by Mark Zuehlke
95th Field Battery
96th Anti-Tank Battery
98th Field Regiment (SP)
100th Field Battery
105th Anti-Tank Battery
110th Field Battery
1st Field Company
2nd Field Company
3rd Field Company
4th Field Company
6th Field Company
8th Field Squadron
9th Field Squadron
10th Field Squadron
11th Field Company
30th Field Company
1st Canadian Parachute; and Operation Varsity
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada
Black Watch (RHC) of Canada
Calgary Highlanders
Canadian Scottish
Cape Breton Highlanders
Carleton and York
Essex Scottish
48th Highlanders of Canada
Hastings and Prince Edward
Highland Light Infantry of Canada
Irish Regiment of Canada
Lake Superior (Motor)
Le Régiment de la Chaudière
Le Régiment de Maisonneuve
Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal
Lincoln and Welland
Loyal Edmonton
North Nova Scotia Highlanders
North Shore (New Brunswick)
Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry
Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
Queen’s Own Rifles
Regina Rifles
Royal Canadian
Royal Hamilton Light Infantry
Royal Regiment of Canada
Royal 22e (Van Doos)
Royal Winnipeg Rifles
Seaforth Highlanders of Canada
South Saskatchewan
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders
Westminster (Motor)
West Nova Scotia
1st General Hospital
9th Field Ambulance
12th Light Field Ambulance
15th Canadian Field Ambulance
Governor General’s Horse Guards
14th Canadian Hussars
Princess Louise Dragoon Guards
Royal Canadian Dragoons
17th Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars
South Alberta Regiment
12th Manitoba Dragoons
Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (MG)
New Brunswick Rangers
Saskatoon Light Infantry (MG)
Toronto Scottish (MG)
Air Force
Bomber Command
No. 84 Fighter Group
No. 150 Squadron
2nd Tactical Air Force
21st Army Group
Eighth Army
Second Army
I Corps
XII Corps
XIII Corps,
XXX Corps
XXX Corps Troops Royal Artillery
1st Airborne
3rd Infantry
6th Airborne
11th Armoured
15th (Scottish) Infantry
43rd (Wessex) Infantry
49th (West Riding) Infantry
51st (Highland) Infantry
79th Armoured
Guards Armoured
1st Commando
3rd Brigade
3rd Parachute
8th Armoured
56th Infantry
129th Infantry
146th Infantry
147th Infantry
153rd Infantry
154th Infantry
1st Black Watch
1st Leicestshire
3rd Medium
4th Lincolnshire
4th Royal Tank
4/7 Royal Dragoon Guards
5th Black Watch
5/7 Gordon Highlanders
7th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
7th Black Watch
7 Duke of Willington’s
49th Reconnaissance,
Fife and Forfar Yeomanry
Royal Marines
No. 46 Royal Marine Commando
Air Force
8th Air Force
IX Troop Carrier Command
Twelfth Army Group
First Army
Ninth Army
XVI Corps
XVIII Airborne Corps
17th Airborne
79th Infantry
95th Infantry
Allied Forces (Other Than U.S.)
1st Belgian Parachute Battalion
1st Polish Armoured Division
2nd Régiments de Chasseurs Parachutistes
3rd Régiments de Chasseurs Parachutistes
Army Group G
Army Group H
Fifth Panzer Army
Fifteenth Army
First Fallschirmjäger Army
Seventh Army
II Fallschirmjäger Corps
LXCII Panzer Corps
LXXX Corps
Condor Legion
6th Fallschirmjäger
7th Fallschirmjäger
8th Fallschirmjäger
15th Panzer Grenadier
180th Infantry
361st Volksgrenadier
480th Infantry
953rd Volksgrenadier
3rd Fallschirmjäger (Parachute) Training Regiment
7th Fallschirmjäger Brigade
16th Fallschirmjäger Regiment
20th Fallschirmjäger Regiment
21st Fallschirmjäger Regiment
32nd Fallschirmjäger Regiment
104th Panzer Grenadier Regiment
858th Grenadier Regiment
6th Fallschirmjäger
22nd Infantry Ersatz
31st Fallschirmjäger
Naval Fortress Battalions,
MARK ZUEHLKE’S CANADIAN Battle Series, of which this is the eighth volume, is the most extensive account of the combat experiences of Canada’s army in World War II. These best-selling books continue to confirm his reputation as the nation’s leading writer of popular military history. In 2006, Holding Juno: Canada’s Heroic Defence of Canada’s D-Day Beaches, June 7-12, won the City of Victoria’s Butler Book Prize. In combination with his 2007 Terrible Victory, On To Victory presents the most comprehensive English-language account of Holland’s liberation from German occupation.
Besides this series, Zuehlke has written five other historical works, including For Honour’s Sake: The War of 1812 and the Brokering of an Uneasy Peace, which won the 2007 Canadian Authors Association Lela Common Award for Canadian History. Also a novelist, he is the author of the popular Elias McCann crime series. The first in the series, Hands Like Clouds, won the Crime Writers of Canada Arthur Ellis Award for Best First Novel in 2000, and the later Sweep Lotus was a finalist for the 2004 Arthur Ellis Award for Best Novel.
Zuehlke lives in Victoria, British Columbia, and is currently at work on his next Canadian Battle book, which will carry the story of the Canadian involvement in the Normandy campaign forward from where Juno Beach and Holding Juno left off. He can be found on the web at
a Bernhard did visit Juliana in Canada, and their third daughter, Margriet, was born there. To ensure that Margriet’s c
itizenship would be solely Dutch, the Canadian government temporarily declared the hospital where Juliana gave birth to her Dutch soil. Juliana left Canada in 1944, but her children remained until the following year. Juliana’s modest but determined personality captured the hearts of the country. “My name is Juliana . . . please don’t regard me too much as a stranger,” she said in her first radio address in Canada. “Do not give me your pity,” she added. “Pity is for the weak, and our terrible fate has made us stronger than ever before.”
Copyright © 2010 by Mark Zuehlke
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
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without the prior written consent of the publisher or a licence from
The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright).
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Douglas & McIntyre
An imprint of D &M Publishers Inc.
2323 Quebec Street, Suite 201
VancouverBCCanada V5T 4S7
Cataloguing data available from Library and Archives Canada
eISBN : 978-1-553-65619-7
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Canada Council
for the Arts, the British Columbia Arts Council, the Province of British Columbia through
the Book Publishing Tax Credit, and the Government of Canada