Callie Healy

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by Jennifer Foor

  For months I swore I’d contracted a disease or gotten pregnant. Thank God neither happened. Back then I had Cammie to comfort me when I made mistakes. I suppose she’d still do the same for me, but she’d judge me and tell me I needed to grow up. In my honest opinion I feel like sometimes she tries to be my second mother instead of my sister.

  “I like your hair,” I say as I run my hands through her blonde and black streaks. She was always adventurous and charismatic. “Maybe we could do mine while I’m here.”

  “Girl, you work in a salon. You aren’t here to get your hair done. You’re here to party, hook up with some hotties and then repeat it the next day.”

  “Geesh, you make me sound like a whore.”

  “It’s just sex, Callie. I’m in college. It’s about exploration and learning. What better way to learn than experience?”

  “You have the worst theories. What are they teaching you here?”

  She pulls me inside the building where the sound of hip-hop music resonates. “To have fun.”

  I take a few seconds to consider what this weekend could do for my state of mind. “You know what, screw it. Let’s have some fun. No regrets.”

  “Woohoo,” she cheers. “What are we waiting for?”

  Lys leads me into the living room where three people sit around a coffee table. Cards are spread out and red solo cups are situated in front of each person. They’re filled with some blue concoction that I can only guess tastes fruity and sweet. I wave when they stop what they’re doing to take me in. “Hi. I’m Callie.”

  Two females chipper up, while an extremely sexy guy manages a half-smile. They all say hi before Lys begins to introduce them. “The bitch to the right is Pepper. It’s really her last name, but that’s what she goes by. Her room is the first one you come to upstairs. Next to her is Avery. She has the room across from mine.”

  Before she can finish the guy speaks. “And I’m her brother, Cob.”

  I snicker. “Your name is Cob? Like corn?”

  He gives me a flippant look. “Like Jacob, but shorter.”

  “Don’t mind my brother. He’s here visiting since it’s alumni week.”

  “Nice to meet all of you. I won’t be in the way while I’m here.”

  They go back to playing the game after the introductions are finished, so Lys takes me around the house to give me the tour.

  We spend the next hour in her room reminiscing about the good old days. When the sun begins to set we stroll out onto the second level deck and watch it disappear. We’re joined by Cob, who plays on his phone and ignores the beautiful horizon.

  Lys runs inside, leaving me there with the cocky stranger. “So, you went to school here?” I ask to break the silence.

  “That’s what I said earlier.” He never looks up. “What about you? Where do you go to school?”

  “I don’t. I’m a stylist.”

  His brow cocks as he finally peers at me displaying a set of light hazel eyes. His dark sideburns accentuate the shape of his jawline and as I scan the attributes of his face I’m taken aback by the attraction I feel. He’s definitely a well kept man, taking pride in his appearance and how he grooms. His facial hair is trimmed in a fine line across his chin, and those lips appear to part just enough to make me lick mine in response.

  I realize quickly that I must appear desperate. As quick as I’m able, I turn away.

  “So you went to trade school for cosmetology?”

  “Yes,” I answer.

  “I’d imagine that must have been easy.”

  I’m annoyed he may assume I’ve taken the easy route as far as careers go. “I’ll have you know I stand on my feet for more than ten hours a day. My hands kill me at night, and sometimes I have to talk so much my throat hurts. Why? What do you do for a living?”

  He lets out an air-filled laugh that causes me to turn back to look at him. “I work for a large corporation that implements and constructs new roadways in all fifty states.”

  “What does that mean? What is your job?” This guy doesn’t seem much older than me, but he speaks with an educated tone.

  “Actually, I just took on a new role. I work for the division that obtains the property for new roads to be constructed on.”

  I begin to think about what this type of job entails. “So you purchase property and force homeowners to move?” I remember this happening in my town a while back. The people who had to move were offered a large amount of money after they’d first refused.

  “It’s not that simple. I’m sure you don’t want to be bored to death hearing about my job. It’s work. It pays the bills and lets me live within my means.”

  “Do you force people to move if they refuse?”

  He lifts his phone to his ear and sticks up one finger for me to hang on. In the meantime Lys comes out on the porch and takes me by the arm, pulling me back inside. “Hurry up. We need to change and roll out. We’re going to grab dinner before we get our drink on.”

  I don’t say goodbye to the douchebag we leave behind. People like him annoy me. They don’t care who they hurt as long as they get their job done. I could never go to someone and take away their land for a stupid road the world can probably do without. There will be much more interesting, potential men to occupy my time while I’m visiting. If I want the whole college experience I’m going to have to act just like Lys and keep an open mind.

  I put on my sexiest little skirt and top that doesn’t cover much of my mid-drift. I’ve already straightened my hair, but give it a slight touch up to ensure everything is in place, then I redo my makeup so I look my best.

  I spin around so Lys can judge me. “Well, what do you think?”

  “I think I’m jealous of that cute little ass.” She slaps me there as she says it. “You’re totally going to have the guys chasing you around.”

  “Shut up. I’m here to spend time with you.”

  We begin to walk out of the apartment together. “Don’t you worry. There are plenty enough guys here to go around. They come in all flavors. I prefer the chocolate over the vanilla.”

  I laugh at how she says it. “You’re terrible.”

  “What? I’m just telling the truth. You prefer clean cut white boys who think their shit doesn’t stink. I like a fine black man who puts me on a pedestal and cares for my every need. To each his own.”

  I roll my eyes as we walk down the sidewalk toward the town that I passed before pulling into the development. “So where are we going?”

  “Just down to the pub. They have the best burgers.”

  “And you expect me to drink afterwards? I’ll be puking my guts up.”

  “You’ll be fine. Pace yourself. Besides, the more you eat the longer it will take to get shit faced. I’ll make sure you get home in one piece.”

  Two hours later I’m standing in the back yard of the frat house where the party is taking place. It’s crowded, with little walking room, especially when you get closer to the door. I’d been inside for a while, but since I didn’t know anyone it was a bit awkward, plus there were a bunch of girls running around with only body paint covering their genitals. All the hollering was giving me a headache. At least outside I can feel the crisp breeze against my face, and enjoy the entertainment from afar. I’ve been waiting for a chair to open up for forever, so when I spot one I hurry over to it and park my ass against the hard seat, not noticing who is sitting beside me. He’s giving me a once over before turning back to the female he’s chatting with. I still can’t get over how attractive he is.

  He wants to be called Cob, and as silly as it sounds, it intrigues me to want to know more about him. Why do they call him Cob? Does he work out, or did God give him that natural build?

  I sip at my beer while I watch him out of the corner of my eye. People that pass are giving him acknowledgment as if he’s pretty popular. I can only assume alumni often show up for these sort of gatherings.

  It takes me a while to feel a buzz come on. I people watch, enjoying the free entert
ainment, though it reminds me of the antics us kids get into on the ranch. There is never a dull moment for sure.

  While I pray Lys will find me, I’m settled to the fact that I’ve changed. I used to be the girl who would flash her tits for a free drink. I used to be the person who could walk up to someone and immediately be friends. This new façade is nothing but boring so I make the decision to get off my ass and do something about it.

  I don’t know if Cob has a girlfriend. It could be the chick he’s been talking to for the past half hour, or maybe she’s just someone he knows from around. Regardless of their relationship, I take him by the arm and pull up to a standing position. He looks from me to the other female, then back to me again. “What the hell, woman?”

  “Come dance with me,” I say while continuing to pull him along. I’m already moving to the beat of the loud music. His rhythm isn’t the best, but he does try to keep up, instead of walking away and leaving me to dwell with rejection.

  We get through one song before we speak to each other. He breaks the ice. “Where are you from, Blondie?”

  “North Carolina.”

  “Oh yeah? My mom grew up there. It’s nice down there.”

  “Where about?” I inquire.

  “Near Raleigh I think. I’m not sure. I haven’t been there since my grandmother died when I was a kid. Small world though. Do you live in the city or a rural area?”

  The next tune is slower. I don’t want to appear desperate, but I also don’t know where Lys went, and I certainly hate being alone surrounded by strangers, so I bring my hands up his chest to keep his attention. “I’m a country girl. My family runs a cattle ranch.”

  “Wow. The farmer’s daughter. That’s kinda hot.”

  I roll my eyes. If he only knew how many times I’ve heard that in my life. “Where did you grow up?”

  “Pennsylvania mostly. My family owns a bunch of hotels and a couple bed and breakfast establishments. Whenever a new one came along we’d move to that location to ensure it ran smoothly.”

  “Hotels, like Hilton?” Is this guy filthy rich? If so, I could be more interested in allowing him to entertain me while I’m here.

  He smirks and shakes his head while lightly grasping the sides of my arms. For anyone watching us they’d be able to tell we were uncomfortable with this situation. We look like teenagers at our first dance.

  “No. We’re nothing like that. They make a modest living.”

  I turn away and blush. Being this close to him allows me to see the stubble growing on his face. His white teeth are straight, but not perfect, making me feel like he never had braces. Those eyes, my god they’re piercing into my soul as he talks. I want to hate him. He’s a cocky guy with a shitty job. He probably makes more enemies than friends, and I can only assume he’s okay with that. I also know bad guys have always been my thing, so it’s only natural for me to be curious. “So you take time off work to come here and party like you’re still in college? That seems kind of desperate if you ask me.” I’m flippant, because men like to be challenged, so I’ve noticed with past experiences.

  He shrugs. “Occasionally. My dad was in an accident, so I came home for that.”

  “Oh my God. Is he okay?”

  “Yeah. He broke his collar bone and bruised a couple ribs. My mom needed me around to help pick up the slack while he was down and out. It’s all good now. Dad’s back to normal.”

  “Are you close with your family?”

  He stares at me for a moment and then shakes his head. “Why are you asking me so many questions? Is this your way of hitting on me? That’s it!” His eyes light up. “You see something you like. You want me.” Of course someone like him would boast a huge ego. I’m sure women throw themselves at him, especially at parties like this one.

  I push him until he’s not able to touch me. He can’t know I think he’s gorgeous and interesting. “Fat chance! I was only trying to bide my time until Lys finds me.”

  “Lys? Yeah, good luck with that. When I came in she was going upstairs with some guy. The last time I was here she did the same thing. You’re better off calling it a night if you can’t hang with the big guns.”

  I point at him, as if I mean business. “I don’t think I like you.” It’s a bold-faced lie. “You think your shit doesn’t stink.” I’m taking up for Lys, because he’s pretty much called her a whore without saying the words. It’s making me defensive and highly offended.

  He reacts quickly to my change of attitude. “Yeah, well it’s the same view from here. I don’t have time for this shit. Take your high school attitude and go somewhere else. There’s a new beer calling my name, and a lot more fuckable potential then what’s in front of me.”

  I huff away as quickly as possible, hoping I don’t have to see him for the entirety of my weekend. He’s a prick, and I was stupid to think I could ease my way in. Guys like him have their pick of women, and I haven’t been anyone’s first choice in a long time.

  I fill two cups to the brim with beer and sit down on the lawn at the edge of the property. The music is loud enough to be heard from anywhere in the neighborhood, so I try to relax and allow the beat to calm my nerves.

  I watch partygoers doing keg stands, and more girls running around without tops. Some are just dancing around as if they don’t care they’re exposed, while others are too drunk to care. I get a good laugh when a guy streaks through the crowds of people, slapping on the asses of every dude as he passes them. I even spot Cob’s sister from afar and wonder if I could reach out to her for someone to entertain me, but she disappears into the crowd just as fast.

  When I’ve emptied the two cups, I venture into the house to see what else they have to offer. A couple people are doing body shots off the topless females. A random guy grabs me by the arm and pulls me up until I’m standing over one of them. People are chanting ‘shots’ as I peer around and wonder what I should do next.

  It’s obvious I have two options. I can run away and forget this place ever existed, or I can come out of my shell and be the life of the party like I used to be.

  I duck down and suck the concoction from the woman’s skin, dragging my tongue over it to get a rise out of the audience.

  When everyone cheers I throw up my arms like I’m the queen of the world. I’m now welcomed into the affair as if I’ve always belonged. Suddenly I’m being lifted to do keg stands and guys are fawning over me like they used to. I feel like myself, before my heart got broken. It’s wonderful and exciting.

  Then everything kind of gets blurred, and when I say blurred, I mean I can’t remember anything.

  Chapter 4


  It’s dark when my eyes open. I sit up and peer around the quiet room hoping I’ll recognize something significant to tell me where I am. I know I’m on a mattress, and as my feet touch the floor I can tell the bed is at least on a frame. My left hand feels around for a lamp, only to come in contact with skin instead. Even in the dark my eyes are as wide as possible.

  Next I drag my hand over my own body to discover there isn't an inch of clothing left. I'm flabbergasted, completely and utter freaking out. It's still dark outside¸ so I can only assume whoever is sleeping in the bed next to me hasn't been asleep long.

  As quiet as possible I get down and crawl across the floor hoping to God I can find a doorway without knocking something over and alarming the stranger in the bed.

  Before I get two feet away I hear the voice for the first time, worst of all I recognize it.

  A light comes on as he speaks. "So this is how you repay me?"

  I curl up and cover my body to prevent him from seeing me naked, though I fear I have nothing left to hide, including my dignity. "Holy shit. Cob? What? How?"

  He's snarling. If I wasn't naked I'd stand up and hit him.

  "How? You're really going to ask me that after what you did?"

  My eyes ignite with worry. "What I did? What did you do to me?"

  He boasts a proud smile before shaking h
is head and running one hand through his dark wavy hair. "I should have expected you'd act like this."

  "Like what?" I still have no clue how we arrived at this predicament.

  "Ungrateful to start with. Not even two hours ago you were begging me to take you home. Now you're all freaked out about it. Next you'll be telling people I forced myself on you."

  "You obviously did, because there is no way in hell I'd ever want to sleep with you."

  Cob doesn't stand. He flops back down on the bed and laughs until he's struggling to breathe. I'm angry yet extremely confused. I don't remember anything. "Did we sleep together?" I have to know.

  I watch the man sit straight up and stare at me. "There was no way I'd sleep with you."

  My brow raises. "Then how do you explain the lack of clothing?"

  Cob stands and shocks me by revealing a pair of tighty whites. He snaps the elastic. "I'm not naked, and you, well you did that yourself. It's funny you say you'd never sleep with me, because two hours ago you were begging for just that. You took your clothes off and climbed into my bed. After the mess you made in the bathroom I figured it was safer to let you rest until your stomach settled."

  Oh no. "Please tell me I didn't get sick."

  "All over my sister's car, the front steps, my pants, and the bathroom. What the fuck did you eat?"

  I'm queasy just thinking back to the burger and fries.

  Cob points at me. "You want something to cover up with?"

  "Isn't it obvious? Where are my clothes?"

  "Probably in the street where you took them off,” he says while chucking a blanket in my direction. I quickly scoop it up off the floor in front of me and cast it over each shoulder to prevent him from seeing anything but my face.


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