Callie Healy

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Callie Healy Page 10

by Jennifer Foor


  “If you know I asked about you, then it won’t take a lot of brains to figure out why, Callie.” For a second he glances at me with a half-smile plastered on the side of his face.

  “Why act so cocky then?”

  “Because Lys told me I didn’t have a chance, and after the crap day I’d had, I wasn’t in the mood for rejection.”

  “Not used to being turned down?” I playfully ask.

  “Not usually, but you are worth the challenge.”

  The goose bumps are back. I’m struggling to find reasons to hate this man when he’s saying all the right things. “I didn’t put up enough fight, I suppose. I should have made it more difficult for you.”

  He turns off the stove and sits the pan away from the hot burner, before pinning me again. “I doubt you would have resisted that first night. You were on a mission to forget something. It was a win-win for me. Either way I got to experience you, even if I suspected you’d hate me and yourself afterwards.”

  “I didn’t. Hate you, that is. I thought you were an asshole. You still might be.”

  “I’ve been called worse.”

  When he’s this close to me it’s hard to focus on anything but kissing him. My arms come up around his neck and I hold him close. “You said you’re here a couple months?”

  His lips brush over mine as he responds. “Yeah, why?”

  “Do you want to see me again?”

  The arms that were at my sides wrap around my back so that our bodies are touching at every part. “Maybe.”

  “Maybe I’d like that.”

  Cob takes one hand and reaches it up into my wet hair, pulling me against his lips as they crash into mine. Our kiss is heated, and within a few seconds we’re carried away. He’s shoving down his shorts, while I lift off his t-shirt. Before we know it he’s taking me on the countertop, hard, as if to celebrate my wanting him. Unlike the times before it, we don’t switch positions. He pounds me until he finally finishes, and it’s not quick. It isn’t until it’s over when I come to rationalize with what we’ve done and how careless we’ve both been. Cob pulls away and peers down at his relaxed cock. “Shit, Callie.”

  “It’s okay. I think. I mean, I’m safe. I don’t know about you.”

  “It’s happened a couple of times several years ago. Damn. I’m such a dick.”

  “I’d call it thinking with your dick.”

  He nods but seems genuinely frustrated with himself. “Fuck!”

  Even though I’m a little concerned about having unprotected sex, I know I could have stopped him from doing it. “We were both careless. I was caught in the moment too.” I stand and grab his arm so he turns to face me. “I’m not angry with you, Cob.”

  As the remains of his load begin to run down my leg he cups my cheeks and kisses me slowly. “It won’t happen again,” he promises.

  This might be the first thing he’s said where I completely believe him. “Okay.”

  “Here, this should help.” He takes a dry hand towel and sticks it between my legs. I laugh as I close them and manage to make it to the small table where I sit down. This is pretty uncomfortable, but at least he’s being nice about it.

  Cob brings a plate full of pancakes and bacon over to the table, before joining me. He points to the syrup and tray of butter he’s already laid out, as well as two matching plates with pink flowers all over them. I hold mine up and laugh. “I love your choice in china.”

  He speaks with a feminine tone. “I know. It took me like four weeks to decided on pink or purple, but I think the pink accentuates my eyes,” he says while holding up the plate to his face.

  We laugh together as I nod. “Yeah. They really pop.” He fills my plate with way too much food. While I get to work on buttering them up, I tell him something to get a rise. “My family is famous for making the best pancakes. I just want to warn you if they don’t compare.”

  He takes a bite before responding. I watch him close his eyes as if they’re amazing. “Don’t doubt my skills. My mom taught me how to make these. Dad always joked she learned the recipe from an old boyfriend or some shit. I didn’t care who taught her. She’s a pretty crappy cook, but she always made these right.”

  I take my first bite and feel like I’m at home. The vanilla stands out, as well as the sweetness. The ends of each pancake have a bit of a buttery crisp to them. They’re exactly like the ones I’ve grown up on. “Didn’t you say your family lived in North Carolina?”

  “Yeah, a long time ago.”

  “Maybe it’s just the way people make them there.”

  He chuckles. “So you’re saying I did good?”

  I nod while chewing. “I approve.”

  He throws me a wink. “Wait until I cook you dinner.”

  “Are you inviting me to stay?”

  “Do you have something else to do?”

  “Well, I just got into town, and my family is expecting me to hang out with them.” When I see that he’s sort of upset, I reiterate. “Maybe I could come by later? I can drive myself.”

  He nods. “It’s a deal. I’ll make steaks.”

  “What’s for dessert?” I ask.

  He points his fork right at me. “You.”

  Chapter 14


  We shower together before I gather my things and he drives me home. What I think will be a quick effort to clean off the sex, turns into a slow and sensual washing. Cob runs the bar of soap over every part of my skin, taking his hands and cleaning between my legs while pleasuring me at the same time. When he’s done he leans forward and kisses me there, over and over, drawing designs with his tongue over my clit. He doesn’t stop until I’m weak in the knees and cry out. When he’s finished he ravels in his own achievements. After we’re done, he provides me with a dry towel first before tending to himself. He’s calm and gentle, appearing to be a completely different person than the man I met the first time.

  The way he looks at me gives me chills. It’s as if he’s peering into my soul in order to know me deeply. With each passing moment that we share I’m beginning to wonder if he was right. Maybe we were supposed to run into each other last night, and if so, what does that mean for me?

  I’m going to see him again tonight. I’d be denying myself if I declined his offer. I’m getting more enjoyment from this man than I’ve received in as long as I can remember.

  Unlike our first encounter where I left before things could get weirder, I’m reluctant to go. I never ask to borrow a phone charger, because frankly I’m too preoccupied. This came out of nowhere, and although I know he’s not going to be around for long, I still like him enough to see him again. He’s new and exciting. He’s familiar and talented where he needs to be. I’m in awe of him, and for the first time in forever I can see this man changing the way I view myself and my life. He’s not tied to my family. He’s new and untouched. Even though he’s been known to enjoy multiple women, I have to go into this with a little faith that I won’t get burned.

  We’re halfway down the road when he reaches over and takes my hand. He laces his with mine and lifts it to his lips. “What time do you think you’d want to eat dinner?”

  I’m taken by surprise yet again by this gesture. He’s charming me, and I want to believe it’s real, but I’m the type of person who falls hopelessly in love way too fast. I need to continue reminding myself of that so I’m not burned again by another man. “Whenever you want.”

  “Is seven good?”

  “We could do eight. That will give me time to visit with everyone. Do you want me to help you cook?”

  “Nope. It’s my pleasure. I invited you, remember?”

  “Are you being kind to get into my pants again?”

  He glances at me for a second with a huge grin on his face. “It’s quite possible, though I’m trying to impress you however I can. You’re a hard one to crack. I’m not used to working so hard and I appreciate the challenge, but I’m also determined to prove to you that I’m
not the guy you’ve been led to believe. People change. My job forces me to spend too much time alone. When I’m alone I think. When I think I see everything I’m missing out on,” he mentions while lifting my hand again to kiss. “Like the touch of a beautiful woman, who I can’t seem to get enough of. I mean it, Callie. It’s nice spending time with you, even if we have a funny way of making it happen.”

  “Yeah, me too. I hope you’re the guy I want you to be. It’s nice to sort of know someone here other than my family. I’d like us to be friends.” I point to an upcoming road. “Turn right here.”

  It’s quiet in the vehicle.

  I break the silence. “Thank you for spending time with me, Cob. It was great. I enjoyed breakfast this morning. I don’t think a man has ever made me breakfast before.”

  “Wow. A breakfast virgin. I’ll take it.”

  I snicker and point for him to make a left. “Turn there.”

  “Where did you say your family lives?” He asks.

  “It’s a big ranch. Are you familiar with where we are?”


  “It’s the Mitchell Family Ranch. I’m sure you’ve seen the huge gates and white fencing.”

  He nods. “Yep. I know exactly where it is. I thought you said your last name was Healy?”

  “It is. My uncle runs the ranch.”

  “Oh gotcha.”

  We pull to the gate and I tell him the code so we can enter. When we turn into the circle driveway I slide closer to kiss him goodbye. He’s short with his kiss, and as I pull away I feel like he’s withdrawing. “Something wrong?”

  “Nothing at all.”

  “Did you want to come inside and meet my aunt?”

  He clenches the steering wheel. “Maybe another time. I’m going to hit the road so I can grab those steaks from the market. Let me know if you can’t make it. We’ll reschedule for another time.”

  “I told you I’d be there.”

  He peers out the window instead of looking at me. “Yeah, okay. I’ll see you later then.”

  I take his phone out of the cup holder and leave my number. “Here. Now you know how to reach me.”

  His smile makes me want to stay in the car and follow him anywhere. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Yes, you will.”

  The third degree. That’s what I get from Addy the moment she learns I’m back on the ranch. She shows up and barges in my room, asking questions before the door can shut behind her. “What the hell was that last night, cuz? Did you know that guy?”

  “I said I did.”

  “Enough to go home with him, because I know for a fact you didn’t come here.”

  “We’ve been together before, if that’s what you want to know. He’s doing some work in town. When he saw me we reconnected. I spent the night at his house, and then he made me breakfast.”

  She rubs her hands together. “Breakfast? Is he a gentleman? Have you found your very own Wes?”

  I toss a pillow at her. “Shut up, bitch,” I say in a playful tone. “Cob is nothing like Wes.” In my defense I don’t know him well enough to determine that, though he is sort of displaying the same kind of qualities. “Cob. What kind of name is that?”

  “A nickname, obviously. Just so you know, I’m seeing him again tonight.”

  “So we shouldn’t wait up?” She snickers. “I thought you came here because you wanted to start over.”

  “I am.”

  “With someone from your past?”

  “Possibly. He’s not really that far in the past.”

  “I say go for it. He’s a looker. I was impressed last night when I saw you with him. I don’t think I would have come home either.”

  I smack her lightly. “You’re terrible. You have Cole.”

  “I was only stating the obvious. He’s very attractive.” I don’t know why this makes me feel threatened. If Addison Mitchell is anything it’s faithful to Cole.

  “We’re slowly getting to know each other.”

  “Slowly. You must have different definitions of slow where you come from.” She nudges me as she says it.

  “Whatever. It’s complicated. I’m unsure if I like him. Okay, that’s not true. I like him too much, but he has a reputation for bedding a lot of women. I need to be careful.”

  “Some people just screw. Sex is sex.”

  “You’re awful. Does Cole know you feel that way?”

  “How do you think we first hooked up?” She giggles.

  “Well how did you know you wanted more? When could you tell?”

  She shrugs and plays with the fabric of a shirt I have hanging up. “I don’t know. It just happened. I missed him when we weren’t together. I was happier being with him than anywhere else. I think for me personally, it was getting over the forbidden part, and his past, who he was, and the blood that runs through his veins. I had to forgive him for keeping the truth from me. After that happened it was easy to admit my feelings.”

  “You make a great couple. It’s obvious how much he loves you.”

  “One day I’ll be his wife. Dad gave him permission. I thought I was dreaming when it happened. The family has finally gotten over the haunting grudge they held for the Chase family. Cole won’t be a burden because of the family he was born into. He didn’t ask to have their blood, so he shouldn’t be punished because of their actions. What happened to my mother years ago was tragic and horrifying. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, especially her. I lost a little brother or sister because of it. But Cole never knew them. He’s innocent. If my mom can love him, than I think it’s safe to say my father can forgive him for being a small part of the reminder.”

  “You’re getting really serious. I thought we were talking about my problems.”

  She laughs. “Sorry. Sometimes I just need to get it out. It’s good to talk about our problems.”

  “I haven’t had a good conversation for a while. Cammie used to be the person I called, but it’s different now. I can’t talk to her about my feelings. She doesn’t understand. Sometimes I can’t begin to understand why I got so hung up on Wes. I guess he was a crush I assumed I finally had a chance with. When I see him with Cammie it makes me happy to know they have each other. Does that make sense?”

  “I guess. You are obviously trying to move on with your life. That hottie you left with last night must have been some help.”

  I snicker. “He was. Trust me.”

  “Good. You should bring him to dinner. I’m sure my dad and Noah would love to give him a hard time.”

  “Maybe another night. We’ve already made plans for this evening.”

  “Wow. You’re seeing him again so soon. Is this something that could get serious? Are you considering hooking up with the womanizer?”

  “I don’t know if that’s what he is. Maybe he’s changed.”

  “How many guys do you know have changed?”

  “I don’t know of any.”

  “Because they don’t. He either screws around, or he doesn’t.”

  “I guess I’ll be certain to prepare for the worst.”

  We sit and chat for nearly an hour before Addy leaves. By the time I charge my phone I notice I have an awaiting message from a number I don’t recognize.

  I’m sorry about this, but I have to cancel our dinner plans tonight. Something came up. I’ll be in touch. – Cob

  Chapter 15


  As soon as she began giving me directions I had a feeling where we were headed, though it wasn’t until she verified the last name when I knew this whole ordeal just got a lot more complicated. I finally found a woman, who cannot only hold my interest, but makes me want something more than a fast fuck. It’s unclear how this could play out in my favor, especially considering what my being here could mean for her family.

  I’m used to communities coming together to try and stop roads from being developed in their small towns. It’s normal for folks to not want huge changes, especially in places like this. They’re set in their ways, confo
rmed to a certain lifestyle that doesn’t result in highways and interstates.

  This is where I despise my job. It’s where lines are crossed. I’m the enemy, and in this case in a terrible predicament. I want to see Callie again. Her eyes. Damn those green eyes make me crazy. The way she moves. Her defensive way of carrying herself. It’s all appealing to me. She challenges me, and I can’t refuse her.

  Except now I kind of have to. I can’t sit around and pretend everything is going to be okay. I can’t have her over my house and get to know her more, because I’ll want what she’ll never be willing to give me. I’ve come to town to impose a road to be built through her precious families ranch, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. The paperwork has been signed and turned in. They’ve been served. Legally, it’s up to the courts whether the government will be able to proceed, but for now I’m right smack in the middle. It’s my name assigned to the case.

  Callie messages me back a little after I’ve told her we have to cancel our plans. I’m pissed at the whole ordeal, but at least glad I got to spend time with her again, especially after the first encounter ended so quickly. She’s one of a kind. I suppose I’m lucky to have gotten to be with her twice.

  Already cancelling? Was it something I said? How about tomorrow? – C

  I stare at the message for a few minutes contemplating what I can say to push her away, except I don’t want to say anything at all. I’d prefer to keep the peace in case there is a chance that when this business is over I’ll have an opportunity to see her again.

  I don’t want to cancel at all. It’s work. I have to leave town and I’m not sure how long my trip will be. I’m sorry. – Cob

  It’s all I can say. If she thinks I’m gone it won’t hurt her feelings or make her feel like it was her fault. I can already tell she’s been through something traumatic, probably by a guy who didn’t appreciate her the way she obviously deserves. I wish I could be the man who has a chance with her, because I’ve got a feeling she could change me.

  Okay. Get in touch with me when you return. If not, thanks for everything, especially breakfast. Xoxo – C


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