by Mark Zuehlke
Royal Canadian Corps of Engineers
1st Field Squadron
4th Field Park Squadron
10th Field Squadron
5th Canadian Armoured Brigade
2nd Canadian Armoured Regiment (Lord Strathcona’s Horse)
5th Canadian Armoured Regiment
(8th Princess Louise New Brunswick Hussars)
9th Canadian Armoured Regiment
(British Columbia Dragoons)
11th Canadian Infantry Brigade
Perth Regiment
Cape Breton Highlanders
Irish Regiment of Canada
11th Canadian Armoured Regiment (Ontario Tanks)
12th Canadian Armoured Regiment (Three Rivers Tanks)
14th Canadian Armoured Regiment (Calgary Tanks)
6th Armoured Regiment (1st Hussars)
10th Armoured Regiment (Fort Garry Horse)
27th Armoured Regiment
(Sherbrooke Fusiliers Regiment)
No. 1: Signals Platoon
No. 2: Administrative Platoon
No. 3: Mortar Platoon (3-inch)
No. 4: Bren Carrier Platoon
No. 5: Assault Pioneer Platoon
No. 6: Anti-Tank Platoon (6-pounder)
No. 7 Platoon
No. 8 Platoon
No. 9 Platoon
No. 10 Platoon
No. 11 Platoon
No. 12 Platoon
No. 13 Platoon
No. 14 Platoon
No. 15 Platoon
No. 16 Platoon
No. 17 Platoon
No. 18 Platoon
Like most Commonwealth nations, the Canadian Army used the British ranking system. Except for the lower ranks, this system differed little from one service arm to another. The German Army system, however, tended to identify service and rank throughout most of its command chain. The translations are roughly based on the Canadian ranking system, although there is no Canadian equivalent for many German ranks and some differentiation in the responsibility each rank bestowed on its holder.
Private, infantry Schütze
Rifleman, rifle regiments Schütze
Private Grenadier
Gunner (artillery equivalent of private) Kanonier
Trooper (armoured equivalent of private) Panzerschütze
Guardsman (guards equivalent of private) Panzerschütze
Sapper (engineer equivalent of private) Pionier
Signaller (signals equivalent of private) Funker
Lance Corporal Gefreiter
Corporal Obergefreiter
Lance Sergeant Unteroffizier
Sergeant Unterfeldwebel
Company Sergeant Major Feldwebel
Battalion Sergeant Major Oberfeldwebel
Regimental Sergeant Major Stabsfeldwebel
Second Lieutenant Leutnant
Lieutenant Oberleutnant
Captain Hauptmann
Major Major
Lieutenant Colonel Oberstleutnant
Colonel Oberst
Brigadier Generalmajor
Major General Generalleutnant
Lieutenant General General der (service arm)
(No differentiation) General der Artillerie
General der Flieger
General der Infanterie
General der Kavallerie
General der Pioniere
General der Panzertruppen
General Generaloberst
Field Marshal Generalfeldmarschall
Commander-in-Chief Oberbefehlshaber
The decoration system that Canada used in World War II, like most other aspects of its military organization and tradition, derived from Britain. Under this class-based system, most military decorations can be awarded either to officers or to “other ranks,” but not both. The Canadian army, navy, and air force also have distinct decorations. Only the Victoria Cross—the nation’s highest award—can be won by personnel from any arm of the service or of any rank. The decorations and qualifying ranks are as follows.
VICTORIA CROSS (VC): Awarded for gallantry in the presence of the enemy. Instituted in 1856. Open to all ranks. The only award that can be granted for action in which the recipient was killed, other than Mentioned in Despatches—a less formal honour whereby an act of bravery was given specific credit in a formal report.
DISTINGUISHED SERVICE ORDER (DSO): Army officers of all ranks, but more commonly awarded to officers with ranks of major or higher.
MILITARY CROSS (MC): Army officers with a rank normally below major and, rarely, warrant officers.
DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL (DCM): Army warrant officers and all lower ranks.
MILITARY MEDAL (MM): Army warrant officers and all lower ranks.
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