didn’t think that I had imagined anything between us. Nothing beyond two people in a café. Not until it was all snatched away.

  His face hardened. He said, “It’s true.”

  I sighed. He groaned.

  The chairs scraped and fell behind us as we both jumped to our feet. Crane swept away the table and the plates and cutlery clattered to the stone floor. The waiter appeared and we had to part.

  With impeccably pleasant manners, Crane gave the waiter a warm smile but his voice was a firm rumble as he said, “Would you kindly fuck off.” And off he kindly fucked.

  Our mouths were inches apart. I tasted his breath. Our lips poised. Mine trembled. I drowned in his eyes as mine closed. Hesitantly our lips connected. Our tongues touched and a thousand flashbulbs went off inside me.

  Our breath entwined. Our mouths bound us and explored. The touch of his tongue awoke mine and we were a single sinew, a mindless passion in flesh.

  The silky skin of his mobile lips infused me with a dark, thrilling taste. His hand caressed my neck, my throat, my jaw. Then my lips.

  My body rammed against Crane’s, my hips ground into him as he slipped his fingers from my mouth, and his lips met mine again. First we kissed softly, then hungrily, wet and forcefully, and my ass suddenly stung and shook as he slapped it, hard.

  I devoured his tongue and I melted into him in a shuddering torrent of longing. His fingers stroked my neck in a soft, fluttering caress as his other hand slapped me again and I whimpered and pressed my tongue onto his, pushing our mouths to a deeper seal. I pressed so tightly against him, and he was so strong. I dissolved.

  “Crane,” I looked at him, with all the sobriety that I could muster, while my knees shook and the wet heat between my thighs was insistent. It didn’t seem like enough seriousness, but it was all that I had, “I’m just coming out of a relationship, and I’m really not ready for another one yet.”

  “When you’re ready is the one time that good things never come along.”

  “Are you a good thing, Crane?”

  “Good is one of the things that I can be. You might remember some of the other things from the press.”

  “OK, so you are still the kind of a guy that will do anything to fuck a girl until he’s had her, and then he doesn’t want to know her anymore?”

  “Absolutely not.” I couldn’t trust his eyes. However much I wanted to. “Why would you think that?” His eyebrow arched.

  “I don’t. I… I don’t know, I just want to check, Crane. Because, if you were then that would be a real pisser and we should fast-forward.”

  “We should fast forward to where you tell me what an ass I am and leave me watching your fabulous ass depart with your finger in the air?”

  “Mm, maybe not quite that far.” He wanted to play, I could play, too. “Maybe just before that,” I bit my lip, “to the part where we fuck.”

  His face creased into a dark scowl. The look he gave me was so pained, I couldn’t bear it. And I’d made such an idiot of myself. I blustered, feeling hopeless and humiliated,

  “You don’t… What do you think… I mean,” I couldn’t stand it. “Oh, look, I have to go.”

  I turned and made for the door, almost crashing into a table on the way. How could I have made such a horrible mess of something that could have been… what could it have been?

  What could it ever have been with me around to trash it? Maybe I had screwed things up with Petroc in some way, maybe it was me and not him. Maybe… maybe I should get out of there and jump in the the damn…


  I told myself, don’t stop. Keep going. Don’t allow yourself to be played and made a fool of. Not twice in two days. Go. GO! I stopped. I stood absolutely, obediently still and I waited for him. The world seemed to fall silent as I waited, frozen, rooted to the spot. I waited as the turmoil inside me swirled louder and every part of me clenched.

  I felt his warm breath on the nape of my neck, and as his dark, musty scent drifted into my nostrils, I quaked. My knees almost gave way, as his dark voice breathed into my ear, “Come with me.”

  The launch waited, bobbing by the marina quayside. We stepped into the deck at the back, and I saw a big, dark silhouette in the wheelhouse. Crane didn’t say a word, and we stood in the back as the boat took us out into the river to the huge yacht that brooded in the middle of the Hudson.

  Crane led me aboard the yacht and inside. We went down wide steps into the sunken levels of a dark lounge. He led me across a thick, brown carpet to the middle of the floor. He held me by my shoulders and looked into my eyes. I trembled.

  “Maya, I have a proposition for you.”

  Whatever I might have expected him to say, that wasn’t it.

  “Can you stand it if I ask you something very shocking?”

  I had sudden panic as I realized just how far away we were from the shore. Out on a boat, there was nobody to see or hear what might happen to you. Maybe I shouldn’t have come onto this boat.

  Whatever might happen to me out here, just a few hundred feet from the shore, nobody would ever know.

  “Derrick came very close to you this morning in the park.” He could not be serious. He surely didn’t expect me to believe that ragged, homeless man was his brother. That was too ridiculous. “Are you ready to meet him again, Maya?”

  I didn’t know what to say. As I drew a breath I heard a sound and I turned, then I shrieked as I jolted back. I leapt into Crane’s arms, my head turned and my eyes wide. From the far sides of the room, the other two huge, golden-brown haired brothers padded slowly towards us.

  Their smiles were broad and their arms were open as they approached. I clung so tight to Crane’s chest my fingers clutched and pulled on his soft shirt. My pulse thumped and I whispered, “Crane!” as I shook against his hard trunk.

  The brothers came closer and I jumped against Derrick, making him hold me. I threw my arms around him, pressed against his huge, strong body. My round, quivering ass felt small as his huge hand pulled me tight to him. My pants were hot and wet and I trembled all over. He held me tight as I clung to him. Then he looked in my eye.

  His voice was firm and insistent. “Calm yourself now.” He set me on my feet in front of him. I jumped to grab Hawser. I planted a kiss on his strong lips and he held me tight. My body trembled against his.

  Crane’s thick, dark voice made my thighs vibrate. “Derrick, Hawser and I,” the other two brothers eyes blazed at me. Their dark eyes shone the color of treacle.

  Derrick’s mouth opened, “Who’s been stepping on my yacht?” his booming voice made me damp in my panties.

  Hawser pressed closer and I felt his strong thighs against my legs. I trembled as the nearness of him warmed the insides of my thighs. I pressed back against Crane as the heat rose and my juices welled inside my skirt. My body vibrated as his warmth heated my crotch. Hawser grinned as he said,
“Who’s been perfuming my cabin?”

  I was hot and obscenely wet down there. The three brothers stood a half a pace back. Their heavy heads lifted and they grinned with a mischief that made me tremble. And I remembered they are so dangerous. Crane’s hands held my shoulders.

  From behind me he said, “Now that we’re all reacquainted, let me leave you together for a moment.” And he left me. Alone with hs two gorgeous brothers. He went through a door and was gone.

  The air was thick with a strong, hot, feral scent that had a sweetness all of its own. The room itself had a delicate fragrance, like sandalwood or incense. I breathed heavily, my heart ponded, but I remained as I had been told. Briefly I wondered about what I had let myself in for, but a kind of calm seeped through me.

  Derrick, Hawser and I looked at each other. The atmosphere in the room was charged and tension played at the sides of their mouths. They licked their lips.

  I hungered for what was to come, I craved it. Those moments when, for all three brothers, for three massive, gorgeous billionaires, I could be everything.

  Through the narrow, dark-tinted windows around the dimly lit room I saw the towers of Manhattan on one side, and the flat edifices of New Jersey on the other. If we were on land, it would be a three-minute walk away. Afloat, it was the other end of the universe.

  The brothers stared intensely at me and, with determination, I found that I could look back at them. I looked them in the eyes. Derrick chewed his lip.

  Crane returned with some things in his hand that looked like tassels or belts, and he put them on a table. Stood in front of me, he put his hands on my shoulders. I shook and I was fidgety. And I was uncomfortably hot.

  “Your fear will heighten your sensations and arousal. Have faith and all will be well. Better than well.” He looked at me seriously. “We have a need, my brothers and I,” his hand swept to indicate the other two triplets. “We need a woman.”

  I shuddered. Fear, uncertainty, apprehension and, I can’t deny it, an outrageous charge of thrill shook me to my core. “We need a woman to be our mate. We are in desperate need of an heir.”

  His eyes were serious as he watched me. Serious, but still adorable. And they reminded me very much of the eyes of the other two brothers. The brothers who watched me just as intently as Crane did.

  He said, “Should I go on?”

  I looked from Crane to each of the brothers. Their eyes all held the same look of eager anticipation. I couldn’t speak. I nodded, once.

  “To breed we will need to give you our…” his lips were tight as he paused, “our seed.” His lips pursed. “For the best chance of success, we will all need to give you our seed.”

  I gulped.

  His voice was very low, “Twice.”

  My eyes and my mouth must have popped wide.

  “The second expression is always the most fertile, and that is what we must give to impregnate you.”

  He let me think about it for a moment. Really, I didn’t know what to think. I should leave, right now. I should run. Or swim. I should get as far away from these three mad, gorgeous lunatic brothers.

  “Will you agree?” His voice caught and his eyebrows arched together. Derrick and Hawser shuffled on the carpet. I remained still. And I nodded, once. All three of their faces broke out into delicious smiles.

  “I shall need to prepare you.” I had a sense of what would come next from the straps and clips on the leatherwork he had fetched.

  His hands stroked down my arms to take my hands. As his nostrils flared, I heard him draw breath in and he seemed to inhale the scent of my hair. He turned my palms upward and stroked the insides of my forearms.

  Both brothers leaned in to watch closely. The tingles that played all over my body made me I shiver. My thick, heavy breath made my breasts heave, and my nipples were sore, rubbing as they swelled and tightened inside my bra.

  Crane stroked my sides, my ribs and then, slowly, my breasts and I quivered from my knees to my chest. I could smell my own heat rising, as well as feeling it welling in my pant. All of my sensitive parts tingled and buzzed.

  He was so near that the heat of him seared through my dress. His firm, pulsing arousal was swelling, and I felt it against my stomach. His head bowed as he began to unbutton the front of my dress. I flinched, but he froze and looked swiftly up and into my eyes. Derrick snorted.

  My eyes widened and I gave the tiniest nod. He continued. When he had my dress undone all the way down, hanging open, my arms wanted to fling themselves across my chest and my stomach, to cover myself. To protect me.

  He seemed to sense it, as his damned grin stretched a little tighter. He paused for a moment while I gained control of myself. Gently, tenderly, he lifted my dress from my shoulders and pulled it down my arms and away, with a gesture more like he was removing an old dustsheet from a work of art, long lost from view.

  Derrick watched me with a searing intensity. Hawser shuffled on the carpet. His huge hands flexed as though they could tear the rug to shreds in a single move. His dark brown eyes flickered all over my body.

  Crane stood back to survey the result of my exposure. His eyes travelled up my legs, over my hips, across my quivering stomach and slowly up to my heaving breasts. Slowly then, his gaze slid up the length of my neck, and finally his sapphire eyes gleamed into mine.

  A shock like a bolt of electricity shook me. His thumb and finger took a hold of my bottom lip, pulled it out, and he watched me as he squeezed it. He paced a wide circle around me, stalking and striding, like a large animal might, his eyes on me the whole time, burning with hunger.

  As he prowled round me, I felt his eyes roam, peer and probe every part of me. Standing, shaking, in my shoes and underwear, I felt like both a specimen and a treasure. With no idea of what was to come, I felt completely in his control.

  Two senses of abandon overcame me. All of my attachments were lost and gone, and I was bare and revealed, free and open to whatever may come. His voice poured warm on his breath, like a dark syrup from behind me and into my ear.

  “Move your legs apart a little.” As I did, I heard him pick something up from the table. The briefest swish announced the smarting thwack on my buttock, exactly where he had smacked me in the café. My eyes popped wide and I let out a squeak. He was close behind me. Beranrdo moved nearer.

  I felt Crane’s breath on my neck, his hard chest against my shoulders and his cock, pressed against my clenching bottom. I was woozy. It was like that in the café, but this time was so much more powerful. I said, “I hate that, being smacked. But it’s intensely arousing. What’s going on?”

  “AHA! Maya, my fiery Italian beauty, you learn fast. We can progress rapidly.”

  “Now I’m afraid.” I was joking, and I wasn’t. I was afraid, but it excited me and I wanted to go on. I trusted him.

  “Excellent.” Derrick came nearer and stood in front of me, close, watching attentively. He lifted my chin and peered into my eyes.

  Crane spanked me again. I couldn’t see what he was using on me. Something hard and flat. And again. The sound, the sharp thwack, even that was becoming exciting to me. This was like some deep, dark door opening inside me.

  As the flat of his hand slapped repeatedly on my buttocks, an intense pleasure spread like fire within me. I was gasping for breath. The petals of my sex buzzed and trembled, and I shook from my core.

  He tenderly undid my bra and removed it, casting it aside.

  His fingers slid around to my stomach, down to my mound, slipped farther and pressed behind my clit through the fabric of my panties, hot and soaked now, the lips of my sex quivering with need. I gasped as he pressed and stroked rhythmically between my thighs.


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