Ramagos, Tonya - Running from Angel [Sunset Cowboys 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Ramagos, Tonya - Running from Angel [Sunset Cowboys 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by Ramagos, Tonya

  Angel didn’t know how to answer. Jacob hadn’t touched her, not since he sandwiched her between his hard body and the frame of her car back on the side of the road. How could she explain the mere sight of both of them, the mere thought of being with them, made her pussy dripping wet?

  “I kept my hands to myself.” Jacob’s lazy drawl turned his confession into one of liquid heat to match the juices gathering between her pussy lips.

  “Did you want him to, Angel?” Mitch closed in at her back but didn’t touch her.

  God, she wanted him to touch her. She wanted Jacob to touch her. She stood at the foot of quite possibly the largest bed ever constructed, naked but for a shirt fastened to her body by a mere two flimsy buttons, between the two men she wanted more than her next breath, and neither of them were touching her.

  Angel tried to speak, to ask for what she wanted, but couldn’t find her voice around the hunger clogging her throat. The dominance of these men, the calm control and self-restraint, overwhelmed her. She lifted her gaze to Jacob’s, and the ache within her to feel his hands on her, to experience him inside her, intensified.

  “Are you waiting for us to touch you, sweetheart?” Jacob reworded the question, and she didn’t miss the way he changed the singular meaning to a plural one, including Mitch.

  Not alone. He had made his intention clear on the side of the road, given her ample time after to absorb the fact that he wouldn’t take her without Mitch there with them. In those two words, he had hit on everything she craved, everything she had come here today to find.

  She nodded, the need so painful now that it mixed with the impending pleasure to create a force within her that made her lightheaded.

  “Have you ever shared a bed with two men before?” Mitch asked. “Have you ever let two men fuck you at the same time?”

  She flinched at the crudeness of his question even as images of her dreams swamped her memory. All the nights she lay in her bed alone, wishing they were with her. All the nights she drifted off to sleep fantasizing about them fucking her. All the nights she awoke with her own hand in her panties, fingering her sodden folds in search of relief from the constant burning she could never quite find.

  “No,” she managed to whisper, the word ringing with more desperation than she wanted it to.

  “But it’s what you want.” Jacob didn’t ask. He told her.

  She didn’t bother to try to deny it and refused to let the feelings of shame overtake the lust surging through her system. She didn’t just want it. She needed it. Every fiber of her soul craved to be owned by these men, to be shown pleasures beyond her wildest imaginings.

  She nodded again, this time holding Jacob’s gaze steadily and allowing it all to show in her eyes.

  “We aren’t gentle men, darlin’.” Despite Mitch’s statement and the warning it held, his voice wafted over her like a tender caress. “We take what we want from a woman. We do what we want, and we expect you to do what we say.”

  Angel swallowed convulsively, half longing to turn around so she could face Mitch, the other half latching onto the comfort she always found when staring at Jacob.

  “You need to know before this goes any further how things will be,” Jacob told her. “Once we touch you, we won’t stop until we are through.”

  “This sweet, sexy body you’re barely hiding from us now will belong to us tonight,” Mitch added. “Anything we want. Anything we demand.”

  Only for tonight? The implication that this could be a one-night stand made her rock back on her heels. Would they really fuck her tonight and send her on her way come morning? Could she handle returning to the life she had built in Applebranch alone after being given the gift of these men tonight?

  Her heart skipped a beat as fear chilled her veins. They had walked away from her before, kept their distance, and likely wouldn’t have made another appearance in her life despite the lust she had seen in their eyes. They wanted her, quite possibly as badly as she desired them. They had felt the inexplicable pull between them. She didn’t know how she knew that any more than she could rationalize the deep feelings for these men that haunted her even as those emotions urged her to straighten out her life and find them again.

  “I can’t.” Disappointment shadowed Jacob’s expression, and he started to step back. She reached for him, catching his biceps and ignoring the zing that traveled straight to her pussy at the contact. “You don’t understand,” she said quickly, knowing instinctively he would only give her a heartbeat to explain.

  “Yes, we do,” Mitch said sternly. “More than you realize. You shouldn’t have come here.”

  Angel spun around to face him, panic rising at the thought they would send her away tonight, that they were so set in what they thought she wanted that she wouldn’t be able to make them see reason.

  “What I can’t do is leave come daylight. I don’t want just tonight, Mitch. I couldn’t stand it if I only got one night with you.” She shot a glance over her shoulder to include Jacob and added, “With both of you.”

  The smile that unfolded on Jacob’s handsome face drove more spikes of hunger through her system. “Baby steps, sweetheart.”

  Relief washed through her, even as her mind latched onto his choice of words and how they echoed everything she had been telling herself from the moment she made up her mind to find them. She knew all about baby steps. Each one she had been taking had led her to right here and right now, precisely where she wanted to be.

  Mitch watched Angel’s head slowly turn, her amazing eyes seeking him out as she faced him once more, and he barely kept himself from snapping. All the lust he felt for this woman, the all-consuming need he had kept caged these last fifteen months, clawed at his insides, seeking a freedom he still couldn’t fully give it. He would in part, though. Despite the shadow of doubts still hovering over him, he would allow himself this moment, this night, and probably damn himself come morning for the consequences.

  A modicum of his control slipped, and he reached for her. His hand buried in her hair at the nape, his fingers fisting and yanking her head back. He watched her eyes widen in shock, heard the soft gasp of surprise that passed her lips, and the beast within him fed on that sliver of exposed fear.

  “Take off the shirt.” He kept his eyes on her, saw the need swirling with her desire to please and be pleasured, and his cock felt thicker than it ever had before.

  He gave her just enough room between his body and hers for her to obey. The backs of her hands brushed his abdomen as she reached for the buttons of the shirt, struggled to free them with shaking fingers, and peeled the material from her body. He let his attention fall down her sensuous flesh, stopping at the sight of her perfect breasts. Dark-brown nipples jutted out like hardened darts of temptation he didn’t bother to resist. He used his hold on her hair to pull her head back more. Her back arched, presenting those nipples for his enjoyment, and he feasted, dipping his head and catching one taut peak between his lips.

  “Yes.” The word left her on a breathless exhale. He felt her reach for him, one hand going for his hair and the other for his shoulder. Neither made their mark. He saw the blur of Jacob’s hands catching her wrists, felt the movement of her body as Jacob guided her hands to her sides.

  “You don’t touch unless we give you permission.”

  Angel quivered, likely as much from Jacob’s instruction as from the affection Mitch showed her breast. He suckled her nipple, drawing on it with a suction he knew would border the fine line of pleasure and pain, before releasing it in favor of showing her other nipple the same care.

  “Do you like that, sweetheart?” Jacob whispered. “Do you like what he’s doing to you?”

  “Please.” The word was a strangled cry as Mitch closed his teeth around her nipple and bit hard enough to leave a mark, hard enough to have her straining against his continued hold of her hair.

  “Do you want him to stop?”

  “God, no!”

  Mitch’s inner demon smiled at that
response. Good thing, because he didn’t have any intentions of stopping. He raked his tongue over the pebbled surface around her nipple, licking away the pain he had delivered, preparing her nipple for more. The taste of her was driving him mad with a hunger for more. He wanted to turn those sweet cries of pleasure to pleas for more. He wanted her begging him to fuck her, screaming from the ecstasy he showed her.

  “What is it you want, Angel?” Jacob liked to talk to a woman, got off on hearing her confess to her deepest, darkest needs.

  “Lower.” Her head started to thrash in Mitch’s hold.

  “Lower where?” Jacob wouldn’t let up until she said the words.

  Mitch licked a path between her breasts, stopping at her abdomen and following the moist trail he had made up again. He looked up, momentarily distracted by the smooth column of her exposed neck and throat. His mouth watered, his thirst for her not even close to being quenched by what he had tasted so far.

  “Like that?” Jacob met Mitch’s gaze, and they exchanged a wordless communication they had perfected over the years. Make her ask. The pleasure would be more intense for all of them when they got her right where they wanted her, both mentally and physically.

  “No, lower. I want—”

  “What is it you want?” Mitch urged her. He skimmed the backs of his fingers down her flat stomach, inching toward her pussy but not allowing himself the gift of that touch. Not yet. “Where do you want me to put my mouth, darlin’?”

  “Between my legs.” The answer spewed out of her as if she had been holding the words on the tip of her tongue all this time.

  “You want me to eat your pussy?” His blunt question drew another throaty moan from her that felt like whips of heat being laid to his balls. He felt her try to nod her response and loosened his hold on her hair. “Are you wet for me? Will I find your thick, sweet juices pooling between your pussy lips when I slip my tongue between them?”

  “Yes. I’m wet. So wet. It burns. I c–can’t stand it.”

  “I don’t know.” Mitch clucked his tongue. “Jacob, why don’t you feel for me, and see if she’s creaming enough to give me a good drink yet.”

  The sounds she made as Jacob kneeled slightly and reached around to slip a finger between her folds were indescribable.

  “She’s soaked. Christ, it’s leaking down her inner thigh.”

  “That wet, huh?” The news pleased Mitch beyond measure. That they would make a woman cream for them that much without touching her pussy etched her need for them in stone. Whatever evil spirits haunted her from the past, she had obviously pushed them aside at least for this night and allowed herself to simply feel. For the first time, he let the hope swell in his chest that this wouldn’t be a single-night affair after all.

  “Are you going to come for me if I put my mouth on your pussy?”

  Jacob swallowed a tortured growl as Mitch continued to question Angel, to drive her need higher with the anticipation of pure pleasure. If they didn’t stop teasing her soon, he was going to blow his wad in his freaking jeans. Finally holding her, touching her, listening to the sweet sounds she made as Mitch explored her body, put Jacob teetering on the edge of his own control.

  He slid his hand through the fluid smeared on her inner thighs and took the moisture with him as he glided the same hand to close around her hip.

  “Yes. Please,” she begged again. “I can’t stand this.”

  Her head fell back on Jacob’s chest, and she looked up at him through heavy-lidded eyes of tormented need. She tried to wiggle, to gyrate her lower body against his, but he prevented her movement with a gentle-but-firm hold on her hip.

  Jacob nuzzled his face against her ear and whispered, “You gave your body to us, remember? You’ll get what we want to give you when we’re ready.”

  He met Mitch’s gaze as the other man slowly lowered to his knees in front of Angel, all the while licking a path down her flesh from her abdomen to the apex of her thighs. Jacob knew when Mitch reached his mark because she turned to jelly in his embrace. Her eyes closed, and her lips formed an “oh” of pure, unadulterated pleasure.

  Jacob swallowed, his cock so hard in his pants he wondered it didn’t burst through his zipper. Looking at her this way, naked and at their mercy, proved better than any fantasy he ever conjured. Her body was a work of art, perfect curves, delicious swells, and wonderful angles to tempt and tease a man to the point of sheer frustration. He should know. He was nearly there himself, wanting to feel every inch of her, to run his tongue along every creamy morsel. It was all he could do to allow Mitch this time and not interfere.

  Somehow he managed to act like an unmovable wall as Mitch started to deliver the pleasure she begged for. From his vantage point, Jacob couldn’t see what the other man was doing to Angel, but he felt her quivering intensify, heard her breathing catching on each rapid heartbeat. He saw her hands start to move, too, both on a direct course for Mitch’s head.

  “Angel.” He made her name a warning, using his tone of voice to stop her in the act rather than cuffing her wrists in his hands as he had done moments before. “Put your arms around my neck.”

  Mitch, obviously not so far lost in the delicious treasure he had found that he couldn’t listen, pulled back and looked up. He waited for her to obey, his lips unfolding in a slightly triumphant smile when she whimpered as she brought her arms up and back, winding them around Jacob’s neck as he had instructed.

  “That’s our girl,” Mitch said approvingly as he rocked forward, his face disappearing in Angel’s mound once more. She let out a sound that was part sigh, part moan, and totally sexy. It slithered around Jacob’s cock like a band of the softest velvet to push his torment further to the edge.

  In front of her, Mitch shifted, catching the underside of her right thigh and drawing it up until her foot rested on his shoulder. What Jacob wouldn’t do to be in his buddy’s position right now. He nearly whimpered himself at the thought of being presented with Angel’s glistening, wide-open pussy in his face.

  In due time, he told himself as he tightened his grip on her hip and slipped his free hand around her waist. She was putty in his embrace now, relying fully on him to keep her upright as Mitch feasted on her pussy.

  Jacob held Angel and listened and watched and wanted. Deliberate or otherwise, he couldn’t decide, but Mitch prolonged his agony by drawing away from Angel’s sweet heat to speak.

  “You taste good, darlin’. And you are wet for me. Damn, I could drown in you right now.” He met Jacob’s gaze, a hint of amusement and playfulness glinting in his eyes that Jacob hadn’t seen in far too long. “You should taste her. So sweet and hot. She’s intoxicating.”

  Jacob narrowed his eyes, giving Mitch his best go-to-hell look. He wanted to taste her juices on his tongue, wanted to bury his mouth in her most sensitive flesh and feel her writhing against his face.

  Mitch chuckled, the bastard suddenly seeming to have more fun than he had allowed himself since meeting this woman. “Give me one of your hands, Angel.”

  She complied without question, lifting her head as she put one hand in Mitch’s. They all watched as Mitch guided that hand between her legs.

  “Touch yourself for us,” he instructed.

  “Oh, God.” A hint of mortification outlined her whispered words, but Mitch’s next statement told Jacob she obeyed that command, too. “That’s it. Get your fingers all nice and wet. I want you to give your hand to Jacob now. He’s dying to see how you taste.”

  Angel rolled her head on his chest, looking back at him again as she brought a shaking hand to his lips. The humiliation he’d heard in her tone was there in her eyes, but he saw a wicked excitement there, too. She enjoyed the orders Mitch gave her, even if they did cause a certain amount of embarrassment to rise inside her.

  “Thank you.” Jacob sucked her fingers into his mouth and couldn’t stop the growl that rumbled from low in his throat. Bliss, scrumptious, warm, thick ecstasy rocketed through him. It was only a taste, barely enough t
o tease his craving for her, but it tasted so good he wanted to cry.

  He kept his gaze locked with hers, heard her echoing moan of pure erotic pleasure, saw her eyes widen slightly before slowly drifting closed again. She didn’t pull her fingers away. She held her hand there and allowed him to lick every last drop of her essence from them. Her other hand was still around his neck, and her grip tightened as Mitch returned to his feast of her pussy. The bite of her nails digging into the flesh at his nape sent shards of a deviously pleasured pain ricocheting straight to his balls. Whatever Mitch was doing to her pussy this time had her literally clawing toward the orgasmic edge.

  Her head lolled on Jacob’s shoulder, nails digging deeper, as her soft moans mixed with the slurping sounds drifting up from between her legs. He knew when Mitch finally let her topple over the orgasmic edge. He felt a trickle of what he assumed to be blood as her nails broke the skin at his nape, her moans morphing to the sexiest cry he’d ever heard in or out of his dreams, and her body shuddered in violent quakes.

  “Fucking amazing,” he whispered as he adjusted his hold on her while she thrashed in his arms.

  Mitch eased to his feet, his hands gliding up her front as he stood. “Let’s get her on the bed.”

  Jacob nodded and swept a still-trembling, now-sleepy-eyed Angel into his arms.

  Chapter Four

  Angel curled into Jacob’s chest and drifted somewhere between paradise and sleep. The orgasm Jacob and Mitch had given her took every ounce of energy she possessed. When was the last time that happened?

  Never, she silently answered her own question, managing a small smile at the thought. It never happened because no man had ever held the power over her that Jacob and Mitch did. They had brought her to an unexplored place, a world where passion consumed her and pleasure ran free. If they could do that with only their mouths and hands, she couldn’t wait to feel what they would do to her with their cocks.


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