Just To Be Loved

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Just To Be Loved Page 7

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  They were on their way into Lord and Taylor’s, when someone called Sylvie’s name. Sylvie and Mya turned to see a very attractive, elegantly dressed, and statuesque woman moving swiftly towards them.

  “That’s Heather,” Sylvie whispered.

  Mya’s eyes slowly trailed the lovely woman. She was tall and slender with hair that hung passed her shoulders in loose curls, and the subtle use of make-up perfectly enhanced the features of her light brown, oval-shaped face.

  “Hello Mrs. Trent,” Heather greeted when she stood before them and air kissed Sylvie.

  “Why hello Heather,” Sylvie greeted cordially.

  Heather glanced over at Mya with her eyes coolly assessing her, and Sylvie instantly took notice.

  “Heather this is our daughter Mya. Mya, this is Heather Burton.”

  “Daughter?” Don’t tell me Mr. Trent is taking in strays?” She chuckled.

  Sylvie’s hand tightened on Mya. “First of all, Mr. Trent does not take in strays. Are you implying something Heather?” Sylvie asked indignantly.

  “Oh no, of course not. I just know how kindhearted Mr. Trent can be. That’s all I am saying.”

  “Mya is my husband’s daughter,” Sylvie said in a hardened tone.

  Heather looked at Mya skeptically.

  “Yes Heather it is very true, and Mya is very much welcome in our family.”

  “Hunter never told me about her.”

  “Why should he, Heather? This is family business.”

  “But maybe one day I’ll be part of the Trent family,” Heather said, speaking as if it were already a foregone conclusion.

  Sylvie cringed inwardly. She hoped her son was not foolish enough to become serious about that woman, but instead, she smiled and opted not to comment.

  “Well then Heather, it was a good seeing you.”

  Having gotten the last word, Sylvie and Mya turned and left an open-mouthed Heather standing there all alone.

  Heather watched as Sylvie and Mya t walked away. Inwardly she fumed. Hunter should have told her. Maybe if she befriended the sister she would finally get that proposal from Hunter. She smiled slyly. To be a part of that family would raise her social status in Little Rock and that was all that mattered to her… to have all that lovely money was not a bad deal either. Hunter asked her to be on the committee for the new community center that was almost complete. Not that she’d be caught dead in that part of town, but if it would impress Hunter she would most definitely play the big-hearted charity leader. They were having a ribbon cutting gala and fundraiser ball to commiserate its opening. If she did a good job, she was sure she would be wearing Hunter’s ring before the summer ended.

  Mya was starting to find her place in the Trent household, and at the insistence of her father, she decided to attend college. She never knew where she was born, or even her date of her birth, but through her social security number, Henry was able to locate all her records. Even more good news was that because of her high scores on the placement tests, she would be able to start in her a major without taking any prerequisite courses.

  It was family tradition that everyone shared dinner on Sunday after church, and since moving in with the Trent’s, the only time Mya saw Hunter was at that Sunday dinner. He was vigilant in his suspensions of her, and talked with his brothers and his parents, but went out of his way to ignore her as if she were not in the room. Little did he know that just as he chose to ignore her, Mya also chose to ignore him. She enjoyed an easy, meaningful camaraderie with her other brothers, and she was not going to let Hunter ruin that for her. Chance graduated from law school and was home preparing for his bar exam. Sylvie informed the family of her plans to have a family gathering in two weeks so Mya could meet the rest of the family. Dinner was just about winding up when Chance had an idea.

  “Hey Mya? How about going out on the town Sis?”

  “What? No, no, I don’t think so,” Mya answered.

  “Come on! I’ll show you around. It’s about time you start meeting people and making some friends. After all, you are a college student now,” a grinning Chance added.

  Mya returned his smile. “Ah… I don’t know. I’ve never gone out on the town before.”

  “Don’t worry about it Sis. Trevor and Bryan are going too. It’ll be fun.”

  “You go on out with your brothers dear,” Sylvie encouraged. “It’s time you started to have a little fun instead of being cooped up in the house all the time.”

  Mya nodded. “So where are we going?” She asked.

  “Down to a place called The Spot. It’s really a great club.”

  “Okay, just let me get changed,” she said, rising from the chair and leaving the room.

  Hunter watched as Mya left. These past few months he only saw her on Sundays, but each time he saw her she seemed to blossom, becoming more beautiful than he remembered just the week before. With his mother’s help, Mya was becoming a very desirable and very beautiful woman. Her once curly hair was now straight and looked like spun silk. She had put on weight, and it seemed to accentuate her already perfect figure… but wait. What was he doing? He shouldn’t be even noticing things about her, and especially not those things. With that, he said goodnight and left the family home.

  When Mya came down to join her brothers, she had changed into a red simple cut dress that stopped at mid-thigh, had her hair loosely curled and bouncing around her shoulders, and had a pair of sexy high-heeled sandals on her small feet. She was also glad that Hunter had already left to meet Heather. Upon seeing her, all three of her brothers whistled.

  “We will have to knock a few heads together tonight,” Bryan said, cracking his knuckles.

  “You boys behave and don’t be so protective,” their mother warned.

  “Hey wait!” Mya said, sounding a little embarrassed. “I-I don’t know how to dance.”

  “Don’t worry, it’s really not that hard,” Chance said with a grin. “If all you can do is the two-step, that’s something.”

  “The two-step?”

  “Here, I’ll show you. Bryan, put on some music,” Chance said.

  Chance took hold of her hands, and as Mya looked down at his feet, he did a step that Mya quickly picked up on and followed.

  “Good, now put a little bounce into it,” Chance said, showing her what he meant. Again, Mya quickly picked it up.

  “That’s it girl! See? You’re a natural,” Trevor smiled.

  Mya giggled. “This is fun.”

  “You’ll be fine. Now get out of here and have a good time,” Sylvie said, kissing her on the cheek.

  Mya stood between her brothers as they entered The Spot, and found the semi dark club comfortably full. Bryan immediately found a table, and held her chair as she took a seat.

  “Did you see all the eyes on our little sister?” Chance stated. “We may have to break a few heads in here for real.”

  Mya laughed. “No you won’t.”

  “Hey Bryan,” a good-looking gentleman greeted as he approached the table.

  “Hello Derek,” Bryan replied, taking hold of his extended hand. “What brings you to the club tonight?”


  “What’s up Derek?” Trevor and Chance greeted.

  “Hello gentlemen, and uh, who is the pretty lady?” He asked, flashing Mya a smile.

  “Be careful Derek,” Trevor warned in a tone that let Derek know he was serious.

  “Derek Holmes this is our sister Mya. Mya, Derek,” Bryan introduced.

  Mya’s smile was met with a gasp from Derek, which caused all the brothers to frown.

  “Be careful Derek,” Trevor warned again. “You seem to be forgetting that we know you.”

  “Okay, okay. Can I at least buy her drink?”

  “Want a drink Sis?” Chance asked.

  “Yes please, a coke if you don’t mind.” Derek nodded his okay and left.

  Mya looked around and smiled. The music, the lights of the club, the people, the atmosphere; all of it fascina
ted her.

  “Come on Mya let’s dance,” Chance invited.

  “I don’t know,” she giggled.

  “Remember what I showed you,” Chance said taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor. He took her hand and showed her the step from earlier. Mya followed.

  Chance let go of her hands. “Let go Mya! That’s it, you got it girl!”

  The music seemed to melt into Mya like butter and she was thoroughly enjoying herself. Bryan joined them, and then all three of her brothers suddenly surrounded her, encouraging her, and giving her confidence, when Hunter walked in with Heather.

  “Darling, why are we here? You know how much I dislike the club scene,” Heather complained.

  “I thought it would be a nice change from the normal routine,” Hunter told her.

  Heather rolled her eyes at him before scanning the room. Hunter knew that clubbing wasn’t the sort of entertainment she enjoyed, and when the two of them got married, she was going to see to it that he learned her likes and dislikes.

  “Come on, let’s find a table. Look, there are my brothers,” Hunter said. Heather looked out on the dance floor and there she saw Hunter’s three brothers surrounding some woman in red.

  “Oh my, and who is it that they are dancing with? She seems to be in her element with three men surrounding her. How did such riff raff get into this exclusive club?”

  “Be careful Heather. That’s their sister.”

  Heather frowned at Hunter. “Sister? I didn’t know you had a sister.”

  Hunter didn’t respond.

  “Well if she’s family, Hunter you must tell her that it is most unbecoming to be surrounded and dancing with three men!”

  “Whatever Heather. Look, here they come.”

  “Hey Hunter. Did you see Mya? That was her first time dancing,” Bryan said proudly.

  Hunter rose from the chair and couldn’t help letting his eyes skim over her. Damn she looked good. “Hello Mya,” he spoke.

  Mya broad smile suddenly deflated. “Hi,” she replied indifferently.

  “Hello Heather,” the brothers greeted.

  “Have you met our sister?” Chance asked.

  Heather looked over at Mya, and cast a sullen gaze from her head down to her feet. Right before falsely lightening her mood she pouted, tapping Hunter on his shoulder.

  “Actually, we met at the mall with your mother, and I am very cross with you Hunter. You should have told me about your sister darling. I know it’s probably a hard transition for you all,” Heather said, speaking to the brothers. “I know it must be especially difficult for Mrs. Trent. Imagine having to accept another woman’s bastard into your family.”

  The brothers’ eyes narrowed and glared at Heather, Hunter’s included.

  “Be careful Heather,” Hunter warned.

  “What did I say?” She asked, looking innocently at Hunter.

  “First of all, what goes on in our family is our concern, and second, don’t ever call Mya out of her name again,” Bryan responded tersely.

  “Hunter I was just saying what everyone else is going to say.”

  “I don’t… it’s okay,” Mya’s said, determined not to let Heather ruin the evening for her.

  “Come on let’s sit down,” Hunter said, sounding like he had taken all he was going to take from Heather.

  They found a larger table and out of spite, Trevor sat Mya beside Hunter, making Heather have to sit between Chance and Bryan.

  “Are you enjoying yourself Mya?” Hunter asked.

  “Y-yes, I am,” she said as Derek, the man she had met earlier, joined them.

  “May I have this dance?” He asked Mya.

  “Derek?” Bryan warned.

  “Oh, Bryan it’s just a dance,” Mya said, taking his hand and leaving with him just to get away from Hunter.

  Hunter’s eyes followed the couple to the dance floor. “Did you school Derek?” He asked.

  “Of course we did,” they said.

  While all eyes were glued to the dance floor watching as Mya and Derek swayed to a slow jam, Hunter noticed that Derek hands were getting lower and lower. Knowing Derek the way he did, there was no doubt in his mind that Derek was out there pouring on the charm.

  “Come on Heather let’s dance,” Hunter said, standing to his feet and extending his hand to her.

  Nearly dragging Heather by her hand onto the dance floor, Hunter stood right next to Mya and Derek even though the floor wasn’t all that crowded.

  “Watch your hands Derek,” he hissed.

  Derek got the message and immediately raised them up just as the music ended, and another slow song took its place. This time Hunter gently pushed Heather toward Derek, and took Mya’s hand pulling her into his arms.

  “Hunter!” Heather hissed, both astonished and embarrassed by his brashness.

  Even in her high heels, Mya only came to his shoulders.

  “I don’t think I do this dance very well,” Mya murmured.

  “Relax, just let the music guide you,” Hunter whispered pulling her closer to him.

  Mya felt his large hand on her back and she relaxed following his slow sway.

  “That’s it, just follow me,” he whispered. Mya lifted her head and their eyes met and stayed fixed.

  Heather glared hard at the couple before stomping off the floor and sitting down, and as she did, Bryan, Chance, and Trevor smiled at each other. As usual, it looks like Mom was right. Hunter was definitely attracted to Mya.

  Chapter Six

  “Did you notice how often Hunter has been coming over for dinner?” Sylvie asked her husband.

  “Yes, now that you mention it. What is it, three times a week, if you count Sundays? What’s going on?”

  “I think he likes Mya.”

  “Oh no honey,” Henry paused. “You think?”

  “Oh yes, but he’s not going to admit it. He’ll be surprised tonight though,” Sylvie chuckle.

  Henry frowned. “Why?”

  “Because Mya’s got a date,” Sylvie smiled.

  “A date?”

  “Yes, with one of her classmates,” she informed.

  “Who is he?” Henry asked, frowning suspiciously.

  “I think she said his name was Steve or Darrin,” she said. She thought about it a second or two more, and then waved her hand. “I’m not sure.”

  “What do you know of him?” Henry asked, voicing his concern.

  “Not much. Mya says he was really nice and she enjoyed talking to him.”

  “I don’t know honey. Mya hasn’t been exposed to life, as we both know. She can’t trust everyone she meets.”

  “Henry, Mya is twenty-seven and a grown woman,” Sylvie scolded.

  “Yes, that may be Hon, but she’s very naive about some things.”

  “Well, I’ll talk to her when she comes in tonight.”


  Hunter had just finished having dinner when he saw Mya walk in with a man he did not know or recognize. What the hell? Sitting there nearly in shock, he watched as the man led Mya to a table on the far side of the room, and when he pulled the chair out for Mya to take a seat, the bastard had the nerve to have his hands on her back. He then leaned over to say something in her ear, and after it became clear that she wasn’t too comfortable with him being that close to her, he finally took the seat beside her. Hunter had seen enough and pulled out his phone.

  “Bryan, meet me at Mabel’s. Mya’s here with some dude.”

  He then hung up to call Trevor and Chance, and fifteen minutes later, the four of them met up in the lobby of the restaurant.

  “Who is he?” Trevor asked as they watched the couple from a distance.

  “I don’t know who the hell he is, but he has his hands all over her,” Hunter growled.

  “How Hunter?” Chance asked.

  “Look!” Hunter snapped.

  The three of them turned and saw the man caressing Mya’s arm and she moving away.

  “See what I mean? He’s mak
ing her uncomfortable!”

  “Let’s go,” Chance replied, making a fist and punching his open hand. The four brothers stormed into the restaurant, walked over to Mya’s table, and stood behind her chair, all the while giving the man a cold stare down.

  Mya looked over her shoulder surprised to see them. “What are all of you doing here?”

  “We come to dine. Who is your friend?” Trevor asked.

  “Stephen, these are my brothers Chance, Trevor, Bryan, and Hunter.”

  Stephen stood to his feet to greet the four of them properly.

  “Mind if we join you?” Hunter asked, sitting in the vacant chair.

  “Actually Hunter…,” Mya started to say.

  “Thanks,” the others said as they grabbed chairs from an unoccupied table and sat down. When each brother took a turn questioning Stephen Mya glared at them suspiciously, but held her peace, but when the four of them were still there sitting at the table when her dinner date had come to an end, she was fuming.

  “Don’t worry Steve, we’ll make sure Mya gets home,” Hunter mocked him.

  When they pulled into the driveway, Mya got out of Hunter’s car and she was furious.

  “Mom!” She called out when she opened the door.

  Sylvia looked at the clock and was a little surprised to see that it was only nine o’clock. “Mya we’re in the salon,” she called.

  Mya stormed into the room. “Mom you’d never guess what happened. My brothers took it upon themselves to invite themselves to dinner on my first date!”

  While the four of them stood behind Mya quietly, Sylvie looked over at her sons in disbelief. “Please tell me you boys didn’t do that?”

  “Yes we did and you wouldn’t have liked him anyway. He kept touching her and I could tell that it was making her uncomfortable,” Hunter responded.


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